Your Experiences with the iPod..

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
For those that own iPods, what are your experiences and thoughts on them?

I'm thinking about getting one but at £323 (Edit: Just found 'education' price - How on earth will listening to music in my lectures help with my education?) it's a fairly big decision (for a poor student anyway)

How many people have dropped one ( ) and has it survived?

What about the lack of bass/treble controls on the unit? - Do iTunes equaliser presets copy over? Or does it just sound great without?

I may hold out untill 'iPod 2' (With 10gb HD, Extra s/w, Equaliser?)

Any comments appreciated

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: TMA ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 12
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Moving to Digital Hub.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    braddbradd Posts: 6member
    I am in a very similar position. I am interesting in being able to have all my music with me in one handy little unit but the price is holding me back. Additionally, not being able to adjust bass and treble isn't very desirable. I think I too will wait for the next reincarnation of the iPod.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    Is the iPod's OS built into the unit, or some kind of software on the HD? I thought it was a small piece of SW and if so that means it can be upgraded. Is it possible that the ipod will see software updates that enable eqs, etc?
  • Reply 4 of 12
    low-filow-fi Posts: 357member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cosmo:

    <strong>Is the iPod's OS built into the unit, or some kind of software on the HD? I thought it was a small piece of SW and if so that means it can be upgraded. Is it possible that the ipod will see software updates that enable eqs, etc?</strong><hr></blockquote>


    I would highly recommend an iPod to anyone who is undecided. They are great little machines.

    Personally, I think it sounds pretty good without any EQs, but it is totally personal. Get some decent headphones though...e.g. Sony MDR-EX70s. They are great, as opposed to the bundled ones which sound so crap, it is just not funny.

  • Reply 5 of 12
    [quote] I may hold out untill 'iPod 2' (With 10gb HD, Extra s/w, Equaliser?) <hr></blockquote>

    I'm pretty sure that the current iPod could gain extra s/w and eq's without need for buying a new one - upgradable firmware, etc. As for the 10gig HD...that could be a while. If you think you'd use it, I say go for it. I use mine all the time - it's brilliant not to have to decide on which few cds you're going to bring with you in the car...just bring 'em all (well, a hefty portion at least) in your iPod!

  • Reply 6 of 12
    I must say after having mine just one full day so far, I love it. The iPod sounds GREAT without the EQ settings, but it is really NBD to do it in iTunes. Also, I have not dropped one, luckily. I would say go for it. I am entirely satisfied.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    i love it.

    had it both when i walk around and when i drive (sounds incredible in my car system). i dropped it once (slipped out of the holder i was using at the time), but just a slight scratch on one corner. had it freeze once, but a simple reboot fixed that. other than that, this product is amazing. i think its gonna get alot of use during class time, especially in the big classes where the profs dont see u or know who u are...
  • Reply 8 of 12
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    I love my iPod.

    I did drop it ( ) and i'm happy ( ) to report that it was basicly fine. The only physical damage was that a little bit of placstic broke off from the inter rim of the head phone jack, but as far as i can tell, has effected nothing.

    The thing does get skrached faily easly, so get a case.

    By my experiments, iPod will keep and use your equalizer pre sets for songs set in iTunes, but i dont think it keeps the main equalizer on all the songs. But even without it the sound quality is great.

    I don't find that the included ear buds are that bad (for ear buds). But ear phones are nice.

    The iPod's OS is kept on the hard drive, its not really 'firmware' there is however a much smaller set of fimeware on the chip.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    adam11adam11 Posts: 163member
    If I could get it off my daughter for longer than the time it takes me to do the dishes I would tell you that the iPod is great.... simple, easy to use and great sound (headphones are a separate issue - everyone has their own preference).... and for my daughter, she has the flexibility to carry her music with her, and her homework ont eh iPod as a HD and just plug in at her school and download/print! 5g is better than a 1m unreliable floppy!


  • Reply 10 of 12
    I don't leave home without it.

    It is the most streamlined device I have ever had the pleasure to use.


  • Reply 11 of 12
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dogcow:

    <strong>The only physical damage was that a little bit of placstic broke off from the inter rim of the head phone jack, but as far as i can tell, has effected nothing.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I KNOW!!! that happened to me too!! I was(am) so pissed! I hope Apple doesnt come out with a remote that uses whatever broke.... That would suck, although it would be pretty sweet to have a remote with this thing. Also search by genre is needed... Other then that and the fact that its scratched up a lot. I am extremely happy with mine... I would buy another one in a second if it broke to the point where I could not use it... I hope the 20GB version comes out soon so I can unload this one on my bro!
  • Reply 12 of 12
    I got one a while ago and upon taking it out of the box and plugging it in over firewire to my G4 Cube it did nothing. I let the iPod charge for a long time and still...nothing. I called Apple and they said to charge it for 10 hours and then try it to see if that would start the battery. I thought this was the firmware issue. I think it was actually. I sent my ipod back to Apple and got it back the next week and it worked perfectly.

    I have ben happy ever since. I have 770 songs in my iPod and still have 1.5 Gigs left! I love this thing. Applecello! (dont ask)
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