New iPod will not succeed...



  • Reply 21 of 52
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    Well, I'm not buying one, but not because of the price. It's simple supply and demand:

    As long as apple can sell them at $399, why drop the price? The demand is there. Who cares if some can't afford it--enough people can, and that's the real issue.

    Same with the iMac. They can't fill all of the orders at $1,799, so kick up the price to curb demand. None of this should be surprising.

    It's not about profitability after they break-even. It's about matching demand with supply.

    [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: gordy ]</p>
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  • Reply 22 of 52
    I was really hoping for a price drop on the 5 GB model to $299 or $349.

    I guess I don't have to wait any longer and can take the plunge. I'm going to look at the 10 GB, but I will probably get the 5 GB version.
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  • Reply 23 of 52
    For what it's worth, I posted a rant on here shorty after the iPod's debut that it was too expensive to ever sell in quantity. Boy was I wrong.

    I think it's funny how we all expected the price scale to slide when Apple came out with a bigger iPod. Kinda how we figured the prices would slide on displays if Apple ever came out with a bigger ACD.
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  • Reply 24 of 52
    From an actual iPod owner (me) -

    After having used this thing for almost 3 months now (xmas gift), were I to lose or break my iPod today, I would not hesitate to buy a 10gig tomorrow. Without a doubt, this is one of the coolest things I own, I use it every day and $100 extra to double the HD space seems like a steal to me.

    You're free to wait as long as you want for the prices to drop of course, but trust me - it's already worth it right now!

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  • Reply 25 of 52
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    Oh lord. Here we go again. "iPod is too expensive!" "It will never sell!" "Apple is going to lose its ass on this!"

    We heard all about this when the first iPod came out, and within 2 months Apple had sold over 125,000 of the things. By now I'm sure that number is well over 250,000. There are actually a lot of people who want a 10 GB iPod, and if you look at the iPod sales so far, people will pay for it, even if it "looks" expensive. You have to realize the technology you are getting at the size and weight of the iPod.
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  • Reply 26 of 52
    Check out <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> The previous poster is correct. The 5 gig drive is still $399 USD without a microprocessor, firewire interface, LCD display and software. Apple can really not be making much on these things at these prices. We should all thank Apple for making the iPod. If you want a tiny little 5 or 10 gig HD and have a firewire port then ipod is great. Plus it has a built in user interface, plays MP3s and now all ipod owners can upgrade the ipod to be a contact manager as well. That was a software upgrade that works on all ipods sold to date as well. Cudos Apple.
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  • Reply 27 of 52
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    All of this conjecture about whether or not the new iPod will succeed or flop will be decided with time.

    The market will dictate this.

    If you want it, buy it. If you think it's not worth the price, don't.

    It's really that simple.
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  • Reply 28 of 52
    krazyfoolkrazyfool Posts: 129member
    [quote]Originally posted by Pikachu Invasion:


    I know you didn't mean that they wouldactually be flying off the shelves because of the custom engraving, but what you said is true.

    The iPod ended up something that people would buy for themselves. No one could justify buying it as a gift for someone else. Now it is perfect for parents to give at graduations, bar mitzvas, any special occasion where a gift is a good idea.

    It actually does increase the marked potential of the iPod significantly.


    I love the idea just $50 is little much, maybe by the letter?
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  • Reply 29 of 52
    I have to comment here that I too was a little perturbed when I read about the 10 gig iPod. I've had my iPod for only a month or so. In that time, I've grown to love it, and wonder how I ever lived without it. An example: I took a trip recently that encompassed 4 days of driving out of 8 days away (36 hours/2500 miles). Thank goodness for the 986 songs on my iPod !! The only thing I really could have used in addition was a car power adapter, a problem I've recently corrected.

    I have about 100 CD's. I've ripped most of them to iTunes, and created some custom CD's and a few mp3 disks. But by far and away, I love my iPod. The only thing I wish I had was enough space to have my entire CD collection on there (besides my 500 or so downloaded mp3s).

    Enter the 10 gig iPod. I want one. But I can't own 2. So here's my solution - someone want my 5 gig for $300 ? Its only flaw is a few fingerprints, and they'll wipe off

    Of course, I may just wait for the 20 gig model !!
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  • Reply 30 of 52
    ijerryijerry Posts: 615member
    My 2 pennies... I got my wife an ipod for valentines. She looked a little confused at first, but I told her it was all I could think of that she will actually use and appreciate. Now she hasn't put the thing down at all. It is alway with her, she plugs it in to her speakers at work and listens all day. she uses it when she works out and we use it on road trips. I have asked to borrow it a couple of times, but sometimes I think it would just be easier to ask for a divorce, she does not want to let it go;she is afraid I might hurt it. Anyway, I MUST get my own(enter 10 gig ipod). hehe, now I will finally have my very own to snuggle up to, I just hope the wife doesn't take my 10 gigger....wait, hehe, I'll just get it engraved. Thanks apple!
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  • Reply 31 of 52
    metacommetacom Posts: 32member
    [quote]Originally posted by satchmo:

    <strong>anywhere close to it's predecessor. I'm guessing the majority of people who are in line to buy an iPod was more concerned with price rather than storage space.

    Yes, the 10gig version will satisfy many who just need to have 2000 songs at their fingertips.

    But, how many more iPods do you think Apple would have sold had they lowered the current version to $299? A lot more than those forking out $499 for the new one!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I personally think that a 5 gig version had everything I needed. If they just dropped the price, I would have bought one. I'm serious, I just need it to fit my tight college budget. 10gigs is just overkill, and the new price firmly places it way outside of my price range.

    Consumer devices are supposed to be inexpensive. That's what I want.

    [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: Metacom ]</p>
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  • Reply 32 of 52
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    I wish they were less expensive as well, but I have to think that they are priced with a pretty thin margin. I just can't see Exec's saying "let's price it stratospherically and really pi$$ people off!!"

    I do like that they have the contact info there- it almost justifies it for me as a work related device. If it had calendar functionality I might even be able to write it off.... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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  • Reply 33 of 52
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by ricRocket:

    <strong>From an actual iPod owner (me) -

    After having used this thing for almost 3 months now (xmas gift), were I to lose or break my iPod today, I would not hesitate to buy a 10gig tomorrow. Without a doubt, this is one of the coolest things I own, I use it every day and $100 extra to double the HD space seems like a steal to me.

    You're free to wait as long as you want for the prices to drop of course, but trust me - it's already worth it right now!



    I bought mine the DAY they were available to be sold (through the EDU store, so i paid $400 (taxes) total...) because I KNEW that Apple would not drop the price for a while... I got a good 6 months or so of use and now I am debating whether or not to sell my 5 gigger to get a 10 gigger, or just wait for a 20 gig so I can engrave it... and if i could sell my iPod for $300, then I would get the 10 gigger.... we will see...
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  • Reply 34 of 52
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by gafferino:

    <strong>Check out <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> The previous poster is correct. The 5 gig drive is still $399 USD without a microprocessor, firewire interface, LCD display and software.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Or <a href=""; target="_blank">$199.95</a> with firewire and enclosure.

    I´m in the "Its worth that and people want it at that price so let them sell it at any price they want" but we can´t blame it on the HD anymore.

    Apple computers and iPods etc. is luxury items so I say let them charge whatever they want. Its housing, food and education that everybody should be able to have. Not Apple computers.
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  • Reply 35 of 52
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:


    Or <a href=""; target="_blank">$199.95</a> with firewire and enclosure.


    rather false: that's a run-of-the-mill notebook drive, not the 1.8" diameter drive that is in the iPod...
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  • Reply 36 of 52
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jonathan:


    rather false: that's a run-of-the-mill notebook drive, not the 1.8" diameter drive that is in the iPod...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Its the exact same drive as in the 5GB iPod
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  • Reply 37 of 52
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jonathan:


    rather false: that's a run-of-the-mill notebook drive, not the 1.8" diameter drive that is in the iPod...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ah.... jonathon is wrong! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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  • Reply 38 of 52
    Find me documentation that it's the Toshiba 1.8" drive that's in the iPod.

    I'm very sure that it's a normal laptop drive.
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  • Reply 39 of 52
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jonathan:

    <strong>Find me documentation that it's the Toshiba 1.8" drive that's in the iPod.

    I'm very sure that it's a normal laptop drive.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'll get better proof but all you have to do is look at the dimensions... a regular notebook drive would make it bigger.

    also, the transfer rate is the same
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  • Reply 40 of 52
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    if you look at smartdisk's homepage you'll also see that the Firelite hard drives use traditional notebook hard drives and then they have the new firefly drive which is much smaller and only comes in 5GB capacity. Not rocket science to make the conclusion.

    the drive is actually smaller than the iPod and lighter. Notebook drive is about the size of an iPod if not bigger
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