Obama, Sebelius compare Apple's iOS 7 launch to Healthcare.gov rollout issues



  • Reply 21 of 179

    Perhaps this explains what the meeting between Obama and Cook a while ago was all about.... I am guessing that BHO was getting advice on how to deal with a complicated rollout from TC.

  • Reply 22 of 179
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Haha, please no!<img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />


    Don't compare iOS7 to the disaster called Obamacare! Much more pain is to come in the future from Obamacare, and I think that that's awesome!


    And just for the record, I'm happy that the govt shut down today. I hope that it's closed for a bit longer.:D


    How dare Obama compare iOS 7 to Obamacare! Is he on crack?:wow:


    The iOS 7 rollout was super smooth compared to the disastrous mess that is called Obamacare! That is truly a dumb comparison to make. 


    I truly wish you'd stop with your right-wing/Tea-Party talking points crap on this forum.


    Care to explain precisely what evidence you have for why Obamacare is a 'disaster'? Actual evidence, not stuff culled from maroons from the TP like Ted Cruz and Fox/Limbaugh...

  • Reply 23 of 179
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    It's a scam. They've been lying about it from the very beginning. Obama promised that people would be able to keep their current coverage!
    That was a huge lie! Many people have already reported that they've been dropped by their insurers.

    They're also lying about the costs! It's going to be a huge disaster, and many people will find their costs greatly increased! I think that that's awesome, because most of those people deserve it, especially everybody who voted for the current dude in the White House.

    Even Obama supporting Unions are trying to run away from Obamacare! Hell no! I want them to get it, just like they wanted. I wish Obamacare upon all of my enemies. I also believe that it will be highly inefficient. People will be getting worse care while paying more. Many doctors will quit. Govt bureaucracy should not be involved in the medical business.

    got any facts and references? because without them you're just blowing hot air and full of crap.
  • Reply 24 of 179
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post

    Many people with your mindset opposed Medicare when it was first implemented, yet here it is today, still. The Affordable Healthcare Act will do the same. Ironically, at some point in the future, if not already, you or members of your family will receive the benefits of this law.

    History will look back and include you with the group of people who decided people less fortunate should not have healthcare. What is different than in the case of Medicare, is that there is a history of all the negative comments people were making. You will never be able to say, oh, I was for that ,law.

    Hope you sleep well at night knowing you have healthcare and others don't. Must make you feel very superior.


    Your delusional liberal views are what's wrong with this country. My family is already receiving the benefits of the law. January 1, my family and I will be dropped from my current plan. What Obamacare offers is more expensive with less benefits. I'm sure the wives of UPS workers are happy with the new benefits they are receiving too. No coverage. 


    I understand there are people that need assistance, but way too many are lazy and not willing to try and get a job, health insurance, etc. As a tax payer, I'm tired of paying for the deadbeats you liberals love to support. 

  • Reply 25 of 179
    Ok, there's our problem. These top government executives don't know the difference between a web server and an upgrade server, nor the difference between a web page and an entire OS image.

    I'll bet the CEOs of not only our technology companies, but also health care providers, probably understand a lot more about internet services.

    The iOS update service handled a staggering number of downloads of an entire OS, but the healthcare.gov server can't serve up pages.
  • Reply 26 of 179
    macosrmacosr Posts: 12member

    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    Right wingers who hate the ACA don't even understand it. Remember, the GOP has been wrong about everything from the Iraq War to the Bush Tax Cuts to the Clinton era tax hikes to Medicare & social security. The ACA ("Obamacare") has already started to bend the cost curve, has allowed kids to stay on their parents insurance until age 26, doesn't allow insurance companies to discriminate against kids for pre-existing conditions, requires insurance to pay out 80% of what they take in as premiums for actual health care, provides free (no co-pay) preventative care, increases competition between insurance companies, etc, etc

    It's irritating that the GOP, in the midst of death throes, seems intent on bringing the rest of America down with it.



    First, I'm independent...not Democrat, Republican, or Tea Party...Independent.


    The GOP did not bring down the country...they offered to pass everything last night but remove the special subsidy and exemption that congress gets for the ACA and all Americans would get the special exemptions that over 1000 corporations are getting of a 1 year delay. That's all...and Congress wouldn't pass it. BOTH sides are playing with this AND BOTH ARE TO BLAME.


    Anyone going on TV right now pointing the finger towards the other side has 4 fingers pointing back at themselves and should be thrown out of office immediately. That's who is playing with our country, our future, and our lives for their political benefit.

  • Reply 27 of 179
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    iOS 7 is a [I][B]FREE[/B][/I] upgrade.
    ObamaCare is a [B]TAX[/B] per the Supreme Court.
  • Reply 28 of 179
    longpathlongpath Posts: 404member
    Last time I checked, Apple didn't have tens of thousands of armed agents to compell people under threat of force to use iPhones, iPod Touches, or iPads. Ethically, the comparison is depraved, and indicates a high level of sociopathy.
  • Reply 29 of 179

    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post


    People also hated the idea of Medicare when it was announced.


    You do understand that Medicare is the root cause of the government shutdown, and the driving force behind QE, which has wiped out the income of retired people on a fixed income, right?

  • Reply 30 of 179
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post



    I truly wish you'd stop with your right-wing/Tea-Party talking points crap on this forum.



    I take my talking points from nobody, and there's no way that I am not going to comment on a topic that's about a truly dumb and offensive comparison made by Obama, comparing their amateurish healthcare from hell to anything that Apple does. Apple is a highly successful company, and has nothing in common with some unskilled politicians perpetrating fraud against the American people.

  • Reply 31 of 179
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post

    Speaking of dumb, so what specifically is it about the Affordable Healthcare Act that you don't like?

    Remember, you are calling something, most of which goes into effect today, a failure.


    For starters, being FORCED to buy a product or service from the government!  Wait until they do get 'single payer'.  What if Obama's top supporter was Bill Gates and quid pro quo Obama issued an Executive Order that FORCED everyone to buy a Microsoft computer or tablet or smart phone.


    And don't you mean 'trying to go into effect'...

  • Reply 32 of 179

    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post

    My family is already receiving the benefits of the law. January 1, my family and I will be dropped from my current plan. What Obamacare offers is more expensive with less benefits. I'm sure the wives of UPS workers are happy with the new benefits they are receiving too. No coverage. 

    Just curious. What plan are you being dropped from and why? How much did it cost you, and what benefits did you lose? How much does the new plan cost?


    Links to these plans would sufficient (or you can PM me).


    Btw, re. UPS dropping spouses, a couple of things to note. I think it is working spouses with their own employer insurance that they're dropping. Two, companies dropping or scaling back workers and retirees from health plans has been a growing phenomenon in the past decade, and it started well before Obamacare. The evidence on this is quite well-known (happy to give you references). I don't know if it has got worse, perhaps it has, but I haven't seen evidence.


    Rising healthcare and healthcare insurance costs in the US -- and it remains to be seen whether Obamacare will/can do anything about that -- has driven a lot of companies to skimp on healthcare.

  • Reply 33 of 179
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,324member
    The problem with America is too many people root for failure of everything they disagree with. The stock market keeps trying to kill apple while all the self-centered republicans despise anything the President says without even taking the time to understand it.
  • Reply 34 of 179
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,041member
    What a tool our President is.
  • Reply 35 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    The government has had 3 years to prepare for this. Apple redesigned iOS in about 7 months. No comparison. Besides minor software glitches are not the same thing as going to an exchange website and not being able to do squat because of server overload.


    Well, I seem to recall Apple's servers were massively overloaded when iOS 7 was released, at least based on the complaints on the forums of repeated failures to validate or update and multiple hours for download time.

  • Reply 36 of 179
    They are "totally" equivalent except for two things:
    1) Apple knows what [B][I] they [/I][/B] are doing
    2) Apple has the [B][I] ability [/I][/B] to do it
  • Reply 37 of 179
  • Reply 38 of 179
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I take my talking points from nobody, and there's no way that I am not going to comment on a topic that's about a truly dumb and offensive comparison made by Obama, comparing their amateurish healthcare from hell to anything that Apple does. Apple is a highly successful company, and has nothing in common with some unskilled politicians perpetrating fraud against the American people.

    Glad to hear that you don't take your talking points from anyone. I am sure it's coincidental that every single Republican I heard on the news last night was using exactly the same words as you did....


    Nobody has said that Apple is not a highly successful company, or that it isn't much more efficient than the government.


    I see no basis in fact for your use of words like 'disaster,' 'healthcare from hell,' and 'fraud' with Obamacare. I (and others) have asked you if you have any evidence, and you have provided none. It may turn out to be the case, but I have not seen any systematic evidence to back up your shrill claims. If anything, the CBO has reported that growth in healthcare (and insurance) costs has slowed, and that the budgetary impact of Obamacare is going to come in even less negatively (or more positively, depending on your pov) than originally anticipated.

  • Reply 39 of 179
    macosr wrote: »
    First, I'm independent...not Democrat, Republican, or Tea Party...Independent.

    The GOP did not bring down the country...they offered to pass everything last night but remove the special subsidy and exemption that congress gets for the ACA and all Americans would get the special exemptions that over 1000 corporations are getting of a 1 year delay. That's all...and Congress wouldn't pass it. BOTH sides are playing with this AND BOTH ARE TO BLAME.

    Anyone going on TV right now pointing the finger towards the other side has 4 fingers pointing back at themselves and should be thrown out of office immediately. That's who is playing with our country, our future, and our lives for their political benefit.

    I love how no one admits to being a Republican. I know they don't get many votes, but someone is voting for them! LOL

    Uh. The only party to blame here is the Republicans. Apparently they don't understand the Constitution they claim to love. Maybe they should look back at SchoolHouse Rock to see how a bill becomes law and how to change laws they don't like. So much for all their rhetoric about respecting the Constitution and not attaching unrelated riders to legislation.

    Hey, how about I stop paying all my bills until the law allowing these tea baggers to get paid after they shut down the government gets changed? Makes as much sense as the temper tantrum they're throwing. Remember, this is a law that was debated for 3 years, passed by both houses if congress, signed by the President who win TWICE in a landslide against those opposed to the law. Oh, and it was up help by SCOTUS

    I know the right wing doesn't believe in facts though. Witness global warming, evolution, stem cell research, and the fact that ACA Reduces the deficit.

  • Reply 40 of 179
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post



    I truly wish you'd stop with your right-wing/Tea-Party talking points crap on this forum.


    Care to explain precisely what evidence you have for why Obamacare is a 'disaster'? Actual evidence, not stuff culled from maroons from the TP like Ted Cruz and Fox/Limbaugh...


    I have yet to deal with the government that in the end I didn't walk away shaking my head 'no'!


    How about YOU provide evidence of a government program that actually works, doesn't have glitches, doesn't require ton of paperwork or invasive bureaucratic QnA's, no fraud or abuse and that people are actually happy to be on such a program?


    I'm TEA Party - you calling me a maroon?!

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