Rumor: Apple will not debut 'new-style' Apple TV at Tuesday event



  • Reply 21 of 37
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    crowley wrote: »
    Maybe he'd thought he cracked it, but on further investigation it turned out to be a dud idea?  Not everything Steve touched turned to gold, and he was rather predisposed to claim things as insanely great.  Even those with an exceptionally good hit ratio will sometimes miss.

    My guess is the way to control TV he mentioned was voice and they now realise that Siri is not mature enough.

    Another reason is deals.
  • Reply 22 of 37

    OK, I admit I haven't visited the Remote app for sometime now, I just didn't think the keyboard came up for text input...

  • Reply 23 of 37
    wingswings Posts: 261member

    What I'd like to see in new ATV hardware is about 4 HDMI input ports on the back, and 1 HDMI out. Right now I have 4 HDMI sources and to switch inputs to the TV I have to use the TV remote and go through 2 menus to get to it. I want the ATV to do it, as I'm sure it would be a much simpler process.

  • Reply 24 of 37
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    "After sparking rumors of an all-new Apple TV last month, TechCrunch columnist and Google Ventures partner MG Siegler on Sunday said setbacks will see the device's launch pushed back beyond next week's planned special event."


    Translation... We pulled the original rumor straight out of our asses so now we have to make up a reason our rumor isn't going to happen. Let's see, "setbacks" is a nice, generic, meaningless term. Yah, let's use that. Nobody will even notice.

  • Reply 25 of 37
    When you become a partner with the biggest competitor of the company you are reporting on you have given up credibility. An honest commentator would either recuse himself from Apple stories or label them as coming from a Google associate.
  • Reply 26 of 37
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    There was an article here a day or two ago talking about inventory levels of various Apple devices, and it showed there to be a great deal of Apple TV's in stock, so this article makes sense in that context. Still, I'm a little disappointed, it would of been nice to have something exciting like a re-designed Apple TV released tomorrow together with the new iPad's.
  • Reply 27 of 37
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    It seems Google and its buffoon analysts cannot fairly compete with Apple's winning strategy. Instead, they have chosen to pursue competing by shoveling fear, uncertainty and doubt. This TechCrunch/Google supported analyst has chosen to blame Apple for NOT meeting HIS predictions about... Apple. His posting will be picked up and spread around the world and become another lightning rod call that Apple is not innovating its hobby device as competitors are. Oh wait... ????

    IIRC Siegler has been a heavily pro-Apple blogger for years. His association with Google is only as an investments advisor for Google Ventures, not Google proper. Two different companies. I suppose AI's mention of him as connected to Google is a signal to hardcore Apple fans that he should no longer be listened to?
  • Reply 28 of 37

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post


    As to a re-designed ATV, who knows?


    But when it comes to a "spec-bumbed" version of the one we already have, what's really the point?  I mean, I use mine a good deal of the time, and I'm sort of mystified as to what could be improved that would be a Real Difference to the end-user.  What am I missing here, if anything?


    Short of making this 'real' tv, how can you really redesign it. Put in in an aluminum case? that screws with the whole 'invisible' that is preferred with home theater stuff and I don't see even Jony "al-u-ini-um" Ive going there on this one. Make it thin and flat, what's the point unless it would some how improve performance. 


    So anything they do would be in essence a spec bump. Better Wifi, better graphics, perhaps bigger storage to hold more buffering and/or auto download items in a podcast style (imagine being able to buy a season pass and have the system get the newest ep and have it ready for you to watch) or rental movies or such. 


    Personally I think the real story is "Rumor: Apple was never planning to release a redesigned Apple TV and the analysts etc were just wrong"

  • Reply 29 of 37

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    Is 802.11ac even necessary on ATV?  I mean, I can easily AirPlay a movie from my iMac through my ATV with no problems with the present set-up?


    802.11ac seems like overkill, unless I'm missing something.

    Some would probably say no but faster wifi can't hurt when you are talking about streaming media or even (assuming you have all the other pieces in equal play) just doing airplay of a game etc. 


    despite folks yelling how Apple has to open up the ATV to a full App Store I don't see it happening. Most apps aren't really suited for a giant tv screen. So Airplay will be even more vital. And anything that could improve that is good, so bring on the AC

  • Reply 30 of 37
    Originally Posted by andrewb123 View Post



    4k streaming compatibility will be needed pretty soon.  If Apple ever manufacture a TV screen, it would be very un-Apple if it wasn't a 4k one. Although there would have to be some bull-shit name for it similar to 'retina' to differentiate from all the other TV screens with exactly the same pixel count.



    I don't think they will. In the traditional sense. Apple's not the type to look at just a TV with the traditional tuner etc. It seems pretty clear that they want to turn their collection of apps etc into the new cable box. So a display doesn't need a tuner card. The little black box is that piece. 


    I think they'll first go for a better 'computer' display that has HDMI etc so it could be used with their ATV box, a game console etc just at 1080p. It might have some 4k use at a lower refresh. Then they will work to bump what they can serve up in their stores via adoption of h.265 to get a mix of lower file size and better quality and try to snake away a fair part of the home disk market and get the studios in on the game. And the next go around on their Cinema Display they will move to a 4K setup with materials to support it. And hopefully larger displays (frankly I am hoping they will do something around a 40 inch right now).


    Perhaps even get some 3D support in there. Possibly only for the whole Pixar etc collection but why not if it's possible without hurting anything else performance wise. And with the whole historical connection I could see Pixar and Disney as studios willing to jump into that experiment store wise (hopefully as an addition to the package for a few bucks more and not making us pay another $19.99 to get the 3D version)

  • Reply 31 of 37

    Originally Posted by 1983 View Post

    There was an article here a day or two ago talking about inventory levels of various Apple devices, and it showed there to be a great deal of Apple TV's in stock,


    that was some 3rd party shop. Which means that it might be legit information about the full picture or just that they have a lot of ATVs cause no one has bought their stock. 

  • Reply 32 of 37

    Does it really qualify as a rumor to say that something is NOT going to happen?

    If so, I'd like to start a rumor that Apple will not be introducing a new Cube at this event...

  • Reply 33 of 37
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by andrewb123 View Post


    Apple may not even be aware of it, but the last ever Nokia World event had already been arranged for the same day before the Apple event was announced. Conspiracy theorists would have it that Apple deliberately fixed this event to 'steal the media focus' form Nokia. [...]


    Last year's iPad announcement: 23 October 2012.

    This year's iPad announcement: 22 October 2013.


    Apple may or may not be aware of the Nokia World event.  Makes no difference, really.

    Apple steals Nokia's thunder no matter when their respective events and announcements are scheduled.

    But is Nokia aware of Apple's relatively predictable iPhone and iPad announcements?


    And will Nokia World be scheduled a week or two earlier next year?  Oh wait.

    No, no Nokia World even next year.  "Microkia World" instead?

  • Reply 34 of 37
    aaronj wrote: »
    As to a re-designed ATV, who knows?

    But when it comes to a "spec-bumbed" version of the one we already have, what's really the point?  I mean, I use mine a good deal of the time, and I'm sort of mystified as to what could be improved that would be a Real Difference to the end-user.  What am I missing here, if anything?
    They could add a high res. FaceTime camera, and mic. Obviously ship a A6(X) or A7 in the thing. Add it in 16 and 32 gb models (for a App Store release) and more.
  • Reply 35 of 37
    don108 wrote: »
    Yet more proof that NOBODY SHOULD EVER pay attention to the guesses of analysts. Tech analysts are nothing more than carnival fortune tellers. They're just not as accurate or as entertaining.

    They're just covering all the bases, so they're never wrong.
  • Reply 36 of 37
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member

    Originally Posted by Creep View Post


    There really is no need at this point for 802.11ac support.  The current ATV box only supports 10/100 ethernet, and that's plenty in the current environment.


    As long as all you're streaming is the hyper-compressed kind of material you get off the iTunes store et al I suppose you wouldn't see any need for higher bandwidth, but if you ever hope to see a sunset that doesn't look more like the red end of a rainbow you'll start to.

  • Reply 37 of 37
    I want a new hockey puck. What a fourth gen Apple TV could be:

    Apple could provide both the player and the content. It's just a question of when. Could be any day now.
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