Amazon taunts Apple's new iPads, advertises smaller Kindle Fire HDX as 'lighter than Air'



  • Reply 41 of 139
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
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  • Reply 42 of 139
    Amateur hour all over again...
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  • Reply 43 of 139
    ddawson100 wrote: »
    64 bits is a good balance. If the iPad Air had a 65 or 66-bit processor it would add even more weight.

    You joke but Samsung would totally make a 65-bit chip if they thought it would help their image.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 44 of 139
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member
    Amazon got one thing right, it is lighter in everything.
    Less processor, less screen size, less weight, less apps to put on it, less quality.
    Better comparison Amazon should compare there's with the Samsung copy cats.
    There's a lot less of everything there as well.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 45 of 139
    Hey. Worthless imbecile. Get run over by a Google self-driving car. Stop making accounts here. Stop your spam. You want the law brought down on you?

    I keep reporting these spams but nobody seems to care.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 46 of 139
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Kindle fire HDX is perfect for the lonely white male.  Just use the Mayday button to talk to a live person.  Be carefully of harrasement charges though.


    Personally I'd get one of these for the sole purpose of using the Mayday button for laughs.  I'm betting we will be seeing a ton of MayDay joke calls on youtube soon

    My question is do you get the same hottie every time you push the button (as the ads imply)?  I don't want to have to get to know a different attractive perky technician each time I call mayday.  But seriously I don't know how Amazon can offer that free live 24x7 (video) support.  Presumably you have to pay those folks more than the typical voice-in-India support person since they have to have more skills (and can't roll their eyes at stupid questions).

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 47 of 139
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    I keep reporting these spams but nobody seems to care.


    I don’t see the previous two accounts’ posts anymore. Marvin and melgross are doing a good job.

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  • Reply 48 of 139
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    b9bot wrote: »
    Amazon got one thing right, it is lighter in everything.
    Less processor, less screen size, less weight, less apps to put on it, less quality.
    Better comparison Amazon should compare there's with the Samsung copy cats.
    There's a lot less of everything there as well.

    I don't think it's lighter in WiFi or sound. Possibly camera too. Just sayin'.
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  • Reply 49 of 139
    Well then my iPhone 5 is also lighter than the iPad Air....and the Kindle Fire. Does that make my iPhone lighter than Air and hotter than Fire?
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  • Reply 50 of 139
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    In other news, the Toyota Prius weighs less than the Mercedes S class.
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  • Reply 51 of 139
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member

    Originally Posted by rosujin View Post

    Well then my iPhone 5 is also lighter than the iPad Air....and the Kindle Fire. Does that make my iPhone lighter than Air and hotter than Fire?

    Probably - but it's still heavier and colder than an iPhone 5s. :D 

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  • Reply 52 of 139
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by pazuzu View Post

    When watching a 16:9 movie the image is actually larger on a Kindle- right?.

    They are almost identical in the longest side of the rectangle. Within a couple hundredths of an inch by my quick estimates drawing it up in AutoCad. 7.78".  I just used (4:3 @ 9.7") and (16:9 @ 8.9") diagonals. Not exactly scientific but the difference appears to be negligible. 

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  • Reply 53 of 139
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    In other news, the Toyota Prius weighs less than the Mercedes S class.

    Auto analogies almost never work when applied to consumer electronics. Besides which of those two autos sells more? 

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  • Reply 54 of 139
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member
    pazuzu wrote: »
    When watching a 16:9 movie the image is actually larger on a Kindle- right?.

    I couldn't find any actual screen dimensions, but overall they have the same length. Since I doubt that the borders around the screen are smaller on the kindle, my money is on them being close to the same with the iPad coming out very slightly larger.

    Of course that goes without saying that for every other application the two screens aren't even close.
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  • Reply 55 of 139

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    You joke but Samsung would totally make a 65-bit chip if they thought it would help their image.

    They made the A7 for Apple. 

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  • Reply 56 of 139
    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post

    They made the A7 for Apple. 


    Shut your useless hole and crawl back to C|Net.

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  • Reply 57 of 139
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    Specs really are the only thing that matters to you huh?

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  • Reply 58 of 139
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    flaneur wrote: »
    Off topic: Can you explain how we can read your posts if you're banned? And why you got banned in the first place?

    It's awful reading your post and responding when you have that big "b" around your neck. /s

    Apparently I had previous infractions and a couple posters got under my skin and thus the fifth one. Needless to say, i now will use the block list more liberally.

    The "banned" tag should go away eventually.
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  • Reply 59 of 139
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Sales of Kindles are so awesome that Bezos company has never yet released sales numbers!
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  • Reply 60 of 139
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Definitive proof that the Fire HDX IS "lighter" than Air


    Apple Ipad 9.7" WiFi 16 gig - LOSER

    9.4" x 6.6" x 0.29"  478 grams


    Size:          17.9916 cubic inches

    Weight:       26.56795393405812 grams\cubic inch

    Weight:       0.0376393305439331 cubic inches\gram


    Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" WiFi 16gig - LOSER

    9.1" x 6.2" x 0.31"  374 grams


    Size:          17.4902 cubic inches

    Weight:      21.38340327726384 grams\cubic inch

    Weight:      0.0467652406417112 cubic inches\gram


    Atmospheric Air - WINNER


    Weight:      .00004667 grams\cubic inch


    Conclusion...AIR WINS !!!!!!!!

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