Ability to upgrade NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M in new 15" MBP?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014



I'm thinking of upgrading to the new 15" MBP. My only concern at present is the NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, which supports external displays up to 2560*1600. With a (presumed) 4K Thunderbolt display not too far away, and 4K becoming the norm in the near future, is it 1. Possible to user-replace the graphics card with say the GT 760M (which does support 4K) or 2. Likely that we will be able to say choose the 760M when configuring the MBP in the near future?


I'm not too familiar with MBP lifecycles and how often things like the graphics card is updated.






  • Reply 1 of 2

    Actually it looks like 4K is supported through HDMI, so good news!



  • Reply 2 of 2
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    Unfortunately not. I thought what Apple would do is offer the Iris Pro alone as the base option and then have the non Iris Pro processors with the HD 4600 and 750M in another model. The TDP would not allow for Iris Pro and say the 765M which is in the Razer Blade/Blade Pro.

    If Apple continues with nVidia next year, their Maxwell series should offer a very nice jump in performance for the 15" retina. Intel's graphics will be even better too.
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