Apple updates Mavericks to bring Gmail stability fixes for Mail app



  • Reply 21 of 54
    Frankly, I'm tired that Apple is now acting as Microsoft does. Updates are incomplete or only partial updates. It is most annoying when there is a new iteration of OS X and we have to wait so long for what we already have come to expect. I for one don't think we should put up with such shoddy treatment from a company we rely on for the first and best that computing has to offer.
  • Reply 22 of 54

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I was just browsing away on my system and then all of a sudden by Mail app quits and restarts and I didn't have any warning that I was actually downloading a new app version. It was weird.


    Then you must have been Dr. Drunk when installing OS X Mavericks because it's one of the questions asked during the installation to allow background updating or manual.

  • Reply 23 of 54

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Google is now forcing you to update to Google+ with their YouTube BS and it's just AWFUL. I mean, it's getting to the point where YouTube SUCKS even MORE.  It's just AWFUL.


    I'm convinced that Google doesn't know how to write software that makes my life easier.  It's just a JOKE.


    I think Google is handing out LSD spiked bottled water to their employees and developers.  I'm 100% convinced.


    It's either that or they just hire STUPID FREAKING IDIOTS.


    Having used LSD several times during my university days I can unequivocally state that Google engineers have most certainly not partook in it or their products would be better.

  • Reply 24 of 54
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post



    Then you must have been Dr. Drunk when installing OS X Mavericks because it's one of the questions asked during the installation to allow background updating or manual.


    HAHAHAHAHA. You must feel so proud of your self about now, don't you?

    Well, now it's MY turn to go down to YOUR level of immaturity, but I'll first rest your mind at ease.


    First off, I don't drink alcohol or take drugs. Haven't even taken OVER the counter or prescription medicine/drugs in at least 10 years, at least not knowingly.


    But, OBVIOUSLY, you want to make it sound like I do.  Sorry to disappoint you.


    When,  I installed OS X 10.9, I just clicked on the button to install it, and let it do it's thing.  I didn't go into each Control Panel, I like I normally do when installing a new OS, because i just didn't.  

    I simply don't remember all of the procedures I went through since that was about a week ago and quite frankly, I don't remember every little piece of trivia, because installation procedures to me are the things you forget as soon as the OS comes up and starts working. 

    Now, go nicely take your head and shove it up your rectum and see if it fits.   I'm sure you have plenty of room.

  • Reply 25 of 54
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post



    Having used LSD several times during my university days I can unequivocally state that Google engineers have most certainly not partook in it or their products would be better.

    OK, then they are stupid freaking idiots.  I knew it was one of the two.

  • Reply 26 of 54

    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    Except when you open a file, it automatically updates the file version format and saves it without ever asking permission.

    Bull. It warns you about opening the file in the new iWork. All you need to do is make a copy BEFORE you open it. You know it's going to break so why aren't you already doing this?

  • Reply 27 of 54
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post



    What better way to get people to use a shitty service nobody used before like Google+ by forcing people to use it. If you want people to use it, make them want to use it, don't force them to. Its like force feeding a child spinach...they're not going to all of a sudden like it because you keep forcing them to eat it. 


    I'm think Google has lost their way. They can't execute on anything properly and the things they did in the past, they're completely ruining those projects by doing stupid shit. To think they're even relevant is amazing to me at this point. I hope Apple never gets back to this point and sticks to its guns. 

    Google has the "Let's throw as many features that we can think of and only get rid of them if we get enough death threats or if it doesn't increase the number of users"  attitude.

  • Reply 28 of 54

     Originally Posted by macxpress View Post


    People still use Gmail? :wow:


    I got rid of that shitty service years ago. 


    I must be behind the times.  What should I be using besides Gmail?

  • Reply 29 of 54
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member


  • Reply 30 of 54
    Since I downloaded the fix today, I can't send or respond to any e-mails. Everything goes into the outbox.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    dunks wrote: »
    Does this update bring native support for Gmail's labels?

    The folder paradigm (one location per file) is so limiting.

    I honestly prefer the simplicity of Apple's software but even the flag button iOS interface only lets you "mark as unread" or "move to junk" rather than apply a flag ("star" in Gmail) or label, which should be the logical function of that button.

    Labelling in gmail is a proprietary implementation. The imap protocol doesn't support it, the bestir can do is make folders.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by chaoshavoc View Post

    Frankly, I'm tired that Apple is now acting as Microsoft does. Updates are incomplete or only partial updates. It is most annoying when there is a new iteration of OS X and we have to wait so long for what we already have come to expect. I for one don't think we should put up with such shoddy treatment from a company we rely on for the first and best that computing has to offer.


    I'm tired of the way people whine about Apple when it was Google who changed things with Gmail and f*cked up the way it worked.


    Maybe, just maybe if Google brought exchange activsync back then Mail would continue working the way it had all along.


    Notice this is a Gmail only problem.


    I for one don't think we should put up with uninformed comments brimming with mock outrage by people who refuse to accept the truth, hence I am blocking you.

  • Reply 33 of 54
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    I prefer Exchange Activsync, which suddenly stopped working unless you pay Google for a business account.


    All my iOS devices are still grandfathered into the Exchange server method, but that was one of the more shady moves they made.

  • Reply 34 of 54
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by ProtoTurtle View Post



    I must be behind the times.  What should I be using besides Gmail?

 , iCloud, Yahoo, take your pick, they are all free.

  • Reply 35 of 54
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post



    All my iOS devices are still grandfathered into the Exchange server method, but that was one of the more shady moves they made.


    My iPhone was, until I restored it one day and it stopped.


    If I put the old settings in, it just doesn't want to work.

  • Reply 36 of 54
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Labelling in gmail is a proprietary implementation. The imap protocol doesn't support it, the bestir can do is make folders.

    Can the protocol be updated?


    Folders are basically a labelling system where the maximum number of labels per file is one. When you move an file between folders it's analogous to applying a new label which erases the previous label. Far better to keep all content in one "All Mail" bucket and allow multiple labels to be removed/applied at will. For instance an email might be a shared utility bill in which case you might wish to mark it both "paid" and "follow up" to remind you to get half the money back from your flatmate. If you can only apply one of those labels you need to track this information elsewhere, like in a notebook, and then you lose the immediate link to the information at hand.

  • Reply 37 of 54

    All this sideline bickering is fascinating, but has anyone actually used the update and can say whether it has fixed the Gmail glitch?

  • Reply 38 of 54

    Double post

  • Reply 39 of 54

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    My iPhone was, until I restored it one day and it stopped.


    If I put the old settings in, it just doesn't want to work.

    Crap! Really?  That is pretty naff.  Typical Google I guess.  It doesn't really bother me as I very rarely use it now anyway.  As other posters have stated, I'm trying to wean off the Goog too.

  • Reply 40 of 54
    i am happy after receiving updates beacuse it is full of bugs
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