Lenovo reveals plans to sell smartphones where Apple's iPhone is seen as too expensive



  • Reply 41 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Joelchu View Post

    So class law sue ... Opening question by the judge. How did you crack the screen. "I drop it" OK , case dismiss.

    I seen lots of people carrying on using their cracked screen phone. I saw 2 today on the train. One Samsung S3 (I think) another one is HTC (one of those tiny one. May be it just not worth to even bother to fix those phones?

    Where Apple products always have premium in the second hand market. The price they pay for their stupidity of dropping their phone. But they will get something back once they fix it. Where the other phones the cost of fixing it just won't justify.

    Just my 0.2 cents. BTW I drop my 4s twice. Chipped and little crack on the corner. The first thing went through my mind was , how stupid I was instead of blaming other people.


    No one is saying that the person who is dropping the phone isn't to blame of course accidents happen. I'm just stating that Apple needs to toughin up their products a little more, we don't need an aluminum body, sure it's nice but it's not strong. You don't see Panasonic building their toughbooks from aluminum, no magnesium frame with polycarbonate plastics, which by the way is a lot more expensive than aluminum.

  • Reply 42 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by st88 View Post


    The K900 (Intel CloverTrail+) is proof Lenovo can make a premium device.


    An Intel Merrifield (Silvermont X86-64) device combined with Intel's XMM 7160 (LTE) chipset could easily find a home in the North American market.



    Wow, that's nice looking , when will that baby be released?

  • Reply 43 of 80
    st88st88 Posts: 124member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    Wow, that's nice looking , when will that baby be released?

    It was announced in January and released this past April.

  • Reply 44 of 80
    macvicta wrote: »
    Lenovo CEO: "We are in the junk business."

    ...and we gladly take goats and bearded used wives in on any deal. So, come on down to the bazar and bring your wife; we'll dicker! ;)
  • Reply 45 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by st88 View Post


    It was announced in January and released this past April.

    See, why aren't we hearing about these products. Why is Lenovo pushing their silly crappy phones, they don't make money. Nokia knows this the most. This looks like an awesome phone by the way, shame I never heard about it's release.

  • Reply 46 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    No one is saying that the person who is dropping the phone isn't to blame of course accidents happen. I'm just stating that Apple needs to toughin up their products a little more, we don't need an aluminum body, sure it's nice but it's not strong. You don't see Panasonic building their toughbooks from aluminum, no magnesium frame with polycarbonate plastics, which by the way is a lot more expensive than aluminum.

    Well, let's see now...
    (1) Apple doesn't use soft aluminum for their case. After milling the case out of a solid block of aluminum, the case is anodized. This makes the body so hard a drill bit will dance over the surface rather then penetrate. The single piece construction makes for a rigid case that is resistant to torquing, further preventing fatigue to the components and circuit board inside.
    (2) Apple is leading the development of crystalline sapphire to replace the amorphous glass in their future products.

    Both of these things are expensive solutions to providing a durable product that outlasts competitors and provides the buyer a higher end-of-life resale value.
  • Reply 47 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    See, why aren't we hearing about these products. Why is Lenovo pushing their silly crappy phones, they don't make money. Nokia knows this the most. This looks like an awesome phone by the way, shame I never heard about it's release.

    You never heard about it because they were designed to appeal to naked people running around in the jungle. Most of these phones end up inside big fucking animals along with their owners.
  • Reply 48 of 80
    gatorguy wrote: »
    By expanding beyond it's China smartphone products Lonovo claims to already be seeing increased profits in those new markets compared to it's home country.

    How much ? Can catch up with apple profit in 100 years ?
  • Reply 49 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Well, let's see now...

    (1) Apple doesn't use soft aluminum for their case. After milling the case out of a solid block of aluminum, the case is anodized. This makes the body so hard a drill bit will dance over the surface rather then penetrate. The single piece construction makes for a rigid case that is resistant to torquing, further preventing fatigue to the components and circuit board inside.

    (2) Apple is leading the development of crystalline sapphire to replace the amorphous glass in their future products.

    Both of these things are expensive solutions to providing a durable product that outlasts competitors and provides the buyer a higher end-of-life resale value.

    Great, just don't drop it. Here in Switzerland Handydoktor went from 1 to 7 locations in just 6 months. They specialize in iPhone screen repair. Apple's single block of Aluminium drilled, whatever, is making people rich apparently, they look great though.

  • Reply 50 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    I appologize for the intense nature of my post but I am probably going to die soon, breast cancer. So when else is the perfect time to bitch.

    Don't consider it over until you hear the fat angel sing... My wife is doing perfectly well, many years after the diagnosis. I wish you well and affirm a healing is in process...
  • Reply 51 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    You never heard about it because they were designed to appeal to naked people running around in the jungle. Most of these phones end up inside big fucking animals along with their owners.

    AAAhh becasue anything that goes up against the big boys is eaten alive, I get it, cute. Still sucks though.

  • Reply 52 of 80
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider
    [I]Lenovo's smartphone strategy is so heavily influenced by the iPhone that the company plans to continue targeting markets where Apple's smartphone is viewed by consumers as too expensive, its CEO revealed.[/I]

    I remember how Blackberry was gonna save their collective asses by focusing on those same third-world markets where they already had a good presence... Then HP was gonna do the same and eat up the third-world smart phone market, before they shut up and went back to their knitting and pretended they never said such a stupid thing.
  • Reply 53 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Don't consider it over until you hear the fat angel sing... My wife is doing perfectly well, many years after the diagnosis. I wish you well and affirm a healing is in process...


    Thank you very much, I have been fighting for a long time though. I was in remission for almost a year when I relapsed. This time however I will most likely not leave my hospital bed. I can barely feed myself anymore and have resorted in using speech recognition to post in one of the last things that I still enjoy, these forums. Well that and there is absolutely nothing to do while lying here in this damn bed.

  • Reply 54 of 80
    Relic: I was very saddened to hear of your situation. I enjoy your posts and hope you can continue to favor us with them as long as you can find a way. I will be reading…and thinking. Hope in my time I can carry on as you are with realism and wit. Peace, sister.
  • Reply 55 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Relic: I was very saddened to hear of your situation. I enjoy your posts and hope you can continue to favor us with them as long as you can find a way. I will be reading…and thinking. Hope in my time I can carry on as you are with realism and wit. Peace, sister.

    Thank you so much, that means a lot to me, it really does. I can be a little hard headed sometimes here but it is all in good spirits. I'm uh, I'm scared, I really am, I have started a drug trial but it's a last resort type of deal. I have already been taken off of morphine and have put on fentanyl, as I'm aware this is a drug they give to those who are seriously in trouble. I really don't know what to say, I'm sorry......

  • Reply 56 of 80
    High margin=ripping consumers off
  • Reply 57 of 80
    macvicta wrote: »
    Lenovo CEO: "We are in the junk business."

    Lol good one and they are
  • Reply 58 of 80
    High margin=ripping consumers off
  • Reply 59 of 80
    High margin=ripping consumers off

    Consumers make their own choices. Some willing to pay for premium products in terms of finish and refined ecosystem not some high spec hardware phone with a free experimental os
  • Reply 60 of 80
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    relic wrote: »
    No one is saying that the person who is dropping the phone isn't to blame of course accidents happen. I'm just stating that Apple needs to toughin up their products a little more, we don't need an aluminum body, sure it's nice but it's not strong. You don't see Panasonic building their toughbooks from aluminum, no magnesium frame with polycarbonate plastics, which by the way is a lot more expensive than aluminum.

    But they aren't selling well. Things will get damaged if you drop it. Might as well make a phone made from rubber.
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