Lenovo reveals plans to sell smartphones where Apple's iPhone is seen as too expensive



  • Reply 61 of 80
    maestro64 wrote: »
    Yet another company in the race to the bottom. Would common sense say that you would want some of apple's pie verse running way to another neighborhood which everyone lives in shacks and can not afford a pie in the first place.

    Yes they would want some apples pie but it's not easy
  • Reply 62 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    Thank you so much, that means a lot to me, it really does. I can be a little hard headed sometimes here but it is all in good spirits. I'm uh, I'm scared, I really am, I have started a drug trial but it's a last resort type of deal. I have already been taken off of morphine and have put on fentanyl, as I'm aware this is a drug they give to those who are seriously in trouble. I really don't know what to say, I'm sorry......
    Since your primary language is German I assume you are Swiss by birth. But your English is so perfect one would think you are an American expat living there. I am Swiss through my Gradfather who was born there—Elsau, near Winterthür. Visited for the second time last year. If I had to live anywhere abroad, I could see myself there. I felt very much at home. Not sure why. Must be cosmic.
  • Reply 63 of 80


    He is right. No phone is worth $1000 unless it is solid gold and the display is carved out of a diamond.

  • Reply 64 of 80
    st88st88 Posts: 124member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    See, why aren't we hearing about these products. Why is Lenovo pushing their silly crappy phones, they don't make money. Nokia knows this the most. This looks like an awesome phone by the way, shame I never heard about it's release.

    It only released in China and select Asian markets.  The device uses Intel's CloverTrail+ which does not support LTE.  


    Intel's XMM 7160/7260 support LTE/LTE-A, which is why I was speculating Lenovo could produce a device using Intel's Merrifield and launch it in the North American market in 2014.


    Lenovo has already stated they're planning to expand into the US market in 2014, so it wouldn't be unreasonable.

  • Reply 65 of 80
    Originally Posted by scineram View Post

    He is right.




    No phone is worth $1000...


    $1,000 ones are.


    ...solid gold and the display is carved out of a diamond.


    That is one tiny phone, then! You sure you wouldn't prefer a phablet?

  • Reply 66 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Since your primary language is German I assume you are Swiss by birth. But your English is so perfect one would think you are an American expat living there. I am Swiss through my Gradfather who was born there—Elsau, near Winterthür. Visited for the second time last year. If I had to live anywhere abroadimage, I could see myself there. I felt very much at home. Not sure why. Must be cosmic.


    Well thank you but I can't take credit for my English, I went to university in California, CalTech, I recieved my masters in Computer Science with a minor Mathematics. I was going to go to ETH in Zurich but then I was offered a scholarshipimage. I currently live in Steinhausen, 2K from Zug but for the last month I have been in the Kanton Spital Ich bin im zimmer nummer 214, die intensive Einheit, wenn Sie möchten, könnten wir in Deutsch zu sprechen. I have to admit it's funny that you went directly to American when a lot of other countries speak English, a little full of our selves are we. Just kidding, next time your here send me an Instant Message. 

  • Reply 67 of 80
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil 


    $1,000 ones are.

    The 16 GB 5s sure isn't worthy of that.

  • Reply 68 of 80
    Originally Posted by scineram View Post

    The 16 GB 5s sure isn't worthy of that.


    That's probably why it doesn't cost that much.

  • Reply 69 of 80
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    How the **** is AOA1 not banned yet?

  • Reply 70 of 80
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    How the **** is AOA1 not banned yet?


    I'm not a mod anymore. <img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />


    Our mods are busy; they can't always be here. I think most of them live in EST, too, so Friday night at this time probably doesn't scream "gotta wipe the trolls".

  • Reply 71 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    No one is saying that the person who is dropping the phone isn't to blame of course accidents happen. I'm just stating that Apple needs to toughin up their products a little more, we don't need an aluminum body, sure it's nice but it's not strong. You don't see Panasonic building their toughbooks from aluminum, no magnesium frame with polycarbonate plastics, which by the way is a lot more expensive than aluminum.

    Just give you another example. There are two industry out there that solely rely on fixing broken glasses. One is call windows fitting company and the other one call windshield.
  • Reply 72 of 80

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I read somewhere that Lenovo's profits increased 35%. Not sure if that was a quarterly increase or YOY. But I still don't get how all these Android OEM's are making it. What really is the differentiating factor? HTC thought they had it with the aluminum unibody One but now we're hearing that they're moving to the low end to try and capture market share.

    What really gets me is all the people concerned about the environment but perfectly fine with all these companies releasing cheap android phones and tablets. Do we really need 10 different flavors of Android phones when they all basically do the same thing? It seems like rather than the cream rising to the top and pushing out the crap we're just getting more and more companies pushing out low end junk. I don't get it.


    Lenovo is already the largest PC maker in the world. Of course they are growing rapidly in tablets and smartphones, in particular in China where they are taking market share away from Samsung.

  • Reply 73 of 80
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    macvicta wrote: »
    Lenovo CEO: "We are in the junk business."

    maestro64 wrote: »
    It is simple, most everyone else in the Android market makes money only selling the hardware and then there relationship and revenue stream ends with the customer. Apple has a relationship with the consumer after the hardware sale which helps make up most of the profits.

    I always felt Apple was not telling the whole truth when they said itune and the app store does not make money for them. Initially that was probably true, but it was a long term strategy and it definitely making them money and allows them to have continues contact with their customers. All the other companies failed to understand until it was too late. I think the other companies heard and saw apple not make money with it so why do it as well let the google and amazons waste their money which they are doing.

    This is the part most analysis may not understand or consider, Apple is the only company making money on the end to end ecosystem, everyone else is barely making a profit

    No, that's not how it works. Apple makes money on the hardware, and the iTunes/App store serves the purpose of locking you in to that hardware, so that in a year or two, you buy more Apple hardware..
  • Reply 74 of 80
    Something that most of us have as being higher end consumers: brand loyalty. We have been treated well, not completely taken advantage of, and shown Eco systems that have value and appear they always will. These other consumers that are at ground zero of Samsung and other Asian cheese have been constantly burnt. They have been assaulted by Kyocera, fell privy to the marketing/vibration feature of the blackjack, bragged about having an android. Those people are a pretty huge group, the late adopters. They switch phones and brands all the time, probably it's uncommon for them to have the same brand of phone twice in a row. Every company has a shot to compete for their dollars in that group.
  • Reply 75 of 80

    Originally Posted by jobsonmyface View Post

    High margin=ripping consumers off


    Don't fret, there are plenty of junk phones out there.

  • Reply 76 of 80
    Although I am not an Android fan, even though I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7", I must admit having seen the Lenovo Yoga 8" and 10" today, they are the best designed Android tablets I have ever seen. What is more they have a fantastic battery life of 18 hours. I will stick with iOS though and am waiting for the new retina mini to come out. If there was one tablet to get me to switch from iOS though it is the Lenova Yoga.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    relic wrote: »
    I appologize for the intense nature of my post but I am probably going to die soon, breast cancer. So when else is the perfect time to bitch.

    I don't always agree with your posts, but I do wish you well in your fight against the big C. I was diagnosed with cancer in 1991 and was given the all clear in 2001. Don't let it beat you and keep fighting. Where there is life there is hope. All the best.
  • Reply 78 of 80
    koopkoop Posts: 337member

    Why do people on this forum recoil at tech companies choosing not enter the market segment Apple is in? Did Lenovo call your Mom a hamster to your face? There are countries out there where the mobile industry doesn't do subsidized pricing with contracts. There's an opportunity for Lenovo, Nokia and others to fill those gaps with lower priced devices. Contrary to the ignorance here, while iPhones are excellent devices, you can make a cheaper phone that is still *nice*. Not junk. 

  • Reply 79 of 80
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Crosslad View Post

    I don't always agree with your posts, but I do wish you well in your fight against the big C. I was diagnosed with cancer in 1991 and was given the all clear in 2001. Don't let it beat you and keep fighting. Where there is life there is hope. All the best.

    Thank you for your kind words, I have already gone threw this before and even enjoyed a short period of remission. I have had both my breasts removed and part of my lung removed. I have another major surgery to look forward too this Friday and more Chemo if I survive that. I'm am so tired, tired of fighting whatever that means, tired of medication, especially this one called Fetynal which I have a button for in case I'm in pain which is always but every time I push this button I loose time, I think I sleep or stare, not really sure because I don't remember much, tired of people feeling sorry for me, tired of not having any hair, tired of being nauseated all the time, so much that drinking water makes me throw up, tired of having to be helped into a chair with wheels that has a hole in the middle with a bucket attached so I can potty into it but I'm usually so constipated do to the medication that I just sit there. Then I get more drugs to help me go to the bathroom but I have two nurses who aren't always women that need to watch me because I have a problem with sitting up on my own. So I'm sitting there making disgusting potty noises as you do when you haven't gone in a while, stinking up my room while two strangers watch, trying to smile but know in a few minutes they will have to help me back into bed and clean me. Oh I forgot to mention that they take my hospital gown off before I sit upon this thrown of absolute shame.


    So when I'm awake I like to visit my favorite forums, unfortunately most of the time the popular threads in this forum are the ones complaining about other company products as it's human nature to complain. My position on most of these damned to hell products by Appleinsider forum goers is that the majority of the people complaining about them have never seen any of these products up close let alone used any of them. It's a race to see who can post the funniest comment about how crappy they are and that the Apple product these companies are competing with is so much more superior that it is impossible that they could stay in business, so why bother. Why bother trying to compete with Apple as the competition will just be casted down sooner or later. I don't share these ideals, I like Android, I like WIndows 8, I like Unix, I like OSX, I like iOS, I like pretty computers in general. When I talk negative about Apple, it's not because I don't like their products, I do, very much so, I try to bring a little humility into the thread. No product is perfect, I hate, hate that the iPad doesn't have a filemanger that I can access not only my local data but remote servers and cloud storage from one app, I don't like that apps can't talk to each other, I don't like that I can't set the default web browser of my choice, I don't like that iOS still looks the same as when it was first introduce, oh sure the icons are different and they've added features but nothing major has been changed. I don't like that there is only 1GB of RAM for a tablet that costs 800 plus dollars, I can go on and on but you know what I still like my iPad. Love some of the apps, greast battery life, thin, sexy, ect. It's the same with any tablet, notebook, desktop from every manufacture, there are good things and then their are bad things. You as the individual has to weigh the differences but calling every single non Apple gadget crap, is just ridiculous. The MS Surface 2 threads are some of the worst examples of this, it's crazy when no one in there has even used one yet. You know what the new Surface Pro 2 is awesome, the price is fantastic, you have a Wacom pen. it costs about the same as the top of the line iPad, you can run multiple OS's, all kinds of things that make it a cool product.


    So you can say you don't agree with me all you like because it's highly likely I don't agree with you. This is why these threads are fun in the first place, so we can argue and debate. Can you imagine if there were only Apple computers in the world, boring as hell. Just one screen size for phones, we defiantly wouldn't have an iPad mini, etc. Competition is a good thing and no not every product that goes up against Apple sucks, chances are they're actually very useable. The Samsung Note 3, good product, Galaxy S4, good product, Surface Pro, good product, Nokia 1020, great friggen product, sorry I had to add that in there as I own one, hehehe.


    You know what though, around here it's consider crap because it runs Windows 8 but I'm going to tell you a story. I got the Nokia 1020 for free, yep, and you know from who, Nokia. My husband wanted to buy one out right for me for my birthday that was in the beginning of October. However he wanted something special, he wanted the Nokia engineers responsible for Pureview to sign the box. A quick background, I'm a big Nokia fan, I own about 30+ phones from them and I display them in a case at my house. I am also a beta test for Nokia from way back, like 15 years. When the Nokia rep looked me up in their computer and saw how many phones were registered with them and my developers ID, plus after my husband explained to him my current situation not only did Nokia agree to get the designers to sign the box but they insisted in giving me the phone for free along with a leather case, the camera grip with built in extra battery, wireless charging station, mini Nokia branded tripod and a pair of Nokia branded Monster headphones. This is from a company that most people on this forum hate for no particular reason other then their not Apple. Now I also own the first Pureview camera, the Nokia 808 and that took amazing pictures. This one though plus being my first Windows 8 phone by the way is crazy cool. I don't get the hatred, I really don't. On of the biggest complaints around here is when a reviewer/blogger/analyst whatever says something about a Apple product  that is less then flattering but when the same people go off on say a Windows 8 phone like the Nokia 1020, it's posted as news and people start in with there hate. Never using it, never taking a picture, just agreeing. There is nothing wrong with this phone, the people at Nokia gave it to me, the people, something a lot of us forget that behind these company's are individuals who work hard to produce these products.


    Okay I will stop here, I have been rambling on far to long and I know my words are just noise at this point, I'm sorry for dragging you into my depressing situation. Just remember when I'm critical about Apple, I'm actually doing it to give them a little humiliaty in a world built by Appleinsider to make them seem super human. No computer is perfect, every product has faults and strengths and defiantly not all of the none Apple products reviewed here are crap.



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