Next-gen iPhone may boast 5" 'full HD' display, flexible AMOLED for 'iWatch'



  • Reply 41 of 55
    Originally Posted by sarges View Post

    read my previous post and youll see where I stand. 


    Well, when you have any proof of anything you’re claiming, feel free to post it.

  • Reply 42 of 55
    Let's play "Let's Predict the iPhone 6 Specs"!

    (Make your own predictions. The one closest to the actual ones wins!)

    Form Factor

    Wider, thinner, lighter, less bezels (I won't venture on specifics here)


    If the screen is wider, the resolution has to be greater, thus greater PPI.
    Display technology will probably be the same, but there could be a chance of an upgrade.


    NiMo most likely (because the new iPads have it)
    802.11ac is 50/50 (the new Mac Airs have it, so it's probable)
    NFC is probably not likely (because of competing existing technologies)


    A8 with more cores, at least 2GB RAM, and faster clock


    3D gesture tracking is 50/50 (because of recent acquisition)
    Barometer, humidity, air temperature, or other miscellaneous sensors are possible but with low odds (because they haven't been included already). I would like to see a barometer sensor added because it would help with GPS apps in detecting altitude data.


    Unknown tweaks and improvements are expected
    If 3D gesture sensing is included, it's possible that it would have dual front cameras, capable of 3D photography/video recording, wider aspect ratio frames, or dual-focus use
  • Reply 43 of 55
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    Why would anyone want an iPhone that all of the negatives and none of the positives of owning a sensible sized iPhone and an iPad?

    A phone is a phone, not a computer. Why do you want a massive phone that still has a small screen in comparison to the iPad?


    It's like wanting a scooter with a 6 litre engine, yes it'd work but it'd be totally pointless.


    Stop judging Apple with what Android are doing. Selling cheaper phones for little to no profit is not a sane business plan.

  • Reply 44 of 55

    Another FUD reports....


    I think the full HD and every 1920x1080 non-tv devices are made for tech-aware wannabe who drool more over buzz word specs than the real deal.  If our tablets, phones and computers primary usage was watching movies, It will make sense to use 1920x1080 screen resolution. But since most content consumed on those devices are medias more like text, book, web pages, and photos, I can't find any logic beside cost and availability to use a 16:9 screen ratio. Besides the iPad already has a greater than Full HD resolution. 

  • Reply 45 of 55

    Originally Posted by Vision33r View Post

    Fake research. More garbage to spin around and get attention. Apple is not doing a phone past 5" and I would even consider a 5" iphone to be nearly impossible for them do since Jony Ivy is heavily against formfactors or sizes that gets too far away from being useful and purposeful.

    A 5" iphone would easily be too big for the typical iphone buyer to manage even with a very thin bezel. The largest I think they would try for is a 4.3 - 4.7" sweet spot.

    I actually thought the Samsung Galaxy S2 was the perfect size.

    Why would someone post something so stupid i don't know....


    A 5" iphone makes all the sense in the world. It's too big for the typical iPhone buyer? that would be awesome because they would still be able to buy and use the other 4" iPhone line. The 5" iPhone line would be targeted for those 80 million that each quarter prefer and buy a bigger phone.


    Get it? need some time?

  • Reply 46 of 55

    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post


    Why would anyone want an iPhone that all of the negatives and none of the positives of owning a sensible sized iPhone and an iPad?

    A phone is a phone, not a computer. Why do you want a massive phone that still has a small screen in comparison to the iPad?


    It's like wanting a scooter with a 6 litre engine, yes it'd work but it'd be totally pointless.


    Stop judging Apple with what Android are doing. Selling cheaper phones for little to no profit is not a sane business plan.

    A phone is a phone? Apple never made phones. Instead they are making awesome computers that make calls.


    I spend more time on youtube, games, books, magazines, web and facebook messenger than making calls. A bigger iPhone is a better iPhone for people like me. Then you have bigger batteries.


    And no, 1200+ € for an iPhone + iPad combo when I already have a Macbook Air is not an option. Also that combo wouldn't fit in my pocket. For me, and 80 million others per quarter is: Another iPhone line with a bigger screen or no iPhone at all. I need for when I'm on the bus, train, quick reads, quick notes...


    Get it? 2 iPhone lines, just like we have 2 iPad lines? Can you (and others) please stop with that stupid "atitude"?

    Heck, Apple could even price it 100€ more than the iPhone 4".

  • Reply 47 of 55
    Stop the FUD; I want to get off.
    FUD? I was expressing my opinion. I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings ;-)
  • Reply 48 of 55
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Yeah keep dreaming for big screen of 5" or more because it will never happen. Remember this: one-hand operation, that's what Apple follows. So, not 6.2", 5.5" or even 5" iPhone. The best you can hope for is somewhere close to 4.5" screen.

    Also, there's no reason for Apple to make higher resolution screen than the current iPhone 5s/or iPad mini retina which is 326 dpi because it's a lot harder to manufacture the higher pixel screen with no benefit. 1080p screeen won't ever happen for the phone because of its useless extra pixels and more power consumption. 

    I really don't see Apple will go beyond 4.5" screen for iPhone in the next few years.

  • Reply 49 of 55
    Stop the FUD; I want to get off.

    Enough of this nonsense.

    It's another tech elite meme. They want elite specs, yo.
  • Reply 50 of 55

    I thought Apple was going to move away from Samsung?.... Isn't AMOLED dominated by Samsung in terms of both research and production?

  • Reply 51 of 55
    Finally big handed people can have a nice (i)Phone :-)
  • Reply 52 of 55
    Originally Posted by LilSmirk View Post

    FUD? I was expressing my opinion.


    No, you weren’t. You were lying like a rug.


    Originally Posted by njohan81 View Post

    Finally big handed people can have a nice (i)Phone :-)


    How big is “big handed”?

  • Reply 53 of 55
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    evilution wrote: »
    Why would anyone want an iPhone that all of the negatives and one of the positives of owning a sensible sized iPhone and an iPad?
    A phone is a phone, not a computer. Why do you want a massive phone that still has a small screen in comparison to the iPad?

    It's like wanting a scooter with a 6 litre engine, yes it'd work but it'd be totally pointless.

    Stop judging Apple with what Android are doing. Selling cheaper phones for little to no profit is not a sane business plan.
    Evil- you're gonna be wrong. Apple will release a bigger phone. And I would prefer it. I don't bring my iPad to look at while I'm taking a dump at work. Nor do I take my iPad when I'm on a date. Nor do I use my iPad to search the web while driving. But I do use my phone in all of those instances.

    Ok- I was kidding about those last 3 to make a point. (Ok... kidding about the last 2)
  • Reply 54 of 55
    In all hopes, I support the larger screen.. Sorry to the little handed people. 5.5 to 6 would be great. They only need basic operations to be reached only using one hand. HEY APPLE!!! That means we want bigger screen, or at the least the option, which implies you can finally redesign iOS to help small handed people! Just saying change is good, and having options. How about a double release, your 4" screen and a new 6" screen, and see which one sells the most. Oh and could you make a quality charger for once. I'm not so thrilled about buying a $20 cord every few months. I won't even buy a apple cord anymore because it pisses me off. I go with the half the price aftermarket, which has lasted longer. Plus its a longer cord! Don't get me wrong, been a iPhone fan for awhile now, and hope to stay. I will be upgrading phone this year, about the same time as possible release.... Rumors from May to late September, so if you want to release August.... That will work. One more thing, if someone from apple actually reads this, I want to see better accessories, fun stuff and not just a watch that can control my phone, which btw should be perfect for those small handed people, how about a car stero that when I place my phone into, it becomes one, and I can use it to even start my car my fingerprint?.. Ok maybe not ready for that but you get the picture.
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