Oscars host Ellen DeGeneres poses for Samsung sponsored selfie, but tweets from her iPhone



  • Reply 61 of 74

    I'm so surprised to learn the actual truth behind the Ellen's World Famous Selfie.  The fact that what Samsung had paid for as a sponsor, wasn't even what happened spontaneously while Elllen was on stage. That wasn't even scripted and you can only read about this fact, if you bother to search out the marketing firm that prepared for it best, by preparing for CHAOS. The ABC Air time break down:






    This is exactly how television should do everything. Not only did letting a talent such as Ellen Degeneres, just fly by the seat of her pants pay off, it payed off 10 fold for both Samsung, the Oscars and Apple. Ellen had brought her own iPhone of course, that's no story. Because Ellen is on Apple's payroll and everyone knows it for years, to not say anything bad about them. She already got scolded out for the last time she did that. But the real shocker is that she also owns her own Galaxy Note 3. Samsung didn't furnish it to her and that's what she used to take that now most infamous selfie ever. Which got Samsung Fame as well. What's extraordinary about this selfless act.... is that she wasn't there being paid to promote either Samsung or Apple. She was simply just hired to Host the Oscars her way. Which she did!


    An annual show that has always been even more boring than watching our Congress snore through a law making session. So boring.... that even the participants prepare annually for, by getting more than enough sleep the night before and then prepare to consume copious amounts of caffeine during the show to stay awake. It wasn't the fact that Samsung was only one of many sponsors and Apple wasn't even one of them. But more the fact that we found out what REAL TALENT is All ABOUT ON OSCAR NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN HOSTING THE SHOW!!! .....it's all about Creating Great Moments to Be Remembered!!!


    So what's most surprising is that both Samsung and Apple got more than their money's worth and the Academy Awards Ceremony???  .....had it's First Successful Show in many in it's history, without putting us all to sleep. Nobody was prepared for that.... least of all either Samsung and Apple and most of all Twitter. Samsung.... because all they even paid for were the around 10 Selfies to be taken by various people back stage in the Green Room. The only location that had been decorated for that event. It will now however.... forever be remembered as the night that the selfless Ellen as host, took what was only supposed to be a set up back stage and brought it out front, center stage with Samsung as the biggest winner of the night's sponsors. The night it's star wasn't Samsung or Ellen, but the spontaneity she brings out of each moment she's on stage. In just being herself as one of the greatest hosts the Oscars have ever had the privilege of having hired to entertain us all. All on the Biggest Night in Hollywood History!


    btw..... so now I'm so surprised by how Apple Insider and some overly zealous Apple fans have attempted to turn that into a loss for Samsung. When in all reality it was Ellen's gift for spontaneous and explosive combustion in sharing a true selfless moment with all of us on her own Galaxy Note 3 on stage. It wasn't about what camera used to do it with even. But then by switching over to her own iPhone in the green room, she adroitly compensated Apple, even though they were paying her to do so. To attempt to turn around as being her preference for using iPhones is disingenuous at the least, preposterous at the most. When you all should have been thankful she did that without ever dissing on Apple for also not paying to sponsor the show. It was a message to Apple the way I see it that they can't get in front of the main stage lights for FREE and they only belong backstage in the green room after all! 


    I'm now so embarrassed to admit as once solid Apple Fan..... that they are now so Extremely Arrogant and ELITISTS to the extreme, I'm dropping my membership in their Elitist Club. I'll buy their products because I like them. But I'm just not in to touting them them like I used to and it's really not Apple's fault as much as it is the over zealous nature of the majority of their fans now!   

  • Reply 62 of 74
    arlorarlor Posts: 533member

    Originally Posted by iKronicle View Post


    ...When in all reality it was Ellen's gift for spontaneous and explosive combustion in sharing a true selfless moment with all of us on her own Galaxy Note 3 on stage.    


    I don't doubt that what you're saying may be true, but this overblown rhetoric makes it sound like you're Ellen's publicist, except that Ellen's publicist probably has a surer command of the language.



     that's what makes me most ashamed by the how Apple fans have tried to overwork this in their favor, when it was all just her being Ellen. Embarrassed because it showed me one thing I'm now so embarrassed to admit..... "Apple Fans are just so Extremely Arrogant and Selfish"! .....and I had always thought that was just an illusion! .....and now I know it's NOT!!!    


    And this sort of thing is not well pitched to persuade the people you're trying to persuade.

  • Reply 63 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Not sure if iKronicle is being sarcastic.

    But Sammy paid for ABC to show the ginormous phone on screen. Spontaneous or not, Ellen was obligated to show the phone.

    In the last 15 years, I don't believe Apple has paid for a celebrity endorser.
  • Reply 64 of 74
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    But Sammy paid for ABC to show the ginormous phone on screen. Spontaneous or not, Ellen was obligated to show the phone.


    Well, that’s ‘not’ then. <img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" /> 

  • Reply 65 of 74
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Not sure if iKronicle is being sarcastic.

    But Sammy paid for ABC to show the ginormous phone on screen. Spontaneous or not, Ellen was obligated to show the phone.

    In the last 15 years, I don't believe Apple has paid for a celebrity endorser.


    Samsung paid for product placement.  Apple also pays for product placement.  This whole thing is really not a big deal.

  • Reply 66 of 74
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    droidftw wrote: »
    Samsung paid for product placement.  Apple also pays for product placement.  This whole thing is really not a big deal.
    What product placement is Apple paying for? Any specific examples?
  • Reply 67 of 74

    Actually Ellen is most likely on Apple's payroll not to say anything embarrassing to them. Along with several other celebs, who also have a way of pissing them off. They don't get any of those movie spots for free either. Just face the fact that Apple and their fans were pissed at the fact Samsung had only paid for the commercial air times, and the selfies to be taken in the green room. The Galaxy Note 3 was a gift to Ellen last year at launch. Just like they and Apple do for many celebrities in sports and entertainment! 


    I've been using Apple gear for 20yrs and lately it's been getting less and less. Only because they seem to think they can still get by hanging onto Steve Jobs's apron strings. Because he was always able to romance his way into public view for free. With Apple always getting the fringe benefits. Without Steve they have no charisma no... chutzpah....  no Magic!!!  .....so now they have to go back to paying for it, like every other company. For me to.... for Apple (or best said Apple's Elite fans) to attempt to steal the spotlight on a night that belong to the Academy, not Apple or Samsung, by claiming to be getting freebie tweets for Apple benefits, when they don't pay for anything, but just expect it, is the height of hypocrisy and arrogance.  It's hambone ugly, like a carpet beggars in the civil war ripping off southerners and doesn't help their image as a premium grade product maker. It's just such a pedestrian CHEAP PLOY to get noticed standing behind the stage curtain!


    They need to come off their high horse (as does their cult of ultra religious fans) and start making a wider range of products, fit ordinary people's lives and pocketbooks too. Otherwise they are going to Elite..... and Bleat.... themselves as Sheep to DEATH! .....as they are now following Samsung and no longer the leader they should be. Sell phones that more people can buy and STOP....... acting like their S**** (or fan's S***)  don't stink. Because it's episodes like this that so succinctly demonstrates it does!  .......when I buy an Apple product it's because I like it and not because some fans go about raising such a stink when a competitor out does them. The suing thing isn't helping either and lets see those vaporware products released.... instead of relying on rumors and innuendos of things that never do!

  • Reply 68 of 74
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    ikronicle wrote: »
    Actually Ellen is on Apple payroll along with several other celebs and they don't get all those spots in movie for free either. Just face the fact that Apple and their fans were pissed at the fact Samsung had only paid for the commercial air times, and 8 selfies to be taken in the green room. The Galaxy Note 3 was a gift to Ellen last year at launch, like they and Apple do for many celebrities from sports to entertainment! 

    I've been using Apple gear for 20yrs and lately it's been getting less and less. Only because they seem to think they can still get by hanging onto Steve Jobs's apron strings and how he was able to romance his way into public view with Apple getting the fringe benefits. Without Steve they have no charisma no... chutzpah.... Magic!!!  .....so now they have to go back to paying for it, like every other company.  To attempt to steal the spotlight with type of underhanded backstage claim is hambone ugly and doesn't help their image as being so pedestrian CHEAP.... lately!

    They need to come off their high horse along with their most religious of cult fans and start making a wider range of products they Elite..... and Bleat.... themselves as Sheep to DEATH! .....they are now following Samsung and no longer the leader they should be. Sell phones that more people can buy and STOP....... acting like their S**** (or fan's S***)  don't stink. Because it's episodes like this that says it does! 
    Ellen is on Apple's payroll? Source??
  • Reply 69 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    rogifan wrote: »
    What product placement is Apple paying for? Any specific examples?
    Apple does pay for product placement but not in the Sammy in your face way.
  • Reply 70 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Trolls are out today. I guess Sammy's check cleared.
  • Reply 71 of 74
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by iKronicle View Post

    Ive been using Apple gear for 20yrs


    And opinion ignored.

    Only because they seem to think they can still get by hanging onto Steve Jobs’s apron strings. Without Steve they have no charisma no... chutzpah....  no Magic!!!


    [citation needed]


    …for Apple to attempt to steal the spotlight on a night that belong to the Academy…


    OH COME OFF IT. The night “belongs to the Academy” in the same way that credit for ending WWII belongs to a single soldier.


    It's hambone ugly, like a carpet beggars in the civil war ripping off southerners and doesn't help their image as a premium grade product maker.


    Has there ever been a less accurate simile?


    start making a wider range of products


    You don’t comprehend Apple in the slightest, not even on a fundamental level. This is not Apple. Buy your products from someone else.


    …fit ordinary peoples lives and pocketbooks… too.


    They do. Start living an ordinary life.


    The suing thing isn’t helping either…


    Instead of innovate don’t litigate, shut up and go away. How’s that sound?


    …and lets see those vaporware products released…


    YEAH. Let’s see garbage that was canned for a reason released!¡

  • Reply 72 of 74
    ws11ws11 Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    What product placement is Apple paying for? Any specific examples?

    House of Cards.


    They might as well have an Apple logo watermark in the corner of the screen.



  • Reply 73 of 74
    starbird73starbird73 Posts: 538member
    ws11 wrote: »
    House of Cards.

    <span style="line-height:22.399999618530273px;">They might as well have an Apple logo watermark in the corner of the screen.</span>


    There are also Blackberrys. And Windows computers. Chances are, if Apple was paying? There would only be Apple products.
  • Reply 74 of 74
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by starbird73 View Post

    Chances are, if Apple was paying? There would only be Apple products.


    That hasn’t ever been the case before. Why would it be now?

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