With Android Wear, Google fires first shot in hardware war against Apple



  • Reply 81 of 139
    I agree that the wearables thing is a product looking for an audience. Maybe they will catch on if they don't require tethering to a smartphone and are practical standalone items. If Apple comes out with standalone wearables, then they will dominate that market also. A reason why Google and their partners haven't come out with standalone wearables is perhaps trying to keep the price down, but Apple always focuses on making sure that it is a quality, practical device first so that won't be an inhibitor for them.

    But as for this "It looks like the Android Wear partners have not learned from the television and Wallet disasters" ... what were they supposed to learn that Apple did not from their own product failures (Apple Newton anyone?). Some products sell, some don't. It is business. You are aware that successful tech products have been launched by companies other than Apple, right?

    Incidentally, Google TV was a failure, but smart TV's are huge business, and yes a lot of the smart TVs that are succeeding run on - gasp! - Android. And Google TV is a failure, but Chromecast - with is design and functionality quite different from Apple TV ... it isn't even truly a set top box - isn't. As a matter of fact, Chromecast is so not a failure that Amazon's streaming device is - gasp! - a lot like Chromecast. Now remember, Amazon was SUPPOSED to come out with a set top box for Christmas. Instead, they delay it, delay it again (it was supposed to come out in March, now it MIGHT come out in April) and when it finally does arrive, it will not be a set top box at all but instead some combination of the Chromecast and Ouya. Not only that, but Roku went back and redesigned the streaming stick that they introduced before Chromecast (except that it wasn't selling) to make it more like - gasp! - Chromecast.

    Now I read that Motley Fool article. It presumes that A) people will actually adopt Android wearables in large numbers, which is debatable. It further ignores that B) even if they do adopt Android wearables, that they won't drop them for Apple wearables if the Apple wearables are better. Bottom line, if Apple comes out with a better product, people who are interested in a better product and are willing/able to pay for it are going to buy it, and that is whether you are the first to come out with a product or the last.

    And yes, there are more companies than Apple capable of coming out with quality products. It is, er, why Apple isn't the only tech company on the planet after all ...
  • Reply 82 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    darklite wrote: »
    gatorguy wrote: »
    I don't see any particular reason to duplicate the function of the manufacturer provided key fob.
    One less thing to carry around?

    That's why I would want it.
  • Reply 83 of 139
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by psitthipo View Post

    But I'm sure millions of consumers will want it, even though it might not be in the immediate future, but eventually.


    “I’m sure they’ll want it eventually.”


    Ladies and gentlemen, the mantra of the Unusably Big iPhone Brigade!

  • Reply 84 of 139
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    Nice mock ups but in reality you have to engineer that sh**!
    That ain't so easy.
  • Reply 85 of 139

    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Nice mock ups but in reality you have to engineer that sh**!

    That ain't so easy.

    Many of you fail to realize that this pretty much already real and in existenxe. This is the Google Now (on Android and iOS via Google Search app) stream on your wrist, and the UI is quite similar to Google Glass' UI. This isn't all that hard to realize given what's already present. If you used the SDK, you can already see how real and close to finished this thing is. Outside of that, it's also good for app notifications and this will work with any app that utilizes the advanced notifications system in Android 4.3 and up. Out of the box for my Nexus 5, this thing will work seamlessly without me having to do anything, or have the app devs update their app. KILLER.


    The other KILLER is Google Now. Apple simply doesn't have a service that can compete with that right now, and it won't happen over night. Google's been developing and enhancing that for several years now. Apple's really great at hardware, but Google's really, really great at software and services. Google Now, overall, blows Siri out of the water. In addition, one has to wonder how the notifications would work for an iOS device. I would assume this coming from Google, they want to appeal to both platforms. WP and any other platforms are just SOL.


    People were constantly asking "why do I need a tablet?" when iPad and other tabs came out. After getting a chance to use these, people will have that question answered. For me, it's the perfect companion device, and I need that Moto 360 on release day. I hope the price is a bit high to eliminate any additional hurdles for me.

  • Reply 86 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ddpacino wrote: »
    Many of you fail to realize that this pretty much already real and in existenxe. This is the Google Now (on Android and iOS via Google Search app) stream on your wrist, and the UI is quite similar to Google Glass' UI. This isn't all that hard to realize given what's already present. If you used the SDK, you can already see how real and close to finished this thing is. Outside of that, it's also good for app notifications and this will work with any app that utilizes the advanced notifications system in Android 4.3 and up. Out of the box for my Nexus 5, this thing will work seamlessly without me having to do anything, or have the app devs update their app. KILLER.

    The other KILLER is Google Now. Apple simply doesn't have a service that can compete with that right now, and it won't happen over night. Google's been developing and enhancing that for several years now. Apple's really great at hardware, but Google's really, really great at software and services. Google Now, overall, blows Siri out of the water. In addition, one has to wonder how the notifications would work for an iOS device. I would assume this coming from Google, they want to appeal to both platforms. WP and any other platforms are just SOL.

    People were constantly asking "why do I need a tablet?" when iPad and other tabs came out. After getting a chance to use these, people will have that question answered. For me, it's the perfect companion device, and I need that Moto 360 on release day. I hope the price is a bit high to eliminate any additional hurdles for me.

    A UI does not equate to a finished HW product with performance and battery life at reasonable levels. If it was "pretty much already real and in existence" then there would have been no need for these CGU mockups, a lack of any technical specs, or a date that tentatively states Summer.
  • Reply 87 of 139

    Originally Posted by winstein2010 View Post

    So whatever happened to Google Buzz, Google Wave, or Google TV? That's right, nobody wanted them and Google had to shut down the projects.

    The market for a $200 "smart watch" that requires a smartphone to function is very very small.

    400,000 Pebbles sold. From a small company starting on Kickstarter, that's pretty impressive.

  • Reply 88 of 139
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    A UI does not equate to a finished HW product with performance and battery life at reasonable levels. If it was "pretty much already real and in existence" then there would have been no need for these CGU mockups, a lack of any technical specs, or a date that tentatively states Summer.


    Google seems to do Photoshops and CGI on ads and prints for REAL products. They did a bad PS of a Nexus 7 ad last year, lead everyone to assume a Nexus 8 was coming, and the rumor hasn't died down since... Look at any iPhone ad. Had a note that the screens are simulated as well.


    In addition to hardware, Moto has some goo precedents with their recent devices. They've done some real engineering for the battery life on the Moto X with that X8 chip. X4 or something for the watches? Who knows? Said to have an OLED screen (w/ sapphire glass), so that'll be awesome for battery life as well.


    Funny, people question if a circular display could even exist!!! Yes. Moto did it back in 2008 -- Moto Aura.

  • Reply 89 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ddpacino wrote: »
    Said to have an OLED screen (w/ sapphire glass), so that'll be awesome for battery life as well.

    1) Again, there is no proof of any technology being used as there were no tech specs laid out.

    2) Claiming a rumour of one component is good for battery life in no way allows you make a determination of the battery life of a whole device.

    3) Just wait for the device to finally be announced, demoed and tested before making sweeping claims about how awesome some vapourware will be as you're starting to sound like a shill.
  • Reply 90 of 139



    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) Again, there is no proof of any technology being used as there were no tech specs laid out.

    2) Claiming a rumour of one component is good for battery life in no way allows you make a determination of the battery life of a whole device.

    3) Just wait for the device to finally be announced, demoed and tested before making sweeping claims about how awesome some vapourware will be as you're starting to sound like a shill.


    It's not my issue that you don't have access to said info, but what should I expect from an Apple crowd about it's competitiors. Get your sources up. I use Google Now every day. I know EXACTLY how it'll work. I have the Wear's main homescreen apk running as my launcher on my Nexus 5 right this instant as I mess around. Gonna love quick access to music controls on my wrist. This whole thing seems like something I've used before though, but can't quite put my finger on it...


    Talk to this "shill" in June.

  • Reply 91 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ddpacino wrote: »
    Talk to this "shill" in June.

    Summer starts on Saturday, June 21st and you expect Motorola's tenative statement of Summer to be within the first 10 days? :no:
  • Reply 92 of 139

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Summer starts on Saturday, June 21st and you expect Motorola's tenative statement of Summer to be within the first 10 days? image

    And how exactly did you come to the conclusion that I was alluding to a Moto 360 release date anywhere in my comment...?

  • Reply 93 of 139
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Summer starts on Saturday, June 21st and you expect Motorola's tenative statement of Summer to be within the first 10 days? :no:

    I'd make an guess that the "G-watch" will launch at least a few weeks, perhaps a month or more, before Motorola's 360. That's typically the way Google' introduces a new OS version, and the expectation is that it happens in the next 12 weeks or so before the end of June.
  • Reply 94 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    I'd make an guess that the "G-watch" will launch at least a few weeks, perhaps a month or more, before Motorola's 360. That's typically the way Google' introduces a new OS version.

    1) Is that at the official name?

    2) What does it look like?

    3) What are the specs?

    4) Where can I see an actual device since we're only talking 9 to 13 weeks to meet ddpacino's time table.
  • Reply 95 of 139
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    1) Is that at the official name?

    2) What does it look like?

    3) What are the specs?

    4) Where can I see an actual device since we're only talking 9 to 13 weeks to meet ddpacino's time table.

    Neither Google nor it's build partners normally reveal much about their Nexus-type devices ahead of time do they, anymore than Apple does. The only thing LG has officially said is they are working directly with Google on it and the G Watch will be rectangular rather than round.

    But if you want rumors it will be aggressively priced and therefor using a polycarb casing unlike the 360's much higher-end offering.
  • Reply 96 of 139
    bio9bio9 Posts: 6member
    Wearable tech holds little interest for me. Especially if it costs me $300 to do something that I can already do on my phone. $300 just to keep my phone in my pocket doesn't excite me.

    Now....if something like Daniel Saurez's books, Daemon and freedom? yeah. I'd buy that.

    It comes down to this. google has yet to make real money on anything other than ads. Even mobile is just another data collection vector. Everything they do is focused for user data mining. I have no doubt it will be a great money maker in capturing data and turning that into ads. Otherwise they will be relying on others to make it something users want....
  • Reply 97 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    But if you want rumors it will be aggressively priced and therefor using a polycarb casing unlike the 360's much higher-end offering.

    That's not a rumour. That's how Google historically prices their HW products.
  • Reply 98 of 139
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    That's not a rumour. That's how Google historically prices their HW products.

    Yup, pretty much. Thy don't make 'em to be huge commercial successes but instead to introduce a new OS or OS version. They don't try to outshine or outsell their hardware partners with those Nexus-style devices.
  • Reply 99 of 139
    Originally Posted by bio9 View Post

    Wearable tech holds little interest for me. Especially if it costs me $300 to do something that I can already do on my phone. $300 just to keep my phone in my pocket doesn't excite me.

    Now....if something like Daniel Saurez's books, Daemon and freedom? yeah. I'd buy that.

    It comes down to this. google has yet to make real money on anything other than ads. Even mobile is just another data collection vector. Everything they do is focused for user data mining. I have no doubt it will be a great money maker in capturing data and turning that into ads. Otherwise they will be relying on others to make it something users want....


    They have a close to $1B/yr Google Apps business. It's not just all ads.


    Figuring out what you can do in this space and finding what people want with smart wearables is why they launched the Glass Explorer program. Get this crazy tech in the hands of regular and geeks, and see what you can gauge. The biggest controversial issue was with the omnipresent camera on it, so strip that out and slap the same tech on the wrist.


    I feel that this (smart wearables, not just watches) will alter the way we use our computers, smartphones and tablets going forward. It's that next step into the future of mobile. Shrinking large desktop rigs down to laptops altered the way we used computers. The smartphone enabled and altered things we couldn't do with those bigger machines. The same goes for Tablets, but because of larger screens, they could do a little more than the phones could, too.  The trend will continue here. It will get even more complex once Google starts doing new things with Nest in the Home.

  • Reply 100 of 139
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    [quote name="ddpacino" url="/t/170231/with-android-wear-google-fires-first-shot-in-hardware-war-against-apple/80#post_2499080"]Figuring out what you can do in this space and finding what people want with smart wearables is why they launched the Glass Explorer program. Get this crazy tech in the hands of regular and geeks, and see what you can gauge.[/QUOTE]

    Translation: Throw shit at the wall to see what sticks while still getting to say, "FIRST!!1!"

    [QUOTE]The biggest controversial issue was with the omnipresent camera on it, so strip that out and slap the same tech on the wrist.[/QUOTE]

    Gee, it was impossible for anyone to predict that would be issue¡
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