Obama administration upset over alleged Samsung 'selfie' publicity stunt



  • Reply 41 of 46
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member

    Originally Posted by quinney View Post


    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    With those sun glasses on my first look made me wonder why he was hugging up to either a spook or one of his Secret Service detail -- then I noticed the beard and the lack of a lapel pin.


    "Spook"? That is an unfortunate word to have used. image


    @quinney :\

    If I had intended to denigrate the man's race I could have pulled from a litany of words I have heard in my life (having gone thru high school & college in Texas). The term spook is a well used term for CIA or Intelligence industry folks and more commonly IMHO the the racial epithet you imply I used.


    In the dictionaries and Wikipedia on my iMac it defines spook as:

    1. a ghost,

    2. spy,

    3. offensive dated term for a black person.

    So if you are dead set on finding the possible ugliness in a quip I guess your accusation stands.


    I believe in, and have hope for, the human race and when ask to fill out a form that asks for your race/ethnicity I answer human if given the opportunity. 


    BTW: 2 of my favorite people in the world are of african american heritage. My sister and her husband adopted the baby boy then a couple years later a baby girl. These young folks (22 & 19) are my only niece and nephew except by marriage. When their father died of brain cancer leaving them with a single mom I filled in (they were 5 & 2) as a father figure for them (especially my nephew) and do not tolerate the use of racial epithets from any around me.


    I also think it unfortunate that an dated term like that be pointed out as not PC. In the english language there are often words that can have multiple meanings. Why not try to look for the good in context and assume 'no harm' was intended instead of dragging out the negative?

  • Reply 42 of 46
    President Selfie not happy with his selfie. Doubtful.
    More like naif, solipsistic President Selfie not happy he got whoopsied outmaneuvered, which isn't difficult.
  • Reply 43 of 46
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    @quinney :\
    If I had intended to denigrate the man's race I could have pulled from a litany of words I have heard in my life (having gone thru high school & college in Texas). The term spook is a well used term for CIA or Intelligence industry folks and more commonly IMHO the the racial epithet you imply I used.

    In the dictionaries and Wikipedia on my iMac it defines spook as:
    1. a ghost,
    2. spy,
    3. offensive dated term for a black person.
    So if you are dead set on finding the possible ugliness in a quip I guess your accusation stands.

    I believe in, and have hope for, the human race and when ask to fill out a form that asks for your race/ethnicity I answer human if given the opportunity. 

    BTW: 2 of my favorite people in the world are of african american heritage. My sister and her husband adopted the baby boy then a couple years later a baby girl. These young folks (22 & 19) are my only niece and nephew except by marriage. When their father died of brain cancer leaving them with a single mom I filled in (they were 5 & 2) as a father figure for them (especially my nephew) and do not tolerate the use of racial epithets from any around me.

    I also think it unfortunate that an dated term like that be pointed out as not PC. In the english language there are often words that can have multiple meanings. Why not try to look for the good in context and assume 'no harm' was intended instead of dragging out the negative?

    I thought the context of your comment clearly pointed to the second definition of spook. So much so that no other use of the term even crossed my mind in this instance.
  • Reply 44 of 46

    Only to those always on the race industry prowl.

    To everyone else - internationally and post-war (for 60 years), it's slang for spy/intel agency.

  • Reply 45 of 46
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Not the 'same' rights, but most certainly entitled to 'some' rights.

    Of course. However in some cases our government wants to hold trials in US courts for criminals that are not US citizens. While I admit Guantanamo Bay is over the top we can't start bring war criminals into US courts and giving them the same rights under our constitution. 

  • Reply 46 of 46
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) Ireland stated "illegal prisons" which I would assume includes military prisons but I don't see why you'd exclude all other prisons on US soil that contain US citizens. Do you how how awful the "business" of incarceration is in the US? It's been over 150 years since we ended slavery but we seem to have replaced that with a mostly "black" population of convicts. Why ignore that?

    2) There are plenty of American detainees in military prisons but your statement suggests they should be stripped of their rights.

    3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions (but it's Wikipedia so this document is probably false¡)

    If the entire world stopped having "civilized war" there would be far less war in the world. Not everyone is playing by the same rules. I seriously doubt Putin is going into Ukraine as a nation building spreading democracy humanitarian effort. War is a conflict carried on by a force of arms.  Having war with rules only creates more death and longer wars. 


    Weakness creates more war, more conflict and more death. It also takes it toll on the economy. If we use Guantanamo Bay as an example, if the war criminals are that dangerous where we need to keep them there forever without a any from of trial then they should be put to death if they are that dangerous to the US and the rest of the world. 


    A country like Iraq wouldn't continue to enrich uranium if they knew doing so would get there entire government killed and their country taken over by force. They know all they have to do is agree to some bullshit UN approved sanctions and look at Hillary Clinton or John Kerry every few years. Same with North Korea they would have been blown off the map decades ago. 


    The definition of war should have been changed a long time ago we should just simply call it Politics. 

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