Marissa Mayer wants Apple to ditch Google for Yahoo! as default iOS search engine



  • Reply 141 of 178
    nathanimal wrote: »
    I must be losing my mind, I thought Bing was the default search for iOS. At least for Siri... Can someone offer some clarity here?

    You're right and wrong. Bing is default for Siri; Google for Safari.
  • Reply 142 of 178
    mariomario Posts: 348member




    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Troll. Apple has the highest retention and satisfaction rate. Bing it.

    So anyone that disagrees with your is a troll? Do you even know what the word "troll" actually means?


    What is your contention? That Apple actually has superior maps product? Or that others have better search engine than Google? Or perhaps that Apple users are too stupid to notice any difference?

    I happen to use Apple products and also happen to care about all those things.

  • Reply 143 of 178
    enzos wrote: »
    Yahoo mail is, basically, buggered!

    Had an email address with them since 1994 but I can't even use it now to send mail since the last "security overhaul". My address book has been hacked many times but that had nothing to do with passwords (it was a general breach) and that's better than the bloody thing being unusable. 

    Tech Support: Sorry that password has expired- you must register a new one.

    Me: Did someone discover that password and hack my computer?

    Tech Support: No, but your password has expired- you must get a new one.

    Me: Why then do I need a new one as that one seems to be working pretty good?

    Tech Support: Well, you must get a new one as they automatically expire every 30 days.

    Me: Can I use the old one and just re-register it?

    Tech Support: No, you must get a new one.

    Me: I don't want a new one as that is one more thing for me to remember.

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must get a new one.

    Me: OK, roses

    Tech Support: Sorry you must use more letters.

    Me: OK, pretty roses

    Tech Support: No good, you must use at least one numerical character.

    Me: OK, 1 pretty rose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use blank spaces.

    Me: OK, 1prettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must use additional characters.

    Me: OK, 1fuckingprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must use at least one capital letter.

    Me: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use more than one capital letter in a row.

    Me: OK, 1Fuckingprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use that password as you must use additional letters.

    Me: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyroseshovedupyourassifyoudon'tgivemeaccessrightfuckingnow

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use that password as it is already being used
    pmz wrote: »

    Yahoo has the best Weather App on iOS, by far.

    I love weather. I love weather apps. And Yahoo's is very pretty. But they're all inaccurate a lot of the time.
  • Reply 144 of 178
    d4njvrzf wrote: »
    What if Apple were to remove the ability to change the default search engine in iOS? They already don't allow the user to change default apps. Could they conceivably extend this policy to the search engine to prop up Yahoo?

    Why not? You can't change the search engine for Siri.
  • Reply 145 of 178
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    It was a smart move hiring an ex-Google person as CEO. The most important thing for Yahoo at this point in history is not to be intimidated by Google, and an ex-Googler probably wouldn't be.

  • Reply 146 of 178
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member
    This is so tyoical of people. If you want Yahoo to be your default then change the setting. Can we do anything for ourselves, or do we just want the government or some corporation to look out for our interests.
  • Reply 146 of 178
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    clemynx wrote: »
    Maybe the reality distortion field operates a lot on many here but, no, Yahoo and Bing search are still terrible compared to Google search.
    I recently tried to look for a specific website with vague terms on the three search engines. Didn't find it on Yahoo, was on second page on Bing and was the second result on Google.

    Did you search for :)
    d4njvrzf wrote: »
    What if Apple were to remove the ability to change the default search engine in iOS? They already don't allow the user to change default apps. Could they conceivably extend this policy to the search engine to prop up Yahoo?

    Nope. Google will then "donate" to the DOJ and then suddenly the DOJ will investigate.
    mario wrote: »

    So anyone that disagrees with your is a troll? Do you even know what the word "troll" actually means?

    What is your contention? That Apple actually has superior maps product? Or that others have better search engine than Google? Or perhaps that Apple users are too stupid to notice any difference?

    I happen to use Apple products and also happen to care about all those things.
    "If Safari becomes less useful as well, it's going to be third thing (maps, Siri, Safari) in iOS being second rate because Apple is having pointless feud with Google, and more reasons for users to switch away from what they already think is overpriced fashion toy."

    This quote sums it up. It's contrary to the evidence. Siri is very useful. Safari as well w or w/o Google as default. Same with Maps.
  • Reply 148 of 178
    thebmtthebmt Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post




    Yahoo has the best Weather App on iOS, by far.

    Which is great, if you want to find what the weather is.


    Providing weather forecasts and relevant search results are a completely different ball game, and I've always found Google's search results to be much better than Yahoo's.


    Not to mention, I went to the Yahoo homepage and the first thing I saw? A huge full-screen flash ad. At least Google's ads are unobtrusive.

  • Reply 149 of 178
    zoso4zoso4 Posts: 11member
    I've been using Bing in Safari for a month. I like it better than Google. Google, like YouTube, has become user unfriendly.
  • Reply 150 of 178

    Funny I kinda dismissed yahoo and have been using google as the default for years... I just tried out yahoo for the heck of it (because of this article) and I actually think the results (especially for image search) are more useful than those given by google. I just changed my defaults :)

  • Reply 151 of 178
    davendaven Posts: 719member

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    I'd do it. The less Google infests my iOS devices the better imo.

    I switched to Bing and am happy. Same results as Google without benefiting the backstabbing Google.

  • Reply 152 of 178
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member

    Originally Posted by ipsofacto View Post


    DuckDuckGo is the way to go.

    I'd love to be able to use DuckDuck Go, but it's way too limited in how results can be presented.  Main thing is not being able to determine a simple time frame is a dealkiller.  Just sorting by date isn't enough.  


    At least I've never been able to figure out how to make it as useful as I want it, and if after going around all the options three times I can't find how that's enough to make me think it's not for me.

  • Reply 153 of 178
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post


    This is 100% positively without any doubt in anyone's mind...completely false. No one would have a frigging clue, except the 2% of users that might actually READ an article that says it switch to Yahoo.


    It never ceases to amaze me how people who post on an Apple website think the majority of users think or act the way they do.

    People sure figured out pretty fast how to download Google maps when all the bad press started. We are not talking about some hard to find hidden setting buried deep in the bowels of the GUI so don't exaggerate. I just counted, 3 easy taps. Settings>Safari>search.  Normally people would never have a reason to ever go there but that is because Google is now the default. If the default is switched to Bing or Yahoo that would make huge news so there would likely even be TV stories about that change which would include instructions on changing it back. It amazes me that you think iPhone users are incapable of making 3 taps to switch back to Google which is a hell of a lot easier than setting up TouchID or even iCloud for that matter. No doubt some would not mind or care but those people likely never use search often. Funny how you think everyone besides you and a few enlightened AI readers are the only ones capable of changing a freaking setting. Aren't you the one guilty of assuming quite a lot about other iPhone users since you seem to be suggesting 98% of them are complete morons? 


    No one has yet to explain the rationale for Apple to switch to a 3rd rate search option that doesn't even have their own algorithms for search. yahoo is simply a middleman for Bing so why wouldn't they simply go with Bing directly if they wanted to switch. I really do not get the anti-Google hate. Google is not the Hatfields and Apple is not the McCoys. Google and Apple actually have a pretty good and mutually beneficial search relationship. If they switch there better be a compelling reason because search is working pretty well at the moment. Do you honestly think Microsoft are any less of a threat or competitor to Apple than Google? 

  • Reply 154 of 178
    Of course she does. And Apple would like to stop giving Google money.

    They'd also like to stop giving Samsung money.

    Apple does both of those things anyway, because buying goods and services from rivals is in the best long-term interest of their customers, when it means delivering the best results to Apple's customers.

    If Apple starts consistently putting business rivalry ahead of customer experience, that will be a VERY bad sign. They do it occasionally now - some of Siri's limitations are caused by its use of Bing for default web search (sorry folks - Google's search is still the best).
  • Reply 155 of 178
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member

    No, it was Marissa's doing. Says so on her blog. She's clueless about typography but insisted on doing it herself anyway. 

    She's sure easy on the optics but for what and the way she writes - and that hideous laugh - a bit of a nitwit. 


    So, tonight we unveiled the new Yahoo logo, concluding our 30 days of change.

    We hadn’t updated our logo in 18 years.  Our brand, as represented by the logo, has been valued at as much as ~$10 billion dollars.  So, while it was time for a change, it’s not something we could do lightly.

    On a personal level, I love brands, logos, color, design, and, most of all, Adobe Illustrator.  I think it’s one of the most incredible software packages ever made.  I’m not a pro, but I know enough to be dangerous :)


  • Reply 156 of 178
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    My principle memory of Geocities is that the sites were down most of the time.

    I guess if Apple acquire them, Yahoo will be able to suckle on giant unicorn balls of fluff.

    Yahoo7 gave it for free with your service. Don't know if was also served from Oz but I remember Geocities as very stable. 

  • Reply 157 of 178
    davendaven Posts: 719member

    Originally Posted by enzos View Post


    Yahoo mail is, basically, buggered!


    Had an email address with them since 1994 but I can't even use it now to send mail since the last "security overhaul". My address book has been hacked many times but that had nothing to do with passwords (it was a general breach) and that's better than the bloody thing being unusable. 



    Tech Support: Sorry that password has expired- you must register a new one.

    Me: Did someone discover that password and hack my computer?

    Tech Support: No, but your password has expired- you must get a new one.

    Me: Why then do I need a new one as that one seems to be working pretty good?

    Tech Support: Well, you must get a new one as they automatically expire every 30 days.

    Me: Can I use the old one and just re-register it?

    Tech Support: No, you must get a new one.

    Me: I don't want a new one as that is one more thing for me to remember.

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must get a new one.

    Me: OK, roses

    Tech Support: Sorry you must use more letters.

    Me: OK, pretty roses

    Tech Support: No good, you must use at least one numerical character.

    Me: OK, 1 pretty rose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use blank spaces.

    Me: OK, 1prettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must use additional characters.

    Me: OK, 1fuckingprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you must use at least one capital letter.

    Me: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use more than one capital letter in a row.

    Me: OK, 1Fuckingprettyrose

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use that password as you must use additional letters.

    Me: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyroseshovedupyourassifyoudon'tgivemeaccessrightfuckingnow

    Tech Support: Sorry, you cannot use that password as it is already being used

    At least with Yahoo you get tech support. I've never been able to reach Google's tech support. Do they have any?

  • Reply 158 of 178
    I made the move on all Apple devices some time ago. Would be a great move and one Apple should embrace. Why? No competitive overlap between the two companies. No brainer..
  • Reply 159 of 178
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    daven wrote: »
    At least with Yahoo you get tech support. I've never been able to reach Google's tech support. Do they have any?

    You never watched "The Internship"? :D
    ...or if you need hlp with GMail for instance:
    Tech Support - Call (US Toll Free) 1-800-875-1709.

    or general tech help
    Call USA 1-800-915-3608.

    or AdWords:
  • Reply 160 of 178
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    gwmac wrote: »

    People sure figured out pretty fast how to download Google maps when all the bad press started. We are not talking about some hard to find hidden setting buried deep in the bowels of the GUI so don't exaggerate. I just counted, 3 easy taps. Settings>Safari>search.  Normally people would never have a reason to ever go there but that is because Google is now the default. If the default is switched to Bing or Yahoo that would make huge news so there would likely even be TV stories about that change which would include instructions on changing it back. It amazes me that you think iPhone users are incapable of making 3 taps to switch back to Google which is a hell of a lot easier than setting up TouchID or even iCloud for that matter. No doubt some would not mind or care but those people likely never use search often. Funny how you think everyone besides you and a few enlightened AI readers are the only ones capable of changing a freaking setting. Aren't you the one guilty of assuming quite a lot about other iPhone users since you seem to be suggesting 98% of them are complete morons? 

    No one has yet to explain the rationale for Apple to switch to a 3rd rate search option that doesn't even have their own algorithms for search. yahoo is simply a middleman for Bing so why wouldn't they simply go with Bing directly if they wanted to switch. I really do not get the anti-Google hate. Google is not the Hatfields and Apple is not the McCoys. Google and Apple actually have a pretty good and mutually beneficial search relationship. If they switch there better be a compelling reason because search is working pretty well at the moment. Do you honestly think Microsoft are any less of a threat or competitor to Apple than Google? 

    I don't think anyone said the avg Joe can't do it. It's that they don't care to change it.

    You bring up Maps, what's the usage of Apple Maps compare to Google maps on iOS? I have both.
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