New Apple retail chief Angela Ahrendts gets official welcome on executive leadership webpage



  • Reply 21 of 56
    Still have no prominent minority

    Still have prominent ability.
  • Reply 22 of 56
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    moreck wrote: »
    Yay! Welcome aboard. Perhaps the first order of business could be changing the name of the Genius Bar to something less pretentious. I love Apple, their products, and their philosophy. However, let's face it: Calling their service desk a "genius bar" only serves to put off potential customers, and gives fuel to the Apple haters that say the company and its customers think they're better than everyone else. Thinking/ knowing you're better is one thing, but letting the world know you think that is not usually the best idea.

    Oh yeah, I really want just a plain old ordinary unpretentious schmuck to work on my Apple products because my (fragile) self esteem is more important! And while they're at it they should just free up floor space because everybody should be just as good as everybody else and just say, "Fine!" and stomp out of the room when their machine breaks because then someone should give them a million dollars or draft them to the NBA like what happens on TV!
  • Reply 23 of 56
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Originally Posted by jamesmcd View Post


    Finally some diversity on the Apple leadership page :)



    Not sure why diversity is signified by gender or  racial make-up, as opposed to life experiences and way of thinking, but since it seems important to you. Tim Cook is gay. Eddy Cue is Cuban. Andrea Jung is both a woman and Asian. 

  • Reply 24 of 56
    jman225jman225 Posts: 18member
    Those eyes though...
  • Reply 25 of 56
    cfuglecfugle Posts: 34member

    Diversity hmmmm: World's largest company run by a gay white male who is open about his sexuality. Does this not define the essence of diversity in today's world?

    But honestly, if we voted in executives based on their skin pigmentation, religious beliefs or sex... are we not just pandering to fear and pressure ? Executive job opportunities are slim pickings for everyone on this planet and rarely do people (say outside of Lindsay Lohan still working for some reason or my beloved Rob Ford-Mayor of Toronto still mayor...) get chosen and must go through an exhaustive process for being hired. background check, education checks, success lists verified and loads of phone calls requiring confirmation of personality to ensure they should jive with the existing rhythm of the corporation. Apple appears to be quite unique in their definitions for leadership roles. They seem to want strong willed & very disciplined yet creative types with leadership abilities which in my mind is a rarity to have all three in one person. They must take direction and provide direction (and when was the last time you met someone that could complete both well ?).

    Good Luck Angela- we are rooting for you. 

  • Reply 26 of 56
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by TBell View Post



    Not sure why diversity is signified by gender or  racial make-up, as opposed to life experiences and way of thinking, but since it seems important to you. Tim Cook is gay. Eddy Cue is Cuban. Andrea Jung is both a woman and Asian. 

    And don't forget Al Gore, he's an entirely different species!

  • Reply 27 of 56
    techprod1gytechprod1gy Posts: 838member

    For Splash Reverse:  (I forgot to quote) It shouldn't matter.  They should be allowed to hire who will do the best job for what they are trying to accomplish.  Quit posting crap.

  • Reply 28 of 56
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    moreck wrote: »
    Yay! Welcome aboard. Perhaps the first order of business could be changing the name of the Genius Bar to something less pretentious. I love Apple, their products, and their philosophy. However, let's face it: Calling their service desk a "genius bar" only serves to put off potential customers, and gives fuel to the Apple haters that say the company and its customers think they're better than everyone else. Thinking/ knowing you're better is one thing, but letting the world know you think that is not usually the best idea.

    You're overthinking things.
  • Reply 29 of 56
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Since when is Tim Cook open about his sexuality? No he's never denied he's gay but I don't remember him ever admitting it either.
  • Reply 30 of 56
    daveinpublicdaveinpublic Posts: 633member
    She looks a little like Tim cook, with long hair and makeup.
  • Reply 31 of 56
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by jamesmcd View Post

    Finally some diversity on the Apple leadership page :)

    Originally Posted by Splash-reverse View Post

    Still have no prominent minority


    No one intelligent cares about any of this.


    Originally Posted by Moreck View Post

    I love Apple, their products, and their philosophy. However


    Shut up.

  • Reply 32 of 56
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    danielsw wrote: »
    Oh yeah, I really want just a plain old ordinary unpretentious schmuck to work on my Apple products because my (fragile) self esteem is more important! And while they're at it they should just free up floor space because everybody should be just as good as everybody else and just say, "Fine!" and stomp out of the room when their machine breaks because then someone should give them a million dollars or draft them to the NBA like what happens on TV!

    The voice of reason. Man was not created equal. We all have our strengths, and some of us are blessed with more than others. Acknowledging that is the first step to holiness.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    jman225 wrote: »
    Those eyes though...

    Yes, they worry me, too. Steely and unsmiling; out of sync with the smile below.
  • Reply 34 of 56

    Originally Posted by Splash-reverse View Post

    Still have no prominent minority

    The 1950's called and want their race card back.

  • Reply 35 of 56

    Fantastic hire with a very good chance of becoming the future CEO.

  • Reply 36 of 56
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    In case anyone is interested, this is not Apple's first woman in a senior position.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    emoeric87emoeric87 Posts: 72member
    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    The 1950's called and want their race card back.


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    No one intelligent cares about any of this.


    Shut up.


    Originally Posted by Equality72521 View Post

    Still have prominent ability.

    Again, a good guess would be all you folks saying this horse sh*t are privileged white folks, thinking that race doesn't play a prominent role in the disadvantages ethnic minorities in the US face on a DAILY basis. There are literally entire LIBRARIES, SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS DEEEDDDICAAATED to consistently proving you wrong.

  • Reply 38 of 56
    ferdchetferdchet Posts: 38member

    Originally Posted by Moreck View Post

    Yay! Welcome aboard. Perhaps the first order of business could be changing the name of the Genius Bar to something less pretentious. I love Apple, their products, and their philosophy. However, let's face it: Calling their service desk a "genius bar" only serves to put off potential customers, and gives fuel to the Apple haters that say the company and its customers think they're better than everyone else. Thinking/ knowing you're better is one thing, but letting the world know you think that is not usually the best idea.

    Go somewhere else then.  That will free up the lines for other people.  I don't know if you've actually ever been in an Apple Store, but the Genius Bars in all of the stores near us always seem to be busy.  All of those people seem to want a "Genius" working on their gear, or showing them how to do something new.


    Next, take your weak-tea concern trolling somewhere else.  If you really do love "their philosophy" then you know that Steve came up with this idea of Genius Bars.  Pretty sure Steve would not have put up with your whiny milquetoast attitude.  Hope this bit of knowledge did not send you into cognitive dissonance overload.

  • Reply 39 of 56
    ferdchetferdchet Posts: 38member

    Originally Posted by emoeric87 View Post




    Again, a good guess would be all you folks saying this horse sh*t are privileged white folks, thinking that race doesn't play a prominent role in the disadvantages ethnic minorities in the US face on a DAILY basis. There are literally entire LIBRARIES, SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT DEEEDDDICAAATED to consistently proving you wrong.

    Yeah and look how well higher ed is doing these days.  


    You have no idea who is "privileged" and who is not.  You have no idea about where any of these people came from, what they are doing, and even what color they are.   


    Also, you still didn't address the main point all of these people made - which is - the BEST person for the job.  If you were really concerned about equality, you would actually be color and gender blind.

  • Reply 40 of 56
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    moreck wrote: »
    Yay! Welcome aboard. Perhaps the first order of business could be changing the name of the Genius Bar to something less pretentious. I love Apple, their products, and their philosophy. However, let's face it: Calling their service desk a "genius bar" only serves to put off potential customers, and gives fuel to the Apple haters that say the company and its customers think they're better than everyone else. Thinking/ knowing you're better is one thing, but letting the world know you think that is not usually the best idea.

    I'll take a Genius at an Apple Store any day over some numbnutz behind the Service Department desk at Best Buy, or a clueless sales clerk at Walmart. Absolutely right - a Genius IS better than everyone else - and I'm damn glad to have one at my back!
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