Samsung announces open health care platform with modular hardware, cloud-based software



  • Reply 41 of 72
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,666member
    If Samsung's business strategy is based on harvesting rumors and speculation in order to launch preemptive "me too" products all I can say is " good luck with that strategy." What happens when the rumor mill predicts an Apple lunar lander? Will those silly Sammy's dump some poor bastard on the moon in a half baked Galaxy moon lander just to say they were first?

    There's pathetic attempts at innovation leadership - and then there's Samsung's attempts at innovation leadership. They need to quit embarrassing themselves. Enough already.
  • Reply 42 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member
    mobius wrote: »
    Fortune was not a significant factor, carelessness was.
    You can't possibly know that.
    I guess that makes it all ok then.

    Samsung apologised. Apple denied. That is on what people should make a choice to buy or not to buy.
  • Reply 43 of 72
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    andysol wrote: »
  • Reply 44 of 72
    barleybarley Posts: 10member
    This is just an attempt by Samsung to keep up and claim to get there first. They have nothing decent and have to wave the cash about to attract ideas.
  • Reply 45 of 72
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member

    Jeez. Wherever do those guys get their ideas? Oh wait. 


    Seriously, though, sites like this must be the best goldmine for Samsung. You do all the legwork for them and give them huge lead times on everything Apple might have up its sleeves.

  • Reply 46 of 72
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    jpd514 wrote: »
    Samsung wants to see how small is the Apple device?
    The deference is Apple didn't get an inlargment of 400% down stairs and said it was always that way from the biggining.
  • Reply 47 of 72
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    jpd514 wrote: »
    Samsung apologised. Apple denied. That is on what people should make a choice to buy or not to buy.
    Samsung apologized? Their still copying Apple Eg This very topic. Claiming that it's then who didn't it but nope they didn't. The golden chassis that had been leaked with a serial number IMEI CCE approval and all was copied and announced a week later. The fingerprint, but couldn't claim that because they couldn't match it and still haven't even scratched it, barely even touched it if at all.
  • Reply 48 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member
    georgeip5 wrote: »
    The deference is Apple didn't get an inlargment of 400% down stairs and said it was always that way from the biggining.

    an inlargment of 400%. Please, give me the phone number of your doctor.
    WE are going to be grateful for ever.
  • Reply 49 of 72

    Originally Posted by jpd514 View Post

    This event is of no value since all this affair had bad press. People's see that as "Apple is doing business with bad boys".

    You really are a one-trick pony, aren't you, son?

  • Reply 50 of 72

    Originally Posted by jpd514 View Post

    Your right, Of all the places Samsung can pick, they choose right next to Apple to see how small is the Apple device!

    When you have to explain a bad joke twice, you've failed. At least try to be a mediocre troll.


    Also, my right what? Hand? Foot? Eye?

  • Reply 51 of 72

    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post


    Purely wishful thinking on your part, Mr. Shill. Apple has been doing business with truly bad boys--namely Samsung--and that hasn't detracted. The Beats relationship has no expiration date either--unlike the contracts with Samsung. <img class=" src="" /> 

    He conveniently ignores:


    Samsung CEO Lee Kun-Hee.

    Sentenced to three years suspended jail time for the slush fund scandal.

    Pardoned by the South Korean President so he could remain on the International Olympic Committee.


    Nope. No bad boys at Samsung.

  • Reply 52 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member
    georgeip5 wrote: »
    Samsung apologized? Their still copying Apple Eg This very topic. Claiming that it's then who didn't it but nope they didn't. The golden chassis that had been leaked with a serial number IMEI CCE approval and all was copied and announced a week later. The fingerprint, but couldn't claim that because they couldn't match it and still haven't even scratched it, barely even touched it if at all.

    What You call "copy" would be called EVOLUTION by Darwin. You know Darwin?

    What Apple call evolution would be called "marketing strategy" by Darwin, The same Darwin!
  • Reply 53 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member

    He conveniently ignores:

    Samsung CEO Lee Kun-Hee.
    Sentenced to three years suspended jail time for the slush fund scandal.
    Pardoned by the South Korean President so he could remain on the International Olympic Committee.

    Nope. No bad boys at Samsung.
    Talk about an individual. You know very well that in an Apple tree there are always bad Apples. But what is it when all Apples are bad?

    "Apple colluded on e-book prices, judge finds"
  • Reply 54 of 72
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    Dude, either do this like 4 months ago, or just don't.


    But a week before Apple's rumored announcement?  It screams "meee tooo -- i'm a copycat!" really loudly.

  • Reply 55 of 72
    drive23drive23 Posts: 7member
    Wait so if I do develop something that gets adopted by SAMI you are going to pay me for it right? I mean you wouldn't just steal my idea and implement it. I don't really have millions of dollars in my checking account to waste on legal fees.
  • Reply 56 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member

    When you have to explain a bad joke twice, you've failed. At least try to be a mediocre troll.

    Also, my right what? Hand? Foot? Eye?

    I did not explain, I agree.

    And your correct, it's not correct to use "right" to say correct.
    Thank you for helping me with my English. Your so kind.
  • Reply 57 of 72
    drive23drive23 Posts: 7member

    So as a developer I'm going to spend hundreds of hours creating something for Samsung.  What assurances do I have that you won't steal my idea and implement it as your own?  Unlike some,  I don't have millions in my checking account to waste on legal fees.  

  • Reply 58 of 72
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by jpd514 View Post

    This is really unfortunate these workers of Samsung died of cancer. Samsung has recognised its responsibility, they immediately took the necessary steps and this situation will not happen again. Families will receive millions of dollars, but it is very sad.


    Is that the same Samsung who used delaying tactics through the courts, appealing every decision and only started acting after a movie they tried their hardest to ban started lifting off the rose coloured glasses of the South Korean people?

  • Reply 59 of 72
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by jpd514 View Post

    Samsung apologised. Apple denied. That is on what people should make a choice to buy or not to buy.


    Apple publicised the issue of Chinese workers in the first place, years after companies like Samsung had already been using them.


    How's Samsung's Vietnamese factories?


    Funny how you never hear peep about them.


    Out of sight, out of mind, unlike China.

  • Reply 60 of 72
    jpd514jpd514 Posts: 51member
    512ke wrote: »
    Dude, either do this like 4 months ago, or just don't.

    But a week before Apple's rumored announcement?  It screams "meee tooo -- i'm a copycat!" really loudly.

    The first wearable from Samsung was on the market for more than a year. Samsung has added a few months ago 3 new wearable clearly health-oriented. Apple decided to enter this market and fixed a date of a media event. Samsung decides that he will explain to guidelines of is health-oriented strategies a few days prior to the Apple presentation.
    For now it's just good marketing strategy.

    Apple just bought for three times the value a "cool image" company to "beat" Samsung who is now the COOLEST company in the world (as Tim Cook said). To capture the attention of the press, Apple delays the time to announce the final buying, under false pretense, until Samsung held its event.

    Who is the bad player in this case? Apple, and Apple is the copycat!
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