From the sounds of it there is nothing to get excited about in iOS8. Healthbook and Shazam, yawn. I already use google maps because apple maps are average at best. I'd think they'd rollout improvements to Apple maps thought the course of the year.
You're absolutely right, a new app and shazam integration will obviously be the only new changes to the next major version of iOS.
Are you for real? Typically, barely anything of consequence is leaked beforehand regarding OSX/iOS. Its ALWAYS kept under a tight lid until WWDC. *yawn* indeed.
I’m starting to get the feeling that you own an audio company that competed with Beats.
Seems that pazuzu is more of an opportunist troll, posting inane, innocuous filler crap until a good opportunity comes along to bash Apple, taking cues from non troll posts. Pathetically, he continues to beat the horse despite how obvious his troll intentions are to everyone.
Can't wait for Monday. Should've had the foresight to take the day off to watch the keynote. At this point it doesn't look like there will be much hardware, particularly with Cue's seemingly preemptive statements about Apple having the "best line up in 25 years" by the end of the year. But the software announcements should be huge, and likely establish a very practical and compelling case for an iWatch. A [U]mobile payments [/U]system would be a huge push in that direction, as would the rumored Made for iHome (or whatever they're going to call it) announcements.
I predict it will be announced that Jon Ive will be late to the event because Dr. Dre gave him a beating and then stuck his head in the opening of his signature Mac Pro.
Seems that pazuzu is more of an opportunist troll, posting inane, innocuous filler crap until a good opportunity comes along to bash Apple, taking cues from non troll posts. Pathetically, he continues to beat the horse despite how obvious his troll intentions are to everyone.
Drek is drek. Before Apple bought and after Apple bought.
I don't care is Steve Jobs himself resurrected from the dead and bought it - Beats headphones are CRAP.
Just because they sell well doesn't change that fact
Apple has never stood for crap.
Seems that pazuzu is more of an opportunist troll, posting inane, innocuous filler crap until a good opportunity comes along to bash Apple, taking cues from non troll posts. Pathetically, he continues to beat the horse despite how obvious his troll intentions are to everyone.
That's one quote I bet Eric Schmidt wishes he never made.
He's right though... there are more devices running some version of Android than any other platform on the planet.
The problem is... many (most?) of those Android devices are complete garbage, selling for an absurdly low price, and are purchased by people who will never pay money for apps. That's why developers are not sprinting towards Android.
We tend to only talk about a handful of flagship Android phones on tech blogs (Galaxy S5, LG G3, HTC One, etc)
The funny thing is... "Android" is made up of much more than those handful of phones. No one talks about the utterly cheap phones sold in China and India... even though they make up the majority of Android sales.
Android fans brag that 8 out of 10 smartphones sold today are running Android... but they forget to mention that 6 out of those 8 are crap.
But yeah... Android is "winning" :rolleyes:
If it was simply about the number of devices a platform has... developers would choose Android without hesitation.
They're not... so what does mean?
If 80% market share is not enough to make a developer consider Android... what is? That's why I always laugh at the market share fanboys. We get it... Android has the most market share. But what are they doing with it?
Before anyone jumps on me... yes I know there are plenty of developers for Android. My point is... why are there still so many iOS-first and iOS-only apps out there?
Didn't they get the memo that Android is winning?
As a person who is working on an Android project, I can answer that question. In a couple of parts:
1) Development Tools: Right now the best development tools for Android is Eclipse. Even Google's own Android Development Studio is utter shit. That said, Eclipse is no where is efficient or easy to use as Xcode. For instance, having a second developer with me is nothing but headaches. In Xcode, it was just a matter of pushing and pulling to the GIT repository. In Eclipse, that simple process is now a major headache.
2) Development Environment: Niw this seems like it is the same thing as the first one, but it isn't. For instance, a scroll view in iOS is a simple thing of drag and drop into the storyboard. If you want multiple scroll views, that is ok as well. For Android, you have to do the following (and this is not an exaggeration): Layout > Scroll View > Layout > Scroll View. That is the hierarchy. That is ugly and not very intuitive.
3) Development Testing: Testing on iOS is as simple as targeting the Simulator. It could be the iPhone simulator, iPad simulator, or even the 64bit iPhone Simulator. Just simple. Android, not even close. First, you have to create the simulator environment, and then it might not even work! You might have too much RAM, too little RAM, not the right simulated chip set, etc. it doesn't come with premade ones, and their suggestions never work correctly.
These are three issues I have with this OS. That is why developers don't like it: Android truely doesn't like developers.
These are three issues I have with this OS. That is why developers don't like it: Android truely doesn't like developers.
Being recently home, I've looked into it. It doesn't seem so bad. Please share your experience if you don't mind. Perhaps I can work my way around it.
From what I understand I would only need to support a few OS's, but apparently android is definitely among them. Doesn't seem so bad so far.., what do you know?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quirks.
Did you actually say scrolling was too hard? What the **** are you? Some pansy ass shit? Go live somewhere where you can be shot! You ungrateful piece of shit!
It's amazing what happens when you give eight years. Eight years ago none of this existed and you're saying point and click is too much work?
Please sign up for the services, I don't believe in them anymore, but you will most definitely benefit from it.
Being recently home, I've looked into it. It doesn't seem so bad. Please share your experience if you don't mind. Perhaps I can work my way around it.
From what I understand I would only need to support a few OS's, but apparently android is definitely among them. Doesn't seem so bad so far.., what do you know?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quirks.
Did you actually say scrolling was too hard? What the **** are you? Some pansy ass shit? Go live somewhere where you can be shot! You ungrateful piece of shit!
It's amazing what happens when you give eight years. Eight years ago none of this existed and you're saying point and click is too much work?
Please sign up for the services, I don't believe in them anymore, but you will most definitely benefit from it.
What the **** is wrong with you? Apart from the vile, viciuos nature of your post, most of it makes absolutely no sense. "Adapt and overcome"? He gave specific examples of the differences between iOS/Android development. And your response to that is that he should be shot and is a piece of shit?
Being recently home, I've looked into it. It doesn't seem so bad. Please share your experience if you don't mind. Perhaps I can work my way around it.
From what I understand I would only need to support a few OS's, but apparently android is definitely among them. Doesn't seem so bad so far.., what do you know?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quirks.
Did you actually say scrolling was too hard? What the **** are you? Some pansy ass shit? Go live somewhere where you can be shot! You ungrateful piece of shit!
What the **** is wrong with you? Apart from the vile, viciuos nature of your post, most of it makes absolutely no sense. "Adapt and overcome"? He gave specific examples of the differences between iOS/Android development. And your response to that is that he should be shot and is a piece of shit?
Are you just trying to start something, because I believe you misread my post, and if you read any, or most importantly ALL, of your posts, they're full of swears, slander and calling people odd names for no reason.
If you would like to debate why it's so difficult to write for the android platform I'm all ears though. I don't think you mentioned the main point of my response.
Are you just trying to start something, because I believe you misread my post, and if you read any, or most importantly ALL, of your posts, they're full of swears, slander and calling people odd names for no reason.
If you would like to debate why it's so difficult to write for the android platform I'm all ears though. I don't think you mentioned the main point of my response.
Edit: perhaps I read wrong, but it seems the poster I responded to has an extremely hard time with an extra scrolling motion, and an extra 'drag and drop' motion. I'm learning what I can about all of the new OS's so maybe I'll get the gist if what he/she was hinting at. So far it seems rather trivial don't you think?
Horrible news. Is that why the stock went down today? Perhaps, but I highly doubt it. Most likely the Friday sell off. Weekends are long and you don't know where you'll be on Monday.
Whatever the **** happens at WWDC, I predict millions of troll posts, shrieks of outrage and disappointments, accusations of betrayal, statements of indignation and threats to abandon Apple, "Tim needs to go" posts, "Steve would have never approved of this" bullshit, sensational proclamations of doom based on the OSX redesign, "most disappointing WWDC ever" posts, "where the **** is Apple TV + iWatch + iPhone 6" posts, "lol Apple copied shittily implemented feature X from product Y" posts, "Apple sucks because they didnt reveal some product I'm fantasizing about but most people wouldnt give a shit about" posts, <span style="font-size:13px;line-height:1.4em;">and more such horse-shit. Those are the ONLY guaranteed things at this point in time. Everything else is speculation and bullshit. </span>
It has been 8 months since Apple released anything substantial (the iPad redesign). It is perfectly valid and reasonable to have questions on the aggressiveness and sense of urgency inside the company. Even for those like myself who are fans of the company.
On side note, I've tested Beats Music and it is awesome. Going back to iTunes Music is like going back to DOS. It is scary how badly Apple has managed its music business. This is a red flag for me on Apple's ability to bring innovative services to market. There is a window of opp and it will not stay open for ever
Let's see what WWDC brings. An iOS 8 lite + OSX 10 re-skin does not cut it in my book
From the sounds of it there is nothing to get excited about in iOS8. Healthbook and Shazam, yawn. I already use google maps because apple maps are average at best. I'd think they'd rollout improvements to Apple maps thought the course of the year.
You're absolutely right, a new app and shazam integration will obviously be the only new changes to the next major version of iOS.
Are you for real? Typically, barely anything of consequence is leaked beforehand regarding OSX/iOS. Its ALWAYS kept under a tight lid until WWDC. *yawn* indeed.
I’m starting to get the feeling that you own an audio company that competed with Beats.
Seems that pazuzu is more of an opportunist troll, posting inane, innocuous filler crap until a good opportunity comes along to bash Apple, taking cues from non troll posts. Pathetically, he continues to beat the horse despite how obvious his troll intentions are to everyone.
I predict it will be announced that Jon Ive will be late to the event because Dr. Dre gave him a beating and then stuck his head in the opening of his signature Mac Pro.
Drek is drek. Before Apple bought and after Apple bought.
I don't care is Steve Jobs himself resurrected from the dead and bought it - Beats headphones are CRAP.
Just because they sell well doesn't change that fact
Apple has never stood for crap.
I just have a passion for music and Beats electronics would be the last thing I would and many others would ever buy to listen to it on.
What? Can you say "Beats". I know he/she can.
Look at his/her most recent posts. You'll understand.
I could be wrong... It certainly won't be the first time, but on the internet if I'm wrong no one's life is at stake. I like that a LOT!
As a person who is working on an Android project, I can answer that question. In a couple of parts:
1) Development Tools: Right now the best development tools for Android is Eclipse. Even Google's own Android Development Studio is utter shit. That said, Eclipse is no where is efficient or easy to use as Xcode. For instance, having a second developer with me is nothing but headaches. In Xcode, it was just a matter of pushing and pulling to the GIT repository. In Eclipse, that simple process is now a major headache.
2) Development Environment: Niw this seems like it is the same thing as the first one, but it isn't. For instance, a scroll view in iOS is a simple thing of drag and drop into the storyboard. If you want multiple scroll views, that is ok as well. For Android, you have to do the following (and this is not an exaggeration): Layout > Scroll View > Layout > Scroll View. That is the hierarchy. That is ugly and not very intuitive.
3) Development Testing: Testing on iOS is as simple as targeting the Simulator. It could be the iPhone simulator, iPad simulator, or even the 64bit iPhone Simulator. Just simple. Android, not even close. First, you have to create the simulator environment, and then it might not even work! You might have too much RAM, too little RAM, not the right simulated chip set, etc. it doesn't come with premade ones, and their suggestions never work correctly.
These are three issues I have with this OS. That is why developers don't like it: Android truely doesn't like developers.
Being recently home, I've looked into it. It doesn't seem so bad. Please share your experience if you don't mind. Perhaps I can work my way around it.
From what I understand I would only need to support a few OS's, but apparently android is definitely among them. Doesn't seem so bad so far.., what do you know?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quirks.
...and yes I did read what you wrote above.
In response to your #1, #2, & #3
1.) adapt and overcome.
2.) adapt and overcome.
3.) adapt and overcome
Did you actually say scrolling was too hard? What the **** are you? Some pansy ass shit? Go live somewhere where you can be shot! You ungrateful piece of shit!
It's amazing what happens when you give eight years. Eight years ago none of this existed and you're saying point and click is too much work?
Please sign up for the services, I don't believe in them anymore, but you will most definitely benefit from it.
An OS XI or 11 some day? I thought there would be no 10.10.
Being recently home, I've looked into it. It doesn't seem so bad. Please share your experience if you don't mind. Perhaps I can work my way around it.
From what I understand I would only need to support a few OS's, but apparently android is definitely among them. Doesn't seem so bad so far.., what do you know?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quirks.
...and yes I did read what you wrote above.
In response to your #1, #2, & #3
1.) adapt and overcome.
2.) adapt and overcome.
3.) adapt and overcome
Did you actually say scrolling was too hard? What the **** are you? Some pansy ass shit? Go live somewhere where you can be shot! You ungrateful piece of shit!
It's amazing what happens when you give eight years. Eight years ago none of this existed and you're saying point and click is too much work?
Please sign up for the services, I don't believe in them anymore, but you will most definitely benefit from it.
What the **** is wrong with you? Apart from the vile, viciuos nature of your post, most of it makes absolutely no sense. "Adapt and overcome"? He gave specific examples of the differences between iOS/Android development. And your response to that is that he should be shot and is a piece of shit?
Are you just trying to start something, because I believe you misread my post, and if you read any, or most importantly ALL, of your posts, they're full of swears, slander and calling people odd names for no reason.
If you would like to debate why it's so difficult to write for the android platform I'm all ears though. I don't think you mentioned the main point of my response.
Edit: perhaps I read wrong, but it seems the poster I responded to has an extremely hard time with an extra scrolling motion, and an extra 'drag and drop' motion. I'm learning what I can about all of the new OS's so maybe I'll get the gist if what he/she was hinting at. So far it seems rather trivial don't you think?
Yeah, I don’t see how ad-homs do much for whatever argument you have.
You'll have to forgive me. I'm a simple soldier. I don't deal with ad-homs. A simple Google search turned up, ????
Horrible news. Is that why the stock went down today? Perhaps, but I highly doubt it. Most likely the Friday sell off. Weekends are long and you don't know where you'll be on Monday.
It has been 8 months since Apple released anything substantial (the iPad redesign). It is perfectly valid and reasonable to have questions on the aggressiveness and sense of urgency inside the company. Even for those like myself who are fans of the company.
On side note, I've tested Beats Music and it is awesome. Going back to iTunes Music is like going back to DOS. It is scary how badly Apple has managed its music business. This is a red flag for me on Apple's ability to bring innovative services to market. There is a window of opp and it will not stay open for ever
Let's see what WWDC brings. An iOS 8 lite + OSX 10 re-skin does not cut it in my book