One issue with iOS 8 Safari is that automatic minimization of the page top eliminates the tab bar -- you must scroll down a bit in the forum (losing your place) in order to make the tab bar reappear.
iPad or iPhone?
Not running iOS 8, but in iOS 7 on the iPhone, the URL bar minimizes when your scroll, forcing you to scroll up slightly to get it to go back to normal. Or you can click on it.
One issue with iOS 8 Safari is that automatic minimization of the page top eliminates the tab bar -- you must scroll down a bit in the forum (losing your place) in order to make the tab bar reappear.
iPad or iPhone?
Not running iOS 8, but in iOS 7 on the iPhone, the URL bar minimizes when your scroll, forcing you to scroll up slightly to get it to go back to normal. Or you can click on it.
What do we know about Instant Hotspot? It sounds like "you can use your iPhone as your internet connection for you Mac or MacBook with no fuss-no muss (and no tethering plan!)." Is that too good to be true (even though we probably all expected that that would be possible when the iPhone first arrived).
What do we know about Instant Hotspot? It sounds like "you can use your iPhone as your internet connection for you Mac or MacBook with no fuss-no muss (and no tethering plan!)." Is that too good to be true (even though we probably all expected that that would be possible when the iPhone first arrived).
I would imagine you would still need tethering support from the carrier...
In iOS 7, there's the button to set up a hotspot, but if your plan doesn't support it, it was just say to contact your carrier. I imagine the new feature just eliminates the steps of going into Settings on your iPhone, but that a supportive plan is still required.
What do we know about Instant Hotspot? It sounds like "you can use your iPhone as your internet connection for you Mac or MacBook with no fuss-no muss (and no tethering plan!)." Is that too good to be true (even though we probably all expected that that would be possible when the iPhone first arrived).
You need a tethering plan, but it saves the all that anti-Apple-like rigamorale of having to toggle Hotspot off/on (if you leave it on after you stop using it) and then having to manually connect these devices.
Indeed, it appears that this system works on file exchange, and therefore would not work with web forms.
But think about how much you type into web forms these days. Like this one.
I doubt it will actually exchange files between the iOS device and the Mac, and I think the article is a bit misleading on it:
Quote: (AI Article)
"Clicking on the Mac-side pop-up opens the app and transports the user's most recent action data from the iOS device
I bet the feature will work strictly via iCloud, and the only information exchanged between device and Mac is the iCloud "access point" / URL or whatever. Only to the extent I am working in an iCloud-enabled app on the "sender" device it will be possible to "transfer" the current state of the work to the other device / Mac. Therefore, at least so far, forms in webpages will not be transferred (whereas the URL will, as the URL history is shared via iCloud).
All educated guesses above, I am not a developer and I don't have installed or plan to install any beta of iOS8 or Yosemite.
I doubt it will actually exchange files between the iOS device and the Mac, and I think the article is a bit misleading on it:
I bet the feature will work strictly via iCloud, and the only information exchanged between device and Mac is the iCloud "access point" / URL or whatever. Only to the extent I am working in an iCloud-enabled app on the "sender" device it will be possible to "transfer" the current state of the work to the other device / Mac. Therefore, at least so far, forms in webpages will not be transferred (whereas the URL will, as the URL history is shared via iCloud).
All educated guesses above, I am not a developer and I don't have installed or plan to install any beta of iOS8 or Yosemite.
Possibly, but Notes and Reminders text have been synced between devices for years and the new feature will sync an opened Mail document's text so I don't think we should discount that as being part of its feature set. If not now, I think that will eventually arrive.
edit: I'd love to test it out but so far hardly anything in Continuity is working for me.
Possibly, but Notes and Reminders text have been synced between devices for years and the new feature will sync an opened Mail document's text so I don't think we should discount that as being part of its feature set. If not now, I think that will eventually arrive.
edit: I'd love to test it out but so far hardly anything in Continuity is working for me.
But that syncing didn't actually occur between the devices, but rather via the cloud (be it iCloud or an unchristened Apple cloud), did it?
I am pretty convinced that iCloud syncing will just become more granular and will sync not only complete emails (or any other kind of working document by an Continuity-enabled app) but rather any edits, just as in Pages or Numbers.
What do you mean, "starting a response"? "Hello Mr. Glockenspiel,"...then decide? Or type several paragraphs, THEN decide?
Technically, there's no difference.
Indeed, it appears that this system works on file exchange, and therefore would not work with web forms.
But think about how much you type into web forms these days. Like this one.
I think you answered your own question but AI forum software already handles the hand off. In fact, I am doing that very thing right now. I'm typing this message in Safari and in Chrome at the same time (just as a test). When typing a message notice at the bottom of the screen is says "Draft Saved". That is what allows you pick up where you left off on another device.
I think you answered your own question but AI forum software already handle the hand off. In I am doing that very thing right now. I'm typing this message in Safari and in Chrome at the same time (just as a test). When typing a message notice at the bottom of the screen is says "Draft Saved". That is what allows you pick up where you left off on another device.
Yeah, but that's the forum software doing it, not the iOS stuff. That's going to work on one system and not another. I want it *everywhere*. Especially the Wiki.
Yeah, but that's the forum software doing it, not the iOS stuff. That's going to work on one system and not another. I want it *everywhere*. Especially the Wiki.
Sure I know that. You are a programmer so I'm sure you could imagine how it could be done. It is actually a piece of cake. Apple could embed some javascript in every web page you visit much like my AI killer scriptlet works, but it would just automatically run every time a page loaded. If you are logged into iCloud the javascript, having already walked DOM, knows what you are typing in multiple form fields. It then sends all the key strokes to iCloud. When you open another device. It would ask you if you wanted continue editing...and presto. Very tedious scripting but the main thing is, it would be a privacy violation, especially if the form was in an SSL page. It is really up to the web programmers to provide that sort of functionality.
I have both a iPhone 5 and macbook pro 2012 and i got all the features to work. it took me about 3 days to figure it out. the problem that i had is that i couldn't connect my phone to my computer via bluetooth. i found a way around this by using tethering to connect via bluetooth and all the features worked then. So hopefully they will catch that problem and fix it.
The lack of reading comprehension in this thread is staggering. I read at least four questions that are answered in the article before I decided to stop reading and start complaining instead.
Fer cryin' out loud people, READ the freakin' article! Otherwise I waste time reading your posts with the expectation that there's something interesting or useful there.
(To the many, many, helpful and informed users of this forum, sorry for adding ANOTHER post that is, for you, pointless.)
What I would really like to know is if I can use the same functionality between a Mac desktop and a Mac laptop, because I want to work in the office on a Mac desktop and then take a laptop out with me on site. I want to have the same documents working the same way (sync) on both.
Can anyone confirm this is possible?
That happens in Pages etc via iCloud anyway, as long as you have an Internet connection.
What I would really like to know is if I can use the same functionality between a Mac desktop and a Mac laptop, because I want to work in the office on a Mac desktop and then take a laptop out with me on site. I want to have the same documents working the same way (sync) on both.
Can anyone confirm this is possible?
They said both ways on IOS to IOS and Mac to IOS, so I assume Mac to Mac as well.
The question is whether they also send over the content of edit fields, like the one I'm typing into now.
My major workflow issue is starting a response on a web page on my iPhone, and then deciding I'd like to move to the desktop because it's going to be long.
Seems to be per app on that one
If they solve that problem, I'll buy another iPhone.
5S on iOS 8 beta 1 and Macbook Pro 15 2010 on Yosemite beta 1 would only do calls on the Mac. I could not handoff safari, iMessage or anything else. Hopefully will be fixed in next beta. Early days.
If I have three half finished emails and two Numbers document open and in progress in my work Mac.... How will this transfer to my iPhone? And when I get home will I be able to open Mail and Numbers on my home Mac and continue work? Anybody know?
As I understand it, the handoff feature will only work for the active app and document - it will not present you with a list of open apps and documents to choose from.
However, for any app that saves your work in iCloud, you already have the capability to access the document from any device.
The trick lies in how frequently document edits are auto-saved to iCloud and how quickly those changes are made available to other devices. Currently, it can take minutes for document changes to sync to iCloud and I don't believe edits are saved in real time. According to Apple, "Auto Save in OS X Lion saves during pauses in your work and, if you work continuously, it will save after 5 minutes."
I wish they would create a unified messenger API other providers could tap into and/or make open iMessages to other OSs...
I wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon. Remember that Apple needs to differentiate their products in order to compete against Android. If they made all their features available to other platforms it would basically be a free lunch for their competitors and Apple would reap no rewards in either marketshare or customer perception. Look at all the amazing features Apple has introduced since the first iPhone which are now taken for granted as just "normal."
Apple's business model is based on smart devices using dumb data cloud storage. Google's business model is focused smart cloud services accessible on any dumb device. Neither company can afford to undermine its business model.
One issue with iOS 8 Safari is that automatic minimization of the page top eliminates the tab bar -- you must scroll down a bit in the forum (losing your place) in order to make the tab bar reappear.
iPad or iPhone?
Not running iOS 8, but in iOS 7 on the iPhone, the URL bar minimizes when your scroll, forcing you to scroll up slightly to get it to go back to normal. Or you can click on it.
iPad ...
Never even thought of tapping on it!
What do we know about Instant Hotspot? It sounds like "you can use your iPhone as your internet connection for you Mac or MacBook with no fuss-no muss (and no tethering plan!)." Is that too good to be true (even though we probably all expected that that would be possible when the iPhone first arrived).
What do we know about Instant Hotspot? It sounds like "you can use your iPhone as your internet connection for you Mac or MacBook with no fuss-no muss (and no tethering plan!)." Is that too good to be true (even though we probably all expected that that would be possible when the iPhone first arrived).
I would imagine you would still need tethering support from the carrier...
In iOS 7, there's the button to set up a hotspot, but if your plan doesn't support it, it was just say to contact your carrier. I imagine the new feature just eliminates the steps of going into Settings on your iPhone, but that a supportive plan is still required.
You need a tethering plan, but it saves the all that anti-Apple-like rigamorale of having to toggle Hotspot off/on (if you leave it on after you stop using it) and then having to manually connect these devices.
Technically, there's no difference.
Indeed, it appears that this system works on file exchange, and therefore would not work with web forms.
But think about how much you type into web forms these days. Like this one.
I doubt it will actually exchange files between the iOS device and the Mac, and I think the article is a bit misleading on it:
I bet the feature will work strictly via iCloud, and the only information exchanged between device and Mac is the iCloud "access point" / URL or whatever. Only to the extent I am working in an iCloud-enabled app on the "sender" device it will be possible to "transfer" the current state of the work to the other device / Mac. Therefore, at least so far, forms in webpages will not be transferred (whereas the URL will, as the URL history is shared via iCloud).
All educated guesses above, I am not a developer and I don't have installed or plan to install any beta of iOS8 or Yosemite.
Possibly, but Notes and Reminders text have been synced between devices for years and the new feature will sync an opened Mail document's text so I don't think we should discount that as being part of its feature set. If not now, I think that will eventually arrive.
edit: I'd love to test it out but so far hardly anything in Continuity is working for me.
Possibly, but Notes and Reminders text have been synced between devices for years and the new feature will sync an opened Mail document's text so I don't think we should discount that as being part of its feature set. If not now, I think that will eventually arrive.
edit: I'd love to test it out but so far hardly anything in Continuity is working for me.
But that syncing didn't actually occur between the devices, but rather via the cloud (be it iCloud or an unchristened Apple cloud), did it?
I am pretty convinced that iCloud syncing will just become more granular and will sync not only complete emails (or any other kind of working document by an Continuity-enabled app) but rather any edits, just as in Pages or Numbers.
What do you mean, "starting a response"? "Hello Mr. Glockenspiel,"...then decide? Or type several paragraphs, THEN decide?
Technically, there's no difference.
Indeed, it appears that this system works on file exchange, and therefore would not work with web forms.
But think about how much you type into web forms these days. Like this one.
I think you answered your own question but AI forum software already handles the hand off. In fact, I am doing that very thing right now. I'm typing this message in Safari and in Chrome at the same time (just as a test). When typing a message notice at the bottom of the screen is says "Draft Saved". That is what allows you pick up where you left off on another device.
I think you answered your own question but AI forum software already handle the hand off. In I am doing that very thing right now. I'm typing this message in Safari and in Chrome at the same time (just as a test). When typing a message notice at the bottom of the screen is says "Draft Saved". That is what allows you pick up where you left off on another device.
Yeah, but that's the forum software doing it, not the iOS stuff. That's going to work on one system and not another. I want it *everywhere*. Especially the Wiki.
Yeah, but that's the forum software doing it, not the iOS stuff. That's going to work on one system and not another. I want it *everywhere*. Especially the Wiki.
Sure I know that. You are a programmer so I'm sure you could imagine how it could be done. It is actually a piece of cake. Apple could embed some javascript in every web page you visit much like my AI killer scriptlet works, but it would just automatically run every time a page loaded. If you are logged into iCloud the javascript, having already walked DOM, knows what you are typing in multiple form fields. It then sends all the key strokes to iCloud. When you open another device. It would ask you if you wanted continue editing...and presto. Very tedious scripting but the main thing is, it would be a privacy violation, especially if the form was in an SSL page. It is really up to the web programmers to provide that sort of functionality.
I have both a iPhone 5 and macbook pro 2012 and i got all the features to work. it took me about 3 days to figure it out. the problem that i had is that i couldn't connect my phone to my computer via bluetooth. i found a way around this by using tethering to connect via bluetooth and all the features worked then. So hopefully they will catch that problem and fix it.
The lack of reading comprehension in this thread is staggering. I read at least four questions that are answered in the article before I decided to stop reading and start complaining instead.
Fer cryin' out loud people, READ the freakin' article! Otherwise I waste time reading your posts with the expectation that there's something interesting or useful there.
(To the many, many, helpful and informed users of this forum, sorry for adding ANOTHER post that is, for you, pointless.)
What I would really like to know is if I can use the same functionality between a Mac desktop and a Mac laptop, because I want to work in the office on a Mac desktop and then take a laptop out with me on site. I want to have the same documents working the same way (sync) on both.
Can anyone confirm this is possible?
That happens in Pages etc via iCloud anyway, as long as you have an Internet connection.
That happens in Pages etc via iCloud anyway, as long as you have an Internet connection.
I would really love to see this happen WITHOUT iCloud - via bluetooth preferably AND not just Pages documents... am I dreaming?
They said both ways on IOS to IOS and Mac to IOS, so I assume Mac to Mac as well.
Wow! The Voight-Kampff will be a part of Google's tools to harvest information!
Yes, I would feel emotional distress viewing a picture of a turtle stuck on its back.
If I have three half finished emails and two Numbers document open and in progress in my work Mac.... How will this transfer to my iPhone? And when I get home will I be able to open Mail and Numbers on my home Mac and continue work? Anybody know?
As I understand it, the handoff feature will only work for the active app and document - it will not present you with a list of open apps and documents to choose from.
However, for any app that saves your work in iCloud, you already have the capability to access the document from any device.
The trick lies in how frequently document edits are auto-saved to iCloud and how quickly those changes are made available to other devices. Currently, it can take minutes for document changes to sync to iCloud and I don't believe edits are saved in real time. According to Apple, "Auto Save in OS X Lion saves during pauses in your work and, if you work continuously, it will save after 5 minutes."
I wish they would create a unified messenger API other providers could tap into and/or make open iMessages to other OSs...
I wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon. Remember that Apple needs to differentiate their products in order to compete against Android. If they made all their features available to other platforms it would basically be a free lunch for their competitors and Apple would reap no rewards in either marketshare or customer perception. Look at all the amazing features Apple has introduced since the first iPhone which are now taken for granted as just "normal."
Apple's business model is based on smart devices using dumb data cloud storage. Google's business model is focused smart cloud services accessible on any dumb device. Neither company can afford to undermine its business model.