Apple's 'Photos' for OS X to come with pro-level image search, editing, plugins, more



  • Reply 61 of 92
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    Originally Posted by photoshop59 View Post


    Apple Cedes Pro Photography Market - another example of Cookie Monster's failed leadership.  Cut prices, and incremental upgrades do NOT an Apple Make.  Pathetic.


    oh except that theyre selling more devices than every before and the stock has gone way up since the day Cook took the helm. oh and that theyre the most profitable tech company in the history of the species, and the only company from the '70s and '80s still making PCs. 


    but yeah other than that, totally pathetic. 


    hey can you send me the link to your resume again? i want to see all of your marvelous accomplishments as CEO of....what was it, again?

  • Reply 62 of 92
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    Originally Posted by photoshop59 View Post


    cookie monster [blah blah blah]


    i know you think youre pretty clever when you use that witty phrase, but it isnt and you arent.

  • Reply 63 of 92
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    Originally Posted by daveinpublic View Post

    Photos app looks awesome - can't wait to get it, and it's free on my Mac! This looks like what Lightroom should have been. Lightroom has nice features, but it's so clunky, especially compared to this..


    two different tools for two different use cases. 


    not unlike the drill section of your local hardware store -- there isnt one tool for everybody.

  • Reply 64 of 92
    darryn lowedarryn lowe Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Here’s what I want from iCloud:


    Document on my Mac Pro. Document on my MacBook Pro. Document on my iPad.

    It’s the same document. Three files, three locations. Not stored in the cloud.

    When I make a change on one, the change is made on the other two.


    New document created on my Mac Pro.

    That new document is created automatically on my MacBook Pro and my iPad.

    Identical folder trees on each, within my local account. Meaning that if I create a new folder in Documents, name it something, and drag existing files there from elsewhere, I want that all to happen on my other devices at the same time.

    No storage. Screw keeping MY content in someone else’s hands. iCloud as a conduit for syncing local content across all my devices. But I am still in possession of the files.


    Unfortunately, iCloud seems to be trending toward Steve’s reality (at NeXT)/dream (for everyone) of “dumb terminal/server stores account/login anywhere and see your things”.

    And how pre tel do you think all of that will be achieved without some intermediary network system? Doing this manually is going to get to be a versioning nightmare and iCloud currently ALREADY does this. Document management systems like Devon Think Pro Office and the now defunct Doo are pretty bad at managing this as well.


    From my experience iCloud has now become THE means to pull all of this off nicely. It really does work well with the added benefit of being able to make changes live on the web. Manual systems don't allow that.


    Everyone is all whingy moany about cloud storage but I'll tell you this for free their backup regimes will trounce anything you've implemented and so your data will pretty much be safe leaving the most likely cause of document failure being YOU. Hell, I can pretty much bet that Apple's backup regime trounces most intense corporate backup regimes and unlike Google or Microsoft Apple only stores your files they don't do anything themselves with them.


    iCloud is NOT evil and in fact is the most logical and most beneficial system for most consumers and having everything stored there isn't the big bad thing people claim it to be. That being said if you have a crap internet connection it gets difficult but that's not Apple's fault it's YOUR telco or maybe even YOUR own fault for being too cheap to buy a decent internet connection.


    Note: The use of YOUR in this post is a collective use not a specific use. I am not telling Tallest Skil that he is cheap...

  • Reply 65 of 92
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,130member

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post



    take a look at how they do it for music -- chances are, it's pretty similar. ill save you some time -- youre free to keep as much local on the device as you can fit. 


    do you really think theyd force you to use icloud connectivity *only*? really?

    Well...they did remove the floppy disk drive, then the CD/DVD drive. There's a discussion about removing the headphone jack from the iPhone. Who know's what's next on the chopping block?

  • Reply 66 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Darryn Lowe View Post

    I am not telling Tallest Skil that he is cheap...

    No, you’re just telling me–and everyone else–that you don’t for a second comprehend what I said here. And you’re wrong about some other things you said that I didn’t.


    It’s “pray tell”, too.

  • Reply 67 of 92
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    If Apple adds iCloud APIs for one to have their own in-house NAS be a point of presence in iCloud I imagine it would open the door for Apple to expand their hardware ecosystem.

    I just wrote in a reply to Soli's post in another thread the same wish. Personal iCloud computing using the built in Back To My Mac functionality, but better.
    Marvin wrote: »
    I'd prefer it that way too, have iCloud as a version tracker or something and sync the large files locally. There's little point in pushing hundreds of MBs of data onto the internet and back down when the iOS devices are sitting next to a computer. 802.11n or ac will move those huge files in seconds vs minutes/hours via the internet and iCloud could have an optional backup.
    This is where Apple could make an iOS Server rather than a Mac server and it would be much cheaper than the Mini. Their Airport Time Capsule is supposed to do some of the required functionality like wireless backups of multiples devices but it needs more:

    If you are out and about listening to music on an iPhone, it should be possible to tell it that the song is rubbish and you don't ever want to hear it again. When you do this, it would send a message to iCloud marking that song to be removed and the local server at home would pick up on that message and mark the song for removal from your personal library. This can happen with photos, photo edits, emails and so on. It can confirm all destructive changes on the source server.

    Because iOS has such a lightweight interface, the iOS server can be managed using a virtual interface like how the iOS simulator works. You'd then be able to open up settings panels or apps and manage the server's content just as you would on an iPhone or iPad even using an iPhone or iPad in the house.

    They could give it all the features of OS X Server:

    Things like XCode version control. They could even allow you to develop apps on iOS devices using Swift and sync the files through your local server and via iCloud when in remote locations but you'd be able to check out a project remotely on an iPad as your local server would be hooked to the network 24/7.

    Echoing my thoughts and multiple posts regarding the same vision well over a year a go.

    BTW: not to be a total boring " I told ya so" tool, but I as well as a few other regulars tackled this subject of Photos, extensions (plugins) and Cloud storage sync in the previous thread this week. A few of us were dead on with everything in this recent "revelational" post.

    None of this surprises me, nor I'm sure many of the others that can think beyond yesterday and last years way if doing things. Naturally, we also happen to be the half-glass-full types that find new solutions and visionary tech fun, rather than be bored by yesterday's compromises, nor bitch and moan without first learning and investigating the subject, or just want to be today's popular kid on the block with our Apple Sucks troll posts... just sayin'....:smokey:
  • Reply 68 of 92
    lorin schultzlorin schultz Posts: 2,771member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    [...] nor bitch and moan without first learning and investigating the subject


    They're not separate activities -- the former is the catalyst for the latter.


    I bitch and moan about how Final Cut Pro is no longer pro. Some user gets bent out of shape by the ignorance of the remark and posts loads of material that describes its advanced features. I sit back and learn without even leaving the forum!


    (Just in case it's not obvious, I'm kidding.)

  • Reply 69 of 92
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    They're not separate activities -- the former is the catalyst for the latter.

    I bitch and moan about how Final Cut Pro is no longer pro. Some user gets bent out of shape by the ignorance of the remark and posts loads of material that describes its advanced features. I sit back and learn without even leaving the forum!

    [SIZE=12px](Just in case it's not obvious, I'm kidding.)[/SIZE]

    Slick you old dodger. Although I have to admit, I don't just come around to these parts to get pissed off continuously by the trolls. There's quite a few clever cookies roaming around here if you egg them on enough to devolve their tech secrets. If there's one saving grace for allowing the trolls extended play time, it's because you just might learn something from the Apple Posse beating them continuously over the head with their stone-cold Tablets of Tech Truth. :smokey:
  • Reply 70 of 92
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Here’s what I want from iCloud:

    Document on my Mac Pro. Document on my MacBook Pro. Document on my iPad.
    It’s the same document. Three files, three locations. Not stored in the cloud.
    When I make a change on one, the change is made on the other two.

    New document created on my Mac Pro.
    That new document is created automatically on my MacBook Pro and my iPad.
    Identical folder trees on each, within my local account. Meaning that if I create a new folder in Documents, name it something, and drag existing files there from elsewhere, I want that all to happen on my other devices at the same time.

    No storage. Screw keeping MY content in someone else’s hands. iCloud as a conduit for syncing local content across all my devices. But I am still in possession of the files.

    Unfortunately, iCloud seems to be trending toward Steve’s reality (at NeXT)/dream (for everyone) of “dumb terminal/server stores account/login anywhere and see your things”.

    Documents through the Cloud rather than Documents in the Cloud. I think they're going for local app-managed caches for a cloud-based backing store providing both ubiquity & resilience. A LAN-based local "cloud" would be ideal for performance & privacy.

    I don't think people should be so worried & go running just yet. The Extensions in OSX allow inter-app function sharing so you can work up your photos & videos with your favorite editors and keep everything managed & available. That would be something & I think that's where Apple & Adobe are talking.

  • Reply 71 of 92
    aussiepaulaussiepaul Posts: 144member
    As a serious photographer this photos app has fail written all over it, like FCPX. You think they'd learn. I'm very disappointed that Apple has indeed ceded the pro photography market to Adobe. Next they'll stop supporting bootcamp too. Apple better have some pro photographers with a variety of workflows working on this app. I bet they don't.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by McDave View Post

    Documents through the Cloud rather than Documents in the Cloud.


    Yes, exactly. That’s a great way of putting it.

  • Reply 73 of 92
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    andysol wrote: »
    When they say "third party applications"- does this mean we can get actions? If so- that'd be huge for the general consumer- essentially competing with Photoshop elements

    "Actions" are already built into iPhoto and Aperture. You can create your own using Automator.

    Have a look at some of the videos on this YouTube channel. Some short, some long... but quite a few simple gems if you're in to saving time.
  • Reply 74 of 92
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    "Actions" are already built into iPhoto and Aperture. You can create your own using Automator.

    Have a look at some of the videos on this YouTube channel. Some short, some long... but quite a few simple gems if you're in to saving time.



    What I prefer about Elements is that I can download actions from other sources and simply plug them in.  It doesn't look like I could do that with Automator

  • Reply 75 of 92
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    two different tools for two different use cases. 

    not unlike the drill section of your local hardware store -- there isnt one tool for everybody.

    I'm actually aware if what Lightroom, aperture, photos, iPhoto, after effects, Fcpx/7, blender, motion, dream weaver, gimp, illustrator, flash, logic... Etc etc. do cause I've used them all for personal projects and for work (except photos). I'm saying for the basics that Lightroom does, they need to make it way simpler. Compared to Photoshop it's like a toy. Toys are fun, but why is it so clunky? I think photos will be able to dethrone Lightroom for 90% of users. Once again, apple taking 90% of users and making their life 100% better. Plus it'll be free. Imagine making a photo stream for your wedding clients preview.
  • Reply 76 of 92
    philotechphilotech Posts: 106member

    Originally Posted by tenly View Post

    I've been wanting something like this for a long time. I would buy an apple server for my home if it had the capability of running iTunes 24/7 and I could sync/ backup ALL of my devices to my server in my home at LAN speeds. From the server, it could trickle up all, or a portion of my data to iCloud for offsite storage - but the current mechanism of going directly to and from icloud for everything is slow, inefficient and uses more of my bandwidth than is necessary!

    It would also be nice to be able to store all of my purchased video content locally within my home rather than transferring it from the cloud everytime I want to watch it on Apple TV or a 16GB IPad.

    In an albeit rather 'dumb' way, you can do most of this with any Network Attached Server, such as those from Western Digital, Synology of QNAP. Unlike suggested elsewhere in this thread, those NAS by no means provide any kind of 'Apple API', but are basically limited to file syncing and, separately, photo syncing including auto-upload as provided by all the other Dropbox-like services which do not integrate with the Apple iCloud.

  • Reply 77 of 92
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    Here’s what I want from iCloud:

    Document on my Mac Pro. Document on my MacBook Pro. Document on my iPad.
    It’s the same document. Three files, three locations. Not stored in the cloud.
    When I make a change on one, the change is made on the other two.

    New document created on my Mac Pro.
    That new document is created automatically on my MacBook Pro and my iPad.
    Identical folder trees on each, within my local account. Meaning that if I create a new folder in Documents, name it something, and drag existing files there from elsewhere, I want that all to happen on my other devices at the same time.

    No storage. Screw keeping MY content in someone else’s hands. iCloud as a conduit for syncing local content across all my devices. But I am still in possession of the files.

    Unfortunately, iCloud seems to be trending toward Steve’s reality (at NeXT)/dream (for everyone) of “dumb terminal/server stores account/login anywhere and see your things”.
    And how pre tel do you think all of that will be achieved without some intermediary network system? Doing this manually is going to get to be a versioning nightmare and iCloud currently ALREADY does this. Document management systems like Devon Think Pro Office and the now defunct Doo are pretty bad at managing this as well.

    From my experience iCloud has now become THE means to pull all of this off nicely. It really does work well with the added benefit of being able to make changes live on the web. Manual systems don't allow that.

    Everyone is all whingy moany about cloud storage but I'll tell you this for free their backup regimes will trounce anything you've implemented and so your data will pretty much be safe leaving the most likely cause of document failure being YOU. Hell, I can pretty much bet that Apple's backup regime trounces most intense corporate backup regimes and unlike Google or Microsoft Apple only stores your files they don't do anything themselves with them.

    iCloud is NOT evil and in fact is the most logical and most beneficial system for most consumers and having everything stored there isn't the big bad thing people claim it to be. That being said if you have a crap internet connection it gets difficult but that's not Apple's fault it's YOUR telco or maybe even YOUR own fault for being too cheap to buy a decent internet connection.

    Note: The use of YOUR in this post is a collective use not a specific use. I am not telling Tallest Skil that he is cheap...

    You make a good point about versioning. I share TS's viewpoint, but the fatal flaw is versioning. If you sync devices locally but avoid iCloud, what happens when you take and edit a photo on your phone? Everything gets out of sync once again.

    Edit: in the end, it's about getting round storage limitations. If iOS devices had as much storage as Macs, you could go with local syncing. But the only way to have access to all photos and videos come Yosemite is through iCloud; that's where local sync won't work well. When the iPhone has 3TB capacity, local sync is viable.
  • Reply 78 of 92
    Already working on the updates and getting our apps ready for Yosemite.
    From what we hear and read, this WILL be a new way to manage/edit/share photos on the Mac.
    Super exciting, but takes loads of developers' work.
  • Reply 79 of 92
    It seems that many of these threads die off.... but I'd still like to give a heads up to some new developments in photo organization.

    I posted above a few weeks ago how I envision Apple's Photo app to be in the future, which will replace iPhoto and Aperture. Lo and behold, a company has created what I *think* Apple will also be doing.

    Released at the PhotoExpo in New York... if you're serious about synced photo organization and editing across platforms, devices... with and without the cloud.... you owe yourself 2 minutes to watch the video and another 2 to read the write-up at PetaPixel.

    [URL=]Mylio: A Compelling New Way to Organize and Access All Your Photos from Anywhere[/URL]


    *** Special heads up go out to [@]PhilBoogie[/@], [@]Dick Applebaum[/@], [@]Tallest Skil[/@], [@]Marvin[/@], [@]digitalclips[/@]... what do you guys think?
  • Reply 80 of 92
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    ... what do you guys think?

    Good find! Wow, well, that certainly looks like what Apple has said about the Photos app, and the integration with iOS & a webbrowser. I really wish this will be a home run, as I am having quite a few 'issues' with 10.10 and iTunes12. Early 2015 can't come soon enough. And if it's not 'upto snuff' I'll simply continue to use Aperture.

    OT: happy to see this post notification seeing dropped into my inbox. New articles and posts from people I follow don't make it through over email anymore. I tried disabling / re-enabling it, no dice. Also changed email providers which didn't fix it. So if anyone thinks I'm being lame for not responding it could be I had no idea about your post in the first place.
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