Phill Schiller's explanation why tower sales are off

in General Discussion edited January 2014
"We believe that many of our pro customers are waiting for applications to come available to OSX" -Phill Schiller (in that affect)

< in dr. evil voice >



  • Reply 1 of 3
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Substitute "applications" with "faster towers", and "OSX" with "them", and that's about right.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    buggybuggy Posts: 83member
    He has a real point. Classic mode in OSX is incompatible with NT networks. MANY pros work on NT networks. Currently you can not operate a print facility that uses NT as its network and use OSX. Pagemaker, inDesign and Quark are not yet available for OSX.

    Also with Photoshop missing from the line up... it pretty much strangles anyone on an NT network if they want to use OSX.

    OS9 works problems other than the usual ones. They OSX team really screwed up on Networking in my opinion.

    If one of those professional companies has any custom software that is not OSX...then they have 3 choices.

    1) Change their Network system

    2) Wait for Apple to fix their %$@#-up

    3) Stay with OS 9

    While this doesn't really answer the why no hardware... because you can use OS9. I can understand large scale professional set ups, being very cautious with Apple when the field that gave Apple its start (DTP) is completely left out of their plans with the OSX change over.

    I wouldn't be suprised if many are thinking of leaving Apple. I realize the individual artisans will complain. But the managment will have all they need to make the change over.

    "Apple's systems are incompatible with our systems, and we shouldn't have to change the way we work to accomodate Apples errors."

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Buggy ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Phil is not gonna say that new PM are on the way.
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