'iPhone 6' will lack sapphire cover but gain 128GB variant, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says



  • Reply 41 of 52
    I'll bet you don't have many Safari tabs open and aren't trying to run Lightroom at the same time.  If so, the system would be extremely frustrating to use.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "many" tabs in Safari, but I usually run about a half dozen tabs open. And you're right, I don't run Lightroom. I don't find the computer to be slow or frustrating, but then, as I mentioned before, a lot of users don't use their Apple products in a way that calls for high specs.

    I do use my 27" iMac for image manipulation and such, but my portable if for other uses.
    If the exodus to Android accelerates then Apple's losing both market share and users.  I agree that Apple cannot compete on commodity products, but that doesn't mean they can't add a bit more RAM on the low end.  It's a minor expense that could have a profound effect on usability and thus customer satisfaction and loyality.  

    I don't see any exodus by Apple customers to Android. There may be some leakage by users who haven't developed any brand loyalty or realize the advantages of the Apple ecosystem. I've never seen any numbers. At the time when the Macintosh was getting kicked around the worst during Steve's absence, the cross-over from Mac to PC was still only 5%.

    Now, new users to smart phones is trending toward Android, but of that crowd, Apple usually gets the users who use e their phones to do more then facebook, texting and email. These are more naturally the commodity smart phone buyers, not Apple customers anyway.
    Base iPhone storage hasn't changed in years, while user needs grow every year.  Something must give in such an equation.

    Some background history: The iPhone debuted as a 4Gb base model. Eventually that changed to 8Gb and then 16Gb. It's about time for that to change again and 32 Gb would be expected. This is the cycle when Apple usually makes the largest HW advances and raising the high end to 128Gb may indicate they are raising the base model too.

    They have carefully crafted their brand to appeal to users based upon other values.
    You mean "values" as in hating on gays and fearing science?  (j/k)  "Branding" is for political hacks, marketing sophists, and cattle ranchers.  Focus on the product, and reputation naturally follows.  

    I think you are deliberately being facetious. Of course I didn't mean moral values. However I do agree with you on the "branding" issue, to a degree. Apple focuses on the customer experience; that's pretty evident by their advertising showing customers having a good experience with their products. Samsung, on the other hand, focuses on the product and will rattle off the specs of their products, as if by wanting those specs, the customer will buy the product.

    Specification promoting is a passing form of advertising. It is still useful, but is giving way to customer satisfaction advertising - especially of non-commodity products.

    However, Samsung is stuck with the Android OS, so it is advertising to steal potential customers from other Android manufacturers while trying to position themselves as a true Apple competitor. Very clever positioning!
  • Reply 42 of 52
    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    I'm not sure what you mean by "many" tabs in Safari, but I usually run about a half dozen tabs open. And you're right, I don't run Lightroom. I don't find the computer to be slow or frustrating, but then, as I mentioned before, a lot of users don't use their Apple products in a way that calls for high specs.



    Half a dozen tabs isn't much.  Spinning beachball is number one complaint I hear from Mac users.  Usually if they drop in more RAM, the complaints go away.  These are average users, not doing multitasking.



    I don't see any exodus by Apple customers to Android.





    I think you are deliberately being facetious. 


    That's what "j/k" meant.  "Just kidding".  



    However, Samsung is stuck with the Android OS, so it is advertising to steal potential customers from other Android manufacturers while trying to position themselves as a true Apple competitor. Very clever positioning!


    Samsung's problem is that they lard up Android with their own crappy GUI, but that's their choice.  Android is a very good OS and it's improvement curve reminds me of OS X's early development.  In some ways Android is more potent than iOS, but stability and performance still lag.  In another version or two, Android may well surpass iOS given the snail's pace of iOS development.  New GUI styles and icons don't count, I'm talking real features and functionality.



    Now, new users to smart phones is trending toward Android, but of that crowd, Apple usually gets the users who use e their phones to do more then facebook, texting and email. 


    iOS is very good for certain specialized applications, but Android is more configurable and versatile, so each system draws a certain kind of power user.  I will say that when I looked into buying an iPad for reading, I was horrified to discover that Calibre Companion is unavailable for iOS.  The only option is iBooks, which is worse than useless for anyone with their own book collection.  I went with a Nexus 7 and haven't looked back.  Google's keyboard is 5 years ahead of iOS's and another cool thing about Android is file management.  I can connect to my Android file system via my home WLAN and dump documents directly onto it from my Mac without using some cloud.  That's a big deal for me since I can't afford to burn up bandwidth (rural area, no unlimited broadband available).  


    So for my needs, the iPad is a slick toy, versus the Nexus 7 being an advanced tool.  

  • Reply 43 of 52
    mpantone wrote: »
    Pageviews, silly.

    We have covered this topic multiple times. This is an Apple rumor site that worships the Almighty Pageview. If you want news, go read the New York Times or Wall Street Journal.

    If you want to read ludicrous twaddle that is wrong >95% of the time, along with hilariously asinine reader commentary, then enjoy this site (and others like MacRumors, 9to5Mac, BGR, Engadget, etc.).

    But stop asking why the site operator post garbage. That's their business model.
    Beautifully described. Especially the asinine reader commentary part. Brought a tear to my eye ????

    Might I suggest ????????????, if you are to reflect the spirit of hilarious asininity?
  • Reply 44 of 52
    techlover wrote: »
    That is not happening. iCloud and network connectivity will become more ubiquitous before Apple ads any extra storage slots to their mobile devices.

    So you are saying it will never happen, and I agree.  I don't really think that apple will ever offer a micro sd slot on any of their ios devices.  But I can dream. 

    The unfortunate thing is that icloud and network connectivity don't come anywhere close to the reliability of on board storage.   Great for backups, but 100% worthless if I'm not connected to a high speed network like LTE or wifi.  Not to mention the cost of data these days.  

    How sweet would that be to get the 128gig new device, and then slap in another 128gigs on a micro sd? 

    Sorry to break it to you, but you need to crush your dream. Micro sd ain't gonna happen.
  • Reply 45 of 52
    Might I suggest ????????????, if you are to reflect the spirit of hilarious asininity?
    Yes! I should have used the ???? emoji. Totally glossed over that one. Sorry forum-goers.
  • Reply 46 of 52
    Might I suggest ????????????, if you are to reflect the spirit of hilarious asininity?
    Yes! I should have used the ???? emoji. Totally glossed over that one. Sorry forum-goers.

    You're absolved. ????
  • Reply 47 of 52
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Half a dozen tabs isn't much. ...
    So for my needs, .  

    Which is the point. YOUR needs. Others will have other needs: hence choices in the product line. Same reason trucks come in more than just gigantic size.
  • Reply 48 of 52
  • Reply 49 of 52
    This is what I expect iPhone 6 will be, throw in your guesses but this supports most people's wants, apples profit the most, allows them to target small, mid size, and jumbo device sizes, as well allows them a C model of mostly 6 hardware but cheaper then full, and color lovers.

    iPhone 6-4.0 inch-$100(or more) 1800 mah battery 16 gb storage, upgrade to 32 gb at $200(like 5C in thickness and possible color variants)

    iPhone 6-4.7 inch-$200 2100 mah battery 16 gb storage, upgrade to 64 gb for $100 or 128 for another $100

    iPhone 6-5.5 inch-$300 2900 mah battery 32 gb storage, upgrade to 64 and 128 for $100 each
  • Reply 50 of 52
    ^ post

    I am SO hoping they'll release a new 4" one, but nothing points to that. Could be because all i's are focused on the large display models...I still think the 4.7" model looks too large. Tried a similar model in a store the other day and it just feels way too large for a phone; don't want to hold it for phone calling, short or long conversations.

    But I'll be in the minority here, and Apple is always doing things big, so there.
  • Reply 51 of 52

    Originally Posted by Curtis Hannah View Post

    I don't see why 32 gb is skipped.

    Accept that it's a turn off for the buyer at $200 max price and that flash storage is much smaller then it was.

    That makes more since.

    That's what I'm wondering, possible 5.5 will be 32, 64, 128 but 4.7 is 16, 64, 128

    That's the point, this would be higher margins on all

    That is true, still can be a turnoff.

    Yes, that's why it would've favored.

    I see this point, still those that ignore upgrades will be a turnoff.

    i really cant understand.

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