Look at your sig and see why you're a visionless idiot like he was!
That's interesting because I was extraordinarily excited by the iPad, so were my friends. I remember looking forward to it for months. Believe it or not, I actually liked the Nike+ wristband, although I never wore one. But if there's something I absolutely hate, it's having something constantly weighing down on my wrist.
Watching Twitter #AppleLiveEvent (get the pun -- Likes, loves and impending doom for the competition is at an estimate 10 - 15:1. Most are complaining about the Live Steam blackout.
Classic iPhone inspired design. Metal bezel around black face. The crown is new. It doesn't have to be that different, just cool enough to legitimize all the Android watches out there for the Apple haters.
I like it. I like it a lot. I think the implications are huge. Especially with the Fitness app giving you these goals of globally recommended fitness/caloric intake levels. It'll make it that much easier to become healthier.
It also looks nice. It's not ostentatious. It's not in your face. It is customizable. It is not shoehorning a mobile OS into 2" screen. It's not 270º when claiming to be 360º.
Side Note:
Now with HomeKit, HealthKit, and WatchKit, how soon before people start trademarking "_____kit" names?
Looks decent. Nice style, but decent looks.
I’ll bet you can put it on upside down and switch the UI around.
Look at your sig and see why you're a visionless idiot like he was!
That's interesting because I was extraordinarily excited by the iPad, so were my friends. I remember looking forward to it for months. Believe it or not, I actually liked the Nike+ wristband, although I never wore one. But if there's something I absolutely hate, it's having something constantly weighing down on my wrist.
The watch looks great but that whole drawing/swiping thing is gimmicky. I am not going to draw cute little pictures to my friends.
Apple Maps on Apple Watch: getting you to the wrong place at the right time since 2014.
That guy has as much personality as Bill Gates.
YIPEE!!!! It hooks into Facebook!
$299, anyone? What’re the predictions for the cost?
Told ya he was a tool!
I missed the start of the presentation, did they mention battery life?
300.00 - 5000.00... yes 5 Thousand!
Probably "disappointing"
Looks like a typical electronic watch??? Not thin and fugly to boot?? Come on??
You've got to be kidding me!
300.00 - 5000.00... yes 5 Thousand!
At 5 grand I want someone to come and put it on my wrist every morning.
I think it should come with a target for the watch face...
I like it. I like it a lot. I think the implications are huge. Especially with the Fitness app giving you these goals of globally recommended fitness/caloric intake levels. It'll make it that much easier to become healthier.
It also looks nice. It's not ostentatious. It's not in your face. It is customizable. It is not shoehorning a mobile OS into 2" screen. It's not 270º when claiming to be 360º.
Side Note:
Now with HomeKit, HealthKit, and WatchKit, how soon before people start trademarking "_____kit" names?