Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before laun



  • Reply 41 of 242
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post





    ? Watch.


    This just in: Squares are circles!

    Well there's the classic Cartier Tank:


    Rectangle for just under four grand! Stainless steel and a Sapphire crystal too....

  • Reply 42 of 242

    Some pretty nice features (didn't watch the keynote, but followed on twitter and read some site articles), but:


    1. Seems to make life more complicated. As much as technology helps and frees its, I feel it tangles and eats up as much time as it helps - part of it having to do with having to be up to speed with others. Also, before we read newspapers, now we are online even more reading. And having more accessibility to things like libraries and GPS maps can just eat up time).

    2. Charging. Well, about as bad as iPhone, of course, having to charge nightly, but another device to worry about. For regularly 9-5 people, shouldn't present too much of a problem.

    3. Dependent on iPhone (use an iPhone, but no thanks. iPhone gets hosed up, then phone gets hosed up).


    Overall, life is complicated and too much overload as it is. Why complicate matters further and throw on new features?

  • Reply 43 of 242

    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post

    …nightly charging is hardly a feature. Its a PAIN…


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Everyone does it with every battery device they own…

    NO - Everyone does NOT do it with every battery device they own. Thats an absurd statement. Does everyone even on this forum charge their iPad every night? I have a lot of battery (chargeable) devices - most do NOT need an overnight charge.

    Worse is having to take off something strapped to my wrist to charge every night.

  • Reply 44 of 242

    Originally Posted by Soundvision View Post


    I really want this watch and while I will probably get it, I'm really going to have to retrain myself on how I interact with my watch. Currently I have a kinetic Seiko and it never comes off. I wear it in the shower, I wear it in the ocean, sleeping, at the lake, out on the town, etc. It literally never comes off, it never needs to be charged, it just works. It's going to be next to impossible for smart watches to replace that simplicity, but you are also gaining a lot more capabilities with this watch, so there will be pros and cons.


    I don't think that this can be compared to any regular watches at all. I just use a Casio G-Shock, that's solar powered, and it works great. I'll never have to charge that thing for as long as I live, but there is just no comparison at all between an old school watch and the ?Watch.


    If somebody just needs something to tell the time, then don't buy the ?Watch. There are obviously far better options out there.

  • Reply 45 of 242

    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post


    Does everyone even on this forum charge their iPad every night? 


    I do. My iPads get heavy use during the day. I make it a habit to plug them in each night.

  • Reply 46 of 242
    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post

    most do NOT need an overnight charge.

    Need ? do.

  • Reply 47 of 242
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    <a class="H-lightbox-open" href="" style="line-height:1.4em;"><img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="48482" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 249px; height: 261px">

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">? Watch.</span>

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="48480" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 281px; height: 295px">

    This just in: Squares are circles!

    I owned square watches a decade ago. I used to collect watches back when I had money to spare. Point being, the design is not revolutionary in the slightest. Those concept watches made by Joe Schmo look so much more revolutionary.
  • Reply 48 of 242
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Something to remember: Moto Almost 360 is a currently shipping product. Apple watch is not. I'll bet any money there are people on this project spending all their time right now trying to improve battery life.
  • Reply 49 of 242

    Originally Posted by DotComCTO View Post


    FYI - I'm calling it now: the Apple Watch in 42mm in stainless steel (and sapphire crystal) with a stainless steel band will cost $650. The $349 model will be for the Apple Watch Sport with the silicone band.


    I don't have any objections to the $650 price. I also think that the gold models will be over $1000.


    This is not a watch for cheap Fandroids who think that everything should be $99.99 or lower.

  • Reply 50 of 242
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    cali wrote: »
    I owned square watches a decade ago. I used to collect watches back when I had money to spare. Point being, the design is not revolutionary in the slightest. Those concept watches made by Joe Schmo look so much more revolutionary.
    And circular displays are?
  • Reply 51 of 242
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,366member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Something to remember: Moto Almost 360 is a currently shipping product. Apple watch is not. I'll bet any money there are people on this project spending all their time right now trying to improve battery life. both companies.
  • Reply 52 of 242

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'll bet any money there are people on this project spending all their time right now trying to improve battery life.


    Of course there are. You can bet your ass that Apple will be doing a ton of work on the ?Watch before it's final release sometime next year.

  • Reply 53 of 242
    And everyone laughed at the other watches not lasting a day. Even Apple can't do it.
  • Reply 54 of 242
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    gatorguy wrote: » both companies.
    Exactly. My point is Apple hasn't shipped anything yet. No doubt battery life is the biggest reason why.
  • Reply 55 of 242

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    And everyone laughed at the other watches not lasting a day. Even Apple can't do it.


    Actually, we do not yet know that.


    This ?Watch is not yet released, and Apple hasn't released any specs on the battery life yet.

  • Reply 56 of 242
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    rwes wrote: »
    Maybe though, much like they did when the iPhone was first released and they had to think through all the details of an SDK and said one would never be available; that the web would be the app store... they're working on a method to allow paring/use with other non-Apple devices? Just support whats supported over the BT standard with non-apple devices?

    And yeah, I think they could have made it look better - my personal favorite concept below. Yes, something would have had to have been figured out for the strap. I was thinking that batteries could be embedded (thinly) in the wrist strap. Oh well - gen 2, 3 maybe? :)

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="48483" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 112px">

    Yeah good luck convincing you're bro to buy an AppleWatch. I see millions of people lusting over an AppleWatch but settling for a crappy Samsung Gear. If Rolex required ownership of a poodle to buy their watch I would see a lot of millionaires settling for less.
    Like you said, the problem could have been fixed easily, I personally don't have an AppleWatch compatible iPhone and wanted to be the first in my circle of friends to own one. I threw that idea out the window yesterday. WHY THE HELL CAN I NOT USE MY MAC to set it up!???

    I'm hoping gen 2 allows standalone play.

    Regarding battery life. I live in HOT a** Arizona. I run at night, I'd hate to be tracking my run only to have my battery die out. What a mess Apple!!
  • Reply 57 of 242

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    I do. My iPads get heavy use during the day. I make it a habit to plug them in each night.

    Bu the point is iPads are in a completely different battery class than iPhones and wearables. iPads have about 5x the battery so they need 5x less charging than phones and wearables.

  • Reply 58 of 242
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    Needs an iPhone to work.....

    I don't even know where to start. If iPhone had %90 marketshare this would make PERFECT sense. But it doesn't. So in the US iPhone has about %40 marketshare. Now let's assume %30 are AppleWatch compatible. From there how many people are gonna run out and buy an AppleWatch? even assuming a third of them will, only %10 of people who own a smartphone will own AppleWatch and that's best case scenario. This leaves open a HUGE market for Android and others to take smartwatch share. Even though Apple could sell millions more they're just saying "no thanks". If an Android owners think Apple Watch is the greatest thing ever, they need to invest an additional $200 to own one, had the iPhone not been a requirement, AppleWatch would have been a nice bridge into other Apple products. Now it's more like a ladder on top of a building. Maybe we can have a repeat of the iPod and they'll change their minds later because this sounds as ridiculous as having to own a Mac to use an iPod.


    A) Apple doesn't care about share.  It cares about great products.  Great products leads to sales.  Which leads to profit.  Large profits.

    B) Apple supports its own ecosystem first and if necessary will support another.  Supporting Google ecosystem is not necessary.  In fact it's stupid.

    C) The Apple watch will drive more iPhone sales if Android users need an iPhone and want the watch.  Which is your point here:


    Originally Posted by cali View Post


    I don't see how all these iPhone-compatible watches would be good news for Apple.

    If Apple reveals an iWatch I want it to be the only one. I don't want Apple to be the next Android.


    On second thought maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if Apple was the next Apple AND Android. It could be rather strategic to have Apple +other manufacturers on their side swallowing marketshare. Would definitely drive more people to iPhone. They could take it a step further and contract exclusive deals for dozens of manufacturers and completely shove Google/Microsoft off the cliff.


    How does opening up the apple watch to Android help drive anyone to the iPhone or the Apple ecosystem?  It doesn't.  So your objection is stupid even according to you.


    Fandroids would never switch.  Non-fandroids would probably switch given the larger form factor and the less sticky nature of the Google ecosystem (ad driven and freemium apps are less sticky since you can generally move platforms).  They'll probably wait until their contract is up anyway.



    ApplePay is a revolutionary new way to make purchases secured with Touch ID! GREAT!

    AppleWatch works with ApplePay! but lacks Touch ID... So it's either less secure or you have to pull out your phone anyway to scan your fingerprint and then lean your wrist to NFC capable machines. INTUITIVE!!!


    Phones are more easily lost than watches.  Since the watches are paired with phones over a short distance you probably have to lose both for a thief to be able to use ApplePay with the watch alone.  You still maintain 2 factor security (watch + phone vs phone + touch ID).


    Still intuitive and still secure.  



    Don't you people DARE tell me about doubters during the iPod/iPhone/"it's just a giant iPod touch" days!! Because back then I saw Apples innovation and defend those products to this day. This watch has so much wrong with it I'm literally for the FIRST TIME wondering if Apple is lost without Steve Jobs and that's a heartbreaking thought.


    I'll dare tell you anything.  Why don't you chill Mr. "I joined in March so nobody has any idea what I did or didn't do when the iPhone or iPad came out".  Defending the iPhone or iPad in 2014 is a no brainer.

  • Reply 59 of 242
    jfc1138 wrote: »
    Well there's the classic Cartier Tank:

    Rectangle for just under four grand! Stainless steel and a Sapphire crystal too....
    I have a round faced analogue watch that sits in a rectangular body. I've a digital watch in the shape of a PowerPuff girls head. I've a tiny oval watch in a silicone band, I've a Garmin watch that is an order of magnitude uglier, larger which still has less than a days battery. Some tell the time, some connect to external sensors, some show maps. They are all watch shaped.
  • Reply 60 of 242

    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post

    …nightly charging is hardly a feature. Its a PAIN…


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Everyone does it with every battery device they own…


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Need ? do.

    pebble steel - I do not charge every night

    sony NEX / Nikon cameras I do not charge every night


    So I disagree with you , you claimed EVERYONE charges EVERY battery device they own EVERY NIGHT - 



    Also I have lost track at the number of guests in my home, clients in my business, that are iPhone owners and have asked me if I have a 'spare' charger they could borrow. NO big deal - but it will be a long time before that inductive charger is ubiquitous...
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