Cook says Apple working on products that 'haven't been rumored about yet' [u]



  • Reply 41 of 138
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post


    AT least, I hope Cook will DOUBLE DOWN the secrecy as he said earlier.

    Honestly, iPhone 6 leaked photos I hated. And the final products is just as same as the leaks - those thick antenna bands. Yuck.  


    But for AppWatch - YES - no leaks. Great.  

    Yuck? and everyone couldn't wait to get the hand on it. When the phone goes for preorder, no one even gave the shi.t about antenna bands, not even a single

  • Reply 42 of 138
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Sammy's response: Tim, we need more details on your secret projects. Please Tim.

    And Tim's response: "let me go to the restroom"...Samsung's thought on it "Ah...iToilet"...let's announce a Galaxy Toilet next month where you can use Galaxy Gear to control the flush...

  • Reply 43 of 138

    Medical tricorder.

  • Reply 44 of 138
    I understand there's a rumor about a Mac Pro with Haswell-E and DDR4? Somebody get a delivery date.
  • Reply 45 of 138











    Apple Bike


    Apple Toaster


    Apple TV (Gene Munster Edition)


    Apple is a company that creates hardware and software for things: computers, music players, laptops, tablets, watches.


    That's about all they do....and that's meant in a positive way.

  • Reply 46 of 138
    Apple Fridge

    Apple Orchard

    Apple Gravity Board
  • Reply 47 of 138
    Originally Posted by justp1ayin View Post

    Ok we have no other rumors to talk about so you guys participate.... Besides TV, what do you think it's apples next release ?


    iFarm, first-gen only grows Apples.

  • Reply 48 of 138
    Let's cut to the chase and jump all the way ahead to the iHouse.
  • Reply 49 of 138
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Surprise products. I love this!
    If AppleWatch would have been kept a secret we wouldn't have had any of these android watches. Would have been a surprise attack!!
    fallenjt wrote: »
    I wish there wouldn't have been a rumor about Apple watch and boom, at the Keynote, Tim Cooks' "One More Thing" would've given people orgasm.

    YES !

    Also this month I made a prediction:
    Apple will have a car available before google does!
  • Reply 50 of 138
    cali wrote: »
    Surprise products. I love this!
    If AppleWatch would have been kept a secret we wouldn't have had any of these android watches. Would have been a surprise attack!!
    fallenjt wrote: »
    I wish there wouldn't have been a rumor about Apple watch and boom, at the Keynote, Tim Cooks' "One More Thing" would've given people orgasm.

    YES !

    Also this month I made a prediction:
    Apple will have a car available before google does!

    They already do: Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3.
  • Reply 51 of 138
    dsddsd Posts: 186member
    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    They are working on Siri the robot. She will clean your house, do your laundry, wash the floors, cook your dinner and be wearing lingerie when you get home from work...

    </sexist rant>


    That would be Siriporn (actual Thai woman's name).

  • Reply 52 of 138


  • Reply 53 of 138

    Cook & Co will bury Apple.  They can only ride Steve's ghost for so long.  Steve == Apple and Apple == Steve.  I mean, yeah, Steve could be full of crap, too, but things progressed in a positive direction.  I really liked the "do a few things very well" mentality.  This watch is going be a huge black eye on Apple.  As others have said, It should have only been a health/fitness accessory.

  • Reply 54 of 138
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    They already do: Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3.


    At times you straddle the line between persnicketously pedantic pseudo-relevance and humorous. This is one of those times. The Apple/Pixar connection is–and has been–lessened as of late.


    I sure hope Cars 3 either gets back to its roots with the original characters or ignores them entirely. Shoehorning them into 2 was what made it bad. On a similar note, I’m quite excited for The Incredibles 2. I loved that world.

  • Reply 55 of 138
    rickers wrote: »
    Cook & Co will bury Apple.  They can only ride Steve's ghost for so long.  Steve == Apple and Apple == Steve.  I mean, yeah, Steve could be full of crap, too, but things progressed in a positive direction.  I really liked the "do a few things very well" mentality.  This watch is going be a huge black eye on Apple.  As others have said, It should have only been a health/fitness accessory.
    Are you using your mouth or your butt to spit out dumb comment like this? Who brought Apple stocks to all time high? If Steve is still alive, you still use 4" screen iPhone now.
  • Reply 56 of 138
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    With Apple Pay and Apple Watch, I hope we're seeing the end of products labeled "i"-something.
  • Reply 57 of 138
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    They already do: Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3.

    And self driving to boot! ;)
    rickers wrote: »
    Cook & Co will bury Apple.  They can only ride Steve's ghost for so long.  Steve == Apple and Apple == Steve.  I mean, yeah, Steve could be full of crap, too, but things progressed in a positive direction.  I really liked the "do a few things very well" mentality.  This watch is going be a huge black eye on Apple.  As others have said, It should have only been a health/fitness accessory.

    Man Tim Cook has been growing on me lately. That last line in the 2nd video is genius. Steve knew who to pick for the job.
    I heard Apple is like 3x bigger than when Steve died. Let's face it people, Steve was the better visionary but Cook is the better CEO. It's like he should have been CEO the whole time.

    Although I have my disapointments about lack of a 4" 6c, mediocre iphone 6 commercials and AppleWatch not being forward thinking enough, Tuesday's Apple conference was breathtaking. The intro video gave me
    goosebumps. The AppleWatch introduction video nearly brought me to tears and the final official name revealing gave me a fuzzy feeling in my heart, like finally finding a lost child.
    Even the credit card and ApplePay videos
    with the lady shopping felt like a high production. Too bad the iPhone 6 commercials looked weak in comparison to the rest of the videos, almost Android-like.

    Apple is still magical and I can't wait to hear Dr. Dre's music in commercials. (the Apple
    watch introduction sounded eerily Dre-like)

    Apple is only going to get bigger next year. Anyone who fails to see that is either delusional or in denial. Cook has built a dream team and Apple is just getting started.
  • Reply 58 of 138
    fallenjt wrote: »
    And Tim's response: "let me go to the restroom"...Samsung's thought on it "Ah...iToilet"...let's announce a Galaxy Toilet next month where you can use Galaxy Gear to control the flush...

    Or better yet: ass gestures! :lol:
  • Reply 59 of 138
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    I think they take on the consoles next. A revamped Apple TV with Metal, a couple of Bluetooth game controllers, increased storage options, an App Store and a commit from at least a couple of console game studios to release full versions of their games for Apple TV. They even mentioned during the iPhone demo on Tuesday that the iPhone 6 had the power to run console games better than the consoles themselves could. I think that was foreshadowing.

    Full disclosure: I started making predictions last week and so far I'm 0 for 1 in terms of accuracy. /s. (Hopefully this prediction will even things out for me and being me back up to .500!)
  • Reply 60 of 138
    tenly wrote: »
    I think they take on the consoles next. A revamped Apple TV with Metal, a couple of Bluetooth game controllers, increased storage options, an App Store and a commit from at least a couple of console game studios to release full versions of their games for Apple TV. They even mentioned during the iPhone demo on Tuesday that the iPhone 6 had the power to run console games better than the consoles themselves could. I think that was foreshadowing.

    Full disclosure: I started making predictions last week and so far I'm 0 for 1 in terms of accuracy. /s. (Hopefully this prediction will even things out for me and being me back up to .500!)
    U think you'll be2 and 2.
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