Cook says Apple working on products that 'haven't been rumored about yet' [u]



  • Reply 61 of 138
    Clothes might be an interesting direction.

    If my jacket sleeve carried an inductive charger for my apple watch, and had a few batteries sewn into it, I'd recharge my jacket at night.

    Likewise a jacket pocket for a future phone

    Or a handbag

    You'd be working with, oh I don't know, Burbery, to develop the gear?
  • Reply 62 of 138
    With how they jumped into ? Watch with the brevity and customizability I see that happening in more and more products they release. I think they hit the house next. Connected (almost) everything. ? House.
  • Reply 63 of 138

    Originally Posted by RalphMouth View Post


    I really hope it's an iCar. It is time for Apple to reinvent the auto industry.


    How exactly can a company with absolutely no experience in auto industry be expected to 'revolutionise' it?


    I'd rather expect more features in OS X, iOS, better battery, processor and display technologies from Apple because these are the areas Apple can actually deliver in.

  • Reply 64 of 138

    Originally Posted by Rickers View Post


    Cook & Co will bury Apple.  They can only ride Steve's ghost for so long.  Steve == Apple and Apple == Steve.  I mean, yeah, Steve could be full of crap, too, but things progressed in a positive direction.  I really liked the "do a few things very well" mentality.  This watch is going be a huge black eye on Apple.  As others have said, It should have only been a health/fitness accessory.

    Naah, you can't say that 'Cook & Co' will bury Apple. Give him some time. You can't expect Apple to innovate with industry changing products every day. On an average, Apple under Jobs has taken about 5 years to come up with something that changes the industry.


    Apple watch would be a black eye? Actually, no. Whether you like it or not, there is a good market for wearables and Apple Watch would rack up impressive sales. Apple is here to make money, so as long as it earns them something, well enough.

  • Reply 65 of 138
    justp1ayin wrote: »
    Ok we have no other rumors to talk about so you guys participate.... Besides TV, what do you think it's apples next release ?

    I see the new iPad with NFC being able to Take payments as well as make them... sorry Square, it was good to know ye.

    There's no reason why the iPhone couldn't do so too... Street walkers would love this! How about panhandlers? "Gov'ner, could ye bump me some change?"

    No the hell wonder Apple has been building that server farm on the Caribbean island..!
  • Reply 66 of 138
    crysisftw wrote: »
    ralphmouth wrote: »
    I really hope it's an iCar. It is time for Apple to reinvent the auto industry.

    How exactly can a company with absolutely no experience in auto industry be expected to 'revolutionise' it?

    How did Tesla Motors get in this conversation?
  • Reply 67 of 138

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    How did Tesla Motors get in this conversation?

    It didn't. The conversation was about 'revolutionising'.

  • Reply 68 of 138
    cali wrote: »
    And self driving to boot! ;)
    Man Tim Cook has been growing on me lately. That last line in the 2nd video is genius. Steve knew who to pick for the job.
    I heard Apple is like 3x bigger than when Steve died. Let's face it people, Steve was the better visionary but Cook is the better CEO. It's like he should have been CEO the whole time.

    Although I have my disapointments about lack of a 4" 6c, mediocre iphone 6 commercials and AppleWatch not being forward thinking enough, Tuesday's Apple conference was breathtaking. The intro video gave me
    goosebumps. The AppleWatch introduction video nearly brought me to tears and the final official name revealing gave me a fuzzy feeling in my heart, like finally finding a lost child.
    Even the credit card and ApplePay videos
    with the lady shopping felt like a high production. Too bad the iPhone 6 commercials looked weak in comparison to the rest of the videos, almost Android-like.

    Apple is still magical and I can't wait to hear Dr. Dre's music in commercials. (the Apple
    watch introduction sounded eerily Dre-like)

    Apple is only going to get bigger next year. Anyone who fails to see that is either delusional or in denial. Cook has built a dream team and Apple is just getting started.

    Love your post... but I think you and many other people don't have the slightest idea what a COO - Chief Operating Officer does. Besides the actual CEO, they are probably the best informed executive across the entire company and all of it's "operations".

    Tim Cook was a vital executive ealy on, and helped build Apple just as much if not more so than some of the other better known ones before being thrust into the spotlight himself.
  • Reply 69 of 138
    fallenjt wrote: »
    jungmark wrote: »
    Sammy's response: Tim, we need more details on your secret projects. Please Tim.
    And Tim's response: "let me go to the restroom"...Samsung's thought on it "Ah...iToilet"...let's announce a Galaxy Toilet next month where you can use Galaxy Gear to control the flush...

    Bill Gates has a two-three year head start on toilets... that man knows his shit!
  • Reply 70 of 138
    crysisftw wrote: »
    It didn't. The conversation was about 'revolutionising'.
    It was definitely a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that Tesla motors did exactly what you were saying could not be done. And Apple has done the same thing in the industries that they've entered, especially with the iPhone. Replace auto with phone in your previous post and that's exactly what was asked about Apple in 2007.
  • Reply 71 of 138
    Clothes might be an interesting direction.

    If my jacket sleeve carried an inductive charger for my apple watch, and had a few batteries sewn into it, I'd recharge my jacket at night.

    Likewise a jacket pocket for a future phone

    Or a handbag

    You'd be working with, oh I don't know, Burbery, to develop the gear?

    A bit of trivia: You do know that the "sweater" was named after Steve Ballmer?

    But the idea of wearable plant and animal fibers in intriguing... Wearables...where have I heard that term before? This is gotta be a Steve Jobs inspiration, after all he came up with macintosh in 1984 instead of mcintosh...!!!
  • Reply 72 of 138

    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    It was definitely a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that Tesla motors did exactly what you were saying could not be done. And Apple has done the same thing in the industries that they've entered, especially with the iPhone. Replace auto with phone in your previous post and that's exactly what was asked about Apple in 2007.

    Phone was a different front. Apple 'invented' various new techniques of using a phone. A multi-touch display, proximity sensor, a new form-factor, Apps Store, etc., that nobody thought of using before, at least on a single device. Besides, they already had experience, like iTunes, iPod and OS X, which helped them create iPhone.

    I don't know what exactly Tesla Motors have done, other than taking an idea (that was already implemented) and using it in their cars. At what point did it become revolutionising? Fisker Automotive would have come closer, but still, nothing revolutionising.

  • Reply 73 of 138

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Don't take it so personally.

    I love your enthusiasm, Slurpy, but you don't have to defend Apple single-handedly. Allow people to be silly, especially when making fun of rumours.


    Indeed. It's amazing how personally things are taken here - I have probably converted more people to Macs than anyone else in this forum, without ever owning a single unit of Apple stock; so yes, I feel entitled to criticism.


    The AppleWatch is terribly ugly, yes; a tethered one-day-battery-life crap that shows no major change when compared to other smartwatches. And everyone I've talked to gave me the same kind of "meh" reaction - the new iPhones are surely gonna sell great, but they are a far cry from the truly innovative steps that we've seen before from Apple; there is absolutely NOTHING groundbreaking in them - so my last hope now is to see revamped Macs that can rekindle my faith in the post-SJ Apple (just like the Mac Pro kind of did).


    As for "record sales" and similar nonsense, I can only remind you that similar things were said during Sculley's days, particularly the late 80s and early 90s - until it all came crashing down after the winds of true innovation were gone. Cook is, unfortunately, a trend follower and NOT a market creator like SJ was; a fan of M&As which contribute nothing to Apple's organic growth; a distributor of dividends in an innovative company whose premise has always been "growth stock" instead of "let me pay you so you can stay"; and I do not see how this can change in the years to come.

  • Reply 74 of 138

    Originally Posted by Rickers View Post


    Cook & Co will bury Apple.  They can only ride Steve's ghost for so long.  Steve == Apple and Apple == Steve.  I mean, yeah, Steve could be full of crap, too, but things progressed in a positive direction.  I really liked the "do a few things very well" mentality.  This watch is going be a huge black eye on Apple.  As others have said, It should have only been a health/fitness accessory.


    My feelings exactly. And not even a health/fitness accessory in my opinion.

  • Reply 75 of 138
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    "There are products we're working on that no one knows about, yes. That haven't been rumored about yet," Cook said.

    This could be good and bad. Nobody talked much about the iPad yet it turned out very well but if people aren't talking about the possibilities, they could also be things people don't want. The rumors have included TV, car, home so it would have to be something else. Boat maybe? The statement is too open-ended. I'll wait until after they do something.

    I kind of like that they keep Steve's office as it was. I always have mixed feelings about them doing things like that because if they have the same core values driving them then they don't need reminders. At the same time, it respects where that came from. It's like when parents keep their kids' rooms the way they were when they leave for college. For a few years anyway until they need room for a pool table. They'll have to leave it in the old building though, while they move to the new one.

    I like Tim's passion for what he's doing but I'd like to know what he gets out of it. He already has $0.5b or something like that but that's not it. When he was giving the watch introduction, he kept giving the thumbs up to people in the crowd. I don't know yet what his metric is for success, it was a lot clearer with Steve.
  • Reply 76 of 138
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I watches the entire interview. It was really good. One of Tim's better interviews. He's really coming into his own as CEO and you can tell he's very proud of the stuff Apple has announced and is working on for the future.
  • Reply 77 of 138
    They already do: Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3.

    At times you straddle the line between persnicketously pedantic pseudo-relevance and humorous. This is one of those times. The Apple/Pixar connection is–and has been–lessened as of late.

    I sure hope Cars 3 either gets back to its roots with the original characters or ignores them entirely. Shoehorning them into 2 was what made it bad. On a similar note, I’m quite excited for The Incredibles 2. I loved that world.

    Oh I know. I was just making the tenuous link for a cheap joke.

    I would say I’ll try to be less persnicketous in the future, but I fear it's in my nature.
  • Reply 78 of 138

    Originally Posted by crysisftw View Post

    I don't know what exactly Tesla Motors have done, other than taking an idea (that was already implemented) and using it in their cars. At what point did it become revolutionising? 


    Let’s see…




    That’s not revolutionary? Sure thing¡

  • Reply 79 of 138

    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post


    But for AppWatch - YES - no leaks. Great.  

    The watch is 6 months from release. The reason why we didn't see the same level of rumors for the watch is simply because outside vendors hadn't had access to it yet.



  • Reply 80 of 138
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    crysisftw wrote: »
    How exactly can a company with absolutely no experience in auto industry be expected to 'revolutionise' it?

    Oh ballmer! still criticizing Apple eh?

    When are you gonna let the past go.... you're a cheerleader now.
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