iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus preorder delivery dates slip as AT&T sees biggest-ever pre-sale launch



  • Reply 141 of 222

    Originally Posted by Rich Gregory View Post


    Not exactly throwing away money, you're NOT spending the $200 minimum for an upgrade and you're also saving the $30 upgrade fee that no one at Verizon would remove when I upgraded. $30 upgrade fee... that should be the next BS charge they get rid of. 


    Also- maybe you can trade your 5 in and get a 5s for free? They you're in a contract for two years but not out any $$ and have a newer phone.  Also also- when the 6 is available you can check one out at your leisure, perhaps you will change your mind.


    Correct me if I'm wrong iBeam, I think what he was meaning by throwing money away is that on older rate plans the subsidy is factored into the rate plan regardless if you use the subsidy or not. So by not upgrading and taking the $450 subsidy in the case of iPhone you are effectively paying something along the lines of $18/mo extra (I didn't bother to do the math but that is roughly what the carriers factor into your rate plan for the subsidy) without the benefit of upgrading and saving the $450 on a new iPhone.


    I also agree with his sentiment that Apple really left those of us who don't want a giant phone with a difficult decision. Not to mention those of us who would like to have the best possible feature set, the feature disparity between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus adds another wrench in the decision. I would have rather seen them make the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus the same thickness and included the OIS on both cameras, include a similar density (400+ ppi) display, rather than making the phone slightly thinner and not maintaning feature parity. I would have also liked to see a 4" option with the new hardware that would have been about the same size as the iPhone 5/5s.


    As for me, I will sadly be saddled with the iPhone 6 plus and will eagerly await the AppleWatch to reduce the annoyance of pulling out that massive device for simple tasks like reading an iMessage notification.



  • Reply 142 of 222
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    I didn't recognize either the woman with it, or her husband. Initially I thought it might be a copy, but it sure as hell looked like one. Took this picture, admittedly at full zoom on my iPhone 5s, since I didn't want her to wonder why the hell I was taking a picture of her.


    Too blurry. It could be a Sasquatch, or it could be a mossy tree stump.

  • Reply 143 of 222
    I just saw this ad at the mall!! :smokey:

    [IMG ALT=""]http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/48797/width/350/height/700[/IMG]
  • Reply 144 of 222
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    I just this ad at the mall!!

    You accidentally the verb.

  • Reply 145 of 222
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    I personally think that the iPhone 6 will outsell the iPhone 6 Plus about 10:1.  


    There's no chance in hell of that happening. It won't even be 2:1. 


    I ordered the 6+ a couple hrs after pre-orders started. It says shipping in 3-4 weeks. I just tried pre-ordering a 4.7" now. It says 7-10 business days. So, either they made an extremely small amt of the larger one (doubtful), or, they've sold a shitload of them. 


    One thing I will say is that their strategy is genius. Not long ago everyone was babbling on about how Apple is screwed because phones are becoming commoditized (ie. dirt cheap Android phones, decent nexus phones for 1/2 price of an iPhone, etc). And now, not only has Apple NOT decreased their pricing, but they have the audacity to sell a model that starts at $299 on contract- and it will probably sell a shitload, rasing the average ASP. Again, Apple goes against the grain and shows there's another way, beyond a race to the bottom, and that a fuckload of people ARE willing to pay premium prices for smartphones. 

  • Reply 146 of 222
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    So, either they made an extremely small amt of the larger one (doubtful), or, they've sold a shitload of them. 

    Nah, they made fewer. Next you’ll be claiming they make the same number of Mac Pro as iMac.

  • Reply 147 of 222
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Nah, they made fewer. Next you’ll be claiming they make the same number of Mac Pro as iMac.


    Yes Tallest Ski, that analogy is incredibly rational. Because the difference between an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and the difference between an iMac and a Mac Pro is exactly the same. A more apt analogy would be comparing 2 sizes of the iMac. But no, you had to say something ridiculous. Well done. 


    The 6 Plus isn't some "special edition". It's marketed at an equal level to the 6. It's just another size. You're pulling the "they made fewer" out of your ass. You have no idea what the ratio is. 

  • Reply 148 of 222
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    A more apt analogy would be comparing 2 sizes of the iMac. But no, you had to say something ridiculous. Well done. 

    Next you’ll be saying they make as many 17” MacBook Pro as they do 13”.


    Now you’ve wasted 30 seconds and are still wrong.


    You're pulling the "they made fewer" out of your ass. You have no idea what the ratio is.  


    And you “equality”.

  • Reply 149 of 222
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Next you’ll be saying they make as many 17” MacBook Pro as they do 13”.


    Now you’ve wasted 30 seconds and are still wrong.


    And you “equality”.


    There's no such thing as a 17" Macbook Pro. And still, you have no clue what the iPhone size distribution is. And never once did I say they're making the SAME # of both models, so stop beating a strawman. If you knew how to read, you'd see I said MARKETED equally. You seem to randomly latch onto things that you decide to be 100% confident and belligerent about, and digging yourself deeper and deeper. 


    And enough with the condescending "next you'll be saying.." bullshit. You've seen enough of my posts here to know I'm not a moron, and I have a pretty good idea of how Apple operates, so stop pretending otherwise in order to make snarky comments and stating I'm "wrong" cause you said so. 

  • Reply 150 of 222

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Next you’ll be saying they make as many 17” MacBook Pro as they do 13”.


    Now you’ve wasted 30 seconds and are still wrong.


    And you “equality”.




    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    Yes Tallest Ski, that analogy is incredibly rational. Because the difference between an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and the difference between an iMac and a Mac Pro is exactly the same. A more apt analogy would be comparing 2 sizes of the iMac. But no, you had to say something ridiculous. Well done. 


    The 6 Plus isn't some "special edition". It's marketed at an equal level to the 6. It's just another size. You're pulling the "they made fewer" out of your ass. You have no idea what the ratio is. 




    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Nah, they made fewer. Next you’ll be claiming they make the same number of Mac Pro as iMac.


    Or you are both right and they made fewer of the iPhone 6 Plus units, however they still made a crap load of them and sold them all. They obviously made a ton of both phones and still have a ton of phones that are waiting to be sold-out in retail channels. I'm gonna wager (nothing) that they will have doubled the launch day or launch weekend sales volume.



  • Reply 151 of 222

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    There's no such thing as a 17" Macbook Pro. And still, you have no clue what the iPhone size distribution is. And never once did I say they're making the SAME # of both models, so stop beating a strawman. If you knew how to read, you'd see I said MARKETED equally. You seem to randomly latch onto things that you decide to be 100% confident and belligerent about, and digging yourself deeper and deeper. 


    And enough with the condescending "next you'll be saying.." bullshit. You've seen enough of my posts here to know I'm not a moron, and I have a pretty good idea of how Apple operates, so stop pretending otherwise in order to make snarky comments and stating I'm "wrong" cause you said so. 

    There is such a thing as a 17" MacBook Pro, just not a current generation. I do however agree with your point that it is a bad analogy. I also think there would be a much larger difference, with the smaller iPhone 6 selling in significantly higher numbers than the iPhone 6 plus had there been more feature parity between the two. I, along with at least 12 other friends of mine are all getting the iPhone 6 plus because of the difference in features, but would rather have the smaller phone.



  • Reply 152 of 222

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post



    Are the T-Mobile 6's unlocked and ready to be used on other networks like AT&T, or are they just contract free but still locked to the network?

    All T-mobile phones you get through Apple are factory unlocked.  T-mobile phones are only locked to T-mobile if you buy it through their payment plan.  In fact, ALL iPhones purchased from Apple at full retail price will be factory unlocked by Apple when you activate it the first time through iTunes.  You'll get a message that says, "Congratulations.... unlocked."  I don't know what the full message is but that's what happened to everyone who bought an iPhone at full price from Apple and had posted that on these forums in the past.

  • Reply 153 of 222
    LOL me neither, and I've owned a Note 3 for almost a year.

    So not a very intuitive UI then?
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Absolutely horrible implementation, that seems like it would cause way too many accidental activations. Plus it just scales down the display, instead of actually bringing things where you can, you know, reach them.
    Does sound a little "different" doesn't it? In practice tho it's said to be pretty effective.

    Since it's not enabled by default it certainly requires more initial effort to set up than Apple's solution. From video presentations of it II like the way it's done on the 6+. If it works just as well in practice users will appreciate it.

    Didn't actually watch the video, but how the frick are going to make a point about single handed use while using the phone with both hands in the very first frame?
    ibeam wrote: »
    We always upgrade every two years on contract. Right now we have iPhone 5. Not sure what we will do this time around since neither of us really want a larger iPhone. Seems like a compromise to upgrade to a 5s at this point because it is year old technology, however keeping two year old hardware beyond the contract is just throwing money away.

    Throwing away money is to buy subsidised. Just order straight from Apple.
    I just this ad at the mall!!

    You accidentally the verb.

  • Reply 154 of 222
    DO NOT order it from AT&T EVER. Can they actually care less about it?

    I stayed up until about 3:30 EST (living in Atlanta) to pre-order this thing and still went to the office after four hours of sleep. Apple website wouldn't work, so I tried AT&T and was able to order the phone successfully with the message saying that "it will be DELIVERED on 9/19."

    Two days later, I go onto their website to check whether my order was processed, and I found out that my shipping date slipped to a window of 23rd - October 2nd. UNACCEPTABLE. I was trying to cancel it on the order status check page and was NOT able to cancel it. I attempted contacting someone over the chatting service and was dropped three times in a row after being told that I would get transferred to ordering agents. After calling the customer service and waiting 15 minutes, this lady had the audacity to say "the estimated delivery HAS BEEN ALWAYS 23rd to October 2nd." This idiot had no idea who she was talking to: I took a picture of the order processing page stating my order number and delivery date, and I asked her if I should send her the picture that I took over to her right way to stop her wrongfully accusing me for being misinformed.

    I cancelled the order from AT&T after 30 hours since I had my order placed, and I was able to order it through Apple with the delivery date on the 19th.

    I mean.. they are giant corporations and should be able to stand by based on what they promised/told customers. I'm sure the "estimated delivery time" thingy is completely based on the number of iPhones have been ordered/the number of iPhones allocated to them. If they can't get this right, just apologize and accommodate as much as you can.

    Two years ago when I was ordering through AT&T my iPhone 5, I remember waiting SIX WEEKS and still not being able to cancel the order. I still was quoted to get the iPhone on the day it came out, but obviously that never happened.

    Now I have a friend who order iPhone Plus on friday afternoon from AT&T with quoted delivery time of 2-3 weeks. Upon hearing my horrid experience, he checked and was quoted for delivery in NOVEMBER. AT&T obviously messed the hell out of this whole iPhone ordering thing and never seems to get it right. DO NOT ORDER IPHONE EVER THROUGH AT&T.

    I am just so infuriated and had to share with to make sure that no one else gets bad experiences.
  • Reply 155 of 222
    Apple and AT&T are a bunch if incompetent idiots. They knew there would be a huge amount of orders for the iPhone 6 and they failed.
  • Reply 156 of 222

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Is there a way to confirm your phone is unlocked?

    I bought two 5S phones from T mobile last year at full retail $750

    I also ordered the 6 for my wife and the 6 plus for myself. My plan is to keep the 5S and switch the sim card when i need a smaller phone.

    Borrow a friend's AT&T SIM and put it in.  If it works, then your phone is unlocked.  If all you're worrying about is whether it'll work with a T-mobile SIM, then there's nothing to worry about.  All T-mobile phones are compatible with T-Mobile SIM whether they're unlocked or not.

  • Reply 157 of 222

    Originally Posted by zeromeus View Post


    All T-mobile phones you get through Apple are factory unlocked.  T-mobile phones are only locked to T-mobile if you buy it through their payment plan.  In fact, ALL iPhones purchased from Apple at full retail price will be factory unlocked by Apple when you activate it the first time through iTunes.  You'll get a message that says, "Congratulations.... unlocked."  I don't know what the full message is but that's what happened to everyone who bought an iPhone at full price from Apple and had posted that on these forums in the past.




    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Is there a way to confirm your phone is unlocked?

    I bought two 5S phones from T mobile last year at full retail $750

    I also ordered the 6 for my wife and the 6 plus for myself. My plan is to keep the 5S and switch the sim card when i need a smaller phone.




    Originally Posted by zeromeus View Post


    Borrow a friend's AT&T SIM and put it in.  If it works, then your phone is unlocked.  If all you're worrying about is whether it'll work with a T-mobile SIM, then there's nothing to worry about.  All T-mobile phones are compatible with T-Mobile SIM whether they're unlocked or not.


    If I'm not mistaken I believe all T-Mobile iPhones are unlocked regardless of if you finance them on a payment plan. If you paid full retail price at T-mobile or Apple then it is definitely unlocked. However as Zeromeus mentioned, for your purpose of using it as a spare phone by switching your T-Mobile SIM card between them; you do not need to have it unlocked to do that. I'm not sure how practical this idea will be, although I'm with you on the hesitation of these much larger iPhones. I'm jumping from an iPhone 4s to the iPhone 6 plus. This should be an interesting 6 months until I get my AppleWatch :)



  • Reply 158 of 222
    you can buy one iphone 6 but 100% shure not receive it there http://cgi.cafr.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=181526253023&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  • Reply 159 of 222

    you can buy one iphone 6 but 100% shure not receive it there http://cgi.cafr.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=181526253023&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT

  • Reply 160 of 222

    what is Apple doing? financial analysts saw this coming for sure! 'biggest ever pre-sale launch' equates to stock slippage. Apple cannot possibly sell whatever imaginary and gigantically high set numbers the analysts could come up with. outselling the competition is not the way to make money on wall street.

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