Apple's A8 SoC likely carrying new 6-core PowerVR GPU, clocked at 1.4GHz with 1GB RAM



  • Reply 241 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by aBeliefSystem View Post

    Unapparently Sony took up the quota for the year when they put 3GB of RAM in the Xperia Z2.

    When Android L arrives, users can sell 1GB of theirs to Apple users.

    Yeah right, 3 GB is defiantly a waste at this point. I can't wait for modular phones, need memory, just pop a module with more in, need a better camera, just pop one in and so on and so forth.


  • Reply 242 of 269

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    I haven't heard of a memory crisis, I still think it has to do with costs and maintaining a certain margin. The new iPhone 6 obvious costs more to make so once the prices for the components normalize we should see a 2GB in next years iPhone 6s. A good reason to wait as far as I'm concerned.

    I did not say there was a memory crisis - only that if the a 2GB system RAM module is bleeding/leading edge then we can safely make the leap that it will command high prices, most likely be in short supply since other device manufacturers have decided that they need to compete on specifications, probably a single supplier, probably very low storeroom inventory, and as such Apple can control prices through pre-buying of production, pre-buying of inventory, etc. 

  • Reply 243 of 269

    Originally Posted by wmsfo View Post


    I did not say there was a memory crisis - only that if the a 2GB system RAM module is bleeding/leading edge then we can safely make the leap that it will command high prices, most likely be in short supply since other device manufacturers have decided that they need to compete on specifications, probably a single supplier, probably very low storeroom inventory, and as such Apple can control prices through pre-buying of production, pre-buying of inventory, etc. 

    Sorry - should read ...


    "and as such Apple cannot control prices ..."

  • Reply 244 of 269
    thttht Posts: 5,608member

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    But it's interesting that Apple has been adding to the background processes for years. This year I believe it will be the biggest expansion to multitasking yet. That will consume more RAM, SoC time, and battery life.


    Yeah. Everything is a tradeoff. They'll go to 2 GB sooner or later. But it seems today they believe negatives in user experience with 1 GB are better than the negatives with 2 GB.

  • Reply 245 of 269
    relic wrote: »

    ---snipped for size... since I don't plan on entering that competition... :)

    Though I do have to say, I don't really need a computer anymore to do my music. My husband and kids got me a Teenage Engineering OP1 Portable Synthesizer so I could still make music while in the hospital and there is nothing that this little guy can't do. If any of you are into music and have an extra 800 bucks lying around, yeah I know, run, don't walk to your nearest music store to get what has to be the coolest musical gadget since the invention of midi itself, words cannot describe to you just how great this thing is.

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="49077" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 500px; height: 179px">

    --- Links abobe in original post ---

    A little break from the Great RAM Debate between you and @wmsfo... just wanted to say thank you for the links to your new toy(!) Pretty amazing everything they can fit into such a small space these days. Last fall I gave away my Korg M1 to a talented little neighborhood girl, not because I'm such a nice neighbor (although I am), but because the thing was a beast and I just don't have that much room anymore around my 'control center'. Also knowing they are far more powerful and smaller controllers to plug into a Mac or iOS device.... if I ever find the time to have some fun.

    I'm curious to hear what kind of music you like to play and record.

    I'll go first, in that I to work to ambient, chill, lounge and classic house... and a big fan of Sounds of Ibeza/Monaco/Venice, Buddha Lounge, Café del Mar... then Ministry of Sound and Dutch House Dance if I'm in a party mood. Strange stuff for a 50+ year old growing up on Classic Rock, and going Punk and New Wave glam in the LA 80's... all of which I still listen to once in awhile when I have the need to break out the "air guitar" :)

    Carry on... I just got over-enthused by your post and that Teenage Engineering OP1. It was nice to see they allow "Old Guy Funky Geeks" to touch 'em, and I do think I'd like it better than a Surface 3 for X-mas.... :p
  • Reply 246 of 269

    Originally Posted by aBeliefSystem View Post

    Unapparently Sony took up the quota for the year when they put 3GB of RAM in the Xperia Z2.

    When Android L arrives, users can sell 1GB of theirs to Apple users.

    How many units of 3GB modules where in the quota?

  • Reply 247 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    A little break from the Great RAM Debate between you and @wmsfo... just wanted to say thank you for the links to your new toy(!) Pretty amazing everything they can fit into such a small space these days. Last fall I gave away my Korg M1 to a talented little neighborhood girl, not because I'm such a nice neighbor (although I am), but because the thing was a beast and I just don't have that much room anymore around my 'control center'. Also knowing they are far more powerful and smaller controllers to plug into a Mac or iOS device.... if I ever find the time to have some fun.

    I'm curious to hear what kind of music you like to play and record.

    I'll go first, in that I to work to ambient, chill, lounge and classic house... and a big fan of Sounds of Ibeza/Monaco/Venice, Buddha Lounge, Café del Mar... then Ministry of Sound and Dutch House Dance if I'm in a party mood. Strange stuff for a 50+ year old growing up on Classic Rock, and going Punk and New Wave glam in the LA 80's... all of which I still listen to once in awhile when I have the need to break out the "air guitar" image

    Carry on... I just got over-enthused by your post and that Teenage Engineering OP1. It was nice to see they allow "Old Guy Funky Geeks" to touch 'em, and I do think I'd like it better than a Surface 3 for X-mas.... image

    That's nothing, you should see the amount of toys I have for my mini studio. The OP1 is an incredible piece of tech, even if you do not have access to the Internet you can still use the built in FM radio to capture songs and then beats or melody from that, well you saw an example of that happening in one of the videos I posted. Then with the absolute magnitude of pre-programmed midi sounds and beats , there is nothing that you couldn't accomplish with this thing, including connecting a microphone or instrument up to it to record. I like the same type of music but I incorporate a lot violin and piano into my stuff as I play both fairly well. I actually play the violin semi-professionally and have played with a few prominent composers. I've posted a few concerts I was in with me playing the violin on here a couple of times. If you sold you Korg may I recommend the SL MKII Series from Novation, works great with most DAW's but I use Abelton Live and FL Studio Groove and is a really good value at 350 dollars. Groove by the way is the first app you'll want to purchase for the Surface 3 if you do end up getting one. It's one of the most intuitive touch music creation apps I have ever used. I would also pick up a Novation LaunchKey as their extremely useful, not to mention inexpensive.


    I have the 25 Key version



    I've posted this Demo video of FL Studio Groove before but it's so cool it warrants another go;




    If you decide you like using FL Studio Groove, you could get away with using a small inexpensive keyboard, which the Akai APC 25 is uniquely perfect for. So for 180 bucks for both the software and keyboard, you could have a very powerful yet simple to use music workstation.



    ...or just grab a Teenage Engineering OP1 and be done with it. A little warning though, there is a learning curve behind it but very rewarding in the end. You can still connect it to your Surface 3 or even iPad, even connect a larger keyboard to it. I gave you lot's to dream about tonight.

  • Reply 248 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by wmsfo View Post


    I did not say there was a memory crisis - only that if the a 2GB system RAM module is bleeding/leading edge then we can safely make the leap that it will command high prices, most likely be in short supply since other device manufacturers have decided that they need to compete on specifications, probably a single supplier, probably very low storeroom inventory, and as such Apple can control prices through pre-buying of production, pre-buying of inventory, etc. 


    I think they could have at least offered 2GB in the Plus version to start. Then bring up the smaller one to 2GB next year. Whatever the reason ultimately turns out to be though, 2GB would be enough of a reason for me to wait till next year for the updated model and hopefully by then I would be able to do more with the NFC module then just for the payment system. A redesign and a little faster processor is not enough to warrant an upgrade from the iPhone 5s, which is still a more then capable phone.

  • Reply 249 of 269
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    relic wrote: »
    A redesign and a little faster processor is not enough to warrant an upgrade from the iPhone 5s, which is still a more then capable phone.

    Fortunately, that's not all it got: the iPhone 6 has a better camera, better battery life, better display, NFC and barometer too. Overall, it's a worthwhile upgrade from even the 5s, which no doubt is why it's selling in record numbers. Pretty impressive really that they can keep doing this when every Android smartphone manufacturer has run out of steam. I guess that's what comes from being the original innovator though.
  • Reply 250 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Fortunately, that's not all it got: the iPhone 6 has a better camera, better battery life, better display, NFC and barometer too. Overall, it's a worthwhile upgrade from even the 5s, which no doubt is why it's selling in record numbers. Pretty impressive really that they can keep doing this when every Android smartphone manufacturer has run out of steam. I guess that's what comes from being the original innovator though.


    Oh you're right that is quite an upgrade, still would want 2GB before I would buy one though.


    I think you are being a little overly biased about Android phones as they defiantly haven't lost steam, there is still a whole lot of meat on that bone to be picked at, specifically now that 64bit is coming to the platform and the almost complete rewrite of Android 5. Yes, Apple was of course first in that area but so was Android in other things, 1080p has been in use for a while now, (whatever happened to 4:3 being the perfect aspect ration for the iPhone and people refusing to use any phone that didn't use it, I guess once Apple started using it, it becomes acceptable) in fact it's considered as a mid-level resolution now as Android flagship phones are starting to use 2K in phones like the Samsung S4, Note and LG G3 and even 4K coming early next year (why, I have no idea, ridiculous I know), NFC has been standard for a very long time now but never really had the payment system to back it up, I've always used it for my speakers, memory, 2GB is now the standard, with top models using 3GB and are starting to use 4GB like with the Samsung Note. Android 5 or the "L Preview" has added 30% more battery life, so Android phones will hopefully last a lot longer, which is great news, my Nexus 5 for instance barely got 4:45 of continuous use with version 4.4.4, which was just horrible but 5 actually upped that number to 6:30 and it's still in Beta. A Nexus 5 also only costs 350 bucks, which is pretty impressive considering you're getting a fairly fast CPU, Qualcomm 800, 2GB RAM, 32GB Storage, 1080p, NFC and wireless charging. The new one will have either a Qualcomm 808 or 810 64bit CPU, 3GB RAM and either a 2K or 4k display, not sure why either would be necessary for such a small display but that's the way things are headed and wireless display (this feature is always overlooked but I absolutely adore it, any device I own has to have either Miracast or built in HDMI (I hate, hate, dongles), displaying the desktop at 1080p on a projector or TV is so very cool. I have my mini projector with me and I stream movies, TV and surf wirelessly to it almost all day. I just connect my MS Wedge Keyboard and Mouse to it, change the DPI of the desktop from phone to desktop, so everything doesn't look huge and cartoony and it's like I have a mini computer.


    Point being, hardware wise Android will probably always offer a little more, especially after they all start using 64bit CPU's because there are more companies making phones for that OS, well that and let's face it, they need to add something to compete with Apple. Though it doesn't really matter what the specs are, especially for people around here as the iPhone will still probably run better/faster/smoother, look better, still be easier to use, etc. 


    Next year, if I'm still around, I will defiantly be buying a Nexus 6 if just to play with, whatever model will replace my Nokia 1020 as I have absolutely fallen in love with that camera and can't wait to start using 4k video and the BlackBerry PassPort, potentially the coolest phone of them all (though I will probably get that this year, if it's released.)

  • Reply 251 of 269
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    relic wrote: »
    still would want 2GB before I would buy one though.

    Android was always more of a memory hog than iOS. That's one of the improvements in KitKat:

    "Android OS usually uses up a lot of RAM. The S4 has 1.78 GB and but only about 1 GB is available because TouchWiz uses so much"

    Android device manufacturers aren't being kind by giving 2GB of RAM, they have to in order to be competitive with iOS. With 1GB of RAM, iOS devices will give around the same experience as pre-Kit-Kat Android with 2GB. It's a pretty arbitrary spec option to avoid buying a device for and will no doubt be revised to some other arbitrary problem if they ever offer it.
    relic wrote: »
    I think you are being a little overly biased about Android phones as they defiantly haven't lost steam, there is still a whole lot of meat on that bone to be picked at, specifically now that 64bit is coming to the platform

    64-bit is just catching up to Apple and as irrelevant as Apple doing any catching up to Android. You can tell the lost steam by the lowered demand and falling profits. Samsung's Galaxy Alpha is just clutching at straws, they're out of ideas. Their whole campaign for years has been centered around the next big thing and now size doesn't matter so they have nothing else to do.
    relic wrote: »
    whatever happened to 4:3 being the perfect aspect ration for the iPhone and people refusing to use any phone that didn't use it

    The iPhone never used 4:3 but the original 3:2 display was the most comfortable because it fit the most hands. As the size grew, it has become less comfortable but it's a tradeoff. I don't recall people refusing to use other phones based on that.
    relic wrote: »
    NFC has been standard for a very long time now but never really had the payment system to back it up

    Which made it a mostly pointless addition. Unless you have a widespread practical use for something, why bother adding it? That's why Android devices get so bogged down with gimmicky features and the devices end up being shoved away in a drawer. Unless the features are well thought out, they aren't going to be much use to people.
    relic wrote: »
    Point being, hardware wise Android will probably always offer a little more

    Whatever helps with the insecurity. Android hardware will always offer more failures, headaches, maintenance and depreciation.
    relic wrote: »
    Next year, if I'm still around, I will defiantly be buying a Nexus 6 if just to play with, whatever model will replace my Nokia 1020 as I have absolutely fallen in love with that camera and can't wait to start using 4k video

    Nah you want to hold off until it can do 8K with 9GB of RAM and nothing less.
  • Reply 252 of 269
    relic wrote: »
    Next year, if I'm still around...

    People: forget tech, forget Apple. Forget Android, forget debates on public forums; TTHISis what it's all about: health, and the knowledge of 'the possibility being gone' tomorrow.

    Stay healthy. Do something about your health, if at all possible. And when you're in the position Relic is in, pray that you'll pull through. Most will love you for who you are, just make sure you are mirroring your goodness to the rest of the world and it'll reflect on you in return.

    Best to you Relic, you're in my heart.
  • Reply 253 of 269
    I am an Android user. Always have been. Never had the Iphone early on because of the contract that At&t had with Apple. I see that there are huge debates with Android and Apple users. Personally, I don't think I know enough to give an educated opinion, for the simple fact that I have never owned an Iphone, except for an Ipod Touch. Technically, I love tech! I read up on everything and I spend hours going through it all. I get just as excited about new items to market just like everyone else.

    I would like to share an unbiased opinion concerning both Android and Apple products. From what I gather, Samsung makes an absolute beast of a phone. Pardon me, but an absolute beast with lag. There is so much bloatware on these phones that they technically need all the memory they can stuff into a handheld. Their phones tend to recognize little to no response at times. They are very quick but the lag thing always has been frustrating for me. Another frustrating aspect of a Galaxy super-phone is the fact that they are made of plastic. I can speak from experience that I have dropped my Gs4 from waist height in a completely enclosed Otterbox case and the digitizer broke, hence the phone was no good. Needless to say, I refuse to purchase an Otterbox ever again, and the mishap has led me to venture out and find a new sidekick. Especially when my friend's Iphone screen is completely busted with the bottom half missing, and the phone still works! (Please note that I am on my 3rd Galaxy S4 in six months!)

    The Iphone on the other hand, I am told, is very integrated and doesn't experience lag. Also, I've never purchased after the At&t contract because of the small screen. I do have a vision disability and prefer a larger screen size. Now that my dream has come to pass, I am considering what I never thought I'd consider, which is the purchase of the 6-plus, over the Note 4 (even though I'm still buying one for my wife). I am really interested to see if this 1 gig Iphone can at least match with Samsung's 3 gig beast.

    I do believe Apple knows what they're doing as far as their marketing schemes, adding a little of this and that as each model comes to pass. What I haven't understood so far is Apple's loyal consumers. I guess if you've had the first Iphone up until now I can understand that, but I'd sure like someone to create a clear picture. I'm sure that there are other Androiders out there that may move to this Iphone frenzy since the big screen has been released.

    For me, I just need a well-integrated device with elegance and a quality feel. I need it to perform unparalleled with all my daily tasks. Are less specs, but excellent integration a bad thing? Thanks for reading!
  • Reply 254 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Majel View Post

    I am an Android user. Always have been. Never had the Iphone early on because of the contract that At&t had with Apple. I see that there are huge debates with Android and Apple users. Personally, I don't think I know enough to give an educated opinion, for the simple fact that I have never owned an Iphone, except for an Ipod Touch. Technically, I love tech! I read up on everything and I spend hours going through it all. I get just as excited about new items to market just like everyone else.

    I would like to share an unbiased opinion concerning both Android and Apple products. From what I gather, Samsung makes an absolute beast of a phone. Pardon me, but an absolute beast with lag. There is so much bloatware on these phones that they technically need all the memory they can stuff into a handheld. Their phones tend to recognize little to no response at times. They are very quick but the lag thing always has been frustrating for me. Another frustrating aspect of a Galaxy super-phone is the fact that they are made of plastic. I can speak from experience that I have dropped my Gs4 from waist height in a completely enclosed Otterbox case and the digitizer broke, hence the phone was no good. Needless to say, I refuse to purchase an Otterbox ever again, and the mishap has led me to venture out and find a new sidekick. Especially when my friend's Iphone screen is completely busted with the bottom half missing, and the phone still works! (Please note that I am on my 3rd Galaxy S4 in six months!)

    The Iphone on the other hand, I am told, is very integrated and doesn't experience lag. Also, I've never purchased after the At&t contract because of the small screen. I do have a vision disability and prefer a larger screen size. Now that my dream has come to pass, I am considering what I never thought I'd consider, which is the purchase of the 6-plus, over the Note 4 (even though I'm still buying one for my wife). I am really interested to see if this 1 gig Iphone can at least match with Samsung's 3 gig beast.

    I do believe Apple knows what they're doing as far as their marketing schemes, adding a little of this and that as each model comes to pass. What I haven't understood so far is Apple's loyal consumers. I guess if you've had the first Iphone up until now I can understand that, but I'd sure like someone to create a clear picture. I'm sure that there are other Androiders out there that may move to this Iphone frenzy since the big screen has been released.

    For me, I just need a well-integrated device with elegance and a quality feel. I need it to perform unparalleled with all my daily tasks. Are less specs, but excellent integration a bad thing? Thanks for reading!


    The Note will also come in a 4GB version, never again will I ever buy a Samsung phone because of TouchWiz, it's just horrible. In the Android world there are just two options, a Nexus phone or a Google Play Edition. Try the iPhone, you might like it, you'll never know till you try right.

  • Reply 255 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Android was always more of a memory hog than iOS. That's one of the improvements in KitKat:

    "Android OS usually uses up a lot of RAM. The S4 has 1.78 GB and but only about 1 GB is available because TouchWiz uses so much"

    Android device manufacturers aren't being kind by giving 2GB of RAM, they have to in order to be competitive with iOS. With 1GB of RAM, iOS devices will give around the same experience as pre-Kit-Kat Android with 2GB. It's a pretty arbitrary spec option to avoid buying a device for and will no doubt be revised to some other arbitrary problem if they ever offer it.

    64-bit is just catching up to Apple and as irrelevant as Apple doing any catching up to Android. You can tell the lost steam by the lowered demand and falling profits. Samsung's Galaxy Alpha is just clutching at straws, they're out of ideas. Their whole campaign for years has been centered around the next big thing and now size doesn't matter so they have nothing else to do.

    The iPhone never used 4:3 but the original 3:2 display was the most comfortable because it fit the most hands. As the size grew, it has become less comfortable but it's a tradeoff. I don't recall people refusing to use other phones based on that.

    Which made it a mostly pointless addition. Unless you have a widespread practical use for something, why bother adding it? That's why Android devices get so bogged down with gimmicky features and the devices end up being shoved away in a drawer. Unless the features are well thought out, they aren't going to be much use to people.

    Whatever helps with the insecurity. Android hardware will always offer more failures, headaches, maintenance and depreciation.

    Nah you want to hold off until it can do 8K with 9GB of RAM and nothing less.


    Ooops, I meant 3:2, check out some of the threads for the iPhone 4, 4s and 5, I spent a day or so going through some of the old stuff and the amount of people who said that not only was 16:9 useless for a phone but also refused to use any phone or tablet with that resolution was pretty pretty staggering. I know you were probably talking about others who buy Android phones but I personally don't have any insecurities with inanimate objects. I've also never had any failures, headaches or maintenance done to any of the phones that I've ever owned. I actually don't really use an Android phone anymore except as a test bed and playing around so trash away, Marvin.

  • Reply 256 of 269
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    majel wrote: »
    Are less specs, but excellent integration a bad thing?

    It's always about the experience when it comes to mobile devices. Here someone says why they are ditching the Samsung S5 for HTC:


    Some of the comments reflect the same experience with lag. They seem to agree that the Nexus and HTC M8 give better experiences despite lacking in a few specs.

    When it comes to graphics performance, the iOS devices outperform every Android phone:

    CPU-wise, the iPhone tops most Android devices too:

    People have mentioned that iOS doesn't have true multi-tasking but it's designed to perform smoothly and it does.
    relic wrote:
    the amount of people who said that not only was 16:9 useless for a phone but also refused to use any phone or tablet with that resolution is pretty pretty staggering

    16:9 is useless for a tablet, not a phone. Tablets are reading devices and that aspect is too cramped in portrait:


    When the phone went 16:9, it made no difference as it was the same width as before, you just got extra vertical space.
  • Reply 257 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    People: forget tech, forget Apple. Forget Android, forget debates on public forums; TTHISis what it's all about: health, and the knowledge of 'the possibility being gone' tomorrow.

    Stay healthy. Do something about your health, if at all possible. And when you're in the position Relic is in, pray that you'll pull through. Most will love you for who you are, just make sure you are mirroring your goodness to the rest of the world and it'll reflect on you in return.

    Best to you Relic, you're in my heart.

    Thank you so much. It's forums like this that keep my mind from going crazy.

  • Reply 258 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    People have mentioned that iOS doesn't have true multi-tasking but it's designed to perform smoothly and it does.


    It has multi-tasking and it's good, it just can't run many apps in the background, which I believe is because of the limited amount of memory. I'm hoping the iPad will eventually change all of this, I would actually pay an additional 300 for 2GB of RAM and be able to run at least 3 of my music creations apps at once.

  • Reply 259 of 269
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's always about the experience when it comes to mobile devices. Here someone says why they are ditching the Samsung S5 for HTC:

    Some of the comments reflect the same experience with lag. They seem to agree that the Nexus and HTC M8 give better experiences despite lacking in a few specs.

    When it comes to graphics performance, the iOS devices outperform every Android phone:

    CPU-wise, the iPhone tops most Android devices too:

    People have mentioned that iOS doesn't have true multi-tasking but it's designed to perform smoothly and it does.

    16:9 is useless for a tablet, not a phone. Tablets are reading devices and that aspect is too cramped in portrait:

    When the phone went 16:9, it made no difference as it was the same width as before, you just got extra vertical space.


    Everything except the Nvidia K1, graphics and multi-core benchmarks are faster, single-core the A8 defiantly trumps everything. Only the Manhatten test has faster frame rates at The A8 might hold the crown for fastest single-core but the new 64bit Nvidia Denver will be the one to beat next year and we will have to see how fast the new Qualcomm 810 is. The iPhone 6 is super fast though, holy moly.

  • Reply 260 of 269
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    relic wrote: »
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Everything except the Nvidia K1, graphics and multi-core benchmarks are faster, single-core the A8 defiantly trumps everything. Only the Manhatten test has faster frame rates at </span> The A8 might hold the crown for fastest single-core but the new 64bit Nvidia Denver will be the one to beat next year and we will have to see how fast the new Qualcomm 810 is. The iPhone 6 is super fast though, holy moly.

    In somewhat of a surprise the latest Moto X beats out the iPhone 6 is some tests too even tho the processor is not the latest. :???:
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