Mail accounts will not "go online"



  • Reply 21 of 31
    Never heard that before, interesting. But the problem with your theory is that he had three different e-mail accounts and has tried them on multiple networks.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    ma33709ma33709 Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by jermg77 View Post

    As of yesterday, none of my mail accounts will go online. I have 2 IMAP and 1 POP3 accounts. I have tried this with both wifi and my sprint aircard, it is not a network issue, it must be something locally with mail.

    I have also done a repair permissions, and zapped p-ram... still stuck on offline mode.

    When I look at the Connection Doctor it just tells me to check the SSL boxes for each account.

    Mail is also not connecting to any of my outgoing SMTP servers. So, it would seem as if Mail is caught in limbo.



    macbook pro 2.66



    I had the same Issue, I had setup a network for work, (in network locations).I had forgot, when I got home I setup the macbook on the desk browser worked, next day I went to check mail, Accounts would not go online, I tried everything (Well obviously not everything since it would not go online), I even rebooted, then my synapse (I only have the one) fired on the network location, I put it back to automatic and it all started working. This may not be the same for you but if someone else reads I hope it helps someone.

  • Reply 23 of 31
    ma33709ma33709 Posts: 2member
    I had the same issue, snow leopard ..

    Stop mail

    Go to system preferences


    Stop the FIREWALL

    open mail

    take all accounts online.

    wait a few minutes check mail

    start the firewall, no changes necessary but

    (I have added mail to the firewall also and set to allow)

    Hope this helps
  • Reply 24 of 31

    Have you had any luck fixing this issue? 

    I'm having the same problem, no solutions have helped so far. 

    Would appreciate suggestions.




    MacBook Pro 2.66

    OSX 10.9.1

  • Reply 25 of 31
    pcftwpcftw Posts: 3member

    it's because your'e using products made by apple.

  • Reply 26 of 31

    Same issue... nothing works... tried everything but reinstalling mavericks.

  • Reply 27 of 31

    I fixed a similar problem (maybe same?, maybe not.) ...

    It ended up being a corrupted cache file... deleted that file (requires use of console) and everything worked again.


    Now, I never tried any other mail apps, and I would have thought that cache file was unique to apple mail... so maybe yours is a different problem.


    In any case, it's worth a try.  Google is your friend ... that's where I figured out what to do... the hints I gave should get you started down the right path. (I just don't know the specifics without googling it again, so I'm gonna let you do that yourself.)

  • Reply 28 of 31

    Same happened with me!

    Please where is this corrupted cache file. I want to try deleting it too.



  • Reply 29 of 31

    I had the same problem with my wife's and my computer at the same time. She has a MacBook on 10.6, and I have a MBP on 10.7. We tried everything, and here is how I fixed it. 

    1. I changed my port to 995 (keep in mind this is not the recommendation from Google, it is 993).

    2. I shut down Mail.

    3. I went online to Google and changed my password.

    4. I opened up Mail, and changed my password on the password authentication. 

    It worked. 

    Let me know if it works for you.

    Does anyone know why using 995 might not be safe???


  • Reply 30 of 31

    I am having the same problem after a visitor was using my IMAC, and also after I updated an APP (can't recall which one).  Where did you find the corrupted file so I can get rid of it.  My email will not go back on line no matter what I do.



  • Reply 31 of 31

    I just had basically the same problem with mail, none of my mailboxes would connect even though mail could connect to the internet. I tried restarting computer, restarting mail, etc. What finally worked for me was switching to a different wifi network (there's an open neighborhood one here) and then back to my own and magically everything now works. Hope that helps!

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