Leak suggests new Fitbit Surge smartwatch will best Apple Watch by integrating GPS



  • Reply 61 of 64
    roakeroake Posts: 821member

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I do whatever I can to exercise with my gadgets (even have an underwater case and headphones for my iPod Shuffle) but I do know plenty of people that enjoy being disconnected when they exercise.

    I go to the gym 4 - 5 times a week and frankly, it's downright embarrassing to see how many folks at the gym are literally connected to the hip with their phones or with full-blown iPads.  They will do one set of weights, take a 20-minute "break" without ever leaving their workout bench, do another set in 30 seconds, rinse and repeat.  It's like they don't even take a moment to think that other people might be waiting to use that same equipment.

    I don't bring any gadget into the workout room.  It's distracting to me.  I can "maybe" understand taking it on a treadmill for 30-minutes, especially since one can stream whatever music/video they want... but when using it in the weight room?  Come-on.

    It irks the hell out of me when I see people so sucked-into their gadgets, that they tune out everything else around them to such a degree that it's really a shame to see.  They threw manners and courtesy out the door.

    You know who you are... turn the damn things off, get your workout done, and move on... and don't give me a BS about how "important" that you just can't miss that one emergency phone call from a client or family member.  That has nothing to do when I see you engorged in Facebook during your 20-minute "rest" between sets.

    Why are you watching what they do with their mobile device to the degree that you know what apps they are running?  Seems kinda creepy to me!  Do you happen to get their browser history and their home address while you are at it?


    It seems that if you were so doing your own workout so intensely, you wouldn't be able to give us details on what some stranger is posting in Facebook.


    Next time you see someone texting his wife, "some creepy-as-hell guy here is timing how long I do my reps, and stares at me during my breaks.  I think he might try to follow me home!", you might consider moving on instead, maybe to a different gym.

  • Reply 62 of 64
    Yawn... it still looks like all the other cheap smartwatches on the market. Frankly, Fitbit lost my business after it's idiotic stance against HealthKit and it's refusal to send data. I'll continue to wear my fitbit flex until the Apple Watch comes out, but it will be a paperweight after that.
  • Reply 63 of 64
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    As if on cue, the Sony Smartwatch 3 w/ GPS chip and music:


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