After gaining U.S. government approval, Samsung Knox security for Android found to be "completely co



  • Reply 41 of 72
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    AppleInsider could be a good website but it does bother me that the journalism present on this website is so pro apple, death to anything else. I am not saying you have to love appl'es competition but you don't have to post every negative thing that comes up. Its like you are hopping for the other team to get injured. If you like apple like apple don't hate something because its not apple you will find your self full of hate.

    Dude you forgot the /s tag. Hillarious post though, congrats ... :D
  • Reply 42 of 72
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by revenant View Post

    ...just a security badge put over a leaking and sinking ship of INsecurity. 

    ...fixed it for you.

  • Reply 43 of 72
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    Originally Posted by Joxer View Post


    Samsung's having a bad couple of weeks, first #Gapgate then #Note4slowgraphicsgate, and now #Knoxgate.


    And yet none of those will get 1% of the coverage that "bendgate" got.

  • Reply 44 of 72
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member

    Whichever senators are paid enough by the PAC representing some anti-Samsung folks will be the one's to make that demand. ;)
    Or... whichever senators think such a public "demand" would benefit their re-election.
    in short... they'll only do ANYthing if they think it will benefit their power-base... otherwise they'll just continue with their circle-jerk.

    So true. As we fend of requests ... no ... demands ... for $s every five minutes in the Florida pre election run up, I can't help but step back and think WTF? This is nothing but a money making scam dressed up as democracy.

    There should be a set amount of $s allocated for each candidate who pre qualifies to run by some metric, and no additional funds allowed... equal playing field ... and that's that.

    So I wonder why the media doesn't ever support such a simple and democratic concept ... Oh wait a minute ...
  • Reply 45 of 72
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Not to say someone didn't screw up when they approved the samsung product based on what others security experts found. However, no know what version of the Samsung software was approved by the Government, they may have a special version for them. I think this is the issue that Apple is having getting theirs fully approved across of department of the government are not going to make them a special version.

  • Reply 46 of 72
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Only dropped 13%? If investors woke up and smelled the coffee, it would be down 90%.

    And it's gained back half that overnight loss.  You could have made a killing buying Amazon last night (however one does that).  And many analysts still have guidance prices at or close to $400 a share.

  • Reply 47 of 72
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,286member

    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    AppleInsider could be a good website but it does bother me that the journalism present on this website is so pro apple, death to anything else. I am not saying you have to love appl'es competition but you don't have to post every negative thing that comes up. Its like you are hopping for the other team to get injured. If you like apple like apple don't hate something because its not apple you will find your self full of hate.

    Why would a website named Appleinsider bother presenting anything positive about the competition? Do you expect Samsung or Microsoft websites to publish nice articles able Apple? No. The difference between many websites and many extensive editorials on AI is that AI at least attempts to bring together legitimate information about a particular subject instead of just ranting about the competition with trumped up bogus information (perfect use of the name Trump). In the case of this article, yes, as a tax-paying US citizen I am definitely demanding that the Samsung Knox system be removed from all government certification, unclassified and classified, until the information in this article can be confirmed. As a former government employee who is still required by law to keep his mouth shut about certain things, I absolutely demand to know why this wasn't caught. The only reason I can think of is that someone high up in DoD demanded the certification of a non-Apple device so it was pushed through without the normal amount of testing. This article isn't pro-Apple, it's pro security against a company that is trying to get around legitimate security.

  • Reply 48 of 72
    boredumb wrote: »
    ...fixed it for you.

    Actually no. A sinking ship means it is faulty. So the metaphorical ship of security that is sinking means it is not very good, doomed, and what not. So a sinking ship of insecurity means insecurity is sinking- a rather backwards metaphor.
  • Reply 49 of 72
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    Rock solid security/encryption is really, really difficult.  I'm not making an excuse for Samsung or anyone; that's just a fact.


    However, this part is flat-out ridiculous.  I don't see how a first-year student studying IT security could have made that mistake:



    As the research describes, upon entering the PIN, "the Knox app will show you a little password hint (the first and the last character of your password!! + the original length of your password!)"


    That's like selling a safe and having the first and last number of the combination conveniently laser etched into the door.  How did this get past any type of review at all?

  • Reply 50 of 72
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    AppleInsider could be a good website but it does bother me that the journalism present on this website is so pro apple, death to anything else. I am not saying you have to love appl'es competition but you don't have to post every negative thing that comes up. Its like you are hopping for the other team to get injured. If you like apple like apple don't hate something because its not apple you will find your self full of hate.

    So I guess that's why you chose your user name... Please, give give us a break. Samsung is the most blatantly corrupt tech company in Asia, although they are not alone, and deserve the criticism for everything exposed about them.
  • Reply 51 of 72
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    . . . Samsung is the most blatantly corrupt tech company in Asia . . . and deserve the criticism for everything exposed about them.


    Just because they'd have a convicted felon for a CEO you'd right away brand them as "the most blatantly corrupt"?  Isn't that being a bit harsh? /s

  • Reply 52 of 72
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    techlover wrote: »

    So maybe the NYT and WSJ are waiting until they have all of the facts?  Or maybe there is another reason?

    Haha. Facts? Who needs facts when you can get more page views?

    Possible NYT headline: Apple partner lousy with security.
  • Reply 53 of 72
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    AppleInsider could be a good website but it does bother me that the journalism present on this website is so pro apple, death to anything else. I am not saying you have to love appl'es competition but you don't have to post every negative thing that comes up. Its like you are hopping for the other team to get injured. If you like apple like apple don't hate something because its not apple you will find your self full of hate.

    Sounds like you're looking for "" or "" ? LOL - this is so why wouldn't they report on everything and anything that relates to Apple? LOL! I can't help but think of your comments as they might be applied to some other area of model airplanes for example... Seriously though - who creates an account on a website calld "" so they can post a comment asking "Why does everybody have to talk about model airplanes so much? Can't we give it a break and talk about something else for a change?"

    And by the way - there are plenty of objective articles here and plenty of objective people. Sometimes it just ends up sounding pro-apple because Apple genuinely has the best <insert product or feature here>. Also - there is an over abundance of Android trolls who pop in here regularly, drop a few lies and leave. It would be irresponsible for those who *know* the information is false to just leave the post there unchallenged so that a casual reader browsing the forum might walk away with a head full of misinformation.

    And finally - yes, the competition has to be dragged into a lot of different discussions pretty regularly. People want to discuss "the best" in a lot of different contexts. To do that, you have to compare against something else or the phrase "the best" has no meaning! If the journalists don't contrast Apple phones against competitors phones, the reader will assume the author hasn't done due diligence or performed a fair comparison/evaluation.
  • Reply 54 of 72
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member

    this is interesting. the only thing i could find regarding samsung and knox and it happened in january:

  • Reply 55 of 72
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post


    this is interesting. the only thing i could find regarding samsung and knox and it happened in january:

    I love this quote from Samsung



    Samsung ended their statement by encouraging all researchers working on the KNOX platform to contact them directly with security concerns.


    Meaning, Research please do not make this public, call us so we can keep a hat of this issue, otherwise you making us look bad.

  • Reply 56 of 72
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,327member
    Looks like the Samsung stripper-hookers are working overtime (again) to get the government approval
  • Reply 57 of 72

    Finally a voice of reason.


    One lone blog poster and the Apple crew goes nuts, ever consider it isn't correct?

    I have heard tell that not EVERYTHING on the internet is the truth, amazing  I know, but apparently that's the way it is.


    "IF" in fact this turns out to be incorrect, it will be interesting to see what all these posters have to say!

  • Reply 58 of 72
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    So Samsung was just doing a Knox-Knox joke on the feds. 


    And they bit.

  • Reply 59 of 72
    chipsychipsy Posts: 287member
    Okay I'll play advocate of the devil. Sure a weakness had been discovered in Knox. Fair enough but leave it to DED to completely overblow the whole thing. Even adding some additional unrelated and by now known to have been ripped out of context and even misquoted quotes about Android in general at the end to somehow strengthen his argument (only in his own mind). DED you do realize that the discoverer of this also steered people to using Android's own encryption instead of Knox right? Or like he describes it himself: "Android is using a PBKDF2 function from the encryption password you choose and never persists it on the device. Obviously you can never access the data if you forget your password, but that's the point of a good encryption."

    And that there is no indication of Google using Knox purely as it is now for 5.0. Sure Samsung donated it but that doesn't mean it will be implemented exactly the same. It is by now known that Google is picking certain items from Knox to integrate in their own system (primarily SELinux stuff). The security in 5.0 won't be exactly the same as Knox.
  • Reply 60 of 72
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    [quote name="rob53" url="/t/183021/after-gaining-u-s-government-approval-samsung-knox-security-for-android-found-to-be-completely-compromised/30#post_2626480"]Why would a website named Appleinsider bother presenting anything positive about the competition? Do you expect Samsung or Microsoft websites to publish nice articles able Apple? No. The difference between many websites and many extensive editorials on AI is that AI at least attempts to bring together legitimate information about a particular subject instead of just ranting about the competition with trumped up bogus information (perfect use of the name Trump). In the case of this article, yes, as a tax-paying US citizen I am definitely demanding that the Samsung Knox system be removed from all government certification, unclassified and classified, until the information in this article can be confirmed. As a former government employee who is still required by law to keep his mouth shut about certain things, I absolutely demand to know why this wasn't caught. The only reason I can think of is that someone high up in DoD demanded the certification of a non-Apple device so it was pushed through without the normal amount of testing. This article isn't pro-Apple, it's pro security against a company that is trying to get around legitimate security.

    Very well said! He can always go to cnet or macrumors
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