Philips Hue connected bulbs now supported by over 200 third-party iOS apps



  • Reply 21 of 30
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post


    Just look how many Hues are used to illuminate that room... and it's still dark.


    Hues aren't efficient, they're way too expensive, and they're not even recommended for use in enclosed fixtures.


    thats a studio shot and pretty impossible to use as a judge of real world lighting. for instance, my living room w/ two bulbs in my lamps is fairly well lit. i would like brighter bulbs, but its bright enough for most of the time (i turn on another reading light when i want to do serious reading).


    but hey, in the other studio shot the ladies are smoking hot and very impressed by hue. (and by their expressions and those of the dudes, i think theyve even down for something crazy weird...)

  • Reply 22 of 30
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post


    Just look how many Hues are used to illuminate that room... and it's still dark.


    Hues aren't efficient, they're way too expensive, and they're not even recommended for use in enclosed fixtures.

    Don't judge that picture. The hue bulb I have in one lamp is just as bright as the CFL bulb I replaced it with. Same with other rooms in my house. Plus, that photo has been edited in Photoshop. 

  • Reply 23 of 30
    mr4jsmr4js Posts: 55member

    HUE is a cheap gimmick. Philips is worse than Samsung.


  • Reply 24 of 30
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    really? tell that to all my old laptops.

    Yes, really. I've gone through 3 cheap modems in the last 4 years.
    Finally admitted defeat and shelled out an extra $150 on a decent one. (ISP recommended)

    I'm absolutely sure you know heat kills electronics and the controllers in these lights are not likely to be as robust as components in a laptop.
    I'd say half life of led would be more than fair, if not on the conservative/generous side.
    I guess we'll find out when they start failing.
    That said I do think that the selling price of all LED lights, smart or not, is way on the high side.
  • Reply 25 of 30

    I love my Hue lights, and will be adding more to other rooms in my house as I replace the CFL bulbs. I love the scenes and timers and the geolocating on/off features are great.


    My only wish is Apple will get HomeKit off the ground and I will be able to have Siri control my lights.

  • Reply 26 of 30
    One of my expensive Hue lamps broke after 11 months. So much for the 15 year lifespan. There's no tech support on their website. I'm looking for a cheaper alternative.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    mr4jsmr4js Posts: 55member
    Philips makes cheap junk and is a very unethical company. Very sleazy, just like Samsung. The hue is an overpriced gimmick for people who do not understand value or robust home automation products.
  • Reply 28 of 30
    What's nice is it's not a traditional light bulb so when the glass breaks it still works since the leds are still intact. I know because I broke one of mine and you can't even tell if you put it in a lamp with a shade. Actually it gives it a cool subtle rainbow effect when it's set to white.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    When the bulbs drop below $20, we'll give them a shot. $60 a piece is ridiculous. I stick with LED RGB strip with horse race module.

    Agreed.When you consider the minimum number of bulbs required to get some utility out of this in a typical home the price becomes ridiculous and out of step with the benefit.


    Incidentally, if all you need are lightbulbs that can be turned on or off or dimmed using a remote or an app, there's an outfit in New Zealand that sells them for a much more reasonable price. Even after the hefty shopping costs the toal price is a fraction of what Phillips charges. I've had these for a couple of years and they work great.



  • Reply 30 of 30
    Please also consider my new app Palettes for Phillips Hue light control.

    I designed Palettes for Hue to be an easy to use, everyday light control app for Phillips Hue light bulbs. It features easy zone-based light controls, and custom pre-made light scenes. Palettes for Hue provides quick access to all of your light zones, allowing you to turn your lights on or off, change brightness, or select a fun random light setting. With just one more tap, you have access to 7 predesigned color palettes, each containing 4 custom light scenes.

    Thanks for supporting the Phillips Hue ecosystem.
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