Rumor: Apple's "iPad Pro" to be as thin as an iPhone, sport 12.2-inch display & extra speakers



  • Reply 201 of 261
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member

    And don't forget about the humble AppleTV. It is an excellent presentation vehicle for enterprise (as well as consumers) anytime the need exceeds the one-on-one presentation capability of the iPad. I suspect that a new AppleTV with A8X is coming and that the Apple/IBM partnership will have asset to the APIs.

    Unless it's changed recently the ATV is not a very good presentation tool. It requires joining a common network which is often not available. I used to get around that by setting up an ad hoc network from an iPhone. A real pain actually. You should be able to plug it in a communicate directly from an iPad.
  • Reply 202 of 261
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    jmd1033 wrote: »
    I've had a stylus for my iPads for years. $6 at Amazon.

    Not much better than a finger. The stylus situation with iPads is really bad.
  • Reply 203 of 261
    jmd1033 wrote: »
    I've had a stylus for my iPads for years. $6 at Amazon.

    Why do people write such things? Those are capacitance styluses, not the digitizer and intelligent pens designed for precision input and force. Comparing those styluses to a digitizer is like having someone with a 2005 Blackberry say their smartphone is the same as an iPhone 6 in terms of capabilities. The similarities end with the general nomenclature.
  • Reply 204 of 261
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by pimento View Post

    I have an SP3. It's an unmitigated disaster of dizzying proportions. There's simply no way for me to communicate to you just how terrible those things are. In. Every. Way.

    I got mine free, from the Borg. It only has MS software on it...well and Photoshop. It's a mess from the first second you turn it on. The startup graphic is corrupt. It hard freezes CONSTANTLY, requiring a reboot into a command line diagnostic screen.

    The only reason it has a stylus is because the screen resolution makes interface elements too small for your fingers. So you have no choice but to use a stylus in place of your finger. Oh yeah, and that stylus uses a AAAA battery which you can't buy anywhere. So have fun when your stylus dies.

    We have 2 floors full of people who have SP3s, and after the first month, nobody ever touched theirs. IT even hates them.

    Of course I'll tell you this, and you'll buy one anyways thinking I'm just a fanboy or a squeaky wheel. Then you'll figure out its one of the worst pieces of technology on planet earth.

    BS, I call absolute BS. Freezes, I have yet to seen anything of the sort, in fact the only time I ever restart mine is when I'm installing an update, command line, yeah, you did something wrong, it's defiantly not  the software.. The fact that you had to add, "thinking I'm just a fanboy or a squeaky wheel" just further increases my suspicions of your motives. AAAA batteries hard to find, ever heard of online shopping, heck my local grocery store now carries them, aren't there BestBuy's, Walmart's, etc. on every corner in America. There is also nothing wrong with the display resolution and using it for touch, you do know that you can increase the elements under resolution. 

  • Reply 205 of 261
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    relic wrote: »
    ...aren't there BestBuy's, Walmart's, etc. on every corner in America.

    Of course not.
  • Reply 206 of 261
    chiachia Posts: 714member

    OS X does come with handwriting recognition built in: you need to plug a digitising tablet into the Mac for the Ink handwriting option to be revealed in OS X:



    The crucial point is that Ink has been a feature of OS X before the creation of iPhone and iPad.

    If Apple felt OS X was suitable for phone and tablet use then they would have saved themselves a lot of development time and resource by using OS X rather than creating iOS.


    Those who want the full OS X touch tablet experience can buy a ModBook which uses a very sensitive Wacom digitizer.

    It's expensive but the option is there for those who have a need for such a device.


    The iPad without a stylus has become the most successful and ubiquitous tablet computer in terms of units sold compared to all previous iterations of tablet computers with styli.


    The iPhone is more popular without the stylus than the competing high end Samsung handsets with their styli.


    Yes, there are those who clamour for iPad with stylus but the comparative sales figures suggest they're a minority.

  • Reply 207 of 261
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    pimento wrote: »
    mr. h wrote: »
    I am so tempted to get a Surface Pro 3.

    I have an SP3. It's an unmitigated disaster of dizzying proportions. There's simply no way for me to communicate to you just how terrible those things are. In. Every. Way.

    I got mine free, from the Borg. It only has MS software on it...well and Photoshop. It's a mess from the first second you turn it on. The startup graphic is corrupt. It hard freezes CONSTANTLY, requiring a reboot into a command line diagnostic screen.

    Your Surface Pro 3 is clearly defective and has some kind of serious hardware problem. It is not valid to judge a product based on a single instance that is obviously broken.

    pimento wrote: »
    The only reason it has a stylus is because the screen resolution makes interface elements too small for your fingers.

    And to make notes. And to mark up documents. And to draw accurately. And to write equations. etc. etc.

    pimento wrote: »
    Oh yeah, and that stylus uses a AAAA battery which you can't buy anywhere. So have fun when your stylus dies.

    Also, every alkaline 9 V PP3 battery contains 6 AAAA cells.
  • Reply 208 of 261
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Of course not.

    I know, of course not, I was being condenscending but there is certainly a store in driving distance.
  • Reply 209 of 261
    pmcd wrote: »

    And don't forget about the humble AppleTV. It is an excellent presentation vehicle for enterprise (as well as consumers) anytime the need exceeds the one-on-one presentation capability of the iPad. I suspect that a new AppleTV with A8X is coming and that the Apple/IBM partnership will have asset to the APIs.

    Unless it's changed recently the ATV is not a very good presentation tool. It requires joining a common network which is often not available. I used to get around that by setting up an ad hoc network from an iPhone. A real pain actually. You should be able to plug it in a communicate directly from an iPad.

    Peer-to-peer AirPlay discovery and playback.
    With iOS 8, you can wirelessly connect iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to Apple TV without first connecting to the organization’s network. Which means you can present or share your work even if you’re offline or the organization has a complex network.

    Bottom of page
  • Reply 210 of 261
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    Better yet, if Apple Watch comes out in time!
    According to Ahrendts it will be late February at the earliest.
  • Reply 211 of 261
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Several things:


    1. It was Taylor Swift -- she gave a bad performance on live TV image

    2. the performance problems were reported in a very early beta inplemendation of Swift -- not unusual or unexpected

    3. the Swift performance tests were made with minimal compiler optimizations -- contained a lot of debugging overhead

    4. the internal Swift sort was rewritten with performance in mind



    Originally Posted by SHSF View Post


    Teething problem now sorted:



    Thanks much!  Things like that have a tendency to make headlines, but fixing the issues after the fact doesn't ever seem to make the news in quite the same way.  I'm glad to see that Apple got things corrected before going live.

  • Reply 212 of 261
    relic wrote: »
    BS, I call absolute BS. Freezes, I have yet to seen anything of the sort, in fact the only time I ever restart mine is when I'm installing an update, command line, yeah, you did something wrong, it's defiantly not  the software.[/COLOR]

    Plug your SP3 into the docking station with an Ethernet cable attached. Let it go to sleep, then pull it out of the docking station to use wifi. Hard crash every time. I've seen it for months and months on 2 floors worth of machines. Dismal.
  • Reply 213 of 261
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by pimento View Post

    Plug your SP3 into the docking station with an Ethernet cable attached. Let it go to sleep, then pull it out of the docking station to use wifi. Hard crash every time. I've seen it for months and months on 2 floors worth of machines. Dismal.

    It's got be the way your IT set it up, I just tried it 5 times in a row without issue. I have been using the docking station for two weeks now, which has an Ethernet and projector connected to it, Wifi is turned on to auto connect when Ethernet is unplugged. I even tried it with Ethernet USB cable, I can't recreate what your talking about.

  • Reply 214 of 261

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    It's all about the software. A 12.2 "pro" device needs better software than the current iOS for iPad.

    We heard rumors about a device, possibly this larger iPad, that could run both iOS and Mac OS X. Not a hybrid version of both, but actually both, independently.


    Sort of like....when its docked with keyboard/track pad accessory, you automatically see OS X, when its undocked it runs iOS.


    After thinking a lot about that...It would be pretty cool. Basically a full blown Macbook Air with the right accessory, and full blown iPad without it. Not a bad deal.

    This is utter BS. A device that has a split personality? so If I dock it I can't get to my iOS apps, but undocked I can. Do I have to store everything on iCloud so that I can work on it with the two different OS's? If all I want is a larger iPad then I have to pay for this Mac OS X technology or is that part of a very expensive dock? Just seems silly to me.

  • Reply 215 of 261
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Why do people write such things? Those are capacitance styluses, not the digitizer and intelligent pens designed for precision input and force. Comparing those styluses to a digitizer is like having someone with a 2005 Blackberry say their smartphone is the same as an iPhone 6 in terms of capabilities. The similarities end with the general nomenclature.

    Some of the results can be just as good. Adobe's one seems to get good results and has thousands of levels of pressure sensitivity:


    Having special tech in the display is better and would work in any app. The following tablet is $229 with a Wacom digitizer:


    The laminated display on the new iPad Air would be great for that as it will reduce the gap between the pen and the display surface. It might increase thickness to the device a bit and might wear out some special coatings they have more quickly but a responsive, low-lag pen with proper palm rejection and high sensitivity would be a nice addition to the iPad.

    They have to contend with people who think that offering a stylus goes against what they said in the past when they were talking about the primary control for the whole device being a stylus. The LG Prada phone even had a stylus as a backup, presumably so people could hit the active scrollbars:


    It shouldn't be bundled in a holder like with some tablets because people would assume the UI is meant to be used with one. It would help if the UI in general didn't work with the stylus and there can perhaps be a slot on the smart cover for it. I don't think it would have to be limited to the largest model either. I think there should be laminated display models at the high end of each iPad size they choose to make and they can offer an optional stylus to use for drawing. They can even partner with either Adobe or Wacom to do it so Apple can incorporate the display tech and 3rd parties do the pens.
  • Reply 216 of 261
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Marvin wrote: »
    Having special tech in the display is better and would work in any app. The following tablet is $229 with a Wacom digitizer:


    I have to assume it's a cost and/or supply issue at this point because I do see a digitizer being something the iPad is missing that could make it even better. I also assume Apple created frameworks and APIs for iOS 8 years ago to take advantage of a digitizer.

    If the cost per device is, say, an extra $50 per unit for every unit and only, say, a fraction of one percent will ever utilize it then it's simply not a good a fit. Finally, since they haven't yet introduced a special iPad model that has a digitizer built-in at an additional cost I have to think they won't be going that route like other OEMs.
  • Reply 217 of 261
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    relic wrote: »
    I know, of course not, I was being condenscending but there is certainly a store in driving distance.

    For the majority of Americans, yes, and probably even more so for those that would post to this site, but it's never a slam dunk. Also, the most common store that carries AAAA batteries is probably Radio Shack, and they've dropped their numbers by 1,100 locations this year, and I fear they don't have long before they are all gone.
  • Reply 218 of 261
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    According to Ahrendts it will be late February at the earliest.

    Actually, it'll be Spring;



    This is via 9to5mac, so I would click on the 9to5mac link in that article as well.

  • Reply 219 of 261
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    It's not a cost issue, it's a technological issue of laminating all the layers together and having the best technology ripe for each layer. Now that they have in-cell touch, ag coating, and good yield with the laminated screen (I am sure they learned a thing or two by laminating the iMac), they are going to be actively exloring this option with the best technological evolution of the digitizer layer available. If it comes up and they are able to include it without compromising the display in any way, probably they will. 


    Having said that it's a good strategy to leave things to third parties, such as styluses (or, and I think they learned again with that, bluetooth headsets - despite theirs being the most beautiful designed bluetooth and the lightest I 've owned), or any peripheral that is not vital to the main function of the devise because:


    a. they won't get attacked left right and centre if said peripheral works great but can't do the dishes too.

    b. they don't seem like they are hoarding technology and cutting everyone out

    c. they are good to their third party manufacturers, and can foster competition in that space that will actually enable the creation of great products, e.g., adobe's that Marvin brought up and I was unaware of. 


    I think Tim is pretty well aware of all that. The what not to do is always the greatest challenge for apple. 

  • Reply 220 of 261
    rogifan wrote: »
    I just read an article in Forbes about wait times for the iPhone and iPad. iPhone was still 7 to 10 days at most carriers for all models and sizes. No wait time for iPad. I think demand for iPad will continue to slip unless Apple does something to shake up this product line. But when Cook says he's perfectly fine with someone buying an iPhone or Mac instead of an iPad it makes me wonder how committed they are to this product. I don't get the feeling that they really know what to do with iPad. When their biggest selling feature is making at 18% thinner and they spend most of their keynote talking about the camera you get the feeling they're kind of lost. And a bigger screen isn't enough at least not with the current version of iOS for iPad.

    I don't agree that Apple is letting the iPad languish or that it the deceleration in sales is a sign of waning interest. I think it shows the opposite, rather just how quickly it became a huge success, combined with the fact that the upgrade cycle is probably even longer than the PC market. (I have an iPad 3 and it still works terrifically well). I also think there was a pent up demand for Touch ID on the iPad. A larger screen will be huge, especially if combined with some additional features, like split screen, Metal, and an advanced stylus, that will open up a large range of advanced functionality. Apple is already testing several versions of iOS 8 in the wild, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the apps being developed with IBM are going to incorporate stylus input for greater efficiency with fine control (I think the newly laminated screen is highly suggestive of this occurring sooner rather than later), and no need to break out the sandpaper!

    I agree generally, though I'm not sure that a larger screen will necessarily be huge. Apple won't want to make it too big, or it will be unwieldy.
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