iPhone 6: How do I take HDR videos in the Camera app?

in iPhone edited November 2014
It is an advertised feature that the iSight as well as the front FaceTime HD cameras of the iPhone 6/6+ can take HDR videos.
However, I do not see the HDR toggle option in the video section of Apple's Camera app.
How do I take HDR videos? Is it just automatic for videos taken in Apple's Camera app?
Or is it just a feature in the cameras themselves that can only be used with other HDR-video-recording apps?


  • Reply 1 of 2

    swipe up for Quick Access

    Turn on the Grid

    Shoot in Burst Mode

    Set Focus and Exposure

    Lock Focus and Exposure

    Take HDR Photos

    Take Photos With Volume Buttons

    Take Photos With Your Apple Headphones

    Use Geotagging… Only if You Want to

  • Reply 2 of 2
    Basically, the iPhone 6, when HDR is on, takes 3 photos: an under-exposed, a regular, and an over-exposed shot. Then, the iPhone 4 "intelligently" combines the 3 photos to improve the lighting and the overall color quality of the photo.


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