Broken Cube/ New Imac Idea

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Well, after taking my broken cube (No Video, Drive not spinning,Hardware test dosn't work either.) to the apple store and being told that my only options are as follows:

1.Send it to Cuprentino where they will FIX what ever it is that wrong for $380.00+tax.

2.Scrap it....

From my experince with this cube I refuse to bother with a machine that dosn't use standard parts (IE:full size agp cards) and dosn't offer any type of PCI expansion. This brings me to my question for all you hardware hackers. After looking over the pictures to the new Imac I see that the Airport card is in the bottom of the case next to the Ram slot, Would it be possible to modify that slot to accept an regular PC card so I could then purchase an Magma upgrade case? I have heard of people switching 2 wires and using the airport slot as a regular PC card slot?!?! can anyone help me with this? THe only reason I'm considering this is because I'm a college student on a limited budget.


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