Samsung warns investors of first holiday quarter profit decline since 2011



  • Reply 41 of 101

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This isn't just about Apple though when it comes to Samsung. Samsung is one of the worst companies.

    Etc. etc. etc.


    ... and I still don't give a shit about them.

  • Reply 42 of 101
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    nobodyy wrote: »
    I wonder if Samsung pulls from premium phones, will see another major competitor for the iPhone pop up. I'd really appreciate that, because they tend to push Apple's limits.

    I really like Android nowadays, it's grown up quite a bit and is a great alternative when wrapped in good hardware. I detest Samsung, though, so I'd be happy to see someone else respectable reap the profits from that segment.

    There's always Microsoft. Haha.
  • Reply 43 of 101
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    sog35 wrote: »
    just wait till iOS moves away from Google as the default search on Safari.  That will instantly cut Google revenue by 30%

    Since Giggle stole from Apple and lost all respect maybe it's time for Apple to create a kickass search engine.

    Because right now honestly Yahoo and Bing are crap. Duckduckgo is okay but that name is horrible and it's still just an average search engine.

    I also would like to see a better video site than YouTube. I've heard many complaints since the addition of G+ and all that crap.
    I know YouTube isn't too profitable but I wanna avoid Giggle as much as possible.
  • Reply 44 of 101
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member

    Originally Posted by zippy2shoes View Post


    Most of the posters on this site come here to support their view that Apple is the best and to vent about Samsung or some other company that has somehow slighted them or made them feel insecure.   This is highly relevant because, in the eyes of Apple fans, Samsung evil and deserves to have their 'mortal' corporate enemy suffer losses.  I personally don't get it but fanboys from all walks of life are just like that.   AI posts more news about Samsung than Samsung fanboy sites do which I find pretty funny.


    There are many people on this site who are involved in the technology industry in one way or another and actually care about and study/remember the history of it (who did what to be successful) and think about what direction the industry will go in based on those actions.  melgross, for example, just posted some relevant details about Samsung's history.


    Perhaps you don't have the same level of interest and simply see it as companies competing for consumer dollars and the followers of those companies.  Which is fine.  However, I'm sure there are other things in your life that you have a great interest in, which others might dismiss based on what they see at first glance.  As you said: all of life is a stage, even the bystanders.

  • Reply 45 of 101
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post



    I wouldn't really call Jobs' leadership style "adult supervision". Closer to the reverse actually (thinking of the pirate flag days). <img class=" src="" />  Existing without passion and direction is more how I see it.


    The old joke was, "What's the difference between the boy scouts and Apple? Adult supervision."


    The company was kind of aimless in goals in a lot of ways in the late 80's, early 90s.

  • Reply 46 of 101

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This isn't just about Apple though when it comes to Samsung. Samsung is one of the worst companies.

    They were convicted three times on price fixing, and paid out hundreds of millions each time. In fact, Apple and Samsung were going to build, and run, a memory plant together, when Samsung was convicted of memory price fixing, and had to pay a fine of $350 million. Apple withdrew from the project.

    The chairman of the overall Samsung Chabrol was convicted twice, in S Korea, of bribery, but because of the power of the company there, was never required to spend time in prison, as was allowed to remain chairman.

    Numerous companies have sued Samsung for stealing their IP. There are still a number of cases going on now. We're not talking about some obscure companies with dubious patents, but major competitors. Nvidia is one late example.

    They were convicted in Taiwan of bribing individuals to lie about competitors.

    They have lost about (I've lost count) 28 of the 31 lawsuits with Apple.

    Both the EU and the U.S. Government threatened to take them to court for trying to get companies, such as Qualcomm, to change their contracts so that Samsung could illegally sue Apple for IP that Qualcomm used in chips that Apple bought.

    Both the EU and the US government threatened to take them to court for improperly attempting to get Apple to pay rates for SEP patents that were ten to one hundred times what they were charging others for those patents, and violating their agreements under the SEP rules to charge everyone equally, and fairly.

    They were convicted for having working conditions in their chemical plants that resulted in workers dying or becoming permanently injured.

    Heck, I could go on here for quite some time.


    The same arguments and allegations can be made about a lot of other companies.  They are not the first, nor are they the last.  Samsung is just the current target of this website and that's okay.  AIs job is to generate views/revenue from advertising and they know how to do it well.

  • Reply 47 of 101
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Keep in mind the clock is almost run out on Google's search patents.

    Pagerank has been replaced with another patent or two issued a couple years ago, and like the original Pagerank patents aren't owned by Google anyway. BTW the original PageRank patents were opened to anyone to license back in 2012. Google has no exclusive to them. I think I've mentioned that to you before.

    Further Google themselves appear to be moving away from PageRank and may instead be using this patented search algorithm.

    That one is actually owned by Google.
  • Reply 48 of 101
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member

    Originally Posted by revenant View Post


    i might be wrong, but i never recall reading details like this about a microsoft, google, nokia, motorola, htc, lg, sony, or any other companies quarterly earnings.

    thanks for the info, but we all know how this site feels about samsung. you have beat this dead horse long enough. apple does have other competitors. 

    Yes, but Samsung is the biggest direct competitor on the biggest part of Apple's business.    So while I'll agree that that this site has "hatred" for Samsung, it's perfectly legit (IMO) for the site to highlight what and how Samsung is doing, although the glee in which they do it is quite silly, IMO.   And even with the declines, Samsung still earns in the range of $15b in profits a year, whereas companies like Sony and Panasonic haven't been profitable for years.    $15b in profits is still an enormous number.     

  • Reply 49 of 101
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member

    Originally Posted by zippy2shoes View Post


    The same arguments and allegations can be made about a lot of other companies.  They are not the first, nor are they the last.


    So we should just accept it as a fact of life and not bother caring or taking any interest in it?



    Samsung is just the current target of this website and that's okay.  AIs job is to generate views/revenue from advertising and they know how to do it well.


    Isn't that the business case for the vast majority of web content?


    While most of the knee jerk reaction comments here aren't all that interesting (as a Scottish friend of mine says: we're blowing smoke up each others arses), every now and then some of the people who have been in the industry a long time chime in with stories and interesting perspectives based on their experience.  That's why I keep coming back.  Maybe if you weren't so quick to dismiss everyone and everything based on what you see at first glance, you might find things a bit more interesting.

  • Reply 50 of 101

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post



    There are many people on this site who are involved in the technology industry in one way or another and actually care about and study/remember the history of it (who did what to be successful) and think about what direction the industry will go in based on those actions.  melgross, for example, just posted some relevant details about Samsung's history.


    Perhaps you don't have the same level of interest and simply see it as companies competing for consumer dollars and the followers of those companies.  Which is fine.  However, I'm sure there are other things in your life that you have a great interest in, which others might dismiss based on what they see at first glance.  As you said: all of life is a stage, even the bystanders.


    I'm highly involved in the tech industry both in personal and professional life and I have plenty of opinions and thoughts about it.  I've also been around long enough to know that history repeats itself and the fight going on between Apple and Google has been done many times before by other players.  While having a passion about something is important, being impartial and having the ability to separate your emotions from the subject matter is also important otherwise people won't take you seriously because you end up looking like the guy who puts his fingers in his ears and starts screaming when he hears an opinion he does not want to hear.  That may sound childish but there are some regulars on here who project that image and that is why I find it funny to read/watch.   The same behaviour can be found on certain fandroid sites. 


    Marc Twain once said "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."   While some of the people on here will call me a fool as they try do give a one liner reply,  I subscribe to this notion because I do enjoy intelligent conversation/debate where both parties are respectful of each other.  Believe it or not, there are websites where this kind of behaviour takes places and that is where I tend to do most of my discussions (Think the opposite of youTube). 


    We only learn when we meet others who have different views so I actively seek out others who have dissenting views with my own because there is nothing worse that sitting with 10 people and you all agree on something without a word of opposition.  If you find that is the case, it's time to expand your horizons.  That being said, I refuse to engage in serious discussion/debate with close minded people because they are unwilling to allow themselves to think differently than they did when they woke up in the morning.  They are so convinced of their reality that it is pointless to try otherwise.   I will discuss things but I won't be serious or put all my cards on the table. I  speak as a observer/participant on this site of several years.  Even when I do try to talk to them, they simply 'block' me which to me is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears.  I can understand that one would do this if I was trying to tell you how many aunt made so much money last week by working at home but no, they blocked me because I had an opposing view that they did not agree with and that is okay because they have a choice.  It is also my choice to peruse this site for entertainment value. 


    All that being said, people like you and Soliph would be great to have on other neutral sites where there are more moderate discussions happening.  I'm a technophile first and foremost so I don't care about the company and what I've invested in it in terms of time.  If something better comes along, I'll go with them. 

  • Reply 51 of 101

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post


    So we should just accept it as a fact of life and not bother caring or taking any interest in it?


    Isn't that the business case for the vast majority of web content?


    While most of the knee jerk reaction comments here aren't all that interesting (as a Scottish friend of mine says: we're blowing smoke up each others arses), every now and then some of the people who have been in the industry a long time chime in with stories and interesting perspectives based on their experience.  That's why I keep coming back.  Maybe if you weren't so quick to dismiss everyone and everything based on what you see at first glance, you might find things a bit more interesting.


    Personally, I don't have the time to give a shit about Samsung's financial health. They matter not at the moment. That has been established time and time again.


    The only thing that interests me is Apple's financial and technological health.


    If Samsung or some other company brings out some earth shattering technology then I want to hear about that. I then want to see how Apple will respond. Blackberry and its response (none) to the iPhone in 2007 comes to mind.


    As far as news about another company's financial health, though... I don't give a shit.

  • Reply 52 of 101

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post



    So we should just accept it as a fact of life and not bother caring or taking any interest in it?



    Isn't that the business case for the vast majority of web content?


    While most of the knee jerk reaction comments here aren't all that interesting (as a Scottish friend of mine says: we're blowing smoke up each others arses), every now and then some of the people who have been in the industry a long time chime in with stories and interesting perspectives based on their experience.  That's why I keep coming back.  Maybe if you weren't so quick to dismiss everyone and everything based on what you see at first glance, you might find things a bit more interesting.


    Not saying we shouldn't take an interest in it, I just find it a bit odd that some people have a fixation on one company and sees them as the living embodiment of the devil or what not.  In fact, it is a bit humourous to watch/read.


    As for the knee jerk reaction comments, those are everywhere on the web and they were funny about 10 years ago but as time goes by, you start to look for more meat - maybe it's an 'getting older - less time' thing.  We come back for different reasons.  There are a few insightful posters on here (Soliph for one) that I enjoy reading because they are passionate, educated and are willing to call out Apple for stuff once in a while.  I'm not a big Apple guy but I like reading about them since I am in the industry.  The side effect of reading some of the better posters is that you have to wade through the 'less informative' posts.  I don't want to block anyone because I don't believe censorship is the answer so I end up reading/skimming the comments to find the gems hidden within.  The stuff I read along the way can be sometimes entertaining which is why I made my comment. 

  • Reply 53 of 101
    pistispistis Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by revenant View Post


    i might be wrong, but i never recall reading details like this about a microsoft, google, nokia, motorola, htc, lg, sony, or any other companies quarterly earnings.

    thanks for the info, but we all know how this site feels about samsung. you have beat this dead horse long enough. apple does have other competitors. 

    Why were you not vocal about all the anti Apple articles spewed all over the gutter tech press and deride their authors as beating a dead horse


    For example attennagate, bendgate, and all the other "gates" which turned out to be baseless. Ah but we know the answer already! 

  • Reply 54 of 101
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The other was their massive marketing budget, which dwarfs everyone else's. People who say that Ads don't affect their purchases are naivé, of course they do, often unconsciously.

    Another reason is their unashamed copying of everything Apple, from the hardware, to the UI, to the packaging, down even to the blue shirts and name tags in their stores that look exactly like Apple's.

    The last is their covering every market from the very bottom to the very highest.

    But nothing lasts forever. They really lack innovation where it really counts, adding dubious features that don't work well, or don't work at all. In the end those who don't teuly innovate are doomed to be copied themselves, by even lower cost producers, such as Xaiomi, who is backed by the Chinese government, and so doesn't have to worry about paying off massive loans, or IP lawsuits where they now sell.


    No, much of their marketing spending ends up in the hands of retailers or consumers as rebates, promotion, spiff, etc, etc, not ads. 


    Sure, everyone, including Apple copies shamelessly.  That's what everyone does in this business.


    Now, I keep hearing that Xiaomi is backed by the Chineses gov't at other sites like again and again by someone with the same namehandle -- and then repeated by other lemmings elsewhere.  Do you have any evidence that supports that claim? 

  • Reply 55 of 101
    pistispistis Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    The reality is the honest investors see where things are going. And it's not Google's way. Google has been (and likely always will be) a one trick pony, advertising. Not a long term growth business.

    Google has only one successful franchise "Advertising" albeit a large one but it will not be able to grow revenue much with only that one.


    Apple has several successful franchises , Computers, Mobile Tablets, Music, Phones, soon watches and other in the pipeline. Even Microsoft has more than one franchise.

  • Reply 56 of 101
    pistispistis Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post



    There are many people on this site who are involved in the technology industry in one way or another and actually care about and study/remember the history of it (who did what to be successful) and think about what direction the industry will go in based on those actions.  melgross, for example, just posted some relevant details about Samsung's history.


    Perhaps you don't have the same level of interest and simply see it as companies competing for consumer dollars and the followers of those companies.  Which is fine.  However, I'm sure there are other things in your life that you have a great interest in, which others might dismiss based on what they see at first glance.  As you said: all of life is a stage, even the bystanders.

    You are correct but I think one thing that needs to be pointed out about Samsung is that is it's Officers are convicted felons, prosecuted by the the South Korean justice system. I don't buy goods from crooked companies if I can avoid it.

  • Reply 57 of 101
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    revenant wrote: »
    i might be wrong, but i never recall reading details like this about a microsoft, google, nokia, motorola, htc, lg, sony, or any other companies quarterly earnings.
    thanks for the info, but we all know how this site feels about samsung. you have beat this dead horse long enough. apple does have other competitors. 

    When those companies had mindshare there were plenty of articles about their successes and failures.
  • Reply 58 of 101
    pistispistis Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    What's even more interesting is if you look at a 1 year chart Google stock is down 13% while Apple is up 42%, Facebook is up 32% and Microsoft is up 33%. And this is the stock that not too long ago the analyst crowd on CNBC were talking up as the first trillion dollar company. Yet it lost $70B market cap in 2014. Even today with the stock market way up (and both Apple and Microsoft up around 2.5%) Google is down almost 1%. For me that's a bigger story that isn't getting much attention.

    I have been saying for some time now that Google is in trouble, unless its really starts innovating rather than letting its children play with dubious tech it will really start to decline. It may take a while though because it has such a head start. Ultimately I think Facebook has the better biz model going forward and will catchup and perhaps overtake Google and is indeed doing so in mobile. btw I am no fan of Facebook I deleted my account and have Ghostery blocking all its BOTS, but I respect its business model, very clever.

  • Reply 59 of 101
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    And these are only the numbers they "cooked" to not cause investor panic and investigation by the already-bought government. These are also preliminary numbers.

    "Preliminary" is Korean for "Let's see if they buy this shit before dumping the whole bad news on them'

    I wonder if that's true ... if so ... wow
  • Reply 60 of 101
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    gatorguy wrote: »

    Pagerank has been replaced with another patent or two issued a couple years ago, and like the original Pagerank patents aren't owned by Google anyway. BTW the original PageRank patents were opened to anyone to license back in 2012. Google has no exclusive to them. I think I've mentioned that to you before.

    Further Google themselves appear to be moving away from PageRank and may instead be using this patented search algorithm.

    That one is actually owned by Google.

    Is that it for the official Google News Update today? Or are there more scheduled?
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