Canvas 14 for Mac returning - WOW!!!

in Mac Software edited September 2015

Canvas Slated to Return to the Mac in 2014


Canvas 3.5.6 for Mac had the best interface ever. Then Canvas 5 ruined the interface and the rest is history...


It will rock again if they do it right now. Hopefully they will do...


  • Reply 1 of 18
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    This is terrific news. I completely agree that Canvas 3.5.6 had just about the best interface ever. Canvas 5 taught me the hard way that it was possible to take a terrific application--Canvas 3.5.x--and totally screw it up. For better or worse, however, even bad Canvas had no real competition--particularly given the fact that I had so many illustrations in the format. This is one of my two reasons for sticking with the application with each subsequent version up to Canvas™ X when ACD Systems, Canvas's new developer withdrew MacOS X development. I continue to stick with it, thus forestalling the completion of my transition to Intel because Canvas™ X is PPC-only.


    I had begun to think about running Windows in Parallels for the sole purpose of running Canvas and FrameMaker, my other mission-critical application that does not run on MacOS X past the MacOS X 10.4.11 Classic environment.


    I am thrilled that ACD Systems has come to its senses. If only Adobe would gain similar insight and return FrameMaker to the Mac.

  • Reply 2 of 18

    Yeah! It's great to hear that.  I've been using Canvas X for over 10 years now.  Build 926 does work on Intel machines.  I successfully use it on an Intel core 17 iMac, with a 10.6.8 operating system.  No glitches.  Try it out.

  • Reply 3 of 18
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    [B]Canvas X[/B] requires [B]Rosetta[/B] in order to run on Intel-based Macs. [B]Rosetta[/B] is not available on OS X 10.7 and later.
  • Reply 4 of 18

    I thought your issue was that you didn't want to switch over to an Intel processor and lose your ability to use Canvas X.  You can't use OS X 7 and later on a PPC processor anyway, so upgrade to an Intel based machine using Snow Leopard until Canvas 14 comes out.  Then install whatever Maverick operating system is available in three or four years from now when Canvas 14 is available.

  • Reply 5 of 18
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    hmacari wrote: »
    I thought your issue was that you didn't want to switch over to an Intel processor and lose your ability to use Canvas X.  You can't use OS X 7 and later on a PPC processor anyway, so upgrade to an Intel based machine using Snow Leopard until Canvas 14 comes out.  Then install whatever Maverick operating system is available in three or four years from now when Canvas 14 is available.
    Giving advice is not your strong suit. You should have read my entire post before chiming in. If you had, then you would know that I have two applications that have not been ported to Intel-based Macs. FrameMaker is my other application that has not been posted to OS X. The lack of these applications or suitable replacements is why I said that I was considering running Windows under Parallels.

    I want to swim across the ocean. You chime in with advice about how to swim half way. Good show.
  • Reply 6 of 18

    You're welcome for the chiming-in I gave you about Canvas X.  I wasn't trying to solve all of your computer indecisions.  But, I definitely wouldn't advice you to swim across the ocean.  You might get wet.

  • Reply 7 of 18

    Glad to hear Canvas for the Mac is coming back, too! I have been a Canvas user going back to the 3.5 (Mac) days, too. Easiest GUI. 


    Illustrator? Too complicated. CADD? Too much tech.


    Canvas? Ahhh, just right. My productivity will soar once again!

  • Reply 8 of 18

    Unfortunately, I'll believe it when I see it. I would love to have Canvas on a shiny new MacBook Pro. I keep trying new apps to try to replace Canvas, but nothing comes close.

  • Reply 9 of 18
    appexappex Posts: 687member

    This is from the horse's mouth:


    Good news on the Canvas Mac front, we've increased the number of developers working on the Mac version now that Canvas 15 for PC has been released, and while we have Canvas X functioning on Mac, we're busy making sure that all the small stuff is working correctly, and hope to begin a closed public beta in spring of 2014.


    Canvas for Mac

  • Reply 10 of 18

    Guys, Could we have some suggestions about the progress on Canvas for Mac from the horse's mouth? I mean, from ACDsee...

  • Reply 11 of 18

    It was good to hear from AcD they were going to bring Canvas Mac back from the dead but I wouldn't get too excited yet. Look what they did with the Mac version of ACDsee Pro. In 4 years it still doesn't work right and it's orders of magnitude simpler than Canvas. The Mac development team was disbanded and the manager quit. ACD is not a Mac house.

  • Reply 12 of 18

    My Yosemite (beta) runs Canvas in a Parallels Desktop OSX 10.6 (server) VM.

  • Reply 13 of 18

    And you may have to be running in that mode for a long time I bet based on ACD's Mac development capabilities. In over 4 years there is not a single ACD Mac program that they've published that actually works. Their flagship ACDSee Pro for Mac was pulled from the Mac stores shelves in less than  a month because it was nothing but bugs and still is.

  • Reply 14 of 18
    appexappex Posts: 687member

    Canvas for Mac update:


    "ACD is planning to release Canvas Mac in the middle of 2015. The Canvas Mac Beta release date is to be determined". Source from the official Canvas web forum: mcosgrove (Administrator)

  • Reply 15 of 18
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    appex wrote: »
    Canvas for Mac update:

    "ACD is planning to release Canvas Mac in the middle of 2015. The Canvas Mac Beta release date is to be determined". Source from the official Canvas web forum: mcosgrove (Administrator)

    Great news if it happens, but there seem to have been lots of false alarms on this one.
  • Reply 16 of 18
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member

    My wife is heavily dependent on Canvas (Canvas X) and has suffered since it was left to die on the Mac.The problem we have is that we've been burnt far too many times over the years with the owners of Canvas failing to deliver the quality/stability that we are now used to with other products. They basically left the mac users high and dry. Another problem is that similar applications to Canvas haven't been available. My wife is currently trying Affinity Designer which looks to be a contender.


    The newly released Canvas for Mac now comes in two flavours (Canvas Draw and Canvas X Pro). Canvas Draw would seem to be a kind of Canvas Lite, but to convince us to invest we would need some real commitment from the owners (ACD) and a rock solid initial release of the product. Unfortunately, it would seem that ACD has released a version 1.0 product which (from the comments I'm seeing around the web) seems to be Beta quality. Of course a major requirement of any new release (for old Canvas users) would be bulletproof opening/editing of old Canvas files. We'll see how that works out.


    We'll try the trial but won't invest again until we see the proof in the pudding, which when it comes to ACD, is not something that fills us with hope.

  • Reply 17 of 18
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    avon b7 wrote: »

    The newly released Canvas for Mac now comes in two flavours (Canvas Draw and Canvas X Pro). Canvas Draw would seem to be a kind of Canvas Lite, but to convince us to invest we would need some real commitment from the owners (ACD) and a rock solid initial release of the product. Unfortunately, it would seem that ACD has released a version 1.0 product which (from the comments I'm seeing around the web) seems to be Beta quality. Of course a major requirement of any new release (for old Canvas users) would be bulletproof opening/editing of old Canvas files. We'll see how that works out.

    We'll try the trial but won't invest again until we see the proof in the pudding, which when it comes to ACD, is not something that fills us with hope.
    Correction. The newly released Mac version of Canvas comes in one flavor, Canvas Draw. Canvas X 16 is exclusively a Windows product. To the best of my knowledge, Canvas X Pro is a rumor. Rumors do not count as released products.

    That said, I have purchased Canvas Draw. I have been most pleased that it handled every Canvas X file that I threw at it. I have seen complaints from other users that Canvas Draw has issues with Canvas 3.5.6 files that that don't have file extensions. If the rumor of Canvas X Pro becomes reality, then I will purchase it--whether or not ACDSee offers an upgrade path.
  • Reply 18 of 18
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    Yes. I was generalísing a due to lack of time. Canvas Pro isn't available yet for Mac but is far from a rumour.

    I got an email in August on Canvas Draw that said Canvas Pro for Mac is scheduled for 2015 release and when I checked the Canvas Draw page yesterday it linked me directly to the canvas pro page. In fact, Canvas Pro is currently in the second round of beta testing and the beta testing program is mentioned on the ACD support forums. That makes it much more than a rumour but the point of my message is the same. General consensus on the Internet is that Canvas Draw still feels like a beta release and this fits very well with the nature of ACD and Canvas for Mac. They single handedly destroyed the product and the confidence in it of its Mac users. If they want to regain that confidence, their product must be a killer out of the gate. Just as Affinity Designer was. In fact the presence of applications like AD (49€) means that Canvas really must shine on all levels to be able to compete.

    What works in favour of Canvas is that many Mac users have hundreds of files created in CanvasX and prior and would actually like to give it a second chance (my wife is in that group and she is still on 10.6.8. as a result with one of her macs). Make no mistake. ACD is the root cause of the vast majority of problems for Canvas Mac users and most of us have lived through the public relations disaster that played out during the death of Canvas.
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