Apple's Oscars ad shot entirely on iPad Air 2, features voiceover by Martin Scorsese



  • Reply 61 of 79
    I think these outdated stands will soon be far in the past. While I don't like Google's Glass, we go towards a world where you WILL record your life for obvious security reasons, just like a lot of drivers already have a dashboard cam.

    I know three different friends who got mugged or otherwise attacked at concerts. In the near future, not recording will actually be the exception, not the rule, and artists who try to protect their work this way will get sued for unnecessarily endangering people's security.

    We live in a weird world, but whether to not we like it, what is, is.

    1) I've never understood why there isn't a sophisticated camera system in automobiles. Cameras pointing ahead, behind, and out the side (e.g.: in sideview mirrors). This could all get recorded in the car when the car turns on and will overwrite itself after a set period. You could even have one pointing out of the dash toward the driver and window that you could turn on at-will so you can record your interactions with law enforcement or anyone else that approaches your car. I'd think this would help save a lot of time and money with insurance companies which in turn would help get them subsidized or get a lower rate by your insurance company.

    2) I'm so sure about artists and venues being successfully sued because they don't allow always-on video cameras in their private establishment. You can get mugged or beaten up in a locker room and I don't see how that will become socially acceptable for people be allowed to record in there. Then you have courtrooms that don't allow cameras which is why we have those goofy sketches.
  • Reply 62 of 79
    philboogie wrote: »
    Hear hear! Prince actually has people removed from the venue if they are getting caught the 2nd time, after everyone has been informed on the no recording please request.

    I think these outdated stands will soon be far in the past. While I don't like Google's Glass, we go towards a world where you WILL record your life for obvious security reasons, just like a lot of drivers already have a dashboard cam.

    I know three different friends who got mugged or otherwise attacked at concerts. In the near future, not recording will actually be the exception, not the rule, and artists who try to protect their work this way will get sued for unnecessarily endangering people's security.

    We live in a weird world, but whether to not we like it, what is, is.

    Just don't go to concerts where you're likely to be mugged.

    Problem solved.
  • Reply 63 of 79

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Just don't go to concerts where you're likely to be mugged.

    Problem solved.

    That is a solution, undoubtedly. Don't open the door, because someone might house-invade, too.

  • Reply 64 of 79
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I am extremely curious how the marital life of a world famous director is related to the quality of the ad he directed.
    Really? I'm not even slightly interested in delusional justifications Frosty McFuckwit's bogus negativity.
  • Reply 65 of 79

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Really? I'm not even slightly interested in delusional justifications Frosty McFuckwit's bogus negativity.

    Oh, come on. He makes such an effort being the comical relief character. Even if you don't find his performance convincing, you can at least admit he works hard at it!

  • Reply 66 of 79
    Just don't go to concerts where you're likely to be mugged.

    Problem solved.
    That is a solution, undoubtedly. Don't open the door, because someone might house-invade, too.

    If you live in a bad neighbourhood, like Ferguson, home of the black riots, then that would be good advice.
  • Reply 67 of 79
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    If you live in a bad neighbourhood, like Ferguson, home of the black riots, then that would be good advice.

    That sounds so... alternative history.


    "Ferguson, home of the black riots".



  • Reply 68 of 79
    If you live in a bad neighbourhood, like Ferguson, home of the black riots, then that would be good advice.

    That sounds so... alternative history.

    "Ferguson, home of the black riots".


    If, by alternative history, you mean the truth, then yes.
  • Reply 69 of 79
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    How many times have you been to Ferguson, FrostFace?
  • Reply 70 of 79
    I am truly amazed. However, it is not as simple as it looks. Saying that this movie was shot with an iPad is a bit of a stretch. There must be dozens of iPads in there performing all kinds of functions from scripting to filming to editing to sound recording and mixing, each of them dedicated to its task. Many scenes appear to have been shot with two or more iPads at different angles.

    Plus, you have the external mics, booms, dollies, stands, directors' chairs, etc.

    This was not just shot with an iPad.

    So all you aspiring movie makers out there: Go for it! But be sure to include everything that you are going to need in your budget.

    I figure my own film, "The Last Remake of The Great Train Robbery," will cost about $20 million. Perhaps I should crowdsource it. :D
  • Reply 71 of 79

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Yet the Scorsese voice-over of this ad was negative.



    It was very positive. "Every step is a first step." I like that message. "Every shot is a school." It is! Learn something! "Every day is a rededication." That is a great truth.


    The message was "Stop dreaming and start doing." What is negative about that?

  • Reply 72 of 79
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    cpsro wrote: »

    Boring? That would describe Boyhood. The rest were largely quite interesting. This has been one of the best years for movies in recent history, not for the glitz and glamour but for the creativity and depth.

    Agree. The Grand Budapest Hotel, Whiplash and Birdman will be classic for years to come. 3 for a year ain't bad.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    solipsismy wrote: »

    PS: Any recommendations from 2014 that we haven't discussed?

  • Reply 74 of 79
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    I do have to say that I find Scorsese (along with Spielberg and Stone) to be somewhat overrated as a director.

    I can understand Scorsese and Stone but Spielberg? E.T, Schindler's List, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Close Encounters, Saving Private Ryan, Indiana Jones, Tintin, Minority Report etc.
    these lifestyle ads are a pile of pants. They just come across as utterly pretentious and tell us nothing about what makes the iPad unique.

    Neither do Coca-cola ads or the original Mac ads. Product ads are what Microsoft have been doing like 'it has a flimsy keyboard and is cheaper'. The iPad's benefit comes from the 'experience of the product' as they described in another ad.
    You wish there were more violent films? Because we don't have nearly enough violent films or video games in this world. And none of them have inspired men to murder dozens of innocent people in cinemas with automatic weapons.

    You say 'cinemas' plural. There was just a single major shooting at a cinema in recent years AFAIK and the shooter wasn't there to see the movie. You're suggesting the motive comes from the movies/games but this is extremely rare.

    "According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 30 percent of all female murder victims were killed by their spouses. Another 18.3 percent were killed by ex-spouses. Only 8.7 percent of all female victims were killed by a stranger".
    In fact, let's get rid of all the romantic films. Let's just have movies celebrating violence, murder, death, bloodlust and torture; that will inspire people to dream of killing others for fun.

    I didn't mean make more violent movies, I meant more gangster movies, although violence would likely be in there. Ocean's Eleven is a gangster movie that doesn't have much violence.
    mstone wrote:
    Why would a production decide to use a consumer camera to make a movie when all the talent and direction are being paid thousands? How can you justify not using the highest quality camera available? Is Apple paying them to do this? If I was making an expensive production, I certainly wouldn't use a consumer brand camera. Not discrediting the iPad but surely a Red would be more appropriate for a professional film project.

    Everything needs a first step. RED cameras are tens of thousands of dollars. People typically have consumer products already.
  • Reply 75 of 79

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Many of his films are also notable for their depiction of violence and liberal use of profanity. Scorsese has been married five times. Divorced three times.


    What a man does in his personal life has ZERO effect as to how I feel about his movie work.


    Perhaps you are just a miserable human being?

  • Reply 76 of 79
    Marvin wrote: »

    .....but Spielberg? E.T, Schindler's List, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Close Encounters, Saving Private Ryan, Indiana Jones, Tintin, Minority Report.

    Sappy, good, a couple of well-done scenes but a movie that hasn't aged well, first one decent but second one terrible, very boring, excellent for one viewing, first one very good the rest cliche, horrendous recreation of a great comic book series, decent.

    As I said, overrated.

  • Reply 77 of 79
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Ok. Just looked up Scorsese and see that he was the geezer who directed Taxi Driver. That explains everything. I hated that film.



    So you had to look up one of the world's more significant film directors to learn who he was?  Please stick to your Downton Abbey reruns.

  • Reply 78 of 79
    welshdog wrote: »
    Ok. Just looked up Scorsese and see that he was the geezer who directed Taxi Driver. That explains everything. I hated that film.


    So you had to look up one of the world's more significant film directors to learn who he was?  Please stick to your Downton Abbey reruns.

    Never watched Downton Abbey.
  • Reply 79 of 79
    matrix07 wrote: »

    For a movie with an upbeat it sure isn't upbeat.
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