Apple's iPhone commands record high 89% of smartphone profits while Android plummets to record low



  • Reply 21 of 54
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    sog35 wrote: »
    This is why Apple needs to go for Google's head.  As long as Google is making nice profits with ADS they will be a constant threat to Apple.  They can continue to support the NON-PROFIT android project.  But if Google stops making nice profits or profits shrink for ads they won't be able to throw money into Android in an effort to weaken Apple's hardware business.

    If I was Apple I would take steps to UNDERMINE Google's services.  They have already started with Maps.  Now its time to get serious.

    The should start 2 new new services:

    1. AppleSearch - Buy DuckDuckGo for $5 and improve it.  Make it PURE SEARCH.  No ads.  No junk.  Just the best results possible.  This will not only HURT Google but also benefit iOS users and Mac users.  I'd LOVE to have a decent search engine that does not feed me ads or spys on me that is backed by Apple.  

    2. AppleVideoShare - Like YouTube.  But no ads.  I'm sick of the constant ads on Youtube.  Its an utter joke.  Make a video sharing site for the benefit of iOS users.  

    Google uses cheap hardware to weaken Apple's bread and butter.
    Apple should use 'cheap' (no ads) services to weaken Google's bread and butter.

    I agree Re: DuckDuckGo. I am amazed how good it is. It covers 85% of my search needs. There is messiness though in the mechanics. Look at Europe privacy laws and "right to be forgotten" rules

    Apple is going to be the portal soon to 30-40% of ALL US searches. How can it extract as much pain on Google while maintaining or improving the user experience

    I will tell you from recent Goigle meetings that they do know what the f*** they are doing in mobile advertising, including search on iOS
  • Reply 22 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jameskatt2 wrote: »
    Android manufacturers can simply do what Apple does to make more profit:

    1. Forget marketshare.

    2. Always sell with a high profit margin.

    3. Make a product so good and compelling, people are willing to buy it despite the higher price.


    Every luxury product manufacturer does this.

    The problem for Android manufacturers is that they don't own Android. Therefore, they cannot make their product good nor compelling enough.

    They are at the mercy of Google. And Google doesn't care about their product nor their profit. Google cares only for how many ads it can sell.

    I disagree. At this point nobody can replicate what Apple has done, because they didn't do it overnight. It was a long term building process that started with the iPod, and iTunes.
  • Reply 23 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sog35 wrote: »

    I want multiple brands.  But I don't want the main competitor to be able to sell phones at A LOSS.  I want the competition to be a company like Samsung not Google who don't give a sheet about hardware profits and can undercut Apple at the hardware side.

    The current Nexus phone is not being sold at a loss. Google has given up that strategy.
  • Reply 24 of 54
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Bad news for Apple: the closer they get to a 100%, they harder it is for growth. /s

    This must be why they want to get into the car business, so they will have decades to slowly grow their market share to anything near that currently enjoyed by the iPhone. Should make the investors very happy regardless if Apple dominates 100% of the smartphone market and people are having relationships with Siri /s.
  • Reply 25 of 54
    Google's contract with APple runs out any day now. What Apple's plans are seem to be top secret, not even rumors, or leaks, nothing. But this is a big deal. You could make a lot of money if you guessed correctly. I am trrying to do that. Weight in tech experts please. Which is most likely?

    1) Re-up contract maybe charge Google more than the previous 2 billion per year

    2) Replace with secret surprise new Apple Search maybe in conjunction with IBM Watson,
    voice activated pure search, better than Google, so Google is finished on IOS

    3) Buy or ally with Bing or Yahoo and upgrade to try and pull even with Google Search, and maybe start selling ads like Google without datamining customers for privacy reasons

    4) Buy a smaller search engine and build it up to the top rung of quality ASAP
  • Reply 26 of 54
    vqrovqro Posts: 66member
    Thermonuclear biatch!

    Jobs' wish is coming to pass.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    It's not going to worry Google at all. First off, they don't care a lick about the schlubs who sell Anderoid phones. Second, where are those partners going to go? It's not like there are profitable alternatives.

    So when more phone makers exit markets and close up shop, will Apple get blamed for that too? Or will blame go where it belongs(Mountain View) this time?


    I have to agree.  Google WINS no matter who is making Android phones other then Amazon and the Chinese.  Google makes money from their App Store and in Ads.  If Android went away, they're still making money from iOS.    There really is no where to go.   Switching to Windows won't fix the problem.  You're just changing holes you're digging yourself into.  There's no money being made there selling phones.  you can't make money on the back end after the sale as Microsoft is controlling the app store in this case.  So no making money on the back end with Windows either.  


    The only one who could turn things around and be more like Apple is BlackBerry!!!  They control their OS, Hardware and App store just like Apple.  They seem to have a Idiot still leading them.  Samsung is most of Android.  If they were smart, they'd move to Tizen sooner then later.  They would take a big hit at first.  But people are used to buying Samsung devices.   They have other things to fall back on.  Should be building up Tizen and not Android for Google.   Android is a race to the bottom in prices and profits.   There's no where to really go to stand out from the other guy.   It's custom skins and Gimmicks.  You can't really go much larger in size.  The PPI of the screens are way beyond overkill.  They are all pretty much using the SAME processor, in this case the Snapdragon 810 64-bit.   Yo can't get much better with a Camera unless you plan to slap on a huge lens onto the phone. Again Samsung has already tried that.  I keep hearing they want pure Google Android, NOT TouchWiz though they keep buying the Samsung phones.   You are basically screwed if your business is relying on Android.   Where you have ZERO control of the most important part of your hardware device, the OS!!!  Where Google is forcing you to make them more and more up front and personal.   I just don't see how this can last.  

  • Reply 28 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jbdragon wrote: »
    I have to agree.  Google WINS no matter who is making Android phones other then Amazon and the Chinese.  Google makes money from their App Store and in Ads.  If Android went away, they're still making money from iOS.    There really is no where to go.   Switching to Windows won't fix the problem.  You're just changing holes you're digging yourself into.  There's no money being made there selling phones.  you can't make money on the back end after the sale as Microsoft is controlling the app store in this case.  So no making money on the back end with Windows either.  

    The only one who could turn things around and be more like Apple is BlackBerry!!!  They control their OS, Hardware and App store just like Apple.  They seem to have a Idiot still leading them.  Samsung is most of Android.  If they were smart, they'd move to Tizen sooner then later.  They would take a big hit at first.  But people are used to buying Samsung devices.   They have other things to fall back on.  Should be building up Tizen and not Android for Google.   Android is a race to the bottom in prices and profits.   There's no where to really go to stand out from the other guy.   It's custom skins and Gimmicks.  You can't really go much larger in size.  The PPI of the screens are way beyond overkill.  They are all pretty much using the SAME processor, in this case the Snapdragon 810 64-bit.   Yo can't get much better with a Camera unless you plan to slap on a huge lens onto the phone. Again Samsung has already tried that.  I keep hearing they want pure Google Android, NOT TouchWiz though they keep buying the Samsung phones.   You are basically screwed if your business is relying on Android.   Where you have ZERO control of the most important part of your hardware device, the OS!!!  Where Google is forcing you to make them more and more up front and personal.   I just don't see how this can last.  

    There goes that idea.
  • Reply 29 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sog35 wrote: »
    agree with this.  Samsung is the only Android vendor that can survive using its own OS.

    It's too late for that.
    My biggest fear is Android gets so powerful they eventually wipe out iOS.

    Stop sniffing white lines.
  • Reply 30 of 54
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member
    When you set aside the "horse race" of market share, etc... it seems like the other manufacturers are not running great businesses. How can you continue to operate if you're losing money? Why would you bother continuing to operate if you're just barely breaking even? They've got to give up at some point.
  • Reply 31 of 54

    How did they make 90% of the profit with 15% of the market share according to IDC?


    This question should drive Androis blind supporters into madness cause there is only 2 possible explanations :


    1. iOS is such a better product that people are ready to pay an average extra of about 500% to get an iOS device.

    Honestly even i find this not plausible as they are some pretty decent Androids devices out there.




    2. IDC reports are pure crap and by no ways iOS real market share is such a small part.

    And that a big breach in the "Android will make iOS a niche in no time" theory they repeat all days long hoping for self realization...

  • Reply 32 of 54
    Microsoft is only 0%? I'm guessing it's at least -30%.
  • Reply 33 of 54
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    They also need to help out MS. I'm not saying with money, but Windows Phone is on life support. They need to bolster that as an alternative to Android (the world will never be 100% Apple no matter how much people delude themselves, and competition is good for innovation). Throwing some exclusive apps that direction (and not on Anderoid) could help. (Example: allowing iMessage integration, etc).

    Not Apple's job to keep competitors in the market. It's the competitor's job to be relevant. .
  • Reply 34 of 54

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post





    I want multiple brands.  But I don't want the main competitor to be able to sell phones at A LOSS.  I want the competition to be a company like Samsung not Google who don't give a sheet about hardware profits and can undercut Apple at the hardware side.


    I don't think there's room for two brands that are totally locked down. In the PC world, it's Apple. In the smartphone world, it was BlackBerry, and now it's Apple. Android is going to be just like Windows, where you have HP selling a monitor, a PC, and color printer at a loss, just so they can sell ink cartridges and cables at a profit.

  • Reply 35 of 54
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I think Microsoft's profits are being overstated there... image

    I certainly agree with that. I also believe that Strategy Analytics' figures are incorrect. Last year I heard from very reputable sources that Apple+Samsung make somewhere 106-109% of smartphone profits. Everyone else loses money and should be reported as NEGATIVE profit per share.

  • Reply 36 of 54
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    So you think the ultimate goal should be that only one brand of smartphone should be available?

    I would think and hope there will always be competition and it will only be better with crap from Microsoft and Google out of the way.
  • Reply 37 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    I don't think there's room for two brands that are totally locked down. In the PC world, it's Apple. In the smartphone world, it was BlackBerry, and now it's Apple. Android is going to be just like Windows, where you have HP selling a monitor, a PC, and color printer at a loss, just so they can sell ink cartridges and cables at a profit.

    Except we don't need all that with smartphones.
  • Reply 38 of 54
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    I would think and hope there will always be competition and it will only be better with crap from Microsoft and Google out of the way.

    Who's going to come in and make people give up all the money they've invested in music, apps, and ebooks? The more people invest in a ecosystem the least likely they are to abandon said ecosystem.
  • Reply 39 of 54
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Except we don't need all that with smartphones.


    Well, there are countless cables, chargers, and cases, all of which have potentially much higher margins than entry-level Android phones.

  • Reply 40 of 54

    All other competitors — Microsoft, BlackBerry, and others — did not turn a profit in either the holiday 2013 or holiday 2014 quarters.


    I LOLed.

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