German investment firm Berenberg predicts doom for Apple, sets price target of $60



  • Reply 21 of 94
    The next big tech trends:
    Virtual/augmented reality
    Self driving automobiles
    Flying cameras/drones

    Of those, Apple has a few patents in VR/AR, it is rumored to be working on a self driving car and has nothing at all for flying cameras. AR is the only exciting wearable tech.
  • Reply 22 of 94
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    The next big tech trends:
    Virtual/augmented reality
    Self driving automobiles
    Flying cameras/drones

    Of those, Apple has a few patents in VR/AR, it is rumored to be working on a self driving car and has nothing at all for flying cameras. AR is the only exciting wearable tech.

    IMO, VR has been a bust since day one other than as an escape for shut-ins or possibly for prisoner pacification.
  • Reply 23 of 94
    Okay do not take this the wrong way, I am coming to believe unless analysis grew up in the US they do not under the capitalist markets all that well. I am solely bases this on this guys name, he may have spent time in the US or other capital markets and maybe went to a good school somewhere, but he is obviously not a free thinker and does not understand how much a company like Apple with a Brand like Apple can do beyond what he learn in his finance classes.

    All these bad prediction are coming from people you spend too much time analyzing data and not walking around and seeing what people are actually doing. Pete Lynch use to say go spend time at the companies you want to invest in and watch how consumer interact with those companies. Invest in companies who parking lots are full of people, in this case which stores have the most customers in them.

    I am personally concern what will happen after this year, phones will have run their course for apple, i do not see people doing the upgrade dance in 2016 and apple will have a hard time, but it is not going to decline 50%, unless the entire market implodes.
  • Reply 24 of 94

    First watches, now cars...Hmmmm.

    Obviously they are really attempting time travel, and succeeded.  That's why we have the iPod/iPhone/iPad now.

  • Reply 25 of 94
    So this idiot from a bank that nobody has ever heard of is a billionaire because his past predictions have been so successful right?
  • Reply 26 of 94
    berenberg is a tiny shop thats totally irrelevant even in Germany, let alone globally. So they are putting out some ridiculous forecast to get some headlines for free.

    Complete jerks.
  • Reply 27 of 94
    I want some of whatever they are smoking in Germany.

    They are just angry the missed the boat and Apple makes it so easy to invest for every one.
  • Reply 28 of 94
    From the same people who brought us the Third Reich
  • Reply 29 of 94
    They probably want in on some of the money.

    Bill- "Hey, Apple stock is skyrocketing! I have an idea. Let's tell the media that their stock is going to plummet in hopes that it does, even at least a little bit. Then we can buy in at the lower price and BOOM! We're golden!"

    Vern- "Sounds good to me..."

    Stu- "Then we can say we were wrong about it and it really should be at $200+!"


    Stu - "Then we can say Bill was wrong, it should be $200 and fire Bill so we do not need to share the profits with him.
  • Reply 30 of 94
    here another one of his stupid predictions, however he was 50% correct if you think about it

    and this moron is trying to be Carl as well he sent a letter to TIm Cook telling him how to run Apple. Honest this is another guy trying to convince apple to make cheap phones and give them away in India.

    Here is his track record, not too impressive in a huge up market over the last 18 months, if you followed is advise you would be in the hole -1.8%.!/experts/adnaan-ahmad

    By the way he has been saying the same thing for years and been sending letter to all kinds of CEO telling them how to run their business. He graduate from Oxford in Mathematics they should pull back their degree form him he is an embarrassment
  • Reply 31 of 94
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    So Apple is doomed because 70% of their revenue comes from one product. I wonder what his target price is for Google, which gets over 90% of its revenue from one product.
  • Reply 32 of 94
    Originally Posted by Modena360 View Post

    From the same people who brought us the Third Reich


    That is not even close to being funny... imo.


    Godwin's Law at post 29??!!

  • Reply 33 of 94
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    "German investment firm Berenberg predicts continued success for Apple; and therefore pretends to predict doom to manipulate the price in the short term"
  • Reply 34 of 94
    These type of ridiculously wrong-headed bear analysts ought to all be fired.
    The Wells Fargo dopes who downgraded Apple before it's last earnings report included.

    $60? Ha! If it even went to $119 I would buy 5000 shares on margin. $60 is a 350 billion market cap which minus 178 billion in cash means these idiots think AAPL is worth 50% of Google or just a little more than Facebook, two companies who will soon make less profit per year than Apple Pay or Apple Watch respectively.
  • Reply 35 of 94
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    This is like being bearish on Gillette because they are too dependent on razors.
  • Reply 36 of 94
    I'm guessing hes got some kind of agenda, because this is just too silly. BUT - he does have a point, apples income is currently far too reliant on the iphone. However, in the short term (at least a few years), you must be the most fanatic fandroid to see any problems in the horizon for apple unless they suddenly stop development of new iphone models completely. And far before smartphones stop selling I'm betting Apple will have conquered/revolutionized some new field, wether its cars, tvs or something we've still not heard about :)
  • Reply 37 of 94

    That price target would give AAPL the lowest PE in the entire S+P 500, of about 6.5 ex cash.  Far less than HP which can't fight its way out of a paper bag these days.


    Just amazing gall and stupidity.   But I remember when Citi, Nomura and Jeffries all downgraded AAPL when it was near $400 after the most ridiculous sell-off in Wall St history.   So there is no predicting how braindead even prestige analysts can be. And if not braindead, they are often simply lemmings trying to have the same opinion as everyone else.

  • Reply 38 of 94

    Sour Krautz

  • Reply 39 of 94
    jd_in_sb wrote: »
    This is like being bearish on Gillette because they are too dependent on razors.

    I've heard their business is constantly on the edge.
  • Reply 40 of 94
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Here's a story about Ahmad by PED from 2012.

    This analyst has been at it for awhile. I'm thinking that there's an anti-corporate, anti-high-price and profit climate of opinion that is peculiar to Germany and some other areas of Europe.

    The rationale: they aren't as impressed by high quality per se, being more accustomed to it as part of the consumer environment. The US, in contrast, has been starved for high quality for its own sake for many decades.
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