CEO Tim Cook talks Apple Watch, Apple corporate culture in new interview



  • Reply 21 of 56
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    pfisher wrote: »
    MacBooks are looking good. They need to trim the line. It seems like a confusing mess. We need some simplicity in product line-up.

    no, it doesn't seem like a confusing mess -- Pros on the high end, Airs on the low end, and a new ultra portable which will surely replace the Airs in the future. sounds to me like the line is being managed.
  • Reply 22 of 56
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    crhain88 wrote: »
    You sound ridiculous. 

    The dishwasher didn't replace the sink. The microwave didn't replace the oven.

    The iWatch is built and designed to be a companion device. You may have noticed that there's no internet browser on the watch. From now on, I will forever want an internet browser in my pocket. As will many others.

    yes, because a tech that begins as a companion device can never grow into a stand alone device. dur durr

    hell, Apple already said a fuller API for stand alone apps is coming later THIS YEAR.
  • Reply 23 of 56
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member

    Originally Posted by CRHain88 View Post


    You sound ridiculous. 


    The dishwasher didn't replace the sink. The microwave didn't replace the oven.


    The iWatch is built and designed to be a companion device. You may have noticed that there's no internet browser on the watch. From now on, I will forever want an internet browser in my pocket. As will many others.

    It's true, there are different things that are appropriate for different-sized screens. The watch will take over a lot of compulsive, small action things that phones currently do. But you're not going to read kindle books on your watch, you're not going to watch itunes movies on your watch, you're not going play angry birds...


    But the watch will take over notifications, quick responses, quick replies, things like the "today" widgets of iOS notification center. It's all the interactions that are 5-10 seconds.

  • Reply 24 of 56
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    A confusing mess? You have three laptops, three desktops. Pardon me while I recover from this "confusing mess". :no: Clearly Steve never would have had three laptops and three desktops.

    3 Lines.

    1. The old MacBook - Not Retina

    2. Retina MacBooks - Rentina

    3. MacBook Airs - Not Retina

    4. MacBook (new) - Looks or seems like a MacBook Air, not quite Retina


    So, is the Air going away? Is the MacBook going away?


    There's now a lot of overlap and confusion over what to buy. I would say get rid of the Air and keep the new MacBook. Also, get rid of the old non-Retina MacBook.


    These old lines confuse the  line. Just keep 1: new MacBook and 2: Retina MacBooks


    I think they only keep them around because the new MacBook is too new and they are not ready to come out with a Retina-like MacBook Air like the new MacBook.


    And new MacBook vs. old MacBook? That can confuse customers.


    This is what I mean about simple product lines.

  • Reply 25 of 56
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    More vociferous attacks on people for their comments? Sometimes you see comments that are mild critiques and views of Apple, and yet, people feel like they are haters and trolls. Pretty funny.


    Where is the thoughtful analysis and detailed counter-arguments? It feels like a schoolyard pushing and yelling contest around here, LOL.


    Some people oversimplify what people say and then respond with attacks. Very interesting.

  • Reply 26 of 56
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post


    More vociferous attacks on people for their comments? Sometimes you see comments that are mild critiques and views of Apple, and yet, people feel like they are haters and trolls. Pretty funny.


    people get called trolls when their bodies of work indicate they are trolling.

  • Reply 27 of 56
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post


    3 Lines.

    1. The old MacBook - Not Retina

    2. Retina MacBooks - Rentina

    3. MacBook Airs - Not Retina

    4. MacBook (new) - Looks or seems like a MacBook Air, not quite Retina



    youve invented a line. is only the MacBook Pro line -- that there are non-Retina or Retina models available in that line doesnt matter; thats a feature/price choice, just like HD size. then you have the entry-level MacBook Air. then you have the new ultra portable, the MacBook. three lines.



  • Reply 28 of 56
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    The fact that Cook is the CEO of Apple...I would put much more faith in him saying they don't have specific targets than any random fool in a forum who thinks he knows anything.
    Okay; I’ll do Tim Cook's job for him.

    The watch market is 1.3 billion. Here's your target, Cook: 13 million in the first year, which is 1% of the market.

    That wasn't so hard, was it?
  • Reply 29 of 56
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    You lack state so absolutely that the wearables market will remain stagnant in perpetuity is pretty ignorant...
    crhain88 wrote: »
    You sound ridiculous. 

    The dishwasher didn't replace the sink. The microwave didn't replace the oven.

    The iWatch is built and designed to be a companion device. You may have noticed that there's no internet browser on the watch. From now on, I will forever want an internet browser in my pocket. As will many others.
  • Reply 30 of 56
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    Only an idiot would be confused by "3 product lines" of computers....
    pfisher wrote: »
    3 Lines.

    1. The old MacBook - Not Retina
    2. Retina MacBooks - Rentina
    3. MacBook Airs - Not Retina
    4. MacBook (new) - Looks or seems like a MacBook Air, not quite Retina

    So, is the Air going away? Is the MacBook going away?

    There's now a lot of overlap and confusion over what to buy. I would say get rid of the Air and keep the new MacBook. Also, get rid of the old non-Retina MacBook.

    These old lines confuse the  line. Just keep 1: new MacBook and 2: Retina MacBooks

    I think they only keep them around because the new MacBook is too new and they are not ready to come out with a Retina-like MacBook Air like the new MacBook.

    And new MacBook vs. old MacBook? That can confuse customers.

    This is what I mean about simple product lines.
  • Reply 31 of 56
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    mac_128 wrote: »
    I think the ?Watch will do well too. But it's not like the iPod, or the iPhone, nor the iPad in my mind.

    So you think it will sell less than the iPod in its first 12 months on market?
  • Reply 32 of 56
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    pfisher wrote: »
    More vociferous attacks on people for their comments? Sometimes you see comments that are mild critiques and views of Apple, and yet, people feel like they are haters and trolls. Pretty funny.

    Where is the thoughtful analysis and detailed counter-arguments? It feels like a schoolyard pushing and yelling contest around here, LOL.

    Some people oversimplify what people say and then respond with attacks. Very interesting.

    When your posts are consistently narrow-minded and negative, you get the bad juju, not your arguments. That's because it's clear you have an agenda, and you want to waste our time.

    There are three of you working this thread: BF, Mac_128, and you. Novice trolls always whine that their arguments aren't being taken seriously.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    sog35 wrote: »


    Jobs cited the mobile phone market, not the smartphone market. As such, it is reasonable to cite the watch market as opposed to the smartwatch market.

    So my original figures still stand correct.

    Nope.  Who in there right mind would compare the sales of a $350 AppleWatch to a $10 Casio?

    That's your ridiculous comparisson, no one elses.

    You'll have to blame Jobs for comparing sales of a $599 iPhone to a $10 Nokia.

    If it's a ridiculous comparison, then ask Tim Cook why Jobs made that comparison.
  • Reply 34 of 56
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "When Apple looks at what categories to enter, we ask these kinds of questions: What are the primary technologies behind this? What do we bring? Can we make a significant contribution to society with this? If we can't, and if we can't own the key technologies, we don't do it," he added. "That philosophy comes directly from him [Jobs] and it still very much permeates the place."


    What I don't understand is how people can read the above statement and still compare Apple to other tech companies. Apple typically doesn't make something for the sake of making something; they do their research and really look at whether or not they can make it better. At times I wish they did (read: finally doing something good with Apple TV) but that's just not apple. When, and if, they can do it better they will.


    ... in regards to the apple TV... Steve said they finally cracked it and I for one believe him. However there is one concrete wall after another preventing them from implementing their solution and because of this, I (and others) have to wait for the changes (in the industry) before we get that product.


    Which brings me back to the watch. I don't understand the haters out there. You don't want it don't buy it. I for one see a tremendous opportunity here for making another shift in culture. But it doesn't matter what I think, apple's philosophy and track record alone is one that deserves to be respected. Even though I don't plan on buying one this iteration, my better half and I are starting to save for next years model!

  • Reply 35 of 56

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    You'll have to blame Jobs for comparing sales of a $599 iPhone to a $10 Nokia.

    If it's a ridiculous comparison, then ask Tim Cook why Jobs made that comparison.

    If memory serves correctly he wasn't comparing sales but citing them in his keynote to indicate that even 1% of the smartphone market could be huge and he was correct in such thinking.

  • Reply 36 of 56
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Anyway, the interview in FastCompany is great, with Cook going on at length about the [I]culture[/I] that Steve Jobs instituted. It's clear that Cook gets it and can explain it in a patient way that Jobs himself may have been too sharply focused to translate to a wider audience. This would be a case where the good student can do a better job than the master at interpreting the new doctrine. (Doctrine, not dogma, notice).

    It's a very moving interview. Two things may be going on here. Apple, along with the interviewers, who are also the authors, want to help sell this book.

    Second, Apple wants to counter the toxic stew of bad publicity that's coming from Gawker/Gibney's character assassination movie, coming out soon, which is going to reinforce much rabid anti-Apple pathology.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Nope.  Who in there right mind would compare the sales of a $350 AppleWatch to a $10 Casio?

    That's your ridiculous comparisson, no one elses.

    There were no $10 phones, except ones that are subsidized or given away for signing up with a carrier (of course with an expensive "activation" charge), and a good portion of the watch market probably cost less than $1 to make and are therefore given away. But that's all beside the point because ?Watch is a consumer electronic whereas only smartwatches and fitness bands fall into that category.

    The cheapest I could find on Amazon are around $2.50 each:

    And here's one from Alibaba where you have to buy at least 100 units and where they even tell you the upper limit of only 200k per month and it'll be $1 to $1.50. It's also leather, a metal alloy, and (unbelievably) waterproof:

    Including those pieces of shit in with wrist-worn CE means we should also go back and a piece of string and 2 cans to the iPhone count since to make it an even playing field of usability.
  • Reply 38 of 56
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    When your posts are consistently narrow-minded and negative, you get the bad juju, not your arguments. That's because it's clear you have an agenda, and you want to waste our time.

    There are three of you working this thread: BF, Mac_128, and you. Novice trolls always whine that their arguments aren't being taken seriously.

    BF/Phish, my advice (or waste of electrons):

    Before clicking on "submit" read it and ask if your post has enough objectivity or full of FUD?


    You sound like Constable Odo in his worst days. Sorry, Odo,.


    Until that time, you can't be taken seriously. 


  • Reply 39 of 56
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    More vociferous attacks on people?


    Where is the


    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post



    youve invented a line. is only the MacBook Pro line -- that there are non-Retina or Retina models available in that line doesnt matter; thats a feature/price choice, just like HD size. then you have the entry-level MacBook Air. then you have the new ultra portable, the MacBook. three lines.





    MacBook Pro - old non-Retina.

    MacBook Pro 13/15 - Retina

    MacBook Air

    MacBook (New) - Non-Retina, but almost


    That does cause confusion though.


    MacBook (New) is really the new Air, but not the Air.

    MacBook Pro - I would not call a Pro in features. It's not Retina and it's an old model featurewise.

    Then there is the Pro - Retina


    Soon, the old Airs will go away and then we'll have MacBook?

    Then old MacBook goes away and we have (new) MacBook only?

    Then MacBook will be Air, then?

    Or will Air stay then (new) MacBook stay?


    I wouldn't want to be someone explaining this to someone looking for a computer.



  • Reply 40 of 56
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post


    More vociferous attacks on people?


    Where is the



    MacBook Pro - old non-Retina.

    MacBook Pro 13/15 - Retina

    MacBook Air

    MacBook (New) - Non-Retina, but almost


    That does cause confusion though.


    MacBook (New) is really the new Air, but not the Air.

    MacBook Pro - I would not call a Pro in features. It's not Retina and it's an old model featurewise.

    Then there is the Pro - Retina


    Soon, the old Airs will go away and then we'll have MacBook?

    Then old MacBook goes away and we have (new) MacBook only?

    Then MacBook will be Air, then?

    Or will Air stay then (new) MacBook stay?


    I wouldn't want to be someone explaining this to someone looking for a computer.




    dear lord what on earth causing you to speak such rubbish? there is no attack in my prior post, just illumination that youre counting is off -- there are three lines, not four.


    MacBook Pro

    MacBook Air

    MacBook (New)


    ...thats it. three lines. within those are differing capacities -- such as pixel density, storage, and color. choose the one that suits your needs & budget. you know, just like, say, an iPad, where you choose cellular options, storage, color. one would not say that each available configuration of an iPad is a separate line. 


    and now youre introducing made-up and guessed labels for what apple will do when they drop it down to two lines -- ie, introducing confusion to make your argument look sound. while an interesting topic to consider, it has no bearing on today's three lines, which arent very confusing. 


    but if you are honestly confused and not simply trolling for attention, simply walk into an apple store and ask an associate for help -- they will surely be able to explain to you the varying features of the laptops. if you are not in the market for a laptop, then i have no idea what on earth youre going on about for.

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