Best MiniDV Cam for the money...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm interested in purchasing a MiniDV camcorder but really don't know where to start. I was looking at the Sony DCR-PC9, Canon Elura 2MC and the Canon ZR50MC. What do you recommend (out of any MiniDV cameras not just Sony's or Canon's)? Also I'm not rich *unfortunately* so the most I could even possibly afford by a stretch is around $1,000 preferably lower. Oh and what is the best method of storage for camcorders (hard drive or removable memory)? Thanks for all of your help.

[ 05-28-2002: Message edited by: wolfeye155 ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 30
    MiniDV is a tape format, so if you're looking for a MiniDV camera, that's the storage format you want (not hard drives, etc.).

    Canon and Sony are my two choices, though I have little experience with the sub $1k cameras. Their prosumer cameras are quite nice, especially Canon's, so I would expect some of that quality to trickle down.
  • Reply 2 of 30
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    I bought an RCA at Fry's last month and it was at an introductory price of $549, down from the usual $699. I've used a lot of MiniDV cameras and this is up there as far as quality in the sub-$1000 catigory. Has a SD slot for 1.3 megapixel pictures, and a 16mb card. Comes with an external light, a zoom mic, stereo microphone built-in, several levels of night vision, 400X digital zoom, and a large detachable LCD screen that can be used as a remote. Definately one of the best cameras for the money and it's a brand new model, so it'll be around for a while!
  • Reply 3 of 30
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Go with one of the Sonys. TRV-18, 25, or 27.

    The TRV-27 is $899 from B&H...
  • Reply 4 of 30
    macmediamacmedia Posts: 152member
    I'd vote for the Canon ZR40. I've already got a decent digital camera, the ZR50's extra price is mostly just for dig. camera support. I recently bought the ZR40 for $475 online.

  • Reply 5 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> Told ya I didn't know anything about digital camcorders. I don't really need the digital camera support. Just a nice, not to pricey camcorder that will shoot some nice video and has a good battery life. I'm not going to be using FCP3 or Cinema tools, just some basic iMovie and iDVD . Thanks for all your replies.
  • Reply 6 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    Macmedia: What store did you buy it from?
  • Reply 7 of 30
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Sony TRV-25
  • Reply 8 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    I'll probably end up going with the Sony. I assume that the cable doesn't come with it. Is Sony's iLink the same as Firewire? Could I use <a href=""; target="_blank">Apple's 6 to 4 pin 2m Firewire cable</a> or would I need to buy <a href=""; target="_blank">Sony's 6 to 4 pin 1.5m iLink cable</a>? What's the difference besides the 1.5 meters and 2 meters? Would both work?
  • Reply 9 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    For $100 the TRV27 has a 3.5" screen vs. the 25's 2.5". That looks to be the best bet.
  • Reply 10 of 30
    Personally, I as well am looking at the TRV27... But not anytime soon, so I most likely am of no help.
  • Reply 11 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    I probably won't be buying mine until late June. The idea kind of just popped into my head recently...I mean I have the hardware (Super Drive) and the software (iMovie, iDVD). I guess I just feel that my computer is going to waste without using all the cool stuff provided with it.

    For my birthday on June 14th (turning 16), I'm asking for a Canon PowerShot S200 Digital Elph. I still owe about $3,000 for this 933 w/ 17" Apple LCD to my parents. I'll be lucky if they let me spend $1,000 on a MiniDV cam because I owe pretty much every cent I make until this is paid off (even though that hasn't been how it's been working out lol ) Hopefully I can pay it off quickly if I can find another job this summer. Man I'm f*cking spoiled... <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: wolfeye155 ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 30
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    So you say you're not rich, then go on to talk about all the thousands of dollars of stuff you have. This is what's wrong with America now. People got it really good and don't even know it. Ya got a $3000 computer and are getting a $1000 camera for a present and you say the "I'm not rich" thing.

    ...sorry for the rant
  • Reply 13 of 30
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Either cable should work just fine. I think all I got with my camera was a mini-USB--&gt;USB-A connector for the still photos / memorystick.
  • Reply 14 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    I'm not rich. My parents bought me a $3,000 computer that I am slowly paying off. I was working a lot of hours a week and managed to pull in $150 a week before my hours were cut and now I'm only pulling in $80 which is why I'll be working 2 jobs this summer. I need to make ALOT of money so I can pay off my computer fast. Also my parents are not rich. I'm not asking for the camcorder (I would never expect my parents to buy me that), I'm asking for a $350 digital camera which I most likely won't be getting because my birthday is falling into a bad time slot for my parents. In other words, you read my wrong...I am pretty spoiled and realize that I have it pretty damn good, but I know people that are WAY worse than I am. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    EDIT: For example my (girl) friend who is turning 16, is getting a Mercedes-Benz convertible for her birthday. I kid you not. My other friend got a year old Mustang convertible.

    [ 05-30-2002: Message edited by: wolfeye155 ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 30
    macmediamacmedia Posts: 152member

    I got mine at <a href=""; target="_blank">Central</a>

    $469 right now, Firewire cable included. I did get a better battery and case from another dealer online - didn't like their prices for extras. They tried to sell me stuff with their "confirmation of shipping phone call" but I just said no thanks. Showed up, no problems.

    Good luck,

  • Reply 16 of 30
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by wolfeye155:

    <strong>I'm not rich. My parents bought me a $3,000 computer that I am slowly paying off. I was working a lot of hours a week and managed to pull in $150 a week before my hours were cut and now I'm only pulling in $80 which is why I'll be working 2 jobs this summer. I need to make ALOT of money so I can pay off my computer fast. Also my parents are not rich. I'm not asking for the camcorder (I would never expect my parents to buy me that), I'm asking for a $350 digital camera which I most likely won't be getting because my birthday is falling into a bad time slot for my parents. In other words, you read my wrong...I am pretty spoiled and realize that I have it pretty damn good, but I know people that are WAY worse than I am. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    EDIT: For example my (girl) friend who is turning 16, is getting a Mercedes-Benz convertible for her birthday. I kid you not. My other friend got a year old Mustang convertible.


    Don't worry dude, I was just giving you a hard time. Ya the car thing pisses me off too. I know a kid that got a 2002 BMW 745i for his 16th birthday :eek: . That really is a car no kid should have, even if they have the money.
  • Reply 17 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    Jesus! That is a freakin expensive car! :eek: <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" /> I agree no 16 year old should be getting a Lexus/BMW/Mercedes-Benz for their birthday. The parents who are buying their kids these cars aren't thinking that they may be unintentionally setting their kid up to get hurt. One of my favorite phrases is "Don't make yourself a pearl in the eyes of the world." Man and I can't even get an iPod for my birthday. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    Edit: G4Dude, do you know what cars the parents of the kid who got the BMW drive? What I find hilarious about the girl who's getting the Mercedes, is that her parents drive a Neon and some other car. Shouldn't it be the other way around? <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    [ 05-30-2002: Message edited by: wolfeye155 ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 30
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    His parents drive a Jaguar S-Type which is about $30,000 less than the BMW.
  • Reply 19 of 30
    wolfeye155wolfeye155 Posts: 425member
    Pitiful. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 20 of 30
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    He's going to crash it. I hear the new 7-series is a handful with all the concept-car style electronic controls and iDrive.
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