'Bendgate' returns: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge just as bendable as Apple's iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 81 of 110
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Lets see, sitting around me right now:

    Mac Plus

    Mac SE/30

    Quadra 700

    PowerBook 180

    PowerBook 520c

    iMac G3

    iBook G3 clamshell

    PowerBook G4 12"

    2 PowerBook G4 17"

    PowerBook G4 Titanium

    Power Mac G4 Quicksilver

    Power Mac G4 Cube

    Mac Pro

    Mac Mini


    MacBook Air

    MacBook Pro

    Various iPods, iPhones, an iPad.

    I think I've got the credentials I need. image

    Oh no! He is listing the Apple devices he owns. Falcon has gone troll!



    On a related note, it's been an awfully quiet day for our local arch-troll. Did someone finally give him the boot?

  • Reply 82 of 110

    Crack, and crumble!

    Da-Yum! That thing got Thrashed!!!

    O man is Karma a B*t'ch

  • Reply 83 of 110
    iaeen wrote: »

    Oh no! He is listing the Apple devices he owns. Falcon has gone troll!

    On a related note, it's been an awfully quiet day for our local arch-troll. Did someone finally give him the boot?

    BF? Banned.
  • Reply 84 of 110
    Still not a peep from the mainstream tech sites. Apparently, bendgate is only worth mention when it's associated with Apple. [I]The Apple hate runs deep.[/I]
  • Reply 85 of 110
    shottyshotty Posts: 1member

    As a Fandroid, like so many others I laughed at Apple fanbois when the first Bendgate was going on. Thing is, I'm here to say exactly the same thing that I did back then...

    If you go out and buy a phone, then you're stupid enough to put it in your back pocket and sit on it, you deserve to see it broken!

    If you go out and buy a phone, then you're stupid enough to hold it at both ends to try and bend it like a banana, you deserve to see it broken!

    Who cares what company manufactures the device? It's a phone, not a seat cushion!

    If your new Galaxy S6 Edge or iPhone 6 Plus is such a special and awesome device that you've spent enough money to feed a small African village for a month buying one, don't go crying to Samsung or Apple when you haven't looked after it!

  • Reply 86 of 110
    Most of the tech companies just posted applauding articles. Many of the sites have a "report stuff to them" feature
  • Reply 87 of 110
    juxt417juxt417 Posts: 6member

    This is nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt. An actual test would involve all the other phones( s6,note 4, iphone 6, lg curve, and so on) . Not just the ones that make apple look good

  • Reply 88 of 110
    Tomorrow we're definitely playing at your house!

    They all work, except the two 17" BigAlBooks, they need a little TLC.
  • Reply 89 of 110
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    This is NOT a bendgate.
    Only Apple haters with YouTube channels can officially declare a new bendgate. They gave the HTC One a pass, and they'll look the other way on the S6 because Samsung is beloved by fandroids and Apple haters everywhere. Rule of the troll: It's only a -gate when it happens to Apple.

    quadra 610 wrote: »

    I see you skipped the early Power Macs completely.


    PowerPC 6100/60 FOR LYFE 

    Please... The 8100/80 RULEZ :D... and no Mac IIFX? :rolleyes:
  • Reply 90 of 110
    CNN has picked it up :D


    And their tweet about this story is on the top of google for "bendgate" :D

    Back at ya, scamsungbitches!
  • Reply 91 of 110
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So apparently Galaxy 6S Edge owners are reporting screens full of scratches out of the box. Ouch.

  • Reply 92 of 110

    #scratchgate + #bendgate :D


    ooohh... I have a vision of the future... I see... even lower sales of the S6 than the S5!

  • Reply 93 of 110
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    So apparently Galaxy 6S Edge owners are reporting screens full of scratches out of the box.


    That's one helluva thread over there; the swirlies aren't the only complaint.  Dead pixels, suboptimal packaging/unboxing experience, overall color rendering consistency.  Egads.


    I'd forgotten what it's like to experience CE QC problems, especially on a device costing that much.

  • Reply 94 of 110
    jmgregory1jmgregory1 Posts: 474member

    Wow, those people on the xda forum seem to be giving Samsung a pass on the scratched screen issues.  They must not be the same people who jump to bash Apple at any sign of a "problem" /.  I'm guessing that these issues will produce a very short-lived negative buzz for Samsung, but as they say, any press is better than no press, so they'll use it to their advantage and say something like, "We are happy to replace any units that customers feel don't meet their expectations and we will continue to produce the most cutting edge devices on the market today."


    And in case any Samsung employees are trolling, if you use my quoted text, I'll sue you...

  • Reply 95 of 110
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    That's one helluva thread over there; the swirlies aren't the only complaint.  Dead pixels, suboptimal packaging/unboxing experience, overall color rendering consistency.  Egads.

    I'd forgotten what it's like to experience CE QC problems, especially on a device costing that much.

    Samsung must have hand-picked the review units they sent to the press and tech bloggers.
  • Reply 96 of 110
    It's actually more embarrassing for Apple when you think about. Embarrassing that the all aluminum iPhone 6 Plus is about as durable as Samaung's mostly glass phone. They didn't even test standard S6 model.
  • Reply 97 of 110
    jmgregory1 wrote: »
    Wow, those people on the xda forum seem to be giving Samsung a pass on the scratched screen issues.  They must not be the same people who jump to bash Apple at any sign of a "problem" /.  I'm guessing that these issues will produce a very short-lived negative buzz for Samsung, but as they say, any press is better than no press, so they'll use it to their advantage and say something like, "We are happy to replace any units that customers feel don't meet their expectations and we will continue to produce the most cutting edge devices on the market today."

    Lol. That thread is hilarious!

    The mental gymnastics needed to give Sammy a pass is to blame...(wait for it)...(wait for it)...Fedex! Or UPS! Or both. Vague hand-waving smokescreen about "they alway throw my packages YARDS across a room" and "EXCESSIVE dust" therefore dead pixels and screen scratches. They stopped short of addressing why (1) other products shipped by those nasty carriers don't have dead pixels and scratches. I'm waiting for someone to claim that Apple secretly paid shippers to open the boxes of S6s en route to customers and scratch the screen with sandpaper, and repackage it. It's that level of stupid.

    But it does sound like a problem. And fandroids won't tolerate criticism of one of their own:
    Yeah.. I am trying to bring the issue up for discussion over on the Android subreddit but no one will listen. They keep saying it was meant to be like this.
  • Reply 98 of 110
    Ha ha ha.
    It's demolished in the pocket if it bends!

    [B][I]Caveat emptor[/I][/B]

  • Reply 99 of 110
    Crack gate!
  • Reply 100 of 110
    Forbes has also posted about it. The video is now up to 600,000 views.


    Samsung is in a bind now. It's obvious the regular S6 is going to perform better without the curved screen. But how can Samsung come out and show this without admitting the S6 Edge is inferior? After using a 3 point bend jig in their own Note 4 promo, they can't criticize this test either since it's the same procedure. And they can't bring back the 200lb silicone butt test either as people are going to wonder why they're showing a different test.


    Basically all Samsung can do is shut up and ride the storm out.
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