Google I/O 2015 sets a low bar for Apple's WWDC to leap



  • Reply 241 of 295

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post


    Originally Posted by RegurgitatedCoprolite View Post




    are you for real? you just hang out in forums and poop on other people's punctuation? "corpolite" indeed!



  • Reply 242 of 295
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    gatorguy wrote: »

    LOL. :D I was referring to the TOS, but combining the official statements you mentioned with it makes the intent even clearer.

    I am sure it does. To you.

    'Combining' is not the word you want, though. It's 'conflating.' ;)
  • Reply 243 of 295
    d4njvrzfd4njvrzf Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post


    That Google left China in order to take a stand against its human rights record is just utter baloney. Google left China because the efforts were never really going all that well in the first place and it wouldn't have subtracted anything big from the bottom line. I'd like to see Google do that with the US government. They'd play ball in a heartbeat. It is an added benefit to Google that it was able to disguise a lack of business sense as a stand for human rights and come out smelling like roses in the process. 

    Giving up the nearly half of the search market in China that they owned prior to getting hacked and pulling out wouldn't have subtracted anything big from the bottom line? (

  • Reply 244 of 295
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    I am sure it does. To you.
    I'm pretty certain it does for both of us. But then it would be one less thing to disagree about and the thread might get even more boring. ;)
  • Reply 245 of 295
    baspowerbaspower Posts: 6member
    "Apple sells expensive products that make a great experience. But Google is pulling billions of people online and giving the broad swathe of humanity its first access to the internet and smart connected devices. In other words, Apple may merely be the Ferrari to Google's Ford. Sure, Ferraris are nicer than Fords. But Ford was the company that made the car something almost everyone could afford. Historically, Ford changed history. Ferrari is merely an interesting brand in that history."
  • Reply 246 of 295
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by Beluga View Post


    I read AI every day but not the comments of the stories that often. You are right the trolls are a plague as well but I find that there volume has died down at least compared with 1-2 years ago at the height of the iphone 5 vs samsung S5 era where Samsung was at its best game. Since the iphone 6 the trolls more or less put a sock in it. Thats a good thing.


    But some guys in here that love an worship 100% of what apple does while simultaneously hate and bash on all other companies, man they are something else. They got some serious issues. I wish they would shut it and let normal people discuss things in a constructive way.


    People we know that apple is the best company at what it does. We just wanna point out the few things each one thinks its not doing right or could do better and voice our concern so maybe they do something about it.


    And other companies especially google does have a place under the sun. Some things they do are pretty nice. Cut them some slack. 


    Its second time you laid down the same dribble; I responded to you up there, yet you ignored it. If anything, it it is Googles constant crap that's getting a pass. If Apple produced 1/10 the crap Google did, they'd be out of business.


    BTW, who the frack "we", who the hell do you talk for besides yourself

    Do you have a web page for your association of disgruntled Apple owners. Give me the link.


    Apple gets a shitload of crap all day long all over the net; so, you built a big ol' straw man argument just there.

  • Reply 247 of 295
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by Baspower View Post

    "Apple sells expensive products that make a great experience. But Google is pulling billions of people online and giving the broad swathe of humanity its first access to the internet and smart connected devices. In other words, Apple may merely be the Ferrari to Google's Ford. Sure, Ferraris are nicer than Fords. But Ford was the company that made the car something almost everyone could afford. Historically, Ford changed history. Ferrari is merely an interesting brand in that history."


    Give me a fracking break. People in the developed world had phones before 2011, most of humanity got a feature phone way before they got the horrible crap $50 Androids phones that work worse than any feature phone in existence, which only made their way to developed word in the last 3-4 years. Internet on those feature phone existed btw and worked quite well on low bandwidth, low resources.


    Apple is basically selling the equivalent of a $30K+ car. This is not a Ferrari by any stretch of the imagination. Android sells the $15-$35K car with most models being $15K-20K. Feature phones are the sub $15K, those are the phone most people in Africa and the poorest in the americas and Asia can buy.


    Most of the people can't afford a car at all, so your whole metaphor falls down the trap there.,,,

  • Reply 248 of 295
    baspowerbaspower Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    Give me a fracking break. People in the developed world had phones before 2011, most of humanity got a feature phone way before they got the horrible crap $50 Androids phones that work worse than any feature phone in existence, which only made their way to developed word in the last 3-4 years. Internet on those feature phone existed btw and worked quite well on low bandwidth, low resources.


    Apple is basically selling the equivalent of a $30K+ car. This is not a Ferrari by any stretch of the imagination. Android sells the $15-$35K car with most models being $15K-20K. Feature phones are the sub $15K, those are the phone most people in Africa and the poorest in the americas and Asia can buy.


    Most of the people can't afford a car at all, so your whole metaphor falls down the trap there.,,,

    well, this is not my metaphor. I'm just quoting this article


    The thing is that, in my opinion, Apple's mission statement (if they have one at all) is not half as interesting as Google's. So it's just a matter of what perspective you take when you look at announcements.

  • Reply 249 of 295
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    On a different "note" most here probably have no idea of the Google announcements meant to assist iOS developers, with CocoaPods the biggie. What's CocoaPods?
    In typical Google fashion they use a lighthearted video to explain it. If you're not a developer you'll probably have little interest in watching it.

    In fact Apple and iOS was mentioned fairly frequently and always in a good light AFAICT. I saw mentioned at another blog it was not unusual to see someone pull out his/her iPhone and have no one think a thing about it. No one turned up their nose or considered it rude or out of place at a Google event. Apple users and developers were welcome and in fact expected.
  • Reply 250 of 295
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    On a different "note" most here probably have no idea of the Google announcements meant to assist iOS developers, with CocoaPods the biggie. What's CocoaPods?
    In typical Google fashion they use a lighthearted video to explain it. If you're not a developer you'll probably have little interest in watching it.

    In fact Apple and iOS was mentioned fairly frequently and always in a good light AFAICT. I saw mentioned at another blog it was not unusual to see someone pull out his/her iPhone and have no one think a thing about it. No one turned up their nose or considered it rude or out of place at a Google event. Apple users and developers were welcome and in fact expected.

    This is true. Like Microsoft, Google developers have discovered they can't make money if they don't develop for iOS.
  • Reply 251 of 295
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    This is true. Like Microsoft, Google developers have discovered they can't make money if they don't develop for iOS.
    So they don't hate Apple? Who knew. :D
  • Reply 252 of 295
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    So they don't hate Apple? Who knew. :D

    They don't hate Apple, they need them for ideas!
  • Reply 253 of 295
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,339member

    Originally Posted by Beluga View Post

    One has to look hard among comments to find an impartial view of things amongst a sea of everything non apple haters.

    I am a big fan of apple and own lots if it's devices and praise it to friends but the way people act (like this guy) who won't take a tiny bit of criticism against Apple is ridiculous. No other company gets a single thing right but Apple. Sure.

    Let's all gather and praise Apple and curse all others and call it a day.




    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    This person is so misinformed I feel sad for them. Literally image

    You really think the largest spy company in the world pulled out of china and allowed other iPhonies to profit off their OS?? XD

    Yeah Apple really wanted to copy Maps. Totally had nothing to do with the fact they had no choice but to replace apps made by their enemy after being back stabbed.

    A bigger iPhone is innovative? LMFAO!!!

    Guess what droids?!!

    The Giggling is OVER. Apple made Giggle BILLIONS and got repayed by having the iPhone concept stolen.

    IT IS OVER. expect every damn Giggle effort to be replaced by Apple.

    I cannot wait until Search comes and brings this lying, unethical spy corporation to its knees!!


    @Beluga If you are going to take a shot at someone you could at least do it in the right context. Cali was responding to a previous post from clexman. Not just fan boy/girl ranting about how wonderful everything Apple is. Just the ridiculous statements from clexman about maps and China alone should have told you that; before you decided to post anything. Yet you decided to go all holier than thou for no real reason?  
  • Reply 254 of 295

    The number of people on here so butt hurt by what Google did or not do is mind blowing.  This may be the only place on earth where people would complain so vociferously about a company providing a service that provides free photo storage.  I intentionally use the word free so I can laugh at all the responses ripping my post to explain how it is not free.  With the definitions used on this board I'm not sure a company has ever provided anything free in the history of mankind.  But perhaps even more enjoyable than reading those posts are the post from people explaining how they take 50 megapixel photos on a daily basis and thus the service is pure garbage.  Nevermind that it may be extremely useful to 95% of others.  This is also the only place on earth where you will see so many people cheer corporate profitability as the living proof that a product must be superior and everything else is crap.  Do you really think Apple would innovate at the same rate if Google or Microsoft didn't exist?  Yet that is exactly what at least a vocal minority on here would love to see.  Somehow Apple hired all of the saints in the world and Google and Microsoft managed to only snag the evil demons.  If you can't see the innovation Google does then you are a true moron.  And likewise, if someone can not see the innovation of Apple then they are equally as dumb.   I will now sit back and enjoy reading the barrage of messages that will let me know just how stupid I am.

  • Reply 255 of 295
    jackansijackansi Posts: 116member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    It would be really satisfying for Apple to blow our socks off with some astounding software innovations no one has been expecting this upcoming WWDC. What are your expectations?

    I have really low expectations for WWDC.  It even feels like, if the last year is a guide, if anything big did come out at WWDC we'd be waiting till at least next year to see movement on it.

  • Reply 256 of 295
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    This is true. Like Microsoft, Google developers have discovered they can't make money if they don't develop for iOS.

    Or they just accept people that have all different types of phones like I do. I don't let it bother me at all what type of phone you have. If it works for you great. I know people on both sides that love or dislike either OS. I'm sure you've heard at least once or twice that someone hates thier iPhone for one reason or another. I know I do all the time. I also hear the other side as well.

    It's called "Be together, not the same".

    Think about that for once. Not everyone has to like one product or another.
    They don't hate Apple, they need them for ideas!

    100% completely false. Apple cannot and does not come up with each and every single idea. The opposite actually. Apple buys most of the ideas that came from other people outside if Apple.
  • Reply 257 of 295
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    sltiedeman wrote: »
    The number of people on here so butt hurt by what Google did or not do is mind blowing.  This may be the only place on earth where people would complain so vociferously about a company providing a service that provides free photo storage.  I intentionally use the word free so I can laugh at all the responses ripping my post to explain how it is not free.  With the definitions used on this board I'm not sure a company has ever provided anything free in the history of mankind.  But perhaps even more enjoyable than reading those posts are the post from people explaining how they take 50 megapixel photos on a daily basis and thus the service is pure garbage.  Nevermind that it may be extremely useful to 95% of others.  This is also the only place on earth where you will see so many people cheer corporate profitability as the living proof that a product must be superior and everything else is crap.  Do you really think Apple would innovate at the same rate if Google or Microsoft didn't exist?  Yet that is exactly what at least a vocal minority on here would love to see.  Somehow Apple hired all of the saints in the world and Google and Microsoft managed to only snag the evil demons.  If you can't see the innovation Google does then you are a true moron.  And likewise, if someone can not see the innovation of Apple then they are equally as dumb.   I will now sit back and enjoy reading the barrage of messages that will let me know just how stupid I am.

    I completely agree with you and like the way you think.
  • Reply 258 of 295
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    penchanted wrote: »
    The TOS seems pretty clear to me: You retain ownership of your photos but you grant Google a perpetual license to use those photos. The question then becomes why does Google need a perpetual license to accommodate the use cases they have identified. In spite of the similarities in their TOS, Apple doesn't seem to need a perpetual license to accomplish the same things.

    I really don't believe that Google is going to be using someone's photos for their own purposes without getting approval from the owner but it seems to me that their TOS allows for just that to happen.

    Exactly right. You have just interpreted the Goggle TOS just as written.
  • Reply 259 of 295
    This is Google's most recent public display of their inability to think strategically, to actually plan approaches to product development, long term integration, and interfaces.
  • Reply 260 of 295
    amitdasamitdas Posts: 4member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Who said Project Titan was a self-driving car? Did Phil send you a press release?

    Jony and co are car guys. Car guys enjoy driving. People who enjoy the experience of driving don't kill that with a self driving model.

    And you're just showing why Googs is doomed; they can't focus on a single product.

    So you are saying the the Apple Car will not have an self-driving options while every other manufacturer will probably have the option?

    Oh, btw, which mapping app will the Apple Car run? 

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