Senate passes USA Freedom Act, restores some NSA surveillance powers



  • Reply 21 of 31
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I have no idea why 99% of the comments are so against the patriot act. There are millions of people around the world that want harm to come to us and thousands willing to die for it. Like it or not we are in a war - ultimately and long term for our very survial and this is the bare minimum to help stem this ongoing and only increasing threat. Technology has made this threat worst and we need techological mitigations to help counteract the threats. I have no doublt these posts would change tune fast if heaven forbid one were directly impacted. Wake up - this isn't fun and games - lives are on the line - there are bad people out there!

    Those fears are irrational and unsupported by the evidence.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by 21yr_mac_user View Post


    I have no idea why 99% of the comments are so against the patriot act. There are millions of people around the world that want harm to come to us and thousands willing to die for it. Like it or not we are in a war - ultimately and long term for our very survial and this is the bare minimum to help stem this ongoing and only increasing threat. Technology has made this threat worst and we need techological mitigations to help counteract the threats. I have no doublt these posts would change tune fast if heaven forbid one were directly impacted. Wake up - this isn't fun and games - lives are on the line - there are bad people out there!

    Religion is the curse of mankind and Islam is the worst of the worst. We waste so much time, money and lives because of these people. Don't blame the NSA for us being spied on, blame Islamic religion, culture and ideology. They are intent on destroying the whole world and especially the US. Shoot first ask questions later.

  • Reply 23 of 31
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    ... or the United States illegally invading sovereign countries and overthrowing the democratically elected governments of other countries ...

    I assume you are talking about countries that hold fake elections. You know if you don't vote for the right person you get killed. 

  • Reply 24 of 31
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 618member

    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    I assume you are talking about countries that hold fake elections. You know if you don't vote for the right person you get killed. 

    No. I'm talking about countries that have held elections as democratic (possibly more so) as anything in the USA. Read about what's going on in the world, but not from Fox or CNN. Try reading a copy of this for starters if it's in your local library:

  • Reply 25 of 31
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 618member

    Originally Posted by 21yr_mac_user View Post


    I have no idea why 99% of the comments are so against the patriot act. There are millions of people around the world that want harm to come to us and thousands willing to die for it. Like it or not we are in a war - ultimately and long term for our very survial and this is the bare minimum to help stem this ongoing and only increasing threat. Technology has made this threat worst and we need techological mitigations to help counteract the threats. I have no doublt these posts would change tune fast if heaven forbid one were directly impacted. Wake up - this isn't fun and games - lives are on the line - there are bad people out there!

    Maybe ask yourself why only 1% (ish) supports it on here instead. You seem to have a naïve view of a valiant, brave, on-the-side-of-right view of the USA that has to battle all the evils of the world to protect us and keep us democratic and free. That of course is exactly what the government, the media and the military-industrial complex wish you to believe. Most people here in the UK believe the same about us for exactly the same reasons, but with less of a religious fervour than in the USA.


    If you read different viewpoints though (and Snowden, Chelsea Manning and many more) they reveal only the tip of the iceberg of deception to which we are subject on a daily basis. The book "Web of Deceit" by the British historian Mark Curtis reveals that my democratically elected UK governments (from examination of its own declassified documents released after the 30 year expiry rule) have lied, lied and lied again over decades about its foreign policy intentions and objectives. The USA does the same and to believe that neither are still doing the same today requires considerable gullibility.


    Have you ever wondered why we shudder when IS gruesomely behead another victim saying how this shows that they are barbaric and inhuman ... yet the USA, and the UK, diplomatically, financially and militarily support Saudi Arabia who ... behead people (19 in two weeks last year) but it doesn't mean we stop selling them weapons or invoke sanctions. We could, for example, stop buying their oil - oh, maybe we couldn't .... Curious, eh?

  • Reply 26 of 31
    vuduvudu Posts: 28member
    "FREEDOM ACT" -- Doublespeak is here.
    For it, or against it, this is 1984 all over again.

    Naming something has nothing to do with what it actually is.
    The housing development up the street is called Elm Creek. They cut down the trees & drained the creek to build the houses they now call %u201CElm Creek!%u201D

    %u2018Legitimizing' what they%u2019be been doing all along & what will come.

    Calling it a %u201Cbi-partisan mess%u201D is in some measure true. Painted into a Corner.
    There are few heroes in politics.

    The party in power did what they wanted, the way they wanted --
    and anyone opposed either got on board, or got blamed if something untoward happened, irrespective of whether the so-called Patriot Act had any impact.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post


    Have you ever wondered why we shudder when IS gruesomely behead another victim saying how this shows that they are barbaric and inhuman ... yet the USA, and the UK, diplomatically, financially and militarily support Saudi Arabia who ... behead people (19 in two weeks last year) but it doesn't mean we stop selling them weapons or invoke sanctions. We could, for example, stop buying their oil - oh, maybe we couldn't .... Curious, eh?

    Death sentence for robbery, terrorism and drug trafficking is slightly different than beheading simply because you are not Islamic. And of course the ISIS are barbaric and inhuman, and they want you to know it as well which is why they broadcast the videos of the beheadings.

  • Reply 28 of 31
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 618member
    mstone wrote: »
    Death sentence for robbery, terrorism and drug trafficking is slightly different than beheading simply because you are not Islamic. And of course the ISIS are barbaric and inhuman, and they want you to know it as well which is why they broadcast the videos of the beheadings.

    Hmmm - who decides on a "good reason" for executing someone? You can also be executed in SA for adultery or gay sex, but neither your government nor ours, complains to our good business partners/friends in SA about that do they? Interestingly, from where I stand here in Western Europe, most regard it as barbaric that the USA still practices capital punishment. At least, so far, U.S. executions are not being uploaded to YouTube, though those Abu Ghraib abuse and torture photos almost went viral on the web ...
  • Reply 29 of 31
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post


    No. I'm talking about countries that have held elections as democratic (possibly more so) as anything in the USA. Read about what's going on in the world, but not from Fox or CNN. Try reading a copy of this for starters if it's in your local library:


    The US isn't a democracy. Never has been, never will be.

  • Reply 30 of 31
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    ^ He didn't say it was.  Again with inserting this hang up of yours about the US not being a democracy.  Sure it isn't.  But it is democratic. And it's hardly relevant to the conversation anyway. 

  • Reply 31 of 31
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The U.S. Senate on Tuesday passed the U.S.A. Freedom Act

    Hooray! Hang them all for treason! :mad: 


    Originally Posted by Prince Brian View Post

    Since we don't really know what the government collects and doesn't collect, and since we don't *really* have a choice to decline those terms & conditions without receiving the product or service, then I'll just say, "Okay."


    Thanks for being the laziness that caused these problems in the first place.


    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post

    The Patriot Act was perfect the way it was, there was nothing to clean up.


    So treason was perfect the way it was?


    The Fourth Amendment was a great idea in 1792 when Thomas Jefferson announced it's adoption. However I doubt the founding fathers could imagine planes being crashed into buildings, teenage kids setting off bombs during the Boston Marathon and people having their heads cut off and having it posted on Youtube. 


    Get bent. Learn what law is.

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