Edward Snowden argues Apple CEO Tim Cook likely to keep privacy promises



  • Reply 21 of 159
    propodpropod Posts: 67member
    Traitor? He receives award for human rights and democracy around the globe.
  • Reply 22 of 159
    kamiltonkamilton Posts: 283member
    Hey man, imagine for a moment if Hitler had had the same capacity to collect data that the NSA presently has... Locate every Jew in Germany = 5 minutes, empty every account containing Jewish money = 10 minutes, Identify every Jewish sympathizer = 24 hours. You folks who feel that Edward Snowden is a traitor or is in any way wrong, are residing in a dangerous paradigm whereby you are trusting government. No government should ever be trusted. The bigger the lie, "We're only collecting your personal data to thwart terrorists.." The more you should question it. Here's a key example that gave rise to the Patriot Act: "Three steel framed buildings, designed to withstand hits from Boeing 707s, fell at the acceleration due to gravity, because burning jet fuel melted structural steel..." Tim Cook has it right, thank goodness.
  • Reply 23 of 159
    propod: "Traitor? He receives award for human rights and democracy around the globe."

    Yes, ignorance is global; what's your point?
  • Reply 24 of 159
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by wood1208 View Post

    I wonder how come this traitor is still alive ?

    Don’t worry. Once he is no longer useful to his patrons, the Russians and Chinese, he will mysteriously vanish without a trace. That this ‘patriot’ would flee to one of most repressive, totalitarian, non-democratic nations on earth for protection is telling in so many ways. Anyone who opposes Vladimir Putin seems to disappear quickly these days, or wakes up dead. 


    As long as Snowden and Asante are ensconced in their spider holes they can rot as far as I’m concerned.

  • Reply 25 of 159
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,023member
    Snowden is probably one of the few Americans who could be called a true patriot. People like the above commeters are a big part of the problem.

    Snowden is both a traitor and a whistleblower. Whistleblower when exposing government intrusions on citizens. Traitor for exposing the U.S. Intelligence efforts against foreign (potential) adversaries.

    It is not a clear cut issue.
  • Reply 26 of 159
    nethan9nethan9 Posts: 20member

    Lots of lemmings in the land of freedom :(

  • Reply 27 of 159
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,500member
    Snowden is a hero, hands down. If we had more people like him, we will have a great respectable country
  • Reply 28 of 159
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    I am not supporting any activities by NSA that is not stopping terrorism or similar crime but this guy revel activities that gave Chinese government reasons which they were looking for to punish American technology businesses. Using NSA as excuse to curtail American technology products sold in China and same time hack/copy American tech and sell their cheap products back to Americans. So this guy really screwed American companies and their American workers especially high tech companies. These companies support high paying jobs and our economy but he helped China to give excuse to put over regulations to limit access to their markets.

    Do you call this guy patriot. Well, those must be high on drugs to make such statements. Do you know now China demands source code from American companies if they want to sell products in China. If you are not tech person than you won't get it but if you do than you know how that screws American companies selling products with software inside by allowing Chinese companies simply copying that code, enhance little and re-sale cheap as Chinese products. You Americans than loose and keep loosing their job because your companies don't make money like before and than all trickle down to average American loosing their jobs. Now, you see BIGGER picture.
  • Reply 29 of 159
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Snowden is a hero, hands down. If we had more people like him, we will have a great respectable country

    Read my post and you will know if this guy is patriot or traitor for Americans.

  • Reply 30 of 159
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by wood1208 View Post

    You ignorant Americans. I am not supporting any activities by NSA that is not stopping terrorism or similar crime but this guy revel activities that gave Chinese government reasons which they were looking for to punish American technology businesses. Using NSA as excuse to curtail American technology products sold in China and same time hack/copy American tech and sell their cheap products back to Americans. So, you moron American with limited visibility and intelligence, this guy really screwed American companies and their American workers especially high tech companies. These companies support high paying jobs and our economy but he helped China to give excuse to put over regulations to limit access to their markets. Do you call this guy patriot. Well, those must be high on drugs to make such statements. Do you know now China demands source code from American companies if they want to sell products in China. If you are not tech person than you won't get it but if you do than you know how that screws American companies selling products with software inside by simply copying that code, enhance little and re-sale cheap as Chinese products. You Americans than loose job because your company don't make money like before and than all trickle down to average American loosing their jobs. Now, you see BIGGER picture.

    You just made the Block List! Congratulations!

  • Reply 31 of 159
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by iPilya View Post


    I have always.. and still believe this. If Snowden was a "patriot" he would have vetted the documents before putting them in the hands of people/governments that could use them for ill purposes. But instead, he basically handed it the sharks. The information brought out was not exclusive to what the US government was doing to its people (which we already knew about since the true whistle blower exposed Room 641A in 2006) - but also it exposed a tremendous amount of sensitive information about US and UK operations well outside the context of the US citizens and deep into the world of true US and UK security.


    So in short.. I too believe that Appleinsider should not have put their foot on this path of glorifying and/or legitimising Edward Snowden.


    Btw - haven't you seen the news of late... how its now known that China and Russia have cracked open all the documents? Do you think Russia is good? I lived there for 8 years... and trust me... you know nothing!



    Russia and China have both managed to crack encrypted documents which contain details of secret intelligence techniques that could allow British and American spies to be identified, the newspaper said citing officials. 

    However an official at Cameron's office was quoted as saying that there was "no evidence of anyone being harmed."







    A report in The Guardian on Sunday has called into question both the timing and accuracy of The Sunday Times report, as it relied completely on anonymous sourcing and comes just days after a report on terrorism legislation.



  • Reply 32 of 159
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    I would love to see Phil Zimmerman on Apple's staff, if even for some time to add even more privacy goodness...

    Headlines: "Apple buys Silent Circle"...


    Oh, and Rand Paul President 2016! http://randpaul.com/issue/ending-nsa-spying
  • Reply 33 of 159
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Snowden is a hero, hands down. If we had more people like him, we will have a great respectable country

    If more people were like him, everyone will be in Russia. He isn't a hero.
  • Reply 34 of 159
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    If more people were like him, everyone will be in Russia....


    This makes no sense to me. What does it mean?


    Snowden was in a unique position to expose this massive unconstitutional spying on American citizens and it's a good thing he did.


    Just so you understand, the spy mechanisms are still in place and working on other countries, all of which also have spying programs.

  • Reply 35 of 159
    Here we go... :rolleyes:
  • Reply 36 of 159
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    I lurk here constantly but rarely post in discussions. I generally think the people who post here are well informed, intelligent people.

    However I am utterly amazed at the ignorance posted here about Edward Snowden. He is a whistleblower and in my opinion a hero to have exposed the extent to which our very basic constitutional rights are being trampled on by our own government.

    The fact of the matter is that he turned over all documents to journalists in Hong Kong long before he became trapped (due to the US revoking his passport) in Russia. He never turned anything over to any governments. As others have stated the movie Citizen Four is well worth watching to get a feel for his motivation and his actions.

    It is scary to me that so much of the American citizenry has so fully swallowed the government propaganda and accepts the loss of their rights to privacy.
  • Reply 37 of 159
  • Reply 38 of 159
    pujones1pujones1 Posts: 222member
    radster360 wrote: »
    Why are we putting Edward Snowden in high pedestal and in high regards? At end of the day, he is a thief and a traitor of United States. Yes, what NSA is doing is not correct, but what Snowden did it doesn't make it correct either.
    I totally agree with you. His actions will result in loss of life wether it's a spy or our military personnel and cause extremely grave damage to our national security. He could have taken his issues to the proper authorities not to Russia.
  • Reply 39 of 159

    Edward Snowden has already previously admitted that he planned on stealing classified documents from the NSA before he even started working there, so regardless of whether you think his media campaign was positive or negative, it's obvious that he's not a whistleblower. He had a personal agenda regarding the NSA that wasn't based on first-hand knowledge or experience.  

  • Reply 40 of 159
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    When was the last time that some traitor actually got executed for being a traitor in this country? I say that it's time to get busy again and begin executing those who deserve to be executed, if and when they are found guilty of their crimes and their treason.


    I don't care how it's carried out. Firing squad, lethal injection, electric chair, guillotine, whatever.............Just get it done...............The quicker, the better........

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