Microsoft ousts ex-Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, combines OS and devices teams



  • Reply 21 of 28
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    pfisher wrote: »
    It's kind of sad to go by the mall and see the large Microsoft kiosk store void of customers. There's always some employees there trying to make the best of it.

    The phone is probably dead man walking. If you read forums on the phone and Win10 it sounds like a mess. Too many phones with too many model numbers and no flagship phone. And a lot of features wont come to many of the phones. And there are stlll a lot of issues with Win10. 

    MS can do a lot of great things, but keeping the scope confined isn't one of them. Win 10 won't be out until fall and...maybe new phones?

    That's normal - software cannot upgrade hardware in phone, and quite a few phones have only 512MB of RAM - that must limit some features. Back in the days, my iPhone 3Gs really only got speed downgrade with iOS6 - all of fancy features didn't transfer. The most pointless "upgrade" I have personally experienced so far. I'm not blaming 3Gs - it was already 4 years old at that time - but I do feel that Apple should of made iOS5 the last one applicable on 3Gs and call it a day. Fast forward today - my Lumia 920 is almost 3 years old, and still running fine with latest Windows. Camera didn't get startup speed increase, but that seems to be due to hardware around camera. Compared to new Lumia 830 I use as a work phone, It also doesn't have step counter, rendering fitness app pretty much useless without accessory like MS Band... but again, my old phone doesn't have required hardware, so there's not much new software can do about it.

    I do agree that they have too many phones with very little difference between. I'm not sure if this approach was coming from Nokia or MS - since they have completely taken over, looks like number of "new" phones has declined somewhat.

    Windows phone is currently moving close to 10 million units a quarter. It is a far cry from what Apple and Samsung have, but 35 - 40 million units a year is not a complete disaster - I think they are, at least, safe from extinction... for now.

    New phones should be out with Win 10 for phones. There are rumors and some blurry photos around (presumed) new Lumia 940 and Lumia 1040 (camera-phone)... and I'm thinking a new phablet might be in queue, too.

    I've seen some complains around Windows 10 on phone, mostly around native apps which, many have mentioned, are starting to look like Android apps. I'm hoping they are just trying things here - sort of prototype experiments - and will return to existing Windows Phone design standards for final release. I'm finding current default Win phone apps quite nice to work with, really.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    "Love" is not a word I would ever f**king use to describe any Microsoft product. EVER.

    So you started me thinking: was there ever anything of Microsoft's that I loved? A long time ago, yeah.
    • The Natural Keyboard (early versions).
    • The "Dove Bar" mouse, for its time.
    • I used to love Microsoft Flight Simulator (DOS).
    • Heck, I actually enjoyed working with Windows 2000 Pro.

    I thought it was all downhill after that.

    I teetered when XP came out, but the final straw was the Office Ribbon [spit].
  • Reply 23 of 28
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    pdq2 wrote: »
    What boggles my mind is that some folks (including some Finns, apparently) still think that Apple killed Nokia.

    Instead, it was an inside job (of sorts), I think. They never shoulda hired that Vidkun Quisling dude as CEO.

    mac'em x wrote: »
    Let's see... Elop came to Nokia with an undisclosed agenda on behalf of Microsoft... wrecked Nokia to the point where Microsoft could scoop it up cheap... and now gets to leave both companies with a fat golden parachute. Mission accomplished, sir!

    Microsoft, too, achieved its goals: It got a phone manufacturing unit at a fire-sale price (thanks to Stephen "Burning Platform" Elop!), with no one hurt except the employees of Nokia, their families, and their communities. That's the sort of Win-Devastating Loss scenario that Microsoft calls a Win-Win!

    Call me conspiracy theorist but it's obvious that Elop did his job right as an industrial spy type thing. Coming from MS and killing Symbian for Windows then made all those cacameme agreements with MS?! It was obvious all the way. Good job and probably earned the pay check he'll take home.

    Now the fact that MS doesn't do anything fruitful or that makes a difference after such move is something of an intrinsic problem to the company.

    But hey why are we talking about this thing of the past? This is a goner, many here are talking about this company for nostalgic reasons!

    What about that Apple became much bigger than MS and that she doesn't have an inspiring adversary - such as Apple was to MS - of its own?! That concerns me more than dead man walking companies (a phrase popular in this forum it seems). Let's talk about that, instead!
  • Reply 24 of 28
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    nikon133 wrote: »
    I'm finding some difficulties understanding how something that you would, or would not do, has to make any impact on Mr. Nadella. ;)

    Beside that... I actually love my Win phone, and definitely warming up for Surface Pro 3. Not love yet, maybe, but in the air.

    May we send you some candles to help you find your way in the wilderness?
  • Reply 25 of 28
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by XamaX View Post

    Call me conspiracy theorist but it's obvious that Elop did his job right as an industrial spy type thing. Coming from MS and killing Symbian for Windows then made all those cacameme agreements with MS?! It was obvious all the way. Good job and probably earned the pay check he'll take home.

    Exactly my thoughts.  Flop flopped around killing MS's weaker competition so MS could pick up the pieces at fire sale prices.

    I expect he got a top severance and will keep shut about his takeover game for MS.

  • Reply 26 of 28
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post

    So you started me thinking: was there ever anything of Microsoft's that I loved? A long time ago, yeah.

    • The Natural Keyboard (early versions).

    • The "Dove Bar" mouse, for its time.

    • I used to love Microsoft Flight Simulator (DOS).

    • Heck, I actually enjoyed working with Windows 2000 Pro.

    I thought it was all downhill after that.

    I teetered when XP came out, but the final straw was the Office Ribbon [spit].


    For the Office Ribbon Bar there is...

  • Reply 27 of 28
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    This is no surprise, he was sent to Nokia to prepare it to be bought by Microsoft. He did his job got a big pay day when Nokia was bought and is now getting another pay day to leave now. This is how things work in the world of M&A.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    kibitzer wrote: »
    May we send you some candles to help you find your way in the wilderness?

    I'm from New Zealand. Outdoors is our second nature, and rarely any gets lost. Unless large quantities of beer and spirits are involved ;)
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