The way I see it, if I'm paying you money for content, I expect there not to be any ads. Free over-the-air transmissions? Fine, put in ads. This is the main reason I don't have cable TV. I'm not going to pay you for the privilege of sitting through ads. I'm honestly surprised so many people signed up for this at all. If you're ok with the ads, you probably have cable so you're used to it. But if you have cable, why do you need Hulu? Aren't these online services meant for cord-cutters?
Have you watched Hulu at all? The ads usually last about a total of 30 seconds, much less than regular TV. and God forbid you watch a movie on a cable channel, where recently I turned one on at 9:56 and switched away at 10:05 because no part of the movie had been shown yet.
And the reason for Hulu is to catch up on shows you may not have watched or thought about watching, so you didn't set up to record. Also, if you skip the DVR from the cable co, you save more on your cable bill than you spend getting Hulu.
The way I see it, if I'm paying you money for content, I expect there not to be any ads. Free over-the-air transmissions? Fine, put in ads. This is the main reason I don't have cable TV. I'm not going to pay you for the privilege of sitting through ads. I'm honestly surprised so many people signed up for this at all. If you're ok with the ads, you probably have cable so you're used to it. But if you have cable, why do you need Hulu? Aren't these online services meant for cord-cutters?
I had subscribed to Hulu+ to watch Criterion Collection films. There are dozens, if not hundreds of the CC films basically only on Hulu+. A smattering of these films are available here or there, but being able to binge watch through the entire collection on demand is fantastic. Having said that, I did unsubscribe recently because I simply did not have time to watch.
The Criterion Collection should have their own stand-alone app for Apple TV.
Also, I only have very basic cable and no DVR, so being able to watch some network shows after they aired was an added bonus. Currently, I have Netflix and might consider adding HBO Now, but not so sure.
Yeah that's not happening. Having to press fast forward, then oops too far, go back, ok close enough, 4 seconds of the last ad. Ok another break, fast forward, oops too far, go back..
Yeah, no. That's almost worse than just sitting through them. My point was I shouldn't have to deal with the ads at all if I'm paying for it. Maybe I'm alone in this opinion, but I'm certainly telling them how I feel with my wallet.
Originally Posted by sog35
WRONG. 500,000,000+ iPhone users prove that many are willing to pay money for high quality.
To be fair, most of those people think iPhones cost $200.
I stillthink it is odd that Hulu (or whatever they call it now) charges me to still watch commercials. but I pay for the content and deal with the commercials. I actually have another tool that allows me to skip the commercials on Hulu, but requires buffering the show for a few minutes before I start watching.
Who told you that you're paying for the content? That's a wild assumption and it's absolutely wrong! A small portion of your monthly fee may go towards Hulu acquiring content deals - but the ad revenue plays a huge role in offsetting the cost of acquiring the content. What most of your money goes towards is the content delivery network, bandwidth and Hulu staffing and overhead expenses. There is a lot of content available on Hulu that is completely commercial free. There is content available that will have 2-3 interruptions to show you a 30-45 second ad. There is also a small amount of content available in which they will interrupt you 6-8 times for about a minute. It depends on the contract they have with the content owner and seems to be linked (at least loosely) to the popularity of the show. Any way you look at it though - this is a tiny fraction of what you'd be forced to sit through if watching on regular cable! Also - regular cable only has time to run 7-8 minutes of commercials in a 30-minute show - but they often run 10+ minutes of ads. To do this, they CUT parts of the show out. With Hulu - you always get the full show! Anybody complaining about having to watch a few ads on Hulu+ in addition to their small monthly fee is completely out of touch with reality! 3 years ago, I replaced a $160/month cable bill with $16/month for combined Netflix and hulu+ subscriptions and it has saved me a ton of money AND a ton of time! The cost is so low that it might as well be free - and the commercial breaks on Hulu are so short that they might as well be non-existant! I don't even have time to run to the bathroom before they're over! Hulu and Netflix are complementary services for the most part. There is some overlap but not much that I've seen. Netflix is good for last season and earlier seasons - Hulu+ is good for current season episodes. It's cheaper than a DVR offers so much more! As others have said - if even 45 second worth of commercials are too much for you to handle, then go ahead and purchase your episodes via iTunes!
Look to iTunes for an example of what "ad-free" episodes actually cost... $2-3/episode! It's hilarious that people who pay $8/month for unlimited Hulu streaming think that their $8 is enough to expect all of that content to be ad-free. Not just hilarious. It's ridiculous and it's sad! Ridiculous expectations from ridiculous people. Pity them - for they will never be actually happy. They will always find something to complain about. What an unfortunate and depressing way to go through life.
No. I hate ads. I don't care where they are coming from.
I use to love Youtube. Now it sucks because of all the ads.
Big deal if Google is up 16% today. Before today the stock has been up 0% the last 12 months. I'm pretty sure Google will drop at least 10% in the next few months.
WRONG. Wall Street loves Google so they will do what it takes to boost this stock.. They made fucking big deal today with that 11% growth which is pocket change compared to Apple in term of growth rate.
No. I hate ads. I don't care where they are coming from.
I use to love Youtube. Now it sucks because of all the ads.
Big deal if Google is up 16% today. Before today the stock has been up 0% the last 12 months. I'm pretty sure Google will drop at least 10% in the next few months.
When I found out that Hulu's paid version still shows ads, I just about flipped my lid.
The fact that society tolerates this is just another example of how the free market is a lie. It's easy to boil the frog when you raise the temperature slowly. If you took a large piece of populous from 1960 to today, you'd see how utterly intolerant of the capitalism of today they would be and how much they'd reject it. But being the changes slowly, over decades, and you can drive people to such a point where they don't rebell. They've such short memory of how things were. Sudden changes create rebellion. More of the same does not.
It's not really a plot in many cases, it's just how corporations and politicians get away with things. Little by little, the dystopia settles firmly into place.
When I found out that Hulu's paid version still shows ads, I just about flipped my lid.
The cable company shows ads. The newspaper you might buy shows ads. The magazine you paid for shows ads. HBO Now runs it's own ads. The sporting event you bought tickets to displays ads. The movie theatre you go to shows ads. None of those things are free.
Until somewhat recently ads didn't get as much venom from some folks. I'm guessing it's more about the increasing number of them intruding too far on the desired content instead of the idea of an advertisement in an of itself. Geez, even Apple considers ads to be an acceptable thing for the most part, making personalized ones the default setting on your iPhone.
When I found out that Hulu's paid version still shows ads, I just about flipped my lid.
The cable company shows ads. The newspaper you might buy shows ads. The magazine you paid for shows ads. HBO Now runs it's own ads. The sporting you bought tickets to displays ads. The movie theatre you go to shows ads. None of those things are free.
Until somewhat recently ads didn't get as much venom from some folks. I'm guessing it's more about the increasing number of them intruding too far on the desired content instead of the idea of an advertisement in an of itself. Geez, even Apple considers ads to be an acceptable thing for the most part, making personalized ones the default setting on your iPhone.
What really took the cake was the ads that were shown prior to the Mayweather-Paquiao fight that people paid $100 for.
I don't hate ads. Grew up with them on radio and TV. I do hate Comcast. Been using them for digital TV and Internet since the end of 2007. Still have nothing but troubles with audio on the TV. The X1 box is not the answer. It is incomplete. Someone at Comcast told me the first iPhone was not perfect. Comcast cannot compete with anything Apple does. Comcast rides along by the seat of their pants. Old DOCSIS 2 cable modems failed due to power brick that were too small and the product overheated. Fox, Disney, and Comcast. No thanks!
It may not be hard but I too find it a nuisance. I stopped watching live TV because of the ads. Programs are designed around them, even sports. At the very least they could show the ads before and after a video.
The way I see it, if I'm paying you money for content, I expect there not to be any ads. Free over-the-air transmissions? Fine, put in ads. This is the main reason I don't have cable TV. I'm not going to pay you for the privilege of sitting through ads. I'm honestly surprised so many people signed up for this at all. If you're ok with the ads, you probably have cable so you're used to it. But if you have cable, why do you need Hulu? Aren't these online services meant for cord-cutters?
Have you watched Hulu at all? The ads usually last about a total of 30 seconds, much less than regular TV. and God forbid you watch a movie on a cable channel, where recently I turned one on at 9:56 and switched away at 10:05 because no part of the movie had been shown yet.
And the reason for Hulu is to catch up on shows you may not have watched or thought about watching, so you didn't set up to record. Also, if you skip the DVR from the cable co, you save more on your cable bill than you spend getting Hulu.
WRONG. 500,000,000+ iPhone users prove that many are willing to pay money for high quality. many more iPhones would have been deployed for free?
Yawn, I just want Amazon Prime Streaming on Apple TV!
SyFy & FOX News Channel would be great too!
Thats not the point.
The point is people are willing to pay for quality.
That's not the point I made that you declared "WRONG." That's the point you made. For the record, I agree with your point.
The way I see it, if I'm paying you money for content, I expect there not to be any ads. Free over-the-air transmissions? Fine, put in ads. This is the main reason I don't have cable TV. I'm not going to pay you for the privilege of sitting through ads. I'm honestly surprised so many people signed up for this at all. If you're ok with the ads, you probably have cable so you're used to it. But if you have cable, why do you need Hulu? Aren't these online services meant for cord-cutters?
I had subscribed to Hulu+ to watch Criterion Collection films. There are dozens, if not hundreds of the CC films basically only on Hulu+. A smattering of these films are available here or there, but being able to binge watch through the entire collection on demand is fantastic. Having said that, I did unsubscribe recently because I simply did not have time to watch.
The Criterion Collection should have their own stand-alone app for Apple TV.
Also, I only have very basic cable and no DVR, so being able to watch some network shows after they aired was an added bonus. Currently, I have Netflix and might consider adding HBO Now, but not so sure.
willing to pay money not to see crap.
its one of the main reasons I also hate Google.
or you hate Google, because it is +16% up with "just" 11% revenue increase? AAPL would go -16% with such growth
one word: DVR
record and skip all ads.
Hulu is a streaming service. I haven't had cable or a DVR in over 5 years. My DVR is in storage next to my 8-track player :P
Yeah that's not happening. Having to press fast forward, then oops too far, go back, ok close enough, 4 seconds of the last ad. Ok another break, fast forward, oops too far, go back..
Yeah, no. That's almost worse than just sitting through them. My point was I shouldn't have to deal with the ads at all if I'm paying for it. Maybe I'm alone in this opinion, but I'm certainly telling them how I feel with my wallet.
WRONG. 500,000,000+ iPhone users prove that many are willing to pay money for high quality.
To be fair, most of those people think iPhones cost $200.
Who told you that you're paying for the content? That's a wild assumption and it's absolutely wrong! A small portion of your monthly fee may go towards Hulu acquiring content deals - but the ad revenue plays a huge role in offsetting the cost of acquiring the content. What most of your money goes towards is the content delivery network, bandwidth and Hulu staffing and overhead expenses. There is a lot of content available on Hulu that is completely commercial free. There is content available that will have 2-3 interruptions to show you a 30-45 second ad. There is also a small amount of content available in which they will interrupt you 6-8 times for about a minute. It depends on the contract they have with the content owner and seems to be linked (at least loosely) to the popularity of the show. Any way you look at it though - this is a tiny fraction of what you'd be forced to sit through if watching on regular cable! Also - regular cable only has time to run 7-8 minutes of commercials in a 30-minute show - but they often run 10+ minutes of ads. To do this, they CUT parts of the show out. With Hulu - you always get the full show! Anybody complaining about having to watch a few ads on Hulu+ in addition to their small monthly fee is completely out of touch with reality! 3 years ago, I replaced a $160/month cable bill with $16/month for combined Netflix and hulu+ subscriptions and it has saved me a ton of money AND a ton of time! The cost is so low that it might as well be free - and the commercial breaks on Hulu are so short that they might as well be non-existant! I don't even have time to run to the bathroom before they're over! Hulu and Netflix are complementary services for the most part. There is some overlap but not much that I've seen. Netflix is good for last season and earlier seasons - Hulu+ is good for current season episodes. It's cheaper than a DVR offers so much more! As others have said - if even 45 second worth of commercials are too much for you to handle, then go ahead and purchase your episodes via iTunes!
Look to iTunes for an example of what "ad-free" episodes actually cost... $2-3/episode! It's hilarious that people who pay $8/month for unlimited Hulu streaming think that their $8 is enough to expect all of that content to be ad-free. Not just hilarious. It's ridiculous and it's sad! Ridiculous expectations from ridiculous people. Pity them - for they will never be actually happy. They will always find something to complain about. What an unfortunate and depressing way to go through life.
I'd resubscribe. I stopped because of the ads.
quality vs quantity
an age old decision
plus many of the episodes on Amazon/iTunes is not available on Hulu
Many of the episodes available on Hulu are not available on Hulu Plus... now there's something that makes no fuggin sense.
No. I hate ads. I don't care where they are coming from.
I use to love Youtube. Now it sucks because of all the ads.
Big deal if Google is up 16% today. Before today the stock has been up 0% the last 12 months. I'm pretty sure Google will drop at least 10% in the next few months.
yep i agree there is lot of ads on YT now.
And whose fault is that? Why aren't you trashing the users monetizing their shitty videos?
The fact that society tolerates this is just another example of how the free market is a lie. It's easy to boil the frog when you raise the temperature slowly. If you took a large piece of populous from 1960 to today, you'd see how utterly intolerant of the capitalism of today they would be and how much they'd reject it. But being the changes slowly, over decades, and you can drive people to such a point where they don't rebell. They've such short memory of how things were. Sudden changes create rebellion. More of the same does not.
It's not really a plot in many cases, it's just how corporations and politicians get away with things. Little by little, the dystopia settles firmly into place.
Until somewhat recently ads didn't get as much venom from some folks. I'm guessing it's more about the increasing number of them intruding too far on the desired content instead of the idea of an advertisement in an of itself. Geez, even Apple considers ads to be an acceptable thing for the most part, making personalized ones the default setting on your iPhone.
What really took the cake was the ads that were shown prior to the Mayweather-Paquiao fight that people paid $100 for.
I don't hate ads. Grew up with them on radio and TV. I do hate Comcast. Been using them for digital TV and Internet since the end of 2007. Still have nothing but troubles with audio on the TV. The X1 box is not the answer. It is incomplete. Someone at Comcast told me the first iPhone was not perfect. Comcast cannot compete with anything Apple does. Comcast rides along by the seat of their pants. Old DOCSIS 2 cable modems failed due to power brick that were too small and the product overheated. Fox, Disney, and Comcast. No thanks!
It may not be hard but I too find it a nuisance. I stopped watching live TV because of the ads. Programs are designed around them, even sports. At the very least they could show the ads before and after a video.