Apple issues first Australian bond, raises more than AU$1.2B



  • Reply 41 of 48
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,258member
    Tax eaters want to get rid of franking credits too. That would be a 'saving'.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    mac_dog wrote: »
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/187796/apple-issues-first-australian-bond-raises-more-than-au-1-2b#post_2763788" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false"><span>Quote:</span><div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>justbobf</strong> <a href="/t/187796/apple-issues-first-australian-bond-raises-more-than-au-1-2b#post_2763788"><img src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" class="inlineimg" alt="View Post"/></a><br/><br/>I really dislike the length Apple goes through to avoid paying taxes. I generally like Apple, but not when it comes to these shenanigans.</div></div><p> </p>maybe the ones you should be pissed at is our government officials that keep these loopholes open. if they're not being sued by any governments, they're probably staying within the law.

    apple can certainly afford to do this. the reason these loopholes exist are for all the other 1%'ers that have our lawmakers and other government officials in their pockets looking out for their best interests.

    Frankly, I've never understood this "1%" hatred and envy. Who the heck wants to be a "99%-er"? The majority are powerless and losers! ????
  • Reply 43 of 48

    Every Apple employee and Apple product purchase generates tax receipts. And Apple does pay some taxes. From the general overall tax generation revenue point of view, better to have 50 Apple type companies than 50 GE type companies. 

  • Reply 44 of 48

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Stop crying like a baby.

    Change the damn laws or STFU.


    But the politicians don't want to change the laws because they themselves are taking advantage of the SAME LOOPHOLES as Apple.

    Yes, the politicians express moral outrage at companies using the loopholes, but as you have said, they refuse to close those loopholes because they, their families and friends use them


    Tax evasion is illegal

    Tax avoidance is state approved 


    Only the little person can't do the latter, and is pursued if they owe a penny. Meanwhile the rich and corporations can do anything they want because they can afford the lawyers and accountants to reduce their taxes

  • Reply 45 of 48

    The culprit here is the gov with exceptionally high and uncompetitive corporate tax rates.

    Also... the very lawmakers who write the tax code, create the loopholes.

  • Reply 46 of 48

    Tax avoidance is illegal. 

    What Apple is doing is legal... they are simply following the the tax code.

  • Reply 47 of 48
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    ^ No, tax avoidance is usually not illegal and is exactly what Apple is doing.

    Tax evasion is illegal. Apple do not appear to be doing this.
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