Apple planning 2016 'iPhone 7' to be thinnest yet, in-line with new iPod touch & iPad Air 2



  • Reply 101 of 183
    This thinness aspect of the iPhone is getting too extreme. I'm sure 95% of iPhone users would prefer getting a 24 hour full use charge out of their next iPhone over reducing its thickness anymore. At some point it will be too thin to hold in your hand comfortably without it felling unstable holding it. What about adding a micro-SD slot for storage. Apple is losing its way.
  • Reply 102 of 183
    smarky wrote: »
    I am not really sure my phone needs to get any thinner, I would prefer it have a bigger battery than being thinner, perfectly happy with my iphone 5s, could apple fit a much bigger battery in a phone that was as thick as this compared to what this articles suggests the 7 would be... I would prefer that.

    I have a 5s and at no point have I ever thought, wow I wish my phone was thinner, but plenty of times I am running low on battery and wish it was longer or I am away from an electric supply and am already thinking about using it more strategically.
    Well how I see it as is more thin the iPhone gets the more pure glass looking it will get. Almost like the concepts of iPhones that you can see through which I would think be awesome to have.
  • Reply 103 of 183
    tmay wrote: »
    Apple also appears to have added material to the sidewalls on the side of the volume buttons; this should reduce failure due to bending loads and is might be an acknowledgement of the media storm popularly known as "bendgate"; or not.

    That would imply some legitimacy to these videos.
    If some YouTuber wants to create a viral video where he deliberately bends an iPhone with his hands to embarrass Apple, that will still happen. Posting videos of iPhone abuse is one of the CHEAPEST ways to promote your YouTube channel, because it's guaranteed to go viral.

    Apple is not (and I think should not waste time) trying to create a product that impervious to deliberate attempts to damage it. There will always be someone who will put it in a blender or post a "Hey guys, it's me again with the first drop test of the new iPhone 6s Plus" video. Apple should just address complaints from real customers who contacted Apple through Apple Care. We know that some iPhone 6 had done that, so I think that is the only responsible way to view any alleged improvements in this regard to the iPhone 6s.
  • Reply 104 of 183
    arthur123 wrote: »
    What about adding a micro-SD slot for storage. Apple is losing its way.

    Since the year Two-thousand-and-always. Show me one iPod, iPhone, or iPad that ever had a built-in SD Card slot for the purpose of expanding internal memory capacity? And the iPhone knock-offs from Samsung don't count.
  • Reply 105 of 183
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,826member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    I could see Apple solving the run time problem with new battery technology. That could be improved lithium solutions or something completely different.
    The thing here is that each time Apple has made a thinner iPhine the thing sells like hot cakes. No matter what we see in the forums thin sells.

    So if Apple released a phone that had no new features compared to the last generation but was just thinner, it'd still sell like hot cakes? From anecdotal evidence, people often complain about the battery life on their iOS devices. The A series CPUs are the most efficient by far, but unfortunately the advances in efficiency are used purely to make the phone thinner, not to actually make it more useful with a longer lasting battery.

    No significant new battery technologies are really on the horizon at the moment, so for now we're stuck with small advances in energy density, so bigger batteries really are needed.

    All these people blindly asking for a "bigger, heavier battery" are really asking for "more usage time from a single full charge." They should be forgiven for not expressing themselves more clearly, and trying to tell Apple how to engineer their hardware.

    Personally, I think Apple's future belongs to denser, more efficient batteries, multi-day fuel cells, and/or more power savings from OS optimizations. Thinking outside the thicker box, so to speak.

    Yes and every time they do make power savings from more efficient hardware/software, they trim down the battery so it's about the same as the last generation, just thinner. So yes, a physically bigger battery is needed, to add more to its capacity.

    solipsismy wrote: »
    Has that technology allowed for denser energy store for a given mass and/or size since the first iPhone? I know the lifecycle of the battery tripled, but it seems nearly all — if not all — gains in battery life for a given Whr were gained through more power efficient components and code.
    1) Just like thickness has an upper-limit that becomes unusable for our hands, so does thinness. They will have to stop. The question will be whether there is bottoming out before there is a radical shift in the technology. My guess would be a bottoming out on thinness.

    I hope now that Ive has sort of moved on, the obsession with thinness will cease. There really is no need to have such thin desktops especially, they really are making significant compromises for the sake of thinness. If the iPhone 6 was as thick as the 5s, it wouldn't be "thick" but it'd have loads of battery and no vulnerable camera bump.

    techlover wrote: »
    I don't think I was being vague, only calling out the 99.9% number which seems dubious and far fetched to me. You make a fair point that I should not go by the posts on an Apple specific website. But respectfully, you should not put words in my mouth. I am not unsatisfied by the product. Not by a long shot.

    However I would be even more satisfied if there were more battery life at the expense of a few millimeters of thickness and a few extra grams in weight.

    When Apple released the new Macbook one of my first thoughts was how awesome would it be to have the new Macbook components in the footprint of the Macbook Pro where they filled all that extra space with battery.

    Imagine that. A Macbook that lasts for not hours, but days. An elegant design without a need for an extra battery pack. I would buy it. 

    Sog35 is a rabid Apple fanboi, more akin to Android fanbois than Apple ones. According to him, everything Apple's ever done/can do/will do is/will be perfect, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a tool and is wrong. Even when Apple admits something's not quite right, he still seems to think its totally fine. He's completely blinded by the seem of it, though going by his language and grammatical mistakes I'd say he's quite young, which does give him more licence IMO.

    I'd also love a MBP that lasted for days, though my 2015 13" MBP battery is really quite impressive. Really lovely machine.
    sog35 wrote: »
    My citation is the ever increasing sales for the iphone.

    If people really wanted more battery life they would have chose another phone by now. But thats not even the point. The point is a thin phone is necessary to make the eventual foldable phone

    "Chose (sic) another phone" is like saying well I'd rather my car was blue not red, so I'm gonna walk everywhere instead. Contrary to the 99.9% statistic you pulled out your ass, it seems most people on here at least would prefer a bigger... wait, "longer lasting" (this is as bad as the politically correct bollocks) battery. 99.9% of people don't always share your opinion. Switching to Android and losing all the benefits of iOS is a huge price to pay for a bigger battery, so generally people will stick to iOS. But a bigger battery would make them happier with their iPhones, and does anyone really buy phones based on a difference of 0.5mm?

    A thin phone has nothing to do with one being foldable. Flexible displays aren't foldable, fold one and it'll crack. Same with flexible circuit boards, and we've not got flexible silicon and chip packaging (commercially) so it's a very long way off at the moment. The tech isn't there by 10 years at least. And besides, who would want a phone that flops around in your hand like a jelly when you're trying to type on it or read?
  • Reply 106 of 183
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    That would imply some legitimacy to these videos.

    If some YouTuber wants to create a viral video where he deliberately bends an iPhone with his hands to embarrass Apple, that will still happen. Posting videos of iPhone abuse is one of the CHEAPEST ways to promote your YouTube channel, because it's guaranteed to go viral.

    Apple is not (and I think should not waste time) trying to create a product that impervious to deliberate attempts to damage it. There will always be someone who will put it in a blender or post a "Hey guys, it's me again with the first drop test of the new iPhone 6s Plus" video. Apple should just address complaints from real customers who contacted Apple through Apple Care. We know that some iPhone 6 had done that, so I think that is the only responsible way to view any alleged improvements in this regard to the iPhone 6s.

    No, it doesn't imply legitimacy. It only implies that Apple believes in constant improvement; so they improved it based on the fact that they could.

  • Reply 108 of 183
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I was always in the camp of to hell with thin: give me more battery life!

    But the iPhone 6 Plus resolved all battery anxiety I had. Also the difference between the iPad air and iPad Air 2 is stark. At first I was scared my Air 2 would break, but it's remarkable durable. And the thinness makes it feel like you're holding a magazine in a way that the thicker models don't. I only wish they had released an iPad mini with Air 2 internals and thinness last year.
  • Reply 109 of 183
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Pointless. Form over function. That's Jony Ive.
  • Reply 110 of 183

    I second, that request.  Thickness is fine, my 4s was fine; the battery is not.  Quite fixing what ain't broke, and fix what is.

  • Reply 111 of 183
    I don't care for thinner phone.
    How about a battery that lasts the whole day ?
  • Reply 112 of 183

    It'll be gorgeous, it'll be fabulous.

    There will be only one draw back - battery life.

  • Reply 113 of 183
    By the way, what does this year's "s" stand for?

    It's not an "s"... it's a symbol that means "hope". /s
  • Reply 114 of 183
    Most importantly here...Ming is trolling for attention extra hard recently.
  • Reply 115 of 183
    nethan9 wrote: »
    It'll be gorgeous, it'll be fabulous.
    There will be only one draw back - battery life.

    The new troll meme.
  • Reply 116 of 183
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    atlapple wrote: »

    So....73% want a bigger / longer lasting battery instead of going thinner and 15% are undecided. @solipsismy @sog35 - that sure sounds like "the vast majority" to me. That makes my earlier post completely accurate since it really only said 2 things....

    1. I would prefer the next iPhone to have a bigger battery instead of being made thinner.
    2. I think the vast majority of iPhone users would also opt for a bigger battery.

    Now that it's been proven that I was correct, perhaps you can stop trying to pick apart my post or claim that I don't understand this or that. It's clear that most people posting on this thread are more open minded than you and have a better understanding of the overall market than you do.

    I went out of my way to explain that I am very happy with my 6+ and that I am not complaining about the battery life being insufficient or that Apple had dropped the ball or made the wrong decision in any way. If you had taken the time to read and comprehend my post, you would have understood that I was expression a personal preference (which apparently is shared by at least 73% of people)!

    Since one of your complaints about my post is that it lacked detail, I'll let you in on a little secret... Even if the battery in my iPhone 6s+ lasts for 3 days on a single charge - I would still prefer the iPhone 7+ to have a bigger battery instead of making it thinner!!! This is because I think the phone is thin enough but I could always use a longer lasting battery. The current size and shape of the iPhone is very comfortable for me to hold - and if I could choose (and we all know that I can't), I would keep the iPhone shell at its current thickness, minimize the internals as much as possible and use the extra space for more battery!

    I would like to know why you think that you are qualified to decide what constututes "enough" in terms of battery capacity/usage time and/or thickness.

    Some people claim that Apple must continue to focus on making the device thinner and thinner until it can eventually be rolled up or folded up yet they are happy to have an arbitrary stopping point on battery capacity at much less than the theoretical ideal. It could actually be argued that the power source included in a smartphone will continue to have room for improvement until such time as the device ships with enough power in it to operate the device for the entire anticipated lifetime of the device! Obviously we are a long, long, LONG way from this capability - but that should definitely be the endgame we are reaching for.

    Now note the following things I did not say:
    - I did not suggest that Apple is doing anything wrong
    - I did not suggest that the size of the iPhone be increased
    - I did not suggest that any features are left out
    - I did not suggest that they stop miniaturizing the components
    - I did not suggest they stop working on improved battery technologies

    And a recap of my main points above and a few new ones:
    - I am very happy with my iPhone 6+
    - I would be even happier if the battery lasted longer
    - I will be upgrading to the iPhone 6s+ no matter what
    - If Apple makes the device thinner against my wishes, I will not switch to Android. No intelligent person would switch for such a silly reason.
    - Rising IPhone sales do not prove or disprove anything about users happiness with any individual feature. Anyone that thinks otherwise has a lot to learn.
  • Reply 117 of 183
    The new troll meme.

    A lot of them, but I think there are several that just can't see the difference between the term "larger battery" and "longer usage per charge," no matter how many times it's spelled out for them.
  • Reply 118 of 183

    Originally Posted by Elijahg View Post

    There really is no need to have such thin desktops especially, they really are making significant compromises for the sake of thinness.

    I know I'm cherry picking this out of a comment not really meant to be about desktops but Apple is a green company and smaller desktops

    1) use less materials to produce

    2) (potentially) use less energy to produce

    3) have less material that need recycling

    4) cost less money and footprint to ship across the world.


    The smaller iMac probably saved millions compared to the heavier/thicker predecessor in shipping cost, which would be chump change overall, but the same goes with phones..


    Phone is thinner 10%, box is 10% thinner, you can fit 10% more phones on one shipment for same shipping cost.


    Now, i'm not necessarily arguing that this is a good enough reason to have a smaller phone vs. features (or battery life) but it is certainly not a non-factor

  • Reply 119 of 183
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    lkrupp wrote: »



    Sir Jony

    I feel that will be iPhone 7 design. No more curved screen.
  • Reply 120 of 183
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    I'd also like to thank @elijahg @AltApple @nethan9 (and almost @Arthur123) for providing intelligent voices of sanity and wisdom amongst the flurry of misinformation and drivel being spewed forth by @solipsismy and @sog35 as well as a few others....

    I say "almost" Arthur123 had me with your suggestion that the devices risked becoming too thin - but then you had to go and say something about SD C'mon...this many generations into the iPhone you should know that Apple is unlikely to ever do that AND some of the reasons why....(performance is ugly slot in the side of the case is another)!

    AtlApple - thanks especially for digging up and posting those polls, surveys and articles that prove the vast majority of users would be happier with a longer lasting (bigger in terms of capacity) battery!

    @nethan9 and @elijahg - thanks for sharing your opinions without being scared off by the bullying tactics of those mentioned above! Your points were well thought out and well said!

    @elijah9 - I see the camera bump as a feature - not as something that should be removed. When the iPhone is in a case, the bump makes the camera lens perfectly flush with the case. This allows for more light to be collected and better pictures when the device is in a case. Without the bump, the lens would be recessed and picture quality would suffer. I may be mistaken, but I thought the bump was something introduced by Apple intentionally to solve that exact problem...
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