What's next for Apple in 2016: New features & apps for Apple TV



  • Reply 21 of 32
    sog35 said:
    AppleTV 4 is another exhibit #40 that just shows Tim Cook  has no idea how to run an elite company.

    AppleTV4 should have been released YEARS AGO.  They would have crushed Roku/Chromecast/AmazonTV instantly.  Instead they take their sweet old time and allow the competition to make massive inroads. And what do we get for the long wait?  An AppStore.  Friken pathetic.

    Cook is a damn idiot.  He needs to be fired immediatly for being reactive instead of proactive.  This is just another blunder of Cook being behind the market.

    1. Keep selling top end phones with 16 GB. Pathetic. For concerned about short-term profit than long-term customer satisfaction.

    2. Taking too long to bring large screen iPhones

    3. Not updating iPad Mini last year, not updating iPad Air this year

    4. Pathetically weak iMac and MacMini base models

    5. Way too little free iCloud. No bonus iCloud for owning multiple devices.

    6. More concerned about thinness than decent battery life on the 6 and 6s

    7. Horrible user interface for Apple Music

    8. No 4k video for ATV4......even though the 6s shots 4k video. I mean WTF

    9. No traction on ApplePay. Hardly anyone accepts it. 

    10. Homekit is vaporwear at this point. Does Google and Samsung need to show you how its done?

    11. No live TV package. Fucking unacceptable. Even Dish/Sony was able to close a TV package deal.
    You must live in East Overshoe, Texas.  We do our grocery, regular shopping, inside the city limits of the biggest urban area to where we live.  Population of the city is about 60K.  Just about every place we shop takes Apple Pay except, of course, Walmart - which remains only a stop for occasional paper goods.

    As for what gets updated and when - gee, I think you should move back over to a platform like Android or MSoft.  Good luck.  Samsung is about to lose another 20% or so of its value because of no profits.  At least Apple - even when manipulated by hedge funds - is a stock you can make money with.  I set aside a few buck$ for 2016 just to follow the rangebound games the market manipulators play.

    Can't tell you about iPhones.  I use an iPad; but, don't need a cellphone except for potential emergencies - no landline and I might be out in the boonies away from wifi.  Tried a MSoft/Nokia phone for 2 days and returned that crap.  Got an LG/Android for cheap - and it's crap, too, but usable as a cell phone.  If I needed a real smartphone I'd buy an iPhone.  Everyone in my family loves them.

    Worthless comment.
  • Reply 22 of 32
    The best thing I can say about the ATV4 is you can now side load KODI onto it. Seeing how you can already do that with a Fire TV stick for a third as much at the register, I don't see why you'd want to though. 
  • Reply 23 of 32
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Apple TV4 was released precisely because all the terms, content and tech for 4K wasn't ready. Bandwidth is expensive, there is Disk, Memory, and CPU getting cheaper, but bandwidth prices hasn't dropped a bit. We have a clear roadmap of 14nm and 10nm Server CPU with more Cores, FPGA speedup and Optane / SSD storage IO, HAMR HDD tech that gives us 20TB+ HDD, all in 5 years.

    But we dont see bandwidth pricing dropping one bit.

    HEVA, the next generation of Video Codec after H.264, has much slower adoption thanks to a group of companies claiming patents. Along with content negotiation, Apple needed a stop gap solution, and that is Apple TV 4.

    Even with the newest terms, HEVA ( both MPEG-LA and HEVA Group ) in totals requires $70M per year. And HEVA have the ability to rise their Maximum 20% every 5 years.
    This is ridiculous amount of money!  An video codec with a lifespan of 10 years will accumulate nearly $1B from Apple, one company Alone! 

    Now you can see why Apple hasn't make as much splash as it could have with Apple TV 4.
  • Reply 24 of 32
    emoeller said:
    I received the new AppleTV as aging for Christmas.  Very excited until I found out it had no audio output!?!  I use a monitor without audio and rely upon a Bose 5.1 system for TV audio.   I've read about various options around this issue ( such as use an older AppleTV for audio or use audio output from my TV (very few have this).  None of these work in my case.  But what is worse, is that apparently even using HDMI for audio output apparently doesn't work well for surround sound and THX.  

    I was was hoping I could cut my cable, but as it stands now I will have to return the unit until Apple adds audio output or I spring for. A new TV

    emoeller - I was in the same boat with the optical TOSLink interface being left off the ATV4 until I found a simple splitter that takes HDMI in and splits it into HDMI and TOSLink interfaces. I have an older Marantz receiver that I adore without HDMI inputs and this enabled me to keep on truckin' just like it was before. You can find them on Amazon by searching for HDMI Audio Extractor. ViewHD makes one (Model VHD-H2HARC) for $30.95 US that has Ultra HD support, etc. There is no loss of video or audio quality since it is all digital anyway so your Dolby 5.1 will still sound great. Hope this helps!
  • Reply 25 of 32
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    sog35 said:
    AppleTV 4 is another exhibit #40 that just shows Tim Cook  has no idea how to run an elite company.

    AppleTV4 should have been released YEARS AGO.  They would have crushed Roku/Chromecast/AmazonTV instantly.  Instead they take their sweet old time and allow the competition to make massive inroads. And what do we get for the long wait?  An AppStore.  Friken pathetic.

    Cook is a damn idiot.  He needs to be fired immediatly for being reactive instead of proactive.  This is just another blunder of Cook being behind the market.

    1. Keep selling top end phones with 16 GB. Pathetic. For concerned about short-term profit than long-term customer satisfaction.

    2. Taking too long to bring large screen iPhones

    3. Not updating iPad Mini last year, not updating iPad Air this year

    4. Pathetically weak iMac and MacMini base models

    5. Way too little free iCloud. No bonus iCloud for owning multiple devices.

    6. More concerned about thinness than decent battery life on the 6 and 6s

    7. Horrible user interface for Apple Music

    8. No 4k video for ATV4......even though the 6s shots 4k video. I mean WTF

    9. No traction on ApplePay. Hardly anyone accepts it. 

    10. Homekit is vaporwear at this point. Does Google and Samsung need to show you how its done?

    11. No live TV package. Fucking unacceptable. Even Dish/Sony was able to close a TV package deal.
    Mere hours to go until you self ban for all of 2016.

    2016 is getting a great start here at AI!
    edited December 2015 applepieguynolamacguy
  • Reply 26 of 32
    All i want is a full TV set with shiny Apple logo..
  • Reply 27 of 32
    sog35 said:
    AppleTV 4 is another exhibit #40 that just shows Tim Cook  has no idea how to run an elite company.

    AppleTV4 should have been released YEARS AGO.  They would have crushed Roku/Chromecast/AmazonTV instantly.  Instead they take their sweet old time and allow the competition to make massive inroads. And what do we get for the long wait?  An AppStore.  Friken pathetic.

    Cook is a damn idiot.  He needs to be fired immediatly for being reactive instead of proactive.  This is just another blunder of Cook being behind the market.

    1. Keep selling top end phones with 16 GB. Pathetic. For concerned about short-term profit than long-term customer satisfaction.

    2. Taking too long to bring large screen iPhones

    3. Not updating iPad Mini last year, not updating iPad Air this year

    4. Pathetically weak iMac and MacMini base models

    5. Way too little free iCloud. No bonus iCloud for owning multiple devices.

    6. More concerned about thinness than decent battery life on the 6 and 6s

    7. Horrible user interface for Apple Music

    8. No 4k video for ATV4......even though the 6s shots 4k video. I mean WTF

    9. No traction on ApplePay. Hardly anyone accepts it. 

    10. Homekit is vaporwear at this point. Does Google and Samsung need to show you how its done?

    11. No live TV package. Fucking unacceptable. Even Dish/Sony was able to close a TV package deal.
    reported for trolling. get lost already 
  • Reply 28 of 32
    polymniapolymnia Posts: 1,080member
    sog35 said:
    AppleTV 4 is another exhibit #40 that just shows Tim Cook  has no idea how to run an elite company.

    AppleTV4 should have been released YEARS AGO.  They would have crushed Roku/Chromecast/AmazonTV instantly.  Instead they take their sweet old time and allow the competition to make massive inroads. And what do we get for the long wait?  An AppStore.  Friken pathetic.

    [cut out a bunch of other points I don't care to reprint in my comment]

    10. Homekit is vaporwear at this point. Does Google and Samsung need to show you how its done?

    I'm not buying this assessment. My whole home's lighting is controlled by Lutron Caseta switches, both in-wall and plugin.

    My thermostat is an ecobee3 with HomeKit with several remote sensors.

    Hardly vaporware to me.

    Some more fair criticism, to my mind:

    I just wish Sonos & Logitech would get on board with HomeKit.

    It seems that new products are far more likely to incorporate HomeKit than legacy products are to bolt it on to a mature system.
  • Reply 29 of 32
    Overall, I think it's a great product and love it with Infuse 4 Pro streaming all my movies/TV from my NAS - The interface is great.  
    I think it could be a really decent gaming platform - just needs more (better) games.  I want Lego Star Wars on there for a start ! :smile: 

    Relaxing the requirements for all games to be usable with the Siri remote might help some games come sooner to the ATV4.
    Developers having to find a way to make their games playable with that remote is probably part of the delay in getting more of the top game titles on the platform imho.

    I bought two of the Steelseries controllers to go with it and they are great.

    Only real negative I found is the Siri remote is too easy to touch causing the movie to pause or bring up a menu when grabbing it..
    edited January 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 30 of 32
    Does anyone else have the issue of having to reprogram Apple TV after iPhone software updates?
  • Reply 31 of 32
    argonaut said:
    Overall, I think it's a great product and love it with Infuse 4 Pro streaming all my movies/TV from my NAS - The interface is great.  
    I think it could be a really decent gaming platform - just needs more (better) games.  I want Lego Star Wars on there for a start ! :smile: 

    Relaxing the requirements for all games to be usable with the Siri remote might help some games come sooner to the ATV4.
    Developers having to find a way to make their games playable with that remote is probably part of the delay in getting more of the top game titles on the platform imho.

    I bought two of the Steelseries controllers to go with it and they are great.

    Only real negative I found is the Siri remote is too easy to touch causing the movie to pause or bring up a menu when grabbing it..
    Yep, agree with everything you said, have been using Infuse and pleasantly surprised, especially love they are actively developing it. Love the games that are on it, but really expected more, can't wait till they all find out what a good platform it truly is. Agree with the game controllers, really hoping something changes so the developers have no excuses not to port their iOS games to the ATV. Would love to see some of the Lego games arrive too!

    The remote, while nice, I do find I hit the touchpad accidentally too often, and sometimes Siri too, which as you say, stops the movie - it's just a bit too sensitive as far as remotes go, too easy to hit the wrong thing, or hit anything at all when you intended to touch nothing.

    But, overall I'm thrilled with the ATV, and I'm loving all the updates and have high expectations for the future with this device.
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